Seeing Stars – Venus Trine Uranus

You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. — from Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

When leonine Venus briefly trines the Aries lair of Uranus shortly before 1 am Thursday, you may see stars. You could literally be viewing the night sky at that hour. Alternatively, the stellar vision may manifest in a dream, or in the arms of a lover, or in the eyes of a child who has called you to service. It matters not what form your glimpse of celestial sparks will take. Indeed, the form will probably be unexpected, perhaps even unbidden. What will matter is that you see the light, and how you see yourself in turn.

Astrology by Len Wallick

When the Earth turns away from the nearest star, our Sun, the distant suns appear out of the blue. Moving against the field of farther lights, the planets reflect solar radiance. Together, the planets and stars shine for a purpose, that of attracting you to your purpose.

Attraction is how Venus works in your life. As Robert Hand put it, “Venus rules the spontaneous power of attraction between entities that differ in such a way that together they form a higher and more complex whole than would otherwise be possible.” By way of preparing to participate with Venus in its fire trine to Uranus, please begin by considering yourself to be one of the entities Mr. Hand is referring to. In the process of affirming yourself as an entity, please also contemplate what that means.

By acknowledging yourself to be an entity, you validate your existence. Instead of simply functioning as a point of view, an entity aware of its existence emerges from the glare of consciousness and appears out of the blue as a light to be discerned by other entities. Of course, self-awareness, like any other form of awareness, caries an obligation. Specifically, your implied duty is to how others see you. Assuming responsibility for how others perceive you makes you valuable, and value is what makes Venus tick.

Attraction and value work hand in hand. Because value originates with awareness and is created by taking responsibility for what you are aware of, it attracts similar energies. Energies flow best when conducted through a common and consistent medium. In astrology, trine aspects represent that sort of conductivity.

Trines link different signs that have the same element (fire, earth, air or water) in common. With Venus cruising through Leo and retrograde Uranus retracing its Aries deliberations, their trine is through the medium of fire. For purposes of astrology, a fire trine symbolizes an energetic, possibly spiritual connection. From Venus to Uranus that connection, and the attraction Venus brings to it, is between entities differing in their apparent motion.

In preponderance, Venus moves fast. Right now it is faster than the Sun, zipping through signs in about 25 days. Uranus, on the other hand, consistently spends about seven years visiting a sign with an energy that, paradoxically, stimulates rapid and unexpected change. It is that nearly inexplicable and counterintuitive combination of deliberation and precipitation that Venus will attract through its trine to Uranus, which is precisely what may leave you seeing stars.

In the popular idiom, the term ‘seeing stars’ is often equated with either a blow to the head or some other, possibly more pleasant stimulus that disrupts the routine of your consciousness. Considering the attractive values associated with Venus, the probability is that Uranus in trine will express through means more amenable than concussive. Beyond that, an almost certain consequence of aggregating fleet Venus with sudden Uranus through the aegis of flowing fire is that the results will move you, and that you will be moved to seek the stars, whether literal or figurative, as a means of connecting the flow of your own existence to a higher purpose.

If your position and weather permit, you could do far worse than to place yourself under a starry sky Wednesday night for purposes of being moved. If the lights are there to be seen, and if you are willing to abandon the routine of seeing them as separate and far away, you may find your self moved quite a distance. For it has always been the purpose of the distant suns to move you from the perception of standing under them to understanding them, and yourself, as one with all things. That understanding, one may submit, will reveal your purpose in turn.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

8 thoughts on “Seeing Stars – Venus Trine Uranus”

  1. “For it has always been the purpose of the distant suns to move you from the perception of standing under them to understanding them, and yourself, as one with all things”

    Not just the suns but all the stars and planets. What a great and memorable description applicable to all of astrology.

    Thank you, Len, for your fine lyrical and coherent writing.


  2. Poetry to mine ears good lad.
    This past weekend, I was out on the beach late dancing a mock version of Burning Man. It was more like Burning Fireplace but whatever, details. We all didn’t want to feel like we missed out as a lot of our friends were coming back from there. Man, it was a great night. And the stars were indeed out dancing with us, my gal and I.

  3. “For it has always been the purpose of the distant suns to move you from the perception of standing under them to understanding them, and yourself, as one with all things”

    As Be says, Len, there is a dimension to this statement that reaches beyond mere word-play. Thank you! My wish is that I get to experience just what you write about.

  4. Well you are just adorable Len! From standing under them to under standing them is more than just wordplay, it is downright pithy. You had me at “more amenable than concussive” but no, you had to make sure you made your point. It wasn’t enough to make me smile, you had to make me laugh out loud. Considering that at 1 AM anything Uranian would, more often than not, scare the bejezus out of me. . . a phone ring, lightening and thunder, raccoons squabbling on the balcony. . stuff like that is what I would “normally” expect as unexpected. Let’s just hope for everyone’s sake it comes to this entity as brilliant clairvoyance delivered via a dream or TV or cyberspace, and that’s my point of view. 🙂

  5. Oh Len, thanks so much for this. I really needed to read your words this evening. It’s a kind of darkness before the dawn time and I could do with seeing a few stars. So love your lyrical prose, and this is marvellous, “Because value originates with awareness and is created by taking responsibility for what you are aware of, it attracts similar energies”.

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