Open Ended — Aquarius New Moon

As a rule, every New Moon corresponds to both endings and beginnings for monthly cycles. The second New Moon of January 2014 at 4:39 pm Thursday may well be an exception to the rule, correlating to at least one open ended situation in your life. It has to do with how this Aquarius New Moon will interface with at least two calendars. It also has to do with aspects the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will make when they conjoin at 10+ Aquarius in a few days.

Astrology by Len Wallick

As regards the western civil calendar you most likely use, two luminary conjunctions in January mean no New Moon in February. Symbolically, that leaves February open-ended.

Additionally, Thursday’s Aquarius New Moon opens a new yearly cycle for many Asians — a Year of the Horse, which is a very different energy from the Year of the Snake now concluding.

As Gerry McGuire-Thompson and Shuen-Lian Hsaio put it in The Guide to Chinese Horoscopes, the two signs (Snake and Horse) have “wildly different natures” with a Year of the Horse introducing “wide-open spaces” compared to the “contained” nature of a Snake year.

As with all things in astrology, there is a double-edge to the implication of an open ended period, whether it be a month or a year. Open ended means more potential for solutions. It also means a greater chance of chaos, or at least needless waste.

The potentially chaotic period being opened by the Aquarius New Moon is reinforced by the luminary conjunction’s sextile to the Aries lair of Uranus. That’s because planetary constituents in sextile aspect (a separation of 60 degrees on the zodiac circle) are interpreted as working to support each other.

To have a unified collective consciousness (represented by the luminaries conjoined in gregarious Aquarius) supporting the widely galvanizing energy of Uranus in the most wildly fiery of signs is an open question in and of itself.

The answer to the open question may be significant collective advances, such as the inclusive group marriage ceremony that concluded the Grammy Awards on Sunday. Or the answer could express through previously coherent groups coming crazily apart, such as the Arizona chapter of the GOP censuring John McCain on Saturday.

How to recognize and address similar open ended situations in your life is instructively advised by the larger, composed aspect of which the sextile from the New Moon to Uranus is a part — a yod.

A yod is a Y-shaped aspect composed of either three or four points. The fourth object, if present, converts the Y-shape to something resembling a peace symbol. Thursday’s yod is auspiciously of the peace-symbol variety. The sextile from the Aquarius New Moon to Uranus will form the spread-out part. The axis of the yod, extending to split the spread out part (making for a peace-symbol motif) is the opposition from Chiron to the asteroid 2 Pallas.

For several years Chiron has been traversing Pisces for the first time since the peace-symbol days of the 1960s, with several more years to go. Hence, it is appropriate that Chiron should be positioned equidistant between the Aquarius New Moon and Uranus while opposing the Virgo position of Pallas.

Asteroid 2 Pallas is named after the ancient goddess Pallas-Athena. She was a passionate champion of justice, as well as a master of arts and politics, and a kick-ass warrior who repeatedly defeated Mars himself.

The opposition between Pallas and Chiron, as part of the Aquarius New Moon yod, indicates potentially open-ended conflicts between would-be allies. Such conflicts are needless, wasteful, tragic, and usually arise from extremism.

Extremism has its origins in a passion for justice, but leads to injustice, undermining the peace, unity and broad vision situationally anchored by Chiron in Thursday’s Full Moon yod.

The solution, should you find yourself in the midst an open-ended, needless, wasteful and tragic conflict is to be open with yourself. Start by acknowledging your own contribution to the situation rather than taking sides to cover for complicity. By working first for resolution within, you can prepare to model a solution for others with whom you would justly be allies. It will probably not be easy or quick to find such a solution with others, but it will be important.

Which is how the Aquarius Full Moon will function to serve you should you choose to work with it consciously. By serving either to help you conclude with coherence or begin exploring an extended period of open ended potential, Thursday’s luminary conjunction will be there so you can show the way when others get lost.

Wherever the Aquarius New Moon does not correlate with a conclusion, it will be an open-ended beginning with no scheduled end, but rather the chance for a the best possible ending for all involved no matter how long it takes. It will take strength, restraint and a clear head to sustain with no end in sight, which is how you have come to be here now. We all have our work cut out for us. Please be on the lookout for how to do your part to bring justice and peace together again as allies to benefit all, and as the best, highest use of the Aquarius New Moon.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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13 thoughts on “Open Ended — Aquarius New Moon”

  1. About the YOD with Pallas in apex of the sextile Chiron and the new moon, the France begins a series of demonstration, after the day of the wrath of January 26, today 2 February it was the event for all. Can we associate it with the year of the horse which does not wish to be clamped by the new reforms that grow like mushrooms.
    Pallas is the Joan of Arc of modern times to me, mediums today are to clarify the historical mysteries of history… thanks Len for your article 😉

  2. aword: Amen (and thanks)!

    pam: Good correlation, thank you!

    nilou: Thank you for opening up the breathing space for all us us so brilliantly.

    strawberry: Thank you so very much for sharing how your personal experience resonates with the astrology.

    be: Speaking of brilliant, your continuations add immeasurably, we are so grateful for you!

    P. Sophia: Thank you also for extending the conversation in such a way as to nourish all of us with your enthusiasm. You make me feel like flying too!

  3. This is lovely, Len. For the first time in memory, “no end in sight” feels like more of an offering of breathing room than the promise of sustained tension. Which is nice, cuz I’ve got “miles to go before I sleep.” I have some sense of what I want now, though.

  4. Thanks P. Sophia, it makes sense doesn’t it? What with Jupiter having been in a grand water trine with Saturn and Neptune? The Jupiter trine Saturn symbolizes an easy adjustment (push-pull or expand-contract) within societies/cultures/governments, while Uranus (breakthrough for the individual) in Aries squares (challenges) Pluto (break down of structures in society and government) in Capricorn 7 (count ’em) times. First came the Saturn sextile Pluto in March 2013 (with Chiron trine Saturn and sextile Pluto), then societies were getting help from Neptune’s dissolving trine, to Saturn and Jupiter last July. Now Chiron trines Jupiter and sextiles Pluto as Jupiter and Pluto oppose, and this coming May when Jupiter and Saturn make their last trine, Chiron will trine them both from Pisces. . midwife at the ready!

  5. Be and Pam: Deffinitely feel and agree this is a new balance of mascline/feminine (push, pull) energy trying to emerge. It feels like a re calibration of the structure of power and the feminine receptive side, as in any birth will lead the way. It also has been said before the Pluto, Jupiter opposition in the background (exact today!) is helping to push us through.

    Learning to fly…

  6. Thank you, Len. Much thought-food! Best wishes to each one and all.

    Inhale. Exhale.
    Ducks. Swans.
    Where is Jonathon Livingstone?
    Inhale. Exhale.
    Wood. Fire. Ashes. Water. Air.
    Day time. The eagle. Restless.
    Night time. The owl. Sleepless.
    Pegasus in flight.
    Starlings. Patterns.
    Joy. Calm.
    Inhale. Exhale.
    High. Low.
    Open spaces.

  7. Very good Pam! As a conjunction we can see a new cycle beginning. . in Libra (partners). . between Zeus, Typhon and Achilles. . while sextile Sagittarian Athene (not Pallas) might mean that the father’s daughter is exploring new relationships; an area where she acknowledges weakness (Achilles) and feels somewhat threatened (Typhon), but comparing that to daddy’s (Zeus) feats, she is nonetheless confident (sextile to Zeus et al, and she’s in Sagittarius after all) she can create (opposite Chaos) a healthy (Panacea conj. Chaos) new image (square old image Minerva) of a more balanced (half yin half yang) symbol of divinity. It’s a subtle pattern, not the main thrust of the New Moon, but it’s available to all of us.

    In conjunction with the pattern the more acknowledged Pallas symbol is in this New Moon, it offers definition to the call for adjustment (Pallas in apex of yod with NM and Uranus) has which could lead to a healthy ( Pallas in Virgo and opposite Chiron) balance between yin and yang.

    That’s one avenue anyway, thanks for pursuing that path Pam.

  8. And Be didn’t Zeus defeat Typhon – so conjunct together, chaos may be structured, contained or not effect’ive


  9. P. Sophia and be: Thank you for so kindly noting my piece today with the gift of your observations and erudition. You are both deeply appreciated.

  10. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,

    the rest of the world calls butterfly.

    — Richard Bach

    Len thank you for offering the reflection of open endedness, which led me to remember to stay open minded to an outcome! Whether it end up being an ending, or a beginning the perspective is of course what matters.

    And your mention of this made me look to my Mercury for guidance and sure enough it is right there across in an opposition to this New Moon. So open minded I will stay..

    Our Mercury in transit on Thursday will be at 28+ Aquarius and I love the Sabian Symbol in support of its offering. This Peace Yod theme, like the Symbol speaks to finally moving away from holding an ego center point, to allowing a perspective that reaches beyond the self, in confidence.

    “Metamorphosis completed, a butterfly spreads its wings.”

    Immortality of the real self. Graduation into a new realm of being. Confident projection of self; lack of self-confidence.

  11. This was a beautifully presented and a well thought out explanation Mr. Len and it has led me to further explore the open-ended questions your words have conjured up. The perfect definition of the pattern that the New Moon, Uranus, Chiron and Pallas Athene will create, your Peace Symbol, is what I’ve read (and repeated here at PW) described as a Boomerang pattern. Often as we read books and articles about astrological symbols it leads to confusion as to the exactness of their meanings. And so it should because astrology isn’t solely interpreted by defined descriptions but rather is open-ended, like February’s calendar this year. The best astrology (and astrologers) depend on intuitive understanding of the symbols, along with all the book-learning it takes to get to that intuitive point in the process of becoming. I agree with you that (1) this particular sextile between the Aquarius Sun-Moon and the Aries Uranus leaves questions regarding the book-learning description of Supportive Sextile, and (2) that collective advances seem likely. It is even possible that the Peace Symbol might be suggesting one of those advances via the body found at the apex of the yod, 2 Pallas.

    There is another asteroid, 881 Athene, and since both names combined are the way in myth that Zeus’s (aka Jupiter’s) daughter was known, as Pallas-Athene, or Pallas or Athene, and in this particular portion of mythology (Greek) it seems logical to look at where 881 Athene falls in this New Moon. Athene (Pallas, Pallas-Athene) was born, fully grown, without a mother. Further, she shunned feminine expectations such as marriage and motherhood to emulate her father. Any discussion regarding this goddess could lead to the possibility of a gender identity imbalance. As with anything open-ended (such as the month of February), a “greater chance of chaos” is possible, including the subject of gender identification.

    At Thursday’s New Moon, transiting (881) Athene will be at 17+ Sagittarius. She will oppose transiting Chaos at 16+ Gemini retrograde who is conjunct Panacea at 16+ Gemini retrograde. She will also square asteroid Minerva (Latin name for Pallas-Athene!) at 17+ Pisces and sextile Typhon (fire-breathing monster) at 17+ Libra retrograde who is conjunct Zeus and Achilles both at 16+ Libra.

    As with all myths, contradictions arise regarding the full stories about their gods and goddesses. In Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson’s book Mythic Astrology, the authors quote Robert Graves, saying that he believed “Athene to be a Greek incarnation of the Libyan snake goddess Neith, and most feminist historians of mythology have followed this interpretation. But it is possible that Athene’s real origins lie in even more remote times. Many scholars believe that the famous Lady of the Snakes from the Cretan palace of Knossos is not a priestess but a goddess, and that this goddess is an early, Minoan form of Athene.” Talk about open-ended!

    Therefore, it seems plausible that any conflict regarding gender-identity could reach a collective advancement under this Peace Sign pattern, as Uranus in Aries is nothing if not open to acceptance of personal (Aries) identity, and Aquarius’ collective consciousness, and Chiron’s healing nature seem ready for it too. Time to leave the year of the contained nature of the Snake and move on to the wide open spaces of the Horse.

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