On Approach — Mars Conjoins Saturn

Mars will reach a Libra conjunction with Saturn at 6:36 am EDT on Wednesday. It will be an occasion for you to redefine what is possible. Because we tend to feel Mars aspects on approach, now is the time to participate as the red one and the ringed one initiate their new cycle. In the words of Robert Hand, a conjunction “begins a process or a series of developments … in accordance with the nature of the planets involved.” Since there is something of every planet’s nature in your own, it would be appropriate for you to start your approach to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn by considering your relationship to energy.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mars, once again in the terse appraisal of Robert Hand, “is an energy planet.” The character of Martian vigor is that it has no intrinsic nature. It is a force without cause or a container, energizing the nature of whatever object or point it aspects, especially in conjunction.

In addition beginning a cycle, conjunctions represent a merger. When objects or points conjoin, their individual expressions meld with each other and the nature of their location on the zodiac. With Mars involved, we can be assured that the combination will be energetic. Saturn’s contribution has the potential to either define or confront the Martian component. Which of those two possibilities prevails depends on your relationship to limits.

Saturn is associated with one of the factors that define your life: your relationship to limits. If you perceive and accept that limits define what is possible, some things will always be impossible for you. If, however, you consider that limits are only boundaries perceived, and that your perceptions define only you, then the nature of your relationship to the world will change, as will your approach to life.Β 

By taking ownership of the boundaries you encounter, new possibilities open up. It could be as simple as walking a few steps further than you have ever walked before, or to someplace you’ve never been. This does not mean to imply that you will be able to fly by simply flapping your arms. What it does mean is that you should try flapping your arms before drawing any conclusions. Rather than just accepting limits that are not yours, try them on as your perceptions, then test them (in a safe manner) to see of they can be exceeded or altered in some way so as to make more things possible. That is one way to work with Saturn, and its placement in Libra provides a prudent proving ground.

Any attempt to push boundaries or exceed limits requires prudence. Discretion is especially important when the unbounded energy of Mars is catching up to merge with Saturn’s structural proclivities. Mars by itself is reckless. While not entirely incompatible with Martian expression, Saturn’s archetype does tend to favor existing definition over redefinition. In order to avoid being thwarted entirely by their conjunction, it will be necessary to combine the natures of Mars and Saturn in a balanced manner. Libra is all about balance.

The glyph that represents Libra is a beam scales. The icon demonstrates the essence of Libra, that balance is not a given, received passively, rather it must be attained actively. Libra’s symbolic means of balance is by comparison. Fortunately, in the case of next week’s Mars-Saturn conjunction, we have a precedent to refer to, and a rather momentous one at that.Β 

Mars last conjoined Saturn on July 31, 2010 in the first degree of Libra, and it was not an isolated event. The 2010 Mars-Saturn merger was part of a T-square aspect that included Uranus, Jupiter and the Moon in opposition from the Aries point, with the whole lot of them squared to Pluto on the beach of Capricorn. If you can remember what initiated for you during the titanic T-square of two-aught-ten, you will have a head start on approach to next week and the next few years of your life.

As regards to the combined nature of Mars and Saturn, the process or series of developments that started two years ago is now coming to a close. Given the fact that the immediately previous merger of Ruby and Ringer was part of a composed aspect to the Aries point, your experience of how the relationship of energy and limits has come full circle is probably very much in accordance with the nature of how all of us have felt it. By the same token, all of us may now be open to participate more actively in a new cycle, bringing balance to the limits and boundaries that defined us, by doing some redefining of our own.

Redefining the envelope you have constructed for yourself does not have to be a reckless act, but it should be timely. This is not the time to jump from a roof to see if you can fly. The objective is to define yourself, not destroy yourself. Now is the time, however, to walk further than you have walked before, either on your feet or in your thoughts. Now is the time to turn the corner you have always passed, and not just to know that you can.

Regardless of how subtly different it is around the corner you have never been, going there will redefine you. Going there of your own volition will mean that you have actively attained balance by participating in the process of determining your limits, and that could lead to a series of developments beyond what you previously considered possible. As a matter of fact, once you find yourself safely and solidly on new ground, you may want to celebrate your redefinition by flapping your arms a little. Just be careful who’s watching, in case you do fly. After all, we can’t have that.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

23 thoughts on “On Approach — Mars Conjoins Saturn”

  1. Thank you Patty for forgiving me and thank you aword, for teaching me. . . I was unaware of Hephaistos’ 2nd marriage and grateful for your bringing that to our attention!

    Well, here’s a little something I should have done sooner. . the Sabian symbol for Saturn and Mars conjoined is The Sight Of An Autumn Leaf Brings To A Pilgrim The Sudden Revelation Of The Mystery Of Life And Death. (The ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning.) Dane Rudhyar. . “It is a state of CLAIR-SEEING, or ‘seeing through.’ This world is illusion only to the individual who cannot see through its phenomena and fails to apprehend the reality these phenomena reveal even as they conceal it.”

    How ’bout that Pilgrims?

  2. aword, Paolo, xtica, Lunesoleil, Sarah, singingkhughes, be (yes, extraordinary and beautiful), and Patty: Thank you all so very much for your kind words and amazing, insightful comments. You are all, as be put it, beautiful and extraordinary people.

  3. Be, AND on Wednesday when Mars and Saturn conjoin at 24 Libra, the second wife of Hephaistos, Aglaea will be at 23 Libra – replacing Mars at 24 Libra on Thursday as Mars moves on alone on the dance floor and she takes a twirl one on one with Saturn at degree24.

    Aglaea (asteroid 47) was
    “The youngest of the Charites, Aglaea or Aglaia was one of three daughters of Zeus and either the Oceanid Eurynome or Eunomia, goddess of good order and lawful conduct. Her two sisters were Euphrosyne, and Thalia. Together they were known as the Three Graces, or the Charites. Aglaea was also known as Kharis (“the Grace”) and Kale (“Beauty”).


    Natal Aglaea is near opposition to natal Moon/Eris now being transited by Uranus who trines natal Uranus at 8 Leo so for me she is also in the continuing mix of Uranus and Pluto.
    Wednesday’s conjunction of Saturn and Mars at 24 Libra is exact conjunct natal Saturn at 24 Sagg. Should I feel anything? πŸ˜€

  4. Barbara, it’s all good. We knew what you meant – and you are all gold. I bet you have a golden aura too. I can sort of envision how you look.

  5. Upon careful reflection I see that I’ve made 2 errors in the previous post. I left out a square, as in “Venus opposing Pluto and “square” Uranus. . .

    Later I said squared instead of opposed, as in “They will be “opposed” by two symbols at 2 Sagittarius . . .

    Obviously I wasn’t going for the gold.

  6. Hi Len and all,

    The mind is a beautiful thing . . everybody knows that, but your’s Len is extraordinary. Reading your offerings I know that, but reading what your commenters say each time makes me believe there is something remarkable in the way you communicate your thoughts. Not only are your words healing but they stimulate thought on the part of your readers too. This one is no less beautiful or extraordinary, but today (yesterday really…sorry I’m late) your picture of the meeting between Saturn and Mars put me in mind of Hephaistos; mostly because of his strength and the strength of his creations, which were often containers that Saturn would love, but also because his wife Venus rejected him in favor of Mars. Well, before I could respond here I had to check to see where Hephaistos the asteroid was, and today, Friday, he’s at 21 Gemini and trine Mars at 21 Libra. Now tell me that is just a coincidence.

    I’ve been observed flapping my wings in public, however, I strive for prudence as I mature. In this case though, I thought it remarkable that these two adversaries were working harmoniously today; the crippled creative god who worked with iron and fire to make beauty, and the bold, brash fire god defender who always has to be first. That in turn reminded me of the Olympics which seem to have taken over our consciousness these days. I’m just flapping a little to get your attention (since I’m late anyway) to ask, don’t you think that too is extraordinary? Even beautiful?

    Then there’s the Venus factor, and the fact that around the same time that Saturn and Mars conjunct, she will oppose Pluto. She rules Libra, man! She’s opposing Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, trying to create some balance herself since she is also squaring Uranus. In Aries, Mars’ sign! Think about that. Venus in Cancer brings love to the Family of Man, through her ability to weigh and balance values. There is tradition, represented by Saturn, for achievements of strength and speed represented by Mars, signified through awards, crafted by Hephaistos and honor represented by Saturn. Venus opposing Pluto and Uranus has managed to change our focus of attention on the dueling outer planets to us human beings celebrating being human. Give that lady a gold medal!

    You might also be interested to know that on the 15th, Hephaistos will be joined by Toro at 22 Gemini. Two symbols of super strength in the sign of the twins. They will be squared by two symbols at 22 Sagittarius, Narcissus and Quaoar. Is that not beautiful and extraordinary? Narcissus who would have us love ourselves and Quaoar who is ready to dance your heart’s desire into being. The Gemini’s will trine Mars and Saturn as the Sagittarians bless them with a sextile.

    Saturn can bring rewards for achievement after a long period of striving for success. On the 15th when Saturn and Mars start their new cycle in Libra, we have no better example than these Olympic games with their gold, silver and bronze medals/metals, and a desire for cooperation through teamwork. One cycle ends and a new one begins.

  7. I tremble with that butterflies in the stomach feeling I get when I read/hear something that is pure co–incidence. July 2010? I was about to take a leap of faith into a part-time job that was a dream come true. It was presented to me after 15 months of a ‘soul-sucking’ corporate job with which I had just made complete peace. I spent every 15 minute break and all my lunch half-hours (in ALL weather conditions) in walking meditation around a 1/4 mile looped road nearby, wrestling with my lot in life. I started using the principles of ‘resist nothing’ and ‘be in this moment’ and I was soon flying higher than a kite while walking and back at my desk (for longer and longer periods of time). Just before I got this new job offer, I found myself walking my loop LITERALLY having to hold my arms in because I wanted to flap them. At the time it was the strangest sensation I had ever felt. Now, it makes sense. Thank you so much!

  8. Hello Len πŸ™‚
    We had the same idea at the same time article, mine I wrote it last night and put on hold to publish this morning
    Good weekend to all

  9. thanks to you all: len, amanda, eric, fe, judith and sarah & whoever else i might overlook-
    reading your poetic interpretations of the stars and politics make these troubled times a bit calmer and soothes the raging tides within–a less scary place to be-
    planet waves- a virtual haven in a heartless world
    you’ve my gratitude folks and my thanks
    much love

  10. Len, this sentence I really feel: “Regardless of how subtly different it is around the corner you have never been, going there will redefine you.”

    I have enjoyed so much your writing in particular as I am new to astrological terms and aspects. I wanted to say that before I go. I recently got a coop placement in a gallery up the coast here in B.C. It is a work and study placement and lot’s of nature. I’m looking foward but am a little afraid. Hopefully I will paint a lot of projects I’ve been wanting for a long time.


  11. Len, I thank you for identifying the marker at the bend in the road – I can identify a specific day at that moment 2 years ago when Mars and Saturn engaged in early Libra. To say it was a life-changing moment is to say little of what the event/s – and changes available to me – mean and will continue to mean in my life.

    Thank you with all my heart.

    PS = Someone’s gotta do this, so I’ll appoint me:
    R. Kelly “I Believe I Can Fly”

  12. Holiday: Thank you for your comment. You have my heartfelt empathy. The mention of 2008 (when Pluto entered Capricorn twice) does the same thing to me. What i can offer is that the current Mar-Saturn cycle is now ending. A new one is beginning that will give you a chance to participate in its beginning. Plant a seed. Be a seed. A seed of what you want to see that has been heretofore impossible for you.

    GaryB: You are most welcome. You are to me thanked as well. Not only are you with us, you are with it, both in perception and example.

    pam: You are very welcome.

    amelie: Thanks to you as well. It gives me joy to know my service has served you.

  13. Thank you Len, so much πŸ™‚ You have calmed me, made me realise there is hope in turning that corner, and it is the right thing to do, to be brave and take that next step, redefining that envelope. The possibilities are all there, I need to just take hold of this opportunity so that I can arrive on new ground, thereby actively attaining the balance you speak of. Best Wishes, Amelie πŸ™‚

  14. Thank you Len,

    I hadn’t thought about this conjunction of Mars and Saturn as a turning/completion point from the July 31, 2010 conjunction in early Libra (conjoined my sixth house Libra Sun– “titanic T-square of two-aught-ten”). I was diagnosed with a life threatening health issue at that time that needed immediate treatment. This conjunction is still in my sixth house but I look forward to redefining the limits the health concerns have brought over the last two years. Thanks for pointing out the benefits of moving beyond the restrictions at this time. It hadn’t dawned on me that this health concern might be over but there is indeed a corner to turn and participate more actively in a new cycle. Thanks for breathing in new life with your astute observations. Cheers to flapping the arms/wings!

  15. Energies from 2010, I’m lost as to what the way is to deal higher/better. I had two of the best and brightest of my beloveds die. I knew that is what nature did so I didn’t need to do the “why is this happening, God?” and stress even more over it being a personal attack. Still, loss and grief.

    Maybe I just need to get over the fear, the instant clutching of stomach when just reading “2010” sets me off.

  16. paola: Thank you for finding my service useful and meaningful to you.

    Pam: Thank you for your question. The december 31, 2009 eclipse was a lunar eclipse. The Sun was at 10 degrees, 15 arc minutes Capricorn and the Moon was at 10 degrees, 15 arc minutes Cancer. The opposing (Full Moon) luminaries were close enough to the lunar nodes so that the Earth was directly in between them, blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on the Moon. Because the eclipse took place in cardinal signs, because Pluto was firmly ensconced in Capricorn, and because Saturn had entered Libra for the first of two times 6 weeks before the eclipse (squaring Pluto), yes, there is a connection. The December 2009 lunar eclipse was one in a long (2+ year) series of cardinal T-square events leading up to the long (3 year) series of Uranus-Pluto square aspects that serve to define this era of astrology.

  17. Len,
    a giant ‘thank you’ from me. At the end of a struggling day, I drink your words like a soothing balm – and I transmute them in a prayer, of the kind: “So it is”.

    Saturn is presently square to my Saturn (and Jupiter too, a little more loosely), I don’t know if this has an influence and makes the balance more striking. But I *really* want to turn that corner. Amen.

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