More Fully Conscious — Solar Sagittarius Begins

The Sun enters Sagittarius at 10:48 pm EST tonight just as it does every year at about this time. This year in particular, solar Sagittarius begins with a specific and implicit encouragement for you. This particular solar ingress to Sagittarius, in spite of its late hour for many, will symbolically encourage you to be more fully conscious of yourself as part of the universe, because of both its timing and its initial aspect.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The timing will concern what the Sun’s complement and ruler of Cancer (the Moon), and the ruler of Sagittarius (Jupiter) will be doing when the Sun enters Jupiter’s realm.

The first solar aspect upon ingress to Sagittarius will be to a little asteroid with a big name. As with most things in astrology, it’s best to begin with a look at the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and return to see how that asteroid fits in.

When the Sun enters Sagittarius this evening, the Cancer Moon will be precisely conjoined with retrograde Jupiter. In this case, precisely means to within one tenth of one degree. That is pretty amazing timing.

To realize just how amazing, please consider that the working definition of a precise conjunction is usually two objects sharing the same degree of the same sign. The Moon shares the same degree of the same sign with Jupiter for about two hours every month. If you narrow the definition of “precise” down to one-tenth of a degree, you are talking about 10 minutes or so out of every month. That indicates a very specific correlation to anything else going on at the same time.

Hence, if you combine the emblematic relationship of the luminaries with what Jupiter represents for astrologers, you are compelled towards a very specific interpretation of what the initiation of solar Sagittarius means for you this year.

The real Sun is simplicity itself — it is the source of daylight. For astrology, interpretation of the Sun is just as straightforward: consciousness. That is to say, what most people think of as being conscious — being awake and interactive, with your unique personality shining forth into the world to let us know you are here among us.

Your consciousness does not cease to function when you are not awake and interactive. Just as the Moon is the Sun’s complement, the other side of being conscious in the commonly understood meaning of the term corresponds to the Moon. It is the ‘you’ others do not see. It is the ‘you’ that you spend a lifetime discovering and integrating with your solar consciousness.

Jupiter, for its part, corresponds to the sort of expansion that takes place when you integrate the world into your being. When you integrate the material world into your being by eating, your body grows. When you integrate the world of knowledge into your being through education, your erudition grows. When you travel to unfamiliar places to integrate where and how other beings live, your compassion grows. That’s how Jupiter expresses in your reality.

The Sun entering Jupiter’s dominion precisely as retrograde Jupiter conjoins with the Moon in the lunar realm must necessarily correspond the same way. It corresponds to a more fully integrated and expanded consciousness should you choose to act in synchrony with the amazing timing that the Sun, Moon and Jupiter exhibit as solar Sagittarius begins. The question is how you should act.

The answer is indicated by the first aspect the Sun will make upon entering Sagittarius — a precise conjunction of its own to the asteroid 30 Urania.

Like most asteroids, Urania has developed a consistent record of being interpreted according to its name. Unlike any other asteroid, Urania’s name implies pretty much everything.

In mythology, Urania was a muse. The muses embodied the various ways human consciousness could expand itself through the arts and sciences. Urania was the daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne (the personification of memory itself) and named after her great-grandfather (Uranus) who was the sky itself. Hence, Urania personified musing on the universe itself as if to remember, and in order to take it all in as part of you.

The newly Sagittarius Sun’s precise conjunction with Urania in the very first degree of where Jupiter rules, at the same time the Moon precisely conjoins retrograde Jupiter where the Moon rules, may very well have never happened before, which is the point.

Every moment of your life has never happened before in precisely the same way. Just as simply as the Sun is daylight, that is your irrefutable and undeniable connection with the universe, within which every moment is the same way.

You are not alone. You are not separate. So long as each moment of your life opens up with both the precision of being somehow specific to you, and the uniqueness of never having happened the same way before for you, your connection to everything else is proven and assured. And that is something worthy of musing on before you sleep tonight.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

9 thoughts on “More Fully Conscious — Solar Sagittarius Begins”

  1. wandering_yeti: Thank you for making the point so well (at least as regards those who are blinded by science). Congratulations on your role. Loved ravens from first sight myself – they live so long for a reason.

    be: Thank you once again, a brilliant supplemental interpretation (yin and yang-wise) as well as the Sibly perspective and integrating a very precipitous current event. Wow, what would we do without you?

    suria: Thank you for your kind words and a brilliant supplemental interpretation of your own. Yes, the Earth’s orbit, and the apparent path of the ecliptic derived from it’s composite relationship with the Earth’s rotation, is an important part of astrology and our connection with the Universe. Thank you for hitting on that simple, yet profound and salient point that many either miss or (for some reason) attempt to evade.

    beleclaire: Thank you for your kind words as well. That’s an auspicious ascendant you have there. Pluto transiting to oppose is nothing to fear – please remember that. Uranus transiting to square will support growth spurts (which will outweigh the growing pains – please remember that too).

  2. Thank you Len. Yes, what amazing astrology this is.
    I am so relieved to feel the intense Scorpio energy finally recede and the joyfulness and optimism of Sagittarius replace it. So many unexpected and varied traumas/lessons/realisations and healings emerged for me in Scorpio time. I was stopped in my tracks,too frozen to write about it here.

    This Moon /Jupiter retrograde is transitting my Ascendant/ Uranus which is feeling like a rebirthing experience and no doubt a prolonged one until Jupiter goes direct and over it again.

  3. Thank you, Len.

    Brilliant; brilliant illuminating shininess…

    You know how when we hear things with two we can fix the location of the origin of the sound; and the brain puts images from the eyes together and rotates them so can ‘see’ with perspective; and other wonderful stuff like that…

    well….I read this piece earlier this evening (I liked it as soon as I read the title) and a while ago I read this…

    “From the remote ages people spoke of the stars that influence one’s fortunes, they investigated their bearing upon the inhabitants of this orbit and upon things mundane.”
    (E. Elbertin)

    and then I read this piece again…and my brain did something really really weird (but very nice)…’inhabitants of this orbit’???

    and now I can’t stop laughing…. ‘inhabitants of this orbit’!!!!

    I may never think of life on earth in quite the same way again. Now I understand why we seem to spend so much time and energy trying to create a moment when ‘the earth moves!’ We are indeed ‘inhabitants of this orbit’!!!

    Thank you! Brilliant!

  4. Amazing is putting it mildly Len; considering how often we who study astrology have to be reminded that this universal language doesn’t depend on precise numbers to manifest its art for interpreting events. I’m taking this event (exact Sun ingress to Sagittarius conjoins Urania at the very moment the Moon conjoins Jupiter in her own sign of Cancer) as a gift to astrologers all over the world. Talk about getting your act together!

    So after the awesomeness of all that sinks in, we have these two masculine symbols of consciousness, Sun and Jupiter, totally in agreement that study and experience of what is beyond the routines of Saturnian control will generate growth. Then like magic, they each immediately merge with a feminine symbol which effects a profound change in their totally yang perspective. While Jupiter gets briefly tutored in the art of all things yin (feeling, security, fitting in, etc.) by Cancer’s ruler no less (and after only 2 weeks into his retrograde), the Sun will briefly experience, through Urania’s perspective, the yin view of what the sky’s all about when he’s not part of it. It could be a humbling experience if these gods were in the hands of less experienced goddesses. Instead, all four, Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Urania will benefit from the event (as will we) I’m sure.

    Today the U.S. Senate has voted to change the rules which will “weaken” the power of the filibuster for Senate approval of executive and judicial nominees. Even though the Sun is still in Scorpio until 10:47 PM tonight, the reality (or consciousness) of this change won’t kick in until tomorrow morning. Don’t tell me that Chiron’s station direct isn’t responsible for this action! Remembering that Chiron is sextile Pluto and that Venus in the U.S. solar return chart is at 9+ Leo, together they form a pretty darn precise yod with the SR Venus acting as point person for all that energy.

    Not to be overlooked is the U.S. solar return chart’s Moon at 9+ Gemini (and therefore sextile SR Venus) which squares (the sometimes painfully experienced) transiting Chiron (who is super duper strong now due to stationing direct). Additionally, the SR Moon conjuncts the U.S. natal Sibly chart’s Uranus at 8+ Gemini (where Neptune and Pluto were conjunct in 1891-92) so this remarkable “coincidence” being experienced between Jupiter and the Sun (and all of us) must be the “Coming Attractions” announcement for the 2nd half of the Uranus-square-Pluto series (not to mention the cycle of Neptune-Pluto). We really need a program to keep up with all the plot twists if we don’t want to sit through the re-runs. I know you will stay on top of this for us Len, you never disappoint.

  5. Scientist looks out on the thrumming oozing dancing singing cosmos and asks…are we alone? Guffaw…On the angle of theater productions my character became a raven yesterday. The Albatross has backup this time.

  6. P. Sophia: Thank you for the degree symbol and it’s interpretation. As regards to your question, please, which eclipse are you referring to?

    Chief Niwots Son: Once again you have your finger on the pulse, and we are all very lucky to have you with us as a teacher by example.

  7. The fresh breeze I feel is the buoyancy of Sagittarius Sun, Jupiter + Moon 3 degrees off my moon, and Urania herself, all together offering a more hopeful and open experience of reality than has been the norm of late. All this and fresh snow is making Thor’s Day a great day. Thanks Len!

  8. Hi Len,

    Great reading thank you. Regarding Jupiter precisely conjunct the Moon at 21 degrees at time of the Sun’s ingress this is amazing timing. And to it’s symbol and interpretation:

    21º Cancer: A prima donna singing.
    Elevation and popularization of human values through art as a social factor. Supreme realization of the life-ambition.

    Can you please remind me Len (cannot find in my notes) just recently we had this point come up. I seem to remember it was either one of the aspects contributing to the eclipse? I would like to understand how it may relate to this time. I am definitely feeling some connection of this degree also to Urania’s musing.

    Thank you! : )

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