Meditations on a Fire Trine

The Sun and retrograde Mercury are converging from opposite directions to a Leo conjunction this weekend. The Sun-Mercury conjunction will be part of a grand trine aspect linking all three fire signs. Other major members of the grand trine will be a newly Sagittarius Moon and retrograde Uranus, long of Aries. Connection through the element of fire nearly always suggests a flow of intuitive, spiritual energy. The specific participants of this weekend’s grand fire trine imply the additional potential for a harmonic interval in your life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Fire, as the proverb reminds us, is a good servant but a poor master. That is true both literally and figuratively. In order for this weekend’s trine to be a harmonious experience, you must first resolve to be the master of fire. That means being intentional and paying attention.

One of the important steps in human development is the purpose of using, and the consequences of abusing the phenomenon of fire. Other animals are known to improvise or even fabricate tools that extend or enhance their physical bodies. Only humans mentally grasp the making, maintenance and potential of the flame that defies a physical grasp. Mastery of fire is evidence of a complex set of skills that begins with the use of imagination.

Imagination is the first and most important requisite for a fire-making and using animal. The necessary tools and conditions rarely come together of their own accord. It is necessary to develop a means of ignition, gather fuel, and form a suitable but contained environment. That means knowing what components to look for, where to find them and in what order to assemble them. Each step in the process must first be imagined, as must be the desired result. For that reason, imagination is the symbolic equivalent of fire.

Like fire, imagination must be ignited, needs to breathe, and requires fuel. The three fire signs of astrology represent that process, and something more. In Aries is the ignition of self-awareness. Uranus, and its association with the sudden and unexpected, is a suitably symbolic source of sparks that can provide the necessary heat to get things going, but the heat must be amplified if spark is to express as a flame. Leo is all about expression, especially now.

The Sun rules Leo, and this is the time of year when Leo hosts its ruler, effectively expanding the influence of both realm and sovereign. Hence, the initiative flowing from Uranus and its identification with Aries is not only conducted in kind but amplified in turn. Mercury’s presence symbolically adds fuel.

While the Sun can be said to represent consciousness, Mercury is the the elaboration of consciousness through mind. The quick and agile nature of mind is where Mercury finds compatibility with Uranus as well. Hence, this weekend’s retrograde motion of Mercury through Leo not only serves to merge it with solar awareness but also encompasses a harmonic interval with Uranus, feeding imagination with creativity. The timely lunar ingress to Sagittarius further potentiates the fiery flow with yet another interval, to not only complete the cycle but also turn up the heat.

Just as Mercury and Uranus harmonize in kind, the luminaries (Sun and Moon) complement in counterpoint. If the Sun can be said to represent light, day, and the public consciousness most of us exhibit during the daytime, then the Moon can be said to symbolize private consciousness, unseen but deeply felt. When expressed through the contemplative coals of Sagittarius, the emotional needs and expressions of lunar consciousness rise like smoke to go beyond the practical imagination it takes to build a fire, seeking manifestation of the inconceivable. Therein is both the caution and the potential of this weekend’s fire trine.

While humans may have long ago mastered control of simple combustion, we are still wrestling to control the irrational flow of our emotions. That makes us less the master of ourselves than our environment. The failure to master the lunar complement of our awareness is of even greater concern when you consider how its ambitions have motivated the waking mind to manifest cosmic combustion on Earth before we have learned to control it. We have created an unprecedented and inconceivable peril which demonstrates how trine aspects, for all of their fortunate flow, can get away from you and become very bad masters.

That being said, what has been done cannot be undone. What has gotten away from us cannot be recalled. Rather we must catch up and we must catch up together. This weekend’s astrology represents a chance to get off to a running start. You can start with what you know.

If you have a chance, sit with a candle or some other small, manageable flame this weekend. If possible, do it in the company of others. Even better, do it under the stars. Let the thoughts and conversation flow from vital beginnings, through excitement and stimulation, to the realm of imagination, then back to fundamentals again. Let the energy rise, and look for a way to harmonize, until your own energy flags.

Then, before you flow into the realm of your private consciousness for the night, demonstrate for yourself and others in your company the potential and promise of humanity to master the flow of our lives by carefully extinguishing the flame you ignited after it has served its purpose. As simple as that activity will be, its meaning will not be lost.

Offered In Service 

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

13 thoughts on “Meditations on a Fire Trine”

  1. Thank you for reminding me to look further, Len.

    Notes to self: Chiron is exact on natal Klotho at 8 PI
    Nemesis and Hidalgo are transiting natal Sappho at 8 Sagg.
    Natal Isis Transpluto Rx is exact conjunct natal Uranus Rx at 8 Leo.
    Transiting Klotho at 8 Libra in exact opposition to Eris/Moon/transiting Uranus…..etc etc.

    The 8 ball wins? 🙂

    Thank you. Happy Weekend to you.

  2. P. Sophia: Thank you for clarifying. Venus is indeed direct in its second (post-retrograde) echo/shadow phase now. That started when Venus stationed direct on June 27. Yes, the echo/shadow phase will conclude, as July ends, when Venus passes 23 degrees, 59 arc minutes, 32 arc seconds Gemini (the place where it stationed retrograde May 15). After that, Venus will be in new territory for the first time since April 11 (when it entered its first, pre-retrograde echo/shadow phase in direct motion). Yes, Mercury is still in apparent retrograde motion now. That started July 14/15 and will continue so until August 8, when it will station direct at 1 degree, 25 arc minutes, 37 arc seconds Leo and begin its own second, post-retrograde echo/shadow phase. You speak of last week. Of all the dates just cited, the Mercury retrograde station is closest. Having Venus transit your natal Venus for the third time is more like now. Hope that helps.

  3. It is nice Len, I am not released yesterday too busy to write a news article on my blog and the last I me am left lead by Alice in the country of wonders. It is the Moon in the first quarter of the moon on natal Neptune and the moon rose on Neptune. The Sun dog today, it is good, I will get my computer and make the market without my glasses, I work has improved my far vision 🙂 🙂

  4. Len,   Thank you for your reply.  I may not have been clear, i do not want a need to go back and control feelings/outcomes i only mentioned the wonderful spiritual influence I had been feeling since May, and felt last week, or so emotionally had shifted a bit.   I was questioning if this may have been due to/influenced by the Mercury retrograde?   

    Now, also having done some research tonight, I understand the same aspect that commenced late April-May, Venus passing over Gemini is coming up again for the final time this weekend -approaching 23 Gemini…and there is a connection!  My Natal Venus is in Gemini in my 9th -Life Philosophy and Spiritual learning and is influencing my 10th -Occupation and Calling.   Also my Moon is Trine MC.  Open to it. Busting out. In tune, feeling the balance of my emotions to intentions… quite literally my world view and direction in life is changing.

  5. Lunesoleil: Thank you once again. If weather and health permit you, you might want to take a summer walk through the twilight hour into the night. The Moon is there to light your way.

    aword: Thank you for your comment as well. Ah, you hit the jackpot. There are transiting objects at the eights all over the place. Not the least of which is slow Chiron, retrograde at 8+ Pisces.

  6. Fascinating, Len. All poetry; as always – you sing to us.

    For my personal weekend’s Circle of Stones — containing Fire to be mastered;

    Transiting Sun/Merc at natal Uranus at 8 Leo (12th house).
    Transiting Uranus on natal Moon/Eris at 8 Aries (9th house).
    Transiting Moon at natal Sappho at 8 Sagg (5th house).

    Perhaps, with a little guidance from the stars, I too will have a poetic tale to tell; of change and of new ‘places’.

  7. I feel that we will have a very hot weekend, this is not as the weather is in America but here for four days it transpires even at home a do nothing
    Thank you for your wonderful articles and good weekend Len 🙂 🙂

  8. Melinda: Your words are very kind and your spirit is very generous. Both probably more than i deserve, but no less than what i need. Thank you.

    be: Thank you so much for taking us deeper and further once again. The way you weave in the link to Vesta, the spatial connection to Mars and the temporal connection to the lunar perigee is nothing less than genius. You keep me in awe.

    P. Sophia: Thank you for your question. Any attempt to go back or be in control would probably take more energy than would be returned right now. Mastering the flow is finding harmony, being mindful of what is now. Safety first, clean up as you go forward. Let yourself hear yourself think. If you should be so lucky as to have company, let yourself hear what others think.

  9. ‘Imagination is the first and most important requisite for a fire-making and using animal. The necessary tools and conditions rarely come together of their own accord. It is necessary to develop a means of ignition, gather fuel, and form a suitable but contained environment. That means knowing what components to look for, where to find them and in what order to assemble them. Each step in the process must first be imagined, as must be the desired result. For that reason, imagination is the symbolic equivalent of fire.”

    Len, thank you for this brilliant ‘bright’, article which illustrates the trine aspect of spirit so beautifully well. Now begins to make sense to me. Question: Up until the first week of July it seemed all this intuitive, imaginative, creative energy WAS flowing sparks, almost effortlessly for me. Maybe my fire grew too wild, too fast…it burnt out of control? I know you say rare, but actually the necessary tools and conditions DID seem to be “coming together of their own accord” for me…that is, up until several weeks ago and this point of what seems now of uncertain direction/flow. Was this due to the Mercury retrograde we’re all experiencing or something personal in my chart? Natal Mercury Leo and Uranus Virgo?

    Certainly woke in July and found myself experiencing some ‘irrational flow of emotions” as you explain here… more work needed to control? Anyway I will be prepared this weekend for lessons of working the mastering of flow – until I catch up.

    Len, thank you for considering my question. Any insight and guidance offered is so appreciated and helpful. I am hoping to get the gift back in this moment feeling bit lost. I feel part of of the key might be found in discovering right use.

  10. What a blessing this offering is Len! As luck (or maybe the Universe) would have it, Amanda’s noting of Saturday’s Vesta’s (in Gemini) sextile of the Sun and Mercury conjunction on one side and Uranus on her other side is perfect timing. It will mean that when the Moon in Sagittarius reaches her moment of trine(s) to these masculine gods of Sun and Uranus (and the undecided Mercury), she will also be providing the possibility for feminine balancing when she opposes Vesta. Imagine, the goddess of fire balanced with the goddess of feeling! As you said “we are still wrestling to control the irrational flow of our emotions.” It so happens that on Sunday, just after the Moon sextiles Mars, she will reach her perigee, or her closest approach to Earth. This will magnify her influence on us (en masse) after Mars gets us all fired up. And how fortunate for those of us reading this today to be aware of Saturday’s opportunity to integrate and harmonize our emotional and intuitive nature with our creative and spiritual nature and to be prepared for it. Sometimes it just gets too hot to handle without some prior preparation, you know?

  11. “While humans may have long ago mastered control of simple combustion, we are still wrestling to control the irrational flow of our emotions.”


    Many thanks for this great post. Food for thought.

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