KISS — Mercury and the Moon

The Taurus Moon reaches its first quarter aspect from the Aquarius Sun at 2:22 pm EST Thursday. Mercury shifts into reverse less than three hours later, at 4:43 pm EST. It is rare for the Moon to reach its opening square (90 degrees of separation) from the Sun just as Mercury is all but stationary prior to retrograde. It will feel personal. It looks looks complex. The combination represents a good time to KISS.

Astrology by Len Wallick

KISS, not as an osculation (although mutual consent makes lip-locks pleasant), but as an acronym derived of a four word term: Keep It Simple, Sweetheart.

In the next five paragraphs are five things to keep in mind so you can keep it simple, and be seen as a real sweetheart in the bargain.

First and foremost, fear and dread are not helpful. If you go into any astrology (Mercury retrograde, Sun square Moon, or otherwise) with fear and dread, that is what you will find. Funny how that works, but it does. Simply make the situation work for you instead. Abandon all fear and dread upon entering this particular Mercury retrograde at the lunar first quarter, and a new freedom will be yours.

Next, remember that planets (including Mercury) never actually go backwards. A retrograde is simply an optical illusion. Mercury only appears to reverse its motion when it passes Earth on the inside lane. Don’t let an illusion dictate your reality. Rather, let the predictable timing of the reality, and the illusion the reality gives rise to, inspire your creativity.

You can begin your creativity by simply reviewing and revising your own life and your own work. Look for, admit and correct your errors. See it as painting a self-portrait, not a process of self-criticism. Overlook the mistakes of others for the time being. Focus on you and your work as you would focus on the illuminated half of the first quarter Moon. You and your work provide plenty of material for you to work with, and retrograde Mercury provides plenty of time.

People, not planets, are the source of cause and effect. Mercury does not make you late for work, but retrograde Mercury is a good time to leave early to assure you arrive on time. The first quarter Moon does not cause a crisis, but often simply reveals one. Simply be aware, and act with the awareness that your every action is probably a cause with a corresponding effect.

Mercury corresponds with the proverbial trickster. All of the tricky characteristics associated with Mercury correlate with the critical character attributed to the opening square from the Sun to the Moon to provide a simple guideline. Eschew the extremes. On the one hand, don’t outsmart yourself. On the other hand, don’t criticize yourself. Take the middle road and work on yourself with gratitude for simply being able to do so.

That’s how to KISS for the co-incidence of Mercury’s retrograde station and the square aspect from the Aquarius Sun to the Taurus first quarter Moon on Thursday. If you can keep it simple sweetheart, it will be no coincidence if your life simply gets a better as result.

Offered In Service    

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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16 thoughts on “KISS — Mercury and the Moon”

  1. Diva Carla, Lyd, and Jude: Thank you so much for holding such a gratifying space of light on the anniversary of my birth.

  2. Sweetheart? You are just so kind, Len, and gentle, ethical, thoughtful. All the good stuff. Blessed and prosperous Solar New Year to you, dearheart — your energies shine brightly and spill over onto all of us, here at PW.

  3. “It will feel personal. It looks complex.” Yes. Indeed. Will keep it as simple as I can. Thank you for the head’s up.

    Len, from a birthday card I received last year….Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewe. Repeat 4 times!!

  4. Happy Birthday Len! Thank you for making me and everyone feel welcome and respected. You show a truly generous spirit, one of incredible example.

  5. Mia, Strawberry, aword, Chief Niwots Son, Salamander, and Lizzy: Thank you all so very much for your kind words and birthday greetings! Being of service to you and Planet Waves is for another year is my fondest birthday wish.

  6. Thank you for this lovely piece dear Len, fllled, as always, with wise advice and kindness.
    A very Happy Birthday to you – hugs and of course….kisses!

  7. Happy birthday Len Wallick!

    I think I see how I can use Mercury Rx to rework my self portrait: focusing on the present, and stop dwelling on painful things in the past, focusing on the good things in life instead of the things that drain me, learning how to be relaxed and attentive on the road, revamping the way I study for the sake of graduate studies, and clearing my emotional clutter in order to increase my mental discipline.

    I will be careful on Thursday afternoon with my 30-mile commute. The afternoon rush hour with the Moon in Aries was challenging too, but I succeeded at coming home with my body intact, my mind intact, and my car intact. I am happy every time I reach my destination safely.

    I’m happy I got my car fixed (including overdue repairs prior to the accident), all I need to do now is be relaxed, and be attentive. I feel like following distance and reaction time are the two most important elements of driving.

  8. Happy Birthday Len! I’ll let the gals provide the kisses, and simply wish you all good things for your solar return, and many happy returns of the day.

  9. If Birthday Kisses are in order to you Len, then here are a few…with a handful of hugs that add to wonderful wishes for you!

    In the meantime, with Merc turning about on natal Sun and otherwise ticking off the conjunctions as he moves back and forth on his way, KISS is great advice!

    Thank you and xo!

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