It’s Your Business — Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars at the Taurus table tomorrow at 11:37 am EDT. It will be the image of a business lunch. Earthy Taurus will evoke a meal. The Sun’s precise earth trine to Pluto will connect with Capricorn’s business sense. Finally, the ‘personal’ natures of Mercury, Venus and Mars will imply that the business at hand is your own.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For most of human history, the business at hand during solar Taurus has been direct, intimate contact between you, other beings, and the Earth itself. It was only during the last century that something has come in between.

What has come in between is big business. For the most part, that has been a big mistake. Like most big mistakes, it seemed like a good idea at first.

It appeared to be a good idea for fewer people to produce more food. Many thought it an even better notion to expand production and distribution. The term ‘ready to eat’ became a virtually unquestioned virtue. Yet, the huge business entities that control the production and distribution of your food do not display virtuous conduct. That does not bode well for your direct and intimate contact with them.

Every time you eat, you are making intimate contact with where your food comes from. Mercury’s ingress to Taurus this year heralds a good time to start thinking about that.

In the symbolism of astrology, Mercury represents your mind and how you use it. That, and the fact that Mercury completes many cycles during an average human lifetime, puts it in the category of a ‘personal planet’. The definition of many cycles in the course of your life also defines the Sun, Venus and Mars as personal. To have them moving through Taurus together (as they will until May 9, when Venus moves on to Gemini) represents a time to begin reclaiming the personal business recent generations have ceded to big business.

It begins with the personal values Venus represents. Many of you live within reasonable distance of a farmers market. If you can simply prioritize meeting somebody who personally cultivated, harvested or transported the food you buy from them, it will be a huge step. If you can direct the energy symbolized by Mars into making the priority a habit, you and your money will begin to make a difference.

Once you actually see how the practice of your personal values and application of your personal energy can make a difference, it will raise your consciousness (emblematic of the Sun) to a level that makes greater things conceivable. That is some personal business you can probably attend to this week, possibly even at lunch.

While it will take more than a week to address a big mistake that has been a century in the making, it is not too late to do something personally to begin. If there is anything to astrology, this is the week to make a start, and you can, by making it your business to do so.

Offered In Service     

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

10 thoughts on “It’s Your Business — Mercury Enters Taurus”

  1. About food Len, I had already started to share a recipe when the asteroid industria is found in opposition the asteroid Vesta, a dish without meat and recently I added two other recipes. It is important to choose his food, if we want to stay healthy.
    I’ll monitor the transit of mercury and Mars in Taurus Len with sextile of Vesta and Ceres in Cancer. To live better eat more balanced with fruits and vegetables as possible, for a preserve our health 😉

  2. This is such a great post Len. Thank you. At various times I have belonged to a CSA (Community Support Agriculture) where you pay a membership fee for a season and each week pick up your fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers. You volunteer a couple of times a season or as often as you want. Recipes are shared and a few pot luck dinners happen. It feels like Christmas many times because your share is so yummy and fresh. Soon we will have fresh strawberries. There is nothing in the world like fresh organic strawberries that have just been picked. You can feel the love flowing through you as you pop them into your mouth!

  3. Dear Len … I am so happy to read your post. Yes! I am a massive fan of local farmers and as I’m new to this area, I’ve not yet found a farm to bike to. I know it’s asparagus time back in PA and I miss Farmer Bob 🙁 but I shall find the farms nearby as goddess is my witness. Good news here is that it’s all about local and organic. I am so honored to be with like minds, voting each and every meal with my fork.

    Love your piece, Len. Thank you so much.


  4. Thank-you, Len, for weaving together the themes of personal values, the food which nourishes us, and the responsibility we have in making choices which profoundly affect our quality of life and health. It’s an essential conversation, in my opinion, and the planetary gathering in Taurus makes it timely.
    I am blessed to live in a tiny village where the one grocery store may not offer the same absurdly large number of options as a city supermarket, but anyone with the desire and ability to do so can grow some sort of garden. I have been a dedicated gardener for some years, and preserve as many vegetables and fruits as I can for winter. I choose heirloom seeds whenever possible, and am learning to harvest and save seeds. Many are not aware of the efforts by agri-biz giants to do away with all but their patented GMO varieties, so the preservation of old varieties has become a mission to many.
    So long as food appears in vast quantities/selections on supermarket shelves, it is easy to become complacent as a consumer. The long and complex supply chain which accomplishes such bounty, howver, is fragile, and most large urban centers apparently have on hand a three-day supply at best. If for any reason all or even some the trucks don’t arrive, shortages would occur quickly.
    For those reasons, as well as for quality and health reasons, I encourage everyone I know to learn how to grow at least some food, even a pot of lettuce on the deck, herbs on a windowsill. And by all means, if you’re near a farmers’ market, I hope you’ll discover how good real, fresh veggies can taste, naturally grown, not fed fertilizer sludge, harvested by underpaid workers, then hauled a thousand miles.
    Taurus – Earth – values – food – local. They seem to belong together.

  5. be, KathyC, Lizzy, DivaCarla, and aword: Thank you all so very much for your kind and generous comments.

  6. Len, I love it when you get all permie and natural ;o)

    I have been teaching this week inspired by Starhawk’s quote: The Goddess does not rule the world, she is the world.

    If one were to assume this “a priori” truth, how does that change who you are, how you think, and what you choose. I’ve been tapped into the flow of opulence and abundance that is nature, created because she recycles everything, not to repurpose, or be thrifty, but to create something brand new. When conditions are right, she makes MORE!

    Interspersed like shadows or tumors in this vision are the things we despair, the crimes against nature: Monoculture, CAFOs, and seedless watermelons. In almost every case, if we stepped away from the scene, Nature would take over with her ebullience, effulgence, opulence, and diversity. What could she make out of GMOs? I think at this point she’d win. She’d find a way. There may be chaos in the creation, and people might suffer, but the Laws of Opulence and Abundance would prevail.

    Meanwhile, Going to do a little backyard hugelkultur and gather more dandelions for supper. Farmer’s markets open this weekend in the north country.

  7. Yes, thanks Len, you’re so right. I too have the good fortune to live quite near a wonderful place, Rome’s ex-slaughterhouse (!), which has been turned into a space which houses a farmer’s market, weekend arts and crafts stalls, a supermarket which only sells national, organic products, and a buzzing cultural centre. I’m filled with joy and energy every time I go there.

  8. Thanks Len. Your words today (at the behest of Chiron) inspire hope over gloom and doom. With so much bad news surrounding us, a feeling of powerlessness can lead to despair and a “what’s the point” attitude can take over. Not so.

    In my city, one young entrepreneur is opening a “grocery” store in my neighborhood, about a mile east of downtown. It is essentially a farmer’s market open every day with fresh home-grown produce, free of pesticides. Everything old is new again and it couldn’t be more welcomed by those of us who live near by. Another reminder of the power that we-the-people have had taken from us bite by bite.

    Venus may be leaving the sign of Taurus on May 9th but only to activate the solar eclipse degree of May 20, 2012. At that time last year Venus was retrograde at 23 Gemini, a degree activated again by Ceres this past March on and around the Aries Equinox which will hold sway for a long time. In fact, Ceres was exact at 23 Gemini and square the Pisces New Moon on March 11. Some things were coming to an end and other things were preparing to begin when all the personal planets, along with Neptune and Chiron, were in Pisces. I like to think that “big business”, especially as it relates to the food we eat, is one of those coming to an end.

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