Into The Corner, And Out — First Quarter Moon

The first quarter Moon at 7:02 pm EDT this coming Friday will be a separating (or “opening”) cardinal square aspect from the Libra Sun to the Capricorn Moon. That’s because the Moon is separating from its conjunction with the Sun during the Libra New Moon last week, gradually opening greater distance with each passing day. In more ways than one, the lunar first quarter coming up will also represent a corner for you as well.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Considering how the Libra New Moon probably resonated for you, now would be a good time to be mindful and anticipate the corner. You may want to start by thinking about what the word “corner” represents in your life.

Generally speaking, it is better to turn a corner than get backed into one. As a rule, you would also prefer not to lose control while acting to take a turn.

Action, among other things, is what square aspects are about. Likewise, opening squares often represent initial actions. The lunar first quarter is a prototype, helping you to get a feel for all separating square aspects because, weather permitting, you can see it with your own eyes and correlate the celestial event with events in your own life.

When the Moon is at first quarter phase, you see the luminaries (Sun and Moon) at right angles to each other because of your perspective from Earth in the “corner” of the square. Hence the correspondence between all square aspects and every form of corner. The same perspective also makes the First Quarter Moon look half lit and half dark, halfway across the sky at sunset — but don’t let that confuse you.

In spite of all the visual cues representing halves, a first quarter Moon is indeed only one fourth of the way into the lunation cycle that started with a New Moon conjunction of the luminaries. A Full Moon (an opposition of the luminaries with Earth in between) is the actual midpoint, and the last quarter Moon (another square, applying towards the next conjunction, with the Moon closing in on the Sun) always means one week left in the current lunation.

As you approach Friday’s first quarter Moon, it would be useful to think of yourself as nearing the first corner of whatever you started late last Friday or early last Saturday (depending on your time zone) when the luminaries last conjoined. That means being aware and beginning to prepare. Appropriate preparations usually begin with the action of slowing down.

Slowing down gives you more time to take further action when the time comes. Deceleration has the added bonus of allowing you to better see what you are coming up on and what is approaching you. More than that, the corner coming this Friday will help give you a feel for how to do your part as you proceed through another, longer period of initial action — on a journey that will transpire over the course of more than just your lifetime. 

The journey started in 1965 and 1966, when Uranus and Pluto last conjoined three times in Virgo. Unlike the luminaries, the apparent motion of Uranus and Pluto is very slow and includes periods of retrograde.

The slow progression of Uranus to Aries and Pluto to Capricorn is the reason they have only last year reached their own opening cardinal square aspect which, just like a lunar first quarter, has all of us making a corner at once. Because Uranus and Pluto are currently alternating periods when their motions appear to reverse, that square is in the process of repeating seven times over about three years.

We are coming up on the fourth of those seven squares on Nov. 1, essentially halfway through the process, but don’t let that confuse you. It is one long continuous turn. Because you are here on Earth at this time to be in the corner, it is your turn among those who are charged with taking the necessary actions, and not just for yourself.

The corner you and everybody at once have been continuously negotiating since last year is the first crucial turn on behalf of many who were there to begin the journey, but are no longer here to participate in its progress. Moreover, the actions you take in the time remaining for you to do so will play a part in determining whether future generations yet unborn will be backed into a corner or progress through another phase of the journey.

So, there is something to think about if weather permits you to view half-lit Luna as this week draws to a close. As you meditate on the first quarter Moon, slow down and contemplate the actions you will take to negotiate the concurrent corners of your life. Take care not to forget that each of those acts will resonate into the future. Therefore, as you act for the short term to keep your life under control, please also think for the long term and the lives of those who will follow.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “Into The Corner, And Out — First Quarter Moon”

  1. Strawberrylaughter: Thank you. I am heartened that my welcome lives so strongly in you, and I hope you have ben finding ways to bring your gifts to others who can benefit from your presence.

  2. Awww, Hazel, thanks! Your support is so sweet. (And yes, I did laugh at your “consistency” comment. Gotta love the fact that I’m really, really determined to learn this lesson!)

    I do very much appreciate your beautiful idea of learning to “see the broken bits as edges around NEW space.” I can nurture those broken bits while claiming the space they’ve offered up. baby steps. thank you, my dear.

  3. Strawberrylaughter, I wish I had one of those quick comments to help or to make you laugh at least, but I kind of don’t right now. It sounds like we both have been through similar things, I have realized that I have been in my own little “trap” many times with many people over the years, only to find that is was a snare of my own weaving and that I could cut those threads any time. Only to do it again. And again. Sigh. At least I’ve been consistent. Sigh. So, yes, we’re human, and yes, we are grateful for it instead of resentful of the frailties we so abundantly know. If we knew it all we wouldn’t have to be here as they say. As Len said in this post, “appropriate preparations usually begin with the action of slowing down”. Realizing you’ve cut those threads yet again is as good a time as any to sit with the tatters and look at them, let the light hit them, making patterns, and see the broken bits as edges around NEW space instead of some broken thing that was.

  4. Strawberry: It would be far more appropriate for me to thank you for your courage, wisdom and generous nature. Please accept our thanks and congratulations on your further evolution.

    be: Wow – thank you so very much for the eye-opening preview of how powerfully transiting Jupiter will correspond to both the other transiting outer planets and the Sibly chart (of which you are an undisputed master). It’s enough provoke the optimism that Jupiter is so often associated with.

    Mia: Thank you from my heart for the affirming validation and good news that my service is on track with servants far greater than my poor example. Thank you for sharing the joy so that all of us might know it.

    karena: Your characterization of a corner as a balance point, and your references to both Salinger and The Beatles are a refreshing breeze from around the corner and into our hearts. Thank you so very much.

    aword: Thank you again for sharing your own remarkable journey and parallel to both the inspired and the inspiring.

    nilou: Thank you once again for the inspiration of your own expression, generously shared and amazingly wrought Your poetry is received with the most sincere gratitude.

    Salamander: Thank you for the valuable correlation. Amazing, huh? We support your efforts and look forward to amazing results.

    Chief Niwots Son: Your positive vibration lifts us all on the winds of your grace. Thank you also for supporting Strawberry so eloquently.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your reminder of how we all may become lighter and more of the light. You are very perceptive, and your wit is well taken.

  5. Thank you, Chief Niwots Son. I do very much agree with you that the story has been co-opted, and that religion (as is in such incredible discussion elsewhere on this site) has done our world little favors. I strive to live that “plain & simple” truth he, and others of his vibration, have taught.

    (On another note, I go back to your Tribal welcoming time and again, breathing it into every corner of my consciousness. I had no idea how poisonous a “cutting off” can be to the soul. I know I’ve thanked you for this before, but I must recognize it here again. There is no limit to how powerful that certainty that there is somewhere I belong is to me.) As they say in Bali, Terima Kasih

  6. Strawberrylaughter: Yeshua ben Yosef is a great role model of a healer, sadly the official story obscured the truth. He healed by the laying on of hands, energy healing. Not by taking on the sins of others, but by resonating the Divine Presence which is in each of us. Yeshua was a nice Jewish boy, married to a lovely woman named Miriam (Mary), who discovered the inner truths and shared them with the world. You have suffered enough for being told a lie by power (control) freaks who co-opted his story for their own evil ends. Now you can step into the truth of healing, for yourself and others, without the guilt-trip and misunderstandings. Most of all, remember that Yeshua taught Love, plain and simple.

    Len- Happy to turn a corner, the New Moon was powerful and positive, I look forward to taking the positive vibration to the next unfoldment.

  7. The Libra New Moon did cause a shift in myself. As I am accepting the short-term necessities in my life, I think I can reconcile them with the long-term goals I have. I am making an effort to move instead of feeling stuck.

  8. Thank you, awordedgewise, I was just wondering if ‘crap’ is acceptable vocabulary! and Strawberrylaughter, love to you, and to be, Mia and Karena. Look at this from last year –

    ‘I fear what my desires may ask of me; but I know that they will only ask me to follow my heart, follow my bliss. It’s just that my track-record is a bit crap.’

    And a few days ago…

    I had a beautiful moment today out on my wanders in the world. I was thinking on some lines of my poetry and whether to enter any of the work in a competition and i decided against. I write them just to express myself. I write them as expressions of me – and that in itself is beautiful, and that self-recognition is more than enough reward. Whoever said that talking to yourself is a sign of madness… was wrong….it is an essential act of being, in a mad, mad world…

    The witness

    In the heart of your spirit
    i see so much yet to know,
    but then i realize that what i see, only i can see
    for no-one else can see what i see as i see it
    because no-one else stands where i stand.
    this golden lightness of being all around you,
    encircling you.
    is it yours? is it mine?
    is it your being? or my seeing?
    or are we one?

    It’s good to be in the present with me myself and i, and all of you: in the now, to know the past is gone, and that now is full of joy and laughter and light – deep corner notwithstanding.

    Thank you, Len, for the ‘heads up’.

  9. Len I am feeling remarkably unstuck, there does seem to be some New Moon momentum propelling me toward the corner. I’m grateful for your guidance well enough ahead of the turn to prevent accidents and to anticipate direction and momentum.

    Thank you.

    You know, I’ve started to accept the role of Evey (V for Vendatta). There comes a time when one no longer flinches when the crap begins. In that moment is an opportunity to shed the skin of martyr and rise up into a wholeness that is strong, energized, visible.

    We shall see what’s around the bend.

  10. Thank you Len. This made me think of an old riddle out of the J.D Salinger story”to Esme, with Love and Squalor”. Esme’s little brother asks “what did one wall say to the other wall?”and quickly replied “meetcha at the corner!”. That riddle resonates with me at this time in my life. I keep running across music, art,ideas that shaped my child self and am re-visiting all of this not in a purely nostalgic sense but it feels like two points meeting. And the corner feels like a balance point. Like this is how far you’ve come….this is how far you’ve yet to go.
    I watched the Yellow Submarine last Friday night. I see that that movie was formative to me. The triumph of LOVE… and YES and KNOW(instead of NO). Amid the government shutdown and the climate of anti-60’s that is evident in the zeitgeist, it seems the world would do well to lighten up and figure out that all ya need is love. That’s my view from my corner. So long term….Love will make it happen. Love for the Earth, love for each other, love for ALL. That’s my long term project as I share love in the short term messy strivings of day to day life.

  11. Len,

    My star family just showed up again to pay a visit. Since you know you are a part of that group you benefited from what transpired during their visit. Un-flipping-believable is all I can say.

    We have entered into a completely new place of being and it fills me with joy to see it and to know it.

    Lots of Love to you, Len,

  12. Navigating those corners would be a lot tougher without your navigation techniques Len. At the time we all started something (last Friday or early Saturday) was when transiting Jupiter started squaring the ascendant of the chart for the 113th Congress (1/3/13, 12 N). Actually, the square really started on September 27th when Jupiter reached 18 Cancer. On September 25, transiting Mars started trining the ascendant of the 113th Congress chart, but that’s whole other topic.

    The 2013 Congress birth chart has 18+ Aries rising (18+ Libra on the descendant) and in the last dozen or so days, Jupiter in Cancer has backed the U.S. Congress into a corner for sure. But it is only the 1st of 3 squares transiting Jupiter will challenge the U.S. Congress with. The 2nd square comes in December, on Friday the 13th. That day the transiting Sun will oppose the U.S. natal Sibly Mars in Gemini, but the big news is that transiting Jupiter will also trine transiting Saturn, as Jupiter again challenges the U.S. Congress. That aspect between Jupiter and Saturn is a good thing for settling government disputes in any country, but especially the U.S. government.

    The 3rd and final square between transiting Jupiter and the ascendant of the U.S Congress chart for 2013 will come in May, 2014. Once again, Jupiter in Cancer will trine Saturn in Scorpio and this time, they also trine transiting Chiron in Pisces. There will be other aspects that month that will help the U.S. deal with the ongoing cardinal grand cross of trans. Jupiter conjunct the U.S. Sun, opposite trans. Pluto square trans. Uranus who opposes the U.S. Sibly Saturn. Some higher universal power is trying to ease our country (and the whole world) through this difficult transition/transformation. Much like you are trying to ease us through this phase of the journey. It is without a doubt a “long term” journey.

  13. Len, you bring such clarity to what begins as a hopelessly murky & intractable mess. The New Moon for me was a beginning laced with pain, anger, resentment, betrayal. Today, the move is from anger into sadness. At the ways I’ve hurt myself. Years ago, I took on an issue that wasn’t mine & literally made myself sick with it. Granted, the illness has served as something of a Wounded Healer Initiation for me, but that doesn’t take away from the reality of how hellish it’s been. And the real pain is in facing how I’ve done it to myself. By betraying what I knew deeply, in an attempt to save another from having to face his own soul’s journey. I took his shit as my own, and blamed myself, day-in and day-out for years, for not being able to fix it.

    How do you ever trust someone who does that to you? I can see now that the new Moon has gifted me with an opening.

    Beyond the pain & recrimination, real problem is the Savior complex. And it’s just a misunderstanding of how Healing works. I’ve always felt this calling to help others heal; I just didn’t have useful role models. The only Healer I knew was the allegorical Christ-Savior. The “sacrifice myself that other might live” impulse. I’ve long seen this tendency in myself, and not known how to break free of it. There’s a chance 11 years of pain & sickness might help me turn the corner.

    It starts by ending the blaming. It happened. I can see more clearly now.

    It starts by loving myself for the pain I’ve lived through. Loving myself for the naive, messed-up-but-sort-of-altruistic motives for taking it all on. Loving myself for my own brokennesses that made this into what it was.

    It starts by forgiving myself for being human.

    And somewhere in there, it starts by giving myself credit for facing & being willing to learn from one of the big issues I came into this life to resolve. This is the stuff Karma is made of.

    Ultimately, it starts with being grateful to the Divine for the whole experience. 11 years isn’t so much, really. I can be grateful, and forgive myself for the pain I caused. I can certainly let go of any resentments I’m holding against others involved. And most blessedly, now that I can see it more clearly, I can begin to release myself from the Savior complex — to free love from the “I’ll save you from your pain so that you’ll love me” sickness, & begin to learn what it means to simply say “I love you.”

    It’s a beginning. I can see from here that Friday brings the opportunity to open it up to be about more than my little hill of beans. Thank you, Len, for shedding a little more light into what feels like so much darkness.

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