How You Make It — Mercury Station Direct

Mercury resumes forward motion shortly after 4 pm EDT Sunday, ending its Pisces retrograde and implicitly leaving you with a decision. The particulars will be as unique as you are. The astrology of Mercury’s direct station, however, indicates that circumstances will come down to either making it good or making good on it, whatever “it” is for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Neither decision is necessarily good or bad. The choice between two very different things, just as Mercury will be when it turns on a dime and gives you ten cents change, will hinge more on how you do than what you do.

Mercury’s turn away from Neptune’s Pisces position will be akin to polishing the dime. A shiny coin is of no greater monetary value, but the appeal is not worthless either. Presentation does not make a meal more nutritious, but nourishment is more than vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. If next week finds you needing to make it good to get by, consider that your motivations and the spirit of your effort can take you from getting by to getting better.

While a grocery clerk is not impressed with the appearance of your money, a child who receives some as a gift might well be. More than that, taking the trouble to go to the bank for some crisp bills and newly minted coins is a message to yourself about how much you care. The same is true for a dinner made from scratch and served by candlelight on matching china with cloth napkins. It’s the sort of making it good that makes you better.

It is not so easy to feel that way when you step up to make good on something, which corresponds to Mercury’s turn back toward Chiron’s Pisces placement.

The astronomer who discovered Chiron referred to it as a “maverick.” That is probably how maverick astrologer Al Morrison latched onto it so quickly with the concise and still-accurate phrase “inconvenient benefic.”

It can be inconvenient to make good on a promise, a debt or a mistake, but it never does any harm. Indeed, making good on anything does good for everybody involved. When imbalances are addressed, when remorse is genuine, and when correction is complete for all concerned, it transcends the physical and the personal to heal the world.

When you look at it that way, whatever way you decide to turn when Mercury does, it can be the right way so long as you do it right. Making it good can be more than just appearances and appeal. It can be tangible evidence of that most precious of intangibles, a sincere intent from the heart. Making good on it, whatever “it” is for you, can go beyond resolving an inequity. It can close the door on the past and open a future that would otherwise have been impossible. Not a bad position to be in. It all comes down to how you make it.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “How You Make It — Mercury Station Direct”

  1. This mercury retro loop tété very prolific in the communication falling within my house 11 native and 7 in solar revolution, meeting a friend what’s more natural? the direct return of mercury should be more enlightening, thanks Len and good Sunday to you

  2. Thanks Len! I also don’t want to forget all the amazing insights I’ve been getting during the Merc Rx phase. These were sometimes powerful clues. We can choose a direction but if we forget those insights, we’ll only get them later, and prob with a little more directness. I feel (and also from what I’ve learned here) that this transit was like the overall container in which we experienced many other Pisces aspects. As I move out of this sacred space, I want to emerge refreshed, like I just spent a long time at the pool with the lovely lady in the Star card. Or is it now that I can take myself down from the wooden beam that I’ve been hanging upside down from for the last 3 weeks…

  3. Len you are so on the right track. My friend channeled this message for me today: Self-care is evidence you believe you are worth what you are receiving. In other words, set the good china, silver, and napkins for me too. Polishing the dimes and pennies, and ironing the bills? why not. Money loves attention.

    Such a good reading, and original!

  4. be: It is for me to thank you. Missed the solar opposition to Logos at the time of the Mercury station. For a slow mover, Logos is very powerfully positioned, and in retrograde it iss tightening its long square with the Galactic Core by the day.

    Amanda: Thank you, i agree, but whether “either” or “or” the most important thing is how this weekend.

    jinspace and craigzarah: You are welcome.

    aword: It is a joy to know how my service today worked for you.

    Lizzy and KathyC: You are both very welcome as well.

  5. Len, you are precisely, miraculously, awesomely, beautifully and distinctly right on a the shiny penny (money).

    “Making it good can be more than just appearances and appeal. It can be … a sincere intent from the heart.” Were you in my shoes (well-worn yet still-comfortable sneakers) you would know just how very much “in the present moment” you are with your thoughtful words today.

    And whether I regard words against me to be true or false, the source of the media can remain accountable for any error. It is in fact, while in my own shoes that I make choices about napkins and pennies and these things are indeed best not attempted from someone else’s shoes (because no doubt at all that the only shoe that fits is my own.)

    Remarkable. – and I thank you.

  6. hmmm… if Gemini is duality, maybe it’s not necessarily an “either/or” situation? maybe it can be “both/and?”

    whichever, it sounds like both options are good ones and not mutually exclusive. thanks for the short, sweet post with sound insight, len!

  7. I get it Len; there’s a saying “I’m as good as my word” and since Mercury is about words, and because he personifies duality (Gemini’s ruler), he is symbolically marking a point where we can choose to make our words good or make good on our word. Little things mean a lot, like a shiny dime for a kid or using your best china for a guest. Here’s a little thing I found interesting at Tracy’s Astrological Resources ( just now. When Mercury stations direct this Sunday, the Sun will be at 27 Pisces and opposite will be the TNO Logos at 27 Virgo. Logos is Greek for “word” and an opposition can be a choice or a decision. Or it can be a balance between your own words and another’s word. Decisions, decisions. . . .

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