Hints of Healing — Chiron Stations Direct

Chiron ends its 2012 Pisces retrograde tomorrow with hints of healing. Because Chiron stations direct following today’s Scorpio solar eclipse, the most likely intimations will depart from what you know of recovery. Rather, this particular turn forward by the first centaur planet will more probably correspond to a turn of events, or a turn you take, that causes you to reconsider the concept of healing altogether.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You have experienced healing many times, or you would not be reading this. It is nothing to be taken for granted. Not all of Earth’s creatures are so lucky.

The common housefly’s body does not restore what it loses to injury. The energetic demands of flying combined with limitations of its physiology mean that even the most fortunate fly will eventually fall apart like an old shoe. Other beings far exceed the natural regenerative capacity of humans.

Salamanders and the octopus can routinely re-grow lost limbs. The appendages of some sea stars can even reinstate the entire body. So far as we know, however, only humans have acted to either defeat or forget the means of maintaining and restoring personal health and social amity. It is a predilection which has reached alarming proportions in recent years.

Since Chiron’s previous Pisces tenure, half a century ago, both individual and collective human activity have functioned to undermine the health of our planet and nearly every being on it. Yet, only a comparative few people have expressed a conscious intent to participate in destruction. That means Earth’s current dilemma, and yours, can only be accounted for as the unintended consequences of actions that are being taken without full awareness of the outcome. Chiron is closely associated with awareness, especially in relation to pain.

The purpose of pain is to make you aware of an injury so that action can be taken towards a remedy. The mythical creature after which the celestial object Chiron is named experienced a mortal wound to an immortal body. The unintended consequences of that injury were pain without purpose. Awareness of the paradox led the original healer to a point of departure from his own practice. Rather than acting, as he would for a mortal patient, to preserve life, he surrendered his immortality to resolve his dilemma. Eclipses are symbolic points of departure on a grand scale.

Every month, when the Sun and Moon conjoin, they symbolically depart from an old cycle and start over with a New Moon. When that conjunction takes place near the intersections of the apparent solar and lunar paths (known as the lunar nodes) the monthly point of departure connects with the elements of larger, longer cycles. That’s what is happening with today’s Scorpio solar eclipse. With Chiron resuming forward motion so soon after the eclipse, its direct station implicitly becomes part of the connection. Making the connection explicit and initiating your own point of departure is where you come in.

You can begin by reconsidering your own pain. For some, it is a physical dilemma like Chiron’s pain. For others, it is an emotional, spiritual or mental wound that clamors for awareness. Unlike Chiron, none of us have an indestructible body. That means Chiron’s path to healing is not for any of us to follow, but rather to take hints from. The biggest clue is to depart from what has not worked and open a new effort with a larger and longer perspective. Part of that expanded perspective is to consider how your pain connects you with all beings and the Earth itself.

For many, if not most of us, the pain we feel connects us in common with elements of a larger and longer circle of pain in the world. If you act, therefore, to heal yourself, you cannot help but act to heal others. Likewise, anything you can do to ease the dilemma of another cannot avoid healing you. Admittedly, that’s a departure from a regimen that offers medication or misery as the only alternatives, but it is not without precedent. We have been there before.

Just as you would not be here to read these words if you had not experienced healing, neither would our kind, or our world, be here had healing not been a natural and common experience of life on Earth. Clearly, those experiences have somehow been eclipsed, and nearly forgotten. We cannot have forgotten for too long, or we would have fallen apart like an old shoe ourselves. That means we still have time to remember.

The hint of healing that Chiron’s direct station offers is not that we are coming to that time of remembering passively like passengers on some train. You need to do your part to bring that time about. The clue you need to catch is when to depart from what you know. It may be when a turn of events makes you aware that your own pain is not your own. More likely, it will be up to you to make that turn yourself. It is easier than you think. Remember something you have not done to heal yourself since you forgot how, and practice it again. It will come back, and so will we, as the cycles of your life intersect with cycles that exceed the capacity of one life, to begin anew together.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

20 thoughts on “Hints of Healing — Chiron Stations Direct”

  1. Thanks Len 🙂
    You know when I leave a comment in English, I do not know what I wrote because the translator distorts the message, sacred Neptune has my Sun

    My first meeting with Chiron which is in conjunction to the South node + the star fixed Fomalhaut that will meet any early 2013 Neptune
    A beautiful article topic to write

  2. Shanna: My old Yahoo e-mail account was hacked, not my current gmail account. The password has been changed on the Yahoo account, that should fix it. Apologies. Thank you.

    Huffy, beleclaire, mia, and DivaCarla: Thank you for your generous additional comments.

  3. Wish there was a like button for all your comments here!

    Len wrote:
    Since Chiron’s previous Pisces tenure, half a century ago, … Chiron is closely associated with awareness, especially in relation to pain.

    Bells ringing!

    Your post and Amanda’s tag teamed me. The quoted lines put something together. This weekend, this season, I am feeling and healing an old emotional/spiritual wound, a decision I made as a child. Looking at Chiron in Pisces, I made that decision about 50 or 51 years ago, which Chiron was in my sun sign. Now he’s back, and I am facing that childish solution to a very big problem, and how it has run things all these years.

    Strength to heal: Chiron takes me back to the moment, and says: Choose otherwise. Neptune at home, feeding my insight. Saturn returning, prepared to love me with tough love, and father love my daddy couldn’t quite deliver.

    I have everything I need right here.

  4. Len, did you get hacked? Received an email from your yahoo account. (May be an old account by now.) But msg definitely not you. Apologies for doing administrivia on the blog but I wasn’t going to respond to that yahoo addy.

    Cheers to your Chirotic turning point. 🙂

  5. BAnthony61

    I have recently been considering ideas along the same lines as your thoughts. I think we have a choice as to where we incarnate in the Universe. In additition I think we all have certain portals during which time we can slip away and begin the cycle again. We are all on a different, individual, learning curve. Many came in to help raise the vibration of the planet. Free will and choice are always at work. My feeling is if I plan to stay I need to be positive and productive to make a contribution in some way.

    I also feel the word pain is over used. We apply it to so many different things. It is in conflict with itself that the human heart grows thus invoking pain. Complacency breeds very little.

    Suffering is another matter. We as a world have the means to eliminate most human suffering. Let us hope to rise to the occasion and as Len says, do it together.

  6. Thank you Len…this was most eloquent and provoked many feelings for me. Its made me think about the process I am in, and then just laugh out loud at the sheer beauty of astrology

    I have Chiron in my natal 6th and have worked on all the pain stored in the body and then reading about the sea animals and limbs made me think of Sedna who has been a powerful indicator to me…..the mythology of the father giving his daughter to a wholly inappropriate man…

    Sedna’s discovery coincided with my Chiron return too and then for some reason I looked to see when she was discovered…it was November 14th!!! 2003

  7. Just got round to reading all the wonderful comments. So enjoyed them, and thank you, as always, Be. I suppose I must have natal Chiron in Pisces return then? (was born 51 years ago), and my Neptune is in Scorpio. Does feel like a kind of homecoming – as if the waters are finally flowing again, after a lifetime (lifetimes?).

  8. Dearest Len – I had a hunch that you were going to write about Chiron going direct – and that it would be amazing. My natal Chiron is in Pisces, Scorpio moon and rising, and the eclipse and Chiron have knocked me for six, left me reeling – but not in a bad way, just a bit overwhelming. Thank you so very much for this, dear Len.

  9. Maeve: Thank you and congratulations on your “new” hair. May your healing be completed inside and out.

    mystes: Thank you for your kind affirmation. It is a positive joy to know that my words resonated with you. May all your laughter henceforth be joyful instead of rueful.

    hcohen: Thank you for taking the time and effort to post your generous and enriching comment. It humbles my effort.

    be: Thank you for your wider, deeper perspective on Chiron, which is almost as rich in its interpretations as you are rich in knowledge. Thank you so much for generously sharing your erudition once again.

    paola: You are very welcome.

    BAnthony61: Thank you for your question. i’m not really qualified to answer it, but it does feel like you are on to something rather deep and important. Thank you for sharing that with us.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you once again for a very cogent observation on the astrology. You have a way of capturing the essential nature of a moment.

    Lyd: You are most welcome. It gives me joy to know that my service has helped to further your deliberations.

  10. Len, this is beautiful, moving and timely. So timely, as I have just listened to Eric’s Scorpio Birthday report. Finally being able to understand Chiron in Scorpio, in my chart. Well, baby steps to understanding !!

    Thank you Len.

  11. Thank you Len for this very nice article with Chiron Direct injury will be done with no more violence. It is true that it was more sensitive under retrograde Chiron has the pain of others who will now fall back on itself…

  12. Love your insights Len. As I was reading your article something came up for me that I haven’t consciously thought of before. As our spirit’s are immortal we can come back lifetime after lifetime and not be free from our (Chiron) pain, thus our choosing to not incarnate again in the physical (ending our physical suffering) may be our version of Chiron’s choosing mortality so as to end his suffering? Just a thought.


  13. Wow. Len. Thank you. Especially for the last paragraph: golden words.

    May we all be healed. May we all find the action to, the way to. ‘It is easier than you think’.

  14. One of the earliest things I remember learning about the Chiron effect is that it repeats itself. Over and over, a problem or pain will defy elimination until it makes you aware, through sheer determination, so as to become conscious of the ‘why’ of a dilema. That’s how Chiron works. Neptune as a symbol is also connected to pain unaddressed and/or unresolved. Since 2009 Chiron has been accompanying Neptune, first in Aquarius and now in Pisces, bringing focus to the Neptune message. The universal approach of Neptune can be lost on individuals; most of us were concerned primarily with the message(s) of the Saturn opposite Uranus at that time. Ignorance is bliss, but only for the ignorant it seems.

    Fifty years ago when Chiron was in Pisces, much of the time it was in opposition to Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. If you were alive then you remember the pain and the price of ignorance we paid. Neptune was in Scorpio and sometimes even in trine to Chiron as healing transformation took place for those open enough to embrace it. I’m so glad you have made us conscious of this renewal opportunity Len. Chiron is indeed doing his best to make us wiser and explicitly so by being part of the Scorpio solar eclipse. The physician says to heal thyself and be part of the healing of the planet and all who call her home. I do grieve for the poor fly though.

  15. ah, the eclipse is showing her edge

    calling all crypto-scorpios

    efc, talking to Chelsea would kind of silly…

    you don’t suppress your employees (as far as I know), but your commentators

    not always, but often enough to be notable

  16. Simply lovely and very thoughtful.

    “The unintended consequences of that injury were pain without purpose.”

    Pain without purpose is what I deal with every day as a physician. Too many people suffer in this life. And in manifests itself in many ways: dis-ease, pain, anxiety, depression, remorse, what ifs, what should have beens, blame, betrayal, and the spiral twirls them like a corkscrew until they are trapped in one place, one very bad place.

    What helps these people?

    Ideally, if we can discover the cause and often if we carefully peel away the layers that was that disguise that cause, can we get to the root and pluck it free.

    What else helps?
    Medication? Yes. For some. Spiritual guidance? Yes. For some. Counseling?
    A loving relationship?
    For all.
    Too many lack love.

  17. Wow! Sounds like several of us got the same memo: “The biggest clue is to depart from what has not worked and open a new effort with a larger and longer perspective.”

    This was especially moving:
    “Part of that expanded perspective is to consider how your pain connects you with all beings and the Earth itself.”

    (though, given my mis-steps last week, it also made me laugh – ruefully)

    thank you, Dearest… one of your best.


  18. In fact, I’m printing this article to PDF and highlighting the especially pertinent bits. 🙂

    Also, my freshly cut (and dyed bright red) hair looks fabulous. ;D

  19. Very timely, Len, and thank you.
    For me, it also echoes Amanda’s recent post, and looking for the things you don’t know. Your post here expands on that, as I’m so focused on healing right now.

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