Half Full In Fact — First Quarter Moon

When it reaches its first quarter tomorrow, the Cancer Moon will appear in the sky as half-illuminated, half dark. The phase is referred to as a quarter instead of a half because Luna will be in the first quarter of its orbit around Earth as measured from the New Moon on March 22. In this particular case, however, the appearance will have its own symbolic meaning. In the context of astrology, the Moon in its first quarter will be forming an aspect called a cardinal T-square with the Aries Sun and Pluto in Capricorn while halfway between the new and full lunar phases.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Tomorrow’s first quarter Moon implies an opportunity to work with the astrology and perceive the progress of your own initiatives, efforts and aspirations as the Moon really is, in fact, half full. Moon’s appearance during its first quarter is the result of our position in relationship to the luminaries, Sun and Moon. Weather permitting, you will see Luna rise at midday, overhead at sunset and setting around midnight.

In other words, from your perspective, the luminaries will be 90 degrees apart in the sky, and you will see half of the lunar surface lit by the Sun and half of what is not. The visage of a Moon half light and half dark translates to your life as something halfway towards completion. The visual perception of a right angle between the luminaries in the sky translates to astrology as a square aspect.

In astrology, objects forming a square are also 90 degrees apart on the zodiac wheel, occupying different signs that share the same quality — cardinal, fixed or mutable. In general, a square aspect symbolizes and frequently corresponds in reality to a tension you feel on the inside. That’s how squares come to have a bad reputation. In all cases, resolving that tension requires you to take some action. In order to take the appropriate action you have to consciously reject a square’s bad reputation and replace it with another perspective.

Luna’s first quarter tomorrow will be a cardinal square of the luminaries, with the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Aries. A cardinal square in particular represents the tension you feel when you are halfway between something initiated and fulfilled. The action you choose to take will depend on how you perceive things progressing. To work with this astrology, you need to take control of your perception rather than having it control you.

Whatever seeded for you during last week’s New Moon, you can choose to perceive tomorrow’s lunar first quarter either as a time of crisis or an opportunity for validation. If the pressure of your initiative facing its first trials is seen as an obstacle, you will be intimidated. Being intimidated will be focusing on the dark half of the Moon. Identifying with that focus will exacerbate your inner tension and create the perception of crisis. Pluto’s involvement in tomorrow’s first quarter Moon will function to either add to the intimidation or relieve it, once again depending on your perception.

As the Moon reaches its first quarter phase tomorrow, it will swing into an opposition with Pluto and transform the ongoing Sun-Pluto square (which Planet Waves Daily Astrology has done such a outstanding job of covering this week) into a cardinal T-square. Pluto as an archetype is like a square in one way, it has a bad reputation. That reputation is a matter of perspective. For certain, any object with a name that invokes chthonian mythology (myths related to the underworld) will have a dark side associated with it, but it is not necessary to focus on that side, especially in relation to the Moon. Since Pluto was discovered by science less than a century ago, you can choose to focus on its discovery chart instead of a nominal connection with an intimidating mythology.

In its own discovery chart Pluto was located in the sign Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon — and where the Moon will be tomorrow for its first quarter. The Moon, in turn, was located in Scorpio in Pluto’s discovery chart. Scorpio’s modern planet ruler is Pluto. One reason that association works is because the symbolic and functional energy of both Pluto and Scorpio are transformational in their nature. Transformation is what happens to you when you are not intimidated by a square aspect.

If the challenge of your initiative facing its first test is perceived as an opportunity, you will be encouraged by the prospect of validation instead of being intimidated by the potential for crisis. That’s a transformation in perception. Being encouraged will be focusing on the illuminated half of the Moon. That’s a transformation in perspective. Identifying with that focus is symbolically supported by the Moon at its first quarter because the bright side is growing. That’s called working with the astrology, and it’s a transformation in fact.

Working with the astrology means acting in concert with its cycles and patterns. Choosing to see reason for encouragement and rejecting intimidation allows you to act with a focus on validation. Any such action will relieve the inner tension of a luminary square regardless of the outcome — and the probable outcome, provided you do your part, is good. It is an outcome that will proceed from Luna’s opposition to Pluto as a representation of transformation, completed in preparation for an initiative that will complete in another week. At that time the Moon will oppose the Sun, and in fact be full.

Offered In Service          

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

27 thoughts on “Half Full In Fact — First Quarter Moon”

  1. Amanda,

    I wanted to remember to compliment your editing. It just took longer to get around to doing that than I had anticipated. Distractions abound in my life.

  2. did not feel forgotten by anyone, let alone you, carrie! no worries (i’m not even sure what you wanted to remember regarding me…)

  3. Carrie: Thank you for your kind words. Pluto transiting such a dynamic portion of your chart appears to be a very positive thing. The word redemption comes to mind. That is a sort of transformation. Redeemed by your long and devoted efforts.

    DivaCarla: To know that my service is useful to you is an occasion for great joy on my part. Thank you for your comment.

  4. Thanks so much dear Amanda! An editor’s job is hard – they’re fundamental but almost invisible. Good luck with all your commitments. Make sure you eat well – and don’t forget to breathe! xx

  5. So glad I read this post. You are a godsend, Len. I am facing a challenge with an intiative today, and I need a transformational reframe. Got it! The challenge and the opportunity is me. Living on the bright side of the moon now.

  6. huffy — good luck! i hope you get the job, too. and thanks to both you and len for the for the compliments. sometimes when you’re busy behind the scenes, it can be hard to know if anyone can tell what you’re doing back there.

  7. Len, good for you for giving credit to Amanda. You’re a superb editor, Amanda. I’m hoping to break into editing work at a UN agency – and sincerely hope to be able to do as good a job as you do.

  8. Len,

    As always, your words are helpful. I don’t remember starting anything during the new moon so whatever is going on is underneath the surface.

    Transiting Pluto (9 deg) is coming up on my Pallas, (12 deg) Moon (13 deg) in the fourth house and Saturn (15 deg) in the fifth so Pluto is approaching my 5th house cusp. The transiting Moon is in my 10th house coming up on Orcus (6 deg) (which is 4 degrees away).

    I am not sure what those asteroids mean but I have been thinking of 10th house career stuff (other than the career of full time mothering) and working on ideas as to what I can do that would help others but not detract from my son and daughters who still need me. It has been an old dilemma for which I have had no answers but lately I feel as though answers are coming. I just have to be open to them.

    I love it that you always accentuate the positive and that you remind us that our perceptions are our reaity. Thanks, Len for all these bright droplets of insight you gather here for all of us.

  9. stormilarue: Thank you for re-posting that link.

    Kelly: precisely and well put, thank you.

    ramcrab: Likewise and empathized.

    aword: Also likewise and empathized.

    Huging Scorpio: You are very kind, thank you.

  10. Thank you Len. I am still in learning to embrace Pluto who in natal chart opposes natal Sun. Transiting Pluto is now one degree off exact square to natal moon/eris at 8 Aries (where the sun is just passing, of course.)

    I suppose if we knew what the future held, transformation wouldn’t be, would it?

    I have felt “in crisis” (I even cried – is that the square to my moon thing? 😉 for the past couple of days yet it is absolutely true that taking transforming actions is pushing the boat across the water. Maybe that’s the “solar power” in the mix as it were.

    Thank you and thank you again for affirming that not only is there life after Pluto but in fact the essence of Pluto is life-affirming.

  11. Thank you Len, and for your lovely article today! And yes, you totally answered my question about Venus! That makes total sense.

    your translation is almost bang on, although I might have chosen the wrong words too. I meant “imbued” instead of “infuse”, and “Lift off…” rather than “taken from”. This is what came to me as I read your astrological imagery.

    Stormi, I loved that link and the pictures!

  12. These retrogrades are dragging ass. Thank goodness Im not the only one who has felt “aries charged and reaing to go”. Im stir crazy and bored just waiting for the pace to pick up and frusterated by the lack of vision and direction. Counting the days…7 more till Mercury direct and 15 days till Mars direct.

  13. Pluto. His energy is irresistible, isn’t it? A metamorphosis happens in the psyche. Even us Scorpios have to balance Pluto. He asks for complete faith in the process of letting go in order to grow.

  14. Hugging Scorpio:

    “In the Moon, images that are infused with love and peace,
    Taken from Earth in a rapture that drinks the tears of joy.”

    Is that right? That’s beautiful. Thank you.

    By the way, did my answer about Venus (increasing its apparent diameter and hence its brightness towards the end of April) work for you. If not, please let me know. Love your questions.

  15. Huffy: Thank you. Please allow me to credit Amanda’s help in editing my writing today. Pleased that you found my service useful.

    be: Thank you so much for taking us deeper and broader. Your insight as regards to Vesta is, well, stellar. And yes, that degree range keeps popping up like a whack-a-mole.

    Rob44: glad you liked that

    michele: It give me joy that you find my service useful and servicable.

    stormilarue: Thank you. Know what you mean.

  16. Dans la Lune, des images qui sont imbus de l’amour et la paix,
    Decoller de la Terre dans un ravissement qui boit les larmes de joie.


  17. “The visage of a Moon half light and half dark translates to your life as something halfway towards completion.”

    good goddess i hope so! i’m nearing the end of another 7 year cycle and in many, many ways it couldn’t come fast enough. transformation in effect!

  18. Nice. I started two somethings very concrete and specific on the new moon. And tomorrow I see if both will move forward. My only role is to speak to it. If asked to. I made my case, in both cases.

    Over the last year, this concept of working the t-square (natal) has been sinking in. I’m not horrified anymore. Which is a relief. (Also working the grand trine – which I’ve noticed is pretty useless if you don’t notice it.)

    As for “cardinal” — that used to be horrifying, as well. Seemed like that was a Very Bad Word at one time… But I’m still standing. Now if I could only stop vibrating.

    Thanks, Len. This moon cycle has been feeling very special to me… And you put it into words exactly. (Also inadvertantly describing T-Pluto’s oppostion to natal Merc and square to natal Saturn.) With the help of the writing on this site (your pieces and other pieces on power and whatnot) and Eric’s subscriber pieces (and a few other people out there)… Navigating this business feels like… um… living.

  19. Well, this is just terrific Len. I remember that New Moon day. You were talking about a door that could swing both ways. . to the past and to the future (Discovery’s Door-Sun Conjunct Uranus). I said that reminded me of Janus, a “uranic supreme god” and I wondered why he didn’t have an astral body named after him. You told me that you had “discovered” an asteroid Janice #2324, and I found this sound-alike asteroid on that day to be at 24 Gemini 53.

    This past Tuesday I “discovered” in the charts provided by PlanetWaves that Trayvon Martin and Mr. Zimmerman had natal Vesta’s very near that degree in Gemini (there is a 12 year difference in their ages) Trayvon’s Vesta at 25 Gemini 15 rx, and Zimmerman’s at 27 Gemini 25

    Vesta, as reported in Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George, represents the principle of conservatism and safety, which, among other things, covers: security, protection, locks, keys, fences. The shooting of Trayvon took place in the gated (fenced in and locked) community that Zimmerman “protected”.

    On the New Moon March 22, the day your swinging door article appeared, Mercury was retrograde at 0 Aries 51, and at the time of the shooting (2/26/12) Vesta was at 0 Aries 34 (chart provided by PW)

    When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, Mars was at 24 Gemini 13 retrograde

    When Neptune entered Pisces in 2012, Moon was at 24 Gemini 16

    So, at this coming quarter moon (or so it would appear) I am more encouraged than intimidated by Pluto. Next I will check to see when Vesta reaches the 24 Gemini degree and go from there. I so appreciate your ability to understand these nuances of the language of astrology Len. Keeps me up at night, but I do appreciate it anyway.

  20. I don’t know how you do it, dear Len – but you always manage to express the inexpressible. “Working with the astrology means acting in concert with its cycles and patterns. Choosing to see reason for encouragement and rejecting intimidation allows you to act with a focus on validation” – this, like most of your article is so very helpful. I’m living in a kind of limbo at the moment – a push-me-pull you state, up and down. I’m waiting for concrete answers and solutions, and I know (thanks to you wonderful astrologers) that the time is not right for them to come through. Today I had the sense of trusting for the first time in my life, even though I’ve no idea how things will work out. It was an exquisite feeling – a trust that goes beyond words or reason – the mere fact of being alive and learning to open up to things as they are. Thanks Len.

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