Give It A Chance — Sun Enters Libra

The newspaper said ‘Say, what you doing in bed?’ I said ‘We’re only trying to get us some peace.’
John Lennon

The Sun enters Libra at 10:49 am EDT on Saturday, implying the equivalence of peace and love. Equivalence would be the equinox always precipitated by a solar ingress to Libra. Love will be the Libra Sun’s first major aspect this year, an air trine to the asteroid Amor on the doorstep of Aquarius. The Sagittarius Moon’s concurrent conjunction to the center of our galaxy will invoke the elusive mystery of peace.

Astrology by Len Wallick

By going to so much trouble, the Cosmos appears to ask only that you do your part by giving love, and peace, a chance.

Peace and love as a colloquialism found common use with the Virgo conjunction of Uranus and Pluto during the 1960’s. The slogan was manifested by John Lennon and Yoko Ono during their famous bed-ins. Now, the sky is challenging each of us to live it or dispense with it.

The challenge is represented by Uranus and Pluto having separated from a mutable conjunction to a cardinal square aspect half a century after the slogan of peace and love became a popular cause. The first, or opening, square between any two objects emulates the lunar first quarter.

The lunar first quarter is the opening square between Sun and Moon. It represents the first challenge to intents or ambitions originating at the New Moon conjunction of solar and lunar energies. The nature of the first quarter challenge is an internal one. It’s you asking yourself if you really meant it, whether you really want it. That’s among the things the Uranus-Pluto square finds us doing at this moment. It’s a gut check to either manifest seminal ideals of The Sixties or drop the lip service and move on. Appropriately, the Sun and Moon both symbolically weigh in with their positions this weekend.

With an air trine to Amor at the moment of equinox, the Sun’s position is pretty darned unequivocal. Of the four elements (fire, earth, air or water) employed by western tropical astrology, air is most clearly associated with ideals that have not found substantial expression. Of all the aspects that can be supportive, trines, connecting signs that share the same elemental identity, imply the fewest stipulations and the least impediment to flow. Then, as if to make a very fine point, there is not only the implicit name, but also the explicit astrology of the asteroid Amor.

Amor is synonymous with Cupid and Eros, the names of a mythic deity devoted exclusively to the cause and propagation of love, which Robert Hand has described as “the emotion that brings people together without force or compulsion.” Amor is also the root of the word amorous, which describes the inclination or disposition to erotic love. The discovery chart of the asteroid Amor reinforces the implications of the myth, and the meaning of the word, by resonating with the current positions of Uranus and Pluto.

Amor, the asteroid, was discovered in 1932, the last time Uranus and Pluto were in a cardinal square aspect. That was a closing square, finally and publicly testing the aspirations of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction that started on the Cancer Solstice of 1850, when Western Civilization bought into the ideal of unlimited industrialization. When you consider the disastrous consequences of giving greed and war a chance for more than century, the ideals of peace and love look like a saving grace. This weekend, the Sun’s equinox air trine to Amor is asking us to consciously flow with with the grace of love even as the Moon gives us a feel for peace.

No object in the sky signifies feelings more powerfully than the Moon. In the irrational lunar consciousness is a sense of certainty that reason can never attain, and a connection with mystery that solar consciousness can never reveal. That’s how the Moon’s Sagittarius conjunction with the Galactic Core, precisely concurrent with the Libra equinox, connects peace to love: as a truth felt subjectively.

The greatest truth is that which validates your life and your connection with the Universe. Nothing enhances life and connection more than peace. That wisdom, expressed through the merger of the Moon (symbolizing the inner mysteries of self) and the Galactic Center (representing the local crucible of cosmic mystery) eludes objectivity and confounds empiricism as surely as it creates a place for love to manifest. You see it in your own life when the same peace that promotes the lunar consciousness of sleep also nourishes the expression of love, which in turn connects lovers to the Cosmos, bringing the mystery of new life down to Earth. The manifested ideal of peace and love is an act of creation that exposes war as shame. It is a miracle that no money can buy.

So, it turns out that John and Yoko, as well as an entire generation, had a bright idea. It was a shining ideal because of, not in spite of, the cynical slander and critical skepticism they had to endure from those invested in or inured to the bankrupt, destructive, disastrous, dead-end ideals of a previous Uranus-Pluto cycle. 

Now, it is up to us, we who have either survived or followed The Sixties. It is up to each of us to look within, where the Moon rules, and decide how we feel. We are the arbiters, we are the test, we are those challenged to determine whether the ideals of peace and love, and by implication our own existence, can long continue on this planet. To paraphrase a more earthy admonition, make love or get out of bed, perhaps never to return. Please give love, and peace, a chance. It may be the only chance we’ve got.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

29 thoughts on “Give It A Chance — Sun Enters Libra”

  1. Dear Len, in this challenging time, may you and yours find some laughter amongst your tears.

    Take the time you need to grieve in whatever way(s) you need to.

    A responsive reading for times of solemn, loving celebration:

    In the rising of the sun and in its
    going down, we remember them.

    In the blowing of the wind and in
    the chill of winter, we remember

    In the opening of buds and in the
    rebirth of spring, we remember

    In the blueness of the sky and in
    the warmth of summer, we remember

    In the rustling of leaves and in the
    beauty of autumn, we remember

    In the beginning of the year and
    when it ends, we remember

    When we are weary and in need of
    strength, we remember them.

    When we are lost and sick at
    heart, we remember them.

    When we have joys we yearn to
    share, we remember them.

    So long as we live, they too shall
    live, for they are now a part of us,
    as we remember them.

    from Roland B. Gittelsohn

    Aho Mitakaye Oyasin!

    xo liminali

  2. Len, such an incredibly heart wrenching loss. I can only wish you all the strength you need and pray that the cosmos will hold you in her arms.

  3. {{{Len}}}

    You know you have our love (Dave and I) and sympathy at this time. If you need either of us to just listen, let us know and we will call you. Take care dear Len.

  4. Len, my very sincere condolences to you. I wish you a beautiful time of reflection and celebration in honoring your mother and her sharing of herself on this planet, and in bringing us you.

  5. Len,

    My sympathy and love across the miles.
    May you and your mother be blessed with light through this transition.


  6. Len –
    I am sending you my condolences and sympathy as you mourn the loss of your mother. Every loss in life is unique, but the loss of a parent is life-altering in so many profound ways….my thoughts and prayers also go out to your mother as she navigates her transition.

  7. Many thanks to those who appended their kind comments to this blog.

    Please forgive me in advance for taking time off from writing my first blog next week as i take the time to mourn my mother, who transitioned from her earthly existence yesterday morning. She was a beautiful and great human being.

  8. John Lennon was a Libra, Yoko Ono is an Aquarian. Both air signs. Both amazing artists. Each a muse for the other and together a profound source of creativity for the world.

    Eack work of art is a love letter of one kind or another be it personal or universal or both. Your writing Len, is a work of art and a love letter to all of us. It reverberates out through time and space to reach far beyond this sphere. .

    Just imagine how far it will go…

  9. Luv U2 Madame Huffy, and Burning River, et LunaSol, and xtica, Melissa, oh course the most Venerable B and while I am at it, Len…

    And here it comes: the Equinox/Solstice swoon. I am what? 400 pounds, 500? Jeez. I *have* to work today, but it may take a team of elephants to drag me into the road.

    This one is a doozy, but it feels like it is winding up the pitch for December’s festivities. (And then comes 2013. Just in time.)

    Anyway, back to my drooping and drooling now.

    (BR – a calavera is both ‘skeleton’ and ‘skull’ in castellano, but I always see it in sugar. Proximity to Mexico will do that…)

  10. Hey ughSaturn – great that you made it here! My Saturn is in Capricorn, opposite my sun – so I know the ugh part really well. But Saturn is also a great teacher, of painful lessons – so hang on in there… And Happy Birthday!

  11. Hi mystes–what’s a calaveras? or which definition are you intending? just curious.

    sorry about my snit concerning the ephemeral recognition of the whatever you want to call it– I have chased the butterfly down, as you have, but periodically am frustrated by the seeming- to- me- tauntings of human beings by the epehemeral- neptunian-type delusions of one’s own concoctions (meaning my own concoctions). I have and continue to sort it all out and find it a worthy pass time.

    This morning I was considering our dialogue and realized that the ephemeral-whatever is not what is ephemeral at all but is always there. It is not fleeting, it is not taunting, it is I who repeatedly get in the way, like a cloud covering the sun, or the moon or the stars. As the clouds of my own ideas and desires disperse, what was always there is there.
    Can’t help it. I’m just a die-hard peacer.

  12. YES Len! “Give it a Chance” Beautiful Eloquent Writing as usual and Synchronistic at the same time.
    Tomorrow! Friday Sept 21st is The International Day of Peace. At various times throughout the day a global meditation will take place if anyone feels like joining in.
    “Now, it is up to us, we who have either survived or followed The Sixties.”
    12AM 12 Noon and 12 Midnight.. all EASTERN TIME.
    PEACE Planet Waves!!!

  13. Yessir. Will do. Or it’ll be done, to the extent that I stay still. Cause that’s the Eqnx/GC/Luna/Sagg message: do still. Do. Still. (s)d(t)o(i)(l)(l)…

    Capiche? In *other* words: let the doing do, but stay in the still.

    (This responds to the GC question you mentioned elsewhere.)

    “tighten with tightness,
    loosen with looseness;
    thus is the View attained”

    Iiiiiin other words, each quality of doingness (‘tight/loose’) has its own internal compass or gyroscope. Eqnx is the point where each quality can be *fully* expressed, without the need for calculation ~because~ in this brief window each quality carries and expresses its ‘other.’ Wholly.

    Me, I don’t know crap about all that peace/love stuff. I just know that there is a facetious little smile in the bellybutton of the Goddess, and it isn’t a cruel one.

    (Despite the calaveras festooning the landscape.)

    Arms Wide Open,


  14. Thank you Len for this lovely writing, infused with history, feeling, and vision.
    I was curious about the aspect between Saturn at 28 Libra trine both Thereus and Ceres at 28 Gemini. Most interesting is that it is taking place with Thereus and Ceres at 28 Gemini. This being termed the Atlantis point with the Sabian symbol being “The first mockingbird of spring sings from the tree top,” and this is the third aspect between Saturn and Thereus.
    Do you or anyone have any thoughts about this?
    Thank you.

  15. Thank you, dearest xtica, for your lovely words and blessings. My parents grew up with many difficulties, but I don’t think that there is anything more soul destroying than the backbreaking work your parents did. Sounds like you’re doing amazing work on yourself. This seems to be a tough, but incredible time of insight and revelation about much of the stuff that we are unconsciously carrying. And it’s true that when we can liberate ourselves, even just a little, we can also help others, especially those nearest to us – and do ‘backward healing too’.

  16. Len, your gift of love and service is pure seed. Let your words be a reminder to me, planted deep in my heart and continue to grow. Like the Sun, I hold and share the message you bring.

  17. this is beautiful as always len. may we all err on the side of love: self love, caritas, loving the other as our selves. may it be so!
    huffy: once again my friend you are mirroring my struggle to free ancestral baggage….baggage i set down again and again to be absorbed and digested by the earth and reborn as something new…
    i don’t know about your family but for mine class had much to do with their outlook, when working by your hands and laboring until death (literally) as field workers, their lives taught them little else. i hope that i am able to alchemistically change that in the here and now for some back-ward type healing for them, as well as for myself. be kind and gentle with yourself and send them a good wish or two wherever they are, i’m sure they’ll receive it.
    many blessings dear huffy and all of pw

  18. Hello and Happy Equinox All! I finally created a login, it’s been a tragic and weird few years to say the least. Saturday is my bday. I’d like to know if there are any things I can do to help start this year much better. Saturn can’t leave soon enough, and even when he’s gone, I’m still attached at the hip, sometimes feel uh bent over…

    The dark black blanket I’m wearing around is worse than it has ever been, especially in this heat. Just by posting here instead of editing endlessly to only just delete is hopefully a sign of things to come, that maybe I’ll be able to poke my head out of the hood, possibly take off the heavy thing before it gets soaking wet and takes me down further in Scorpio.

    Thank you all for your contributions Len, Eric, Amanda, Be, and everyone else who has enough nerve to share their feelings, thoughts and experiences in these blogs, you have all been really helpful, someday I hope to return the favor.

    ps not sure how to post a chart. I’ve searched out and researched every bit posted on all my natal aspects and transits as they occur, but the hesitation that I’ve been experiencing is just ridiculous. But I am grateful for at least getting my correct birth date recently, not a Virgo, in fact Libra!

    Been looking for a bed buddy for a wwwwwhile. I’d take the peace even if I still don’t get a piece.

    Thanks again!

  19. Yes – I was knocked for six by this piece, dear Len, and once again, amazed by its synchronicity. After being miserable and angry for the last few days about my boss and my unsolvable work situation, I had a kind of epiphany this afternoon. Recently I’ve been having dreams about losing coats and luggage, which are always black or grey. And I suddenly realised why – as I saw clearly for the first time how I’ve carried my parents’ take on the world all my life. They believe that people will always screw you, that fundamentally life’s a bitch. And in fact I’ve lived out much of my life thinking that way (without realising it) – and have always felt that I’ve had a pretty raw deal. I had this realisation that the problem isn’t about letting go of my boss and my job, it’s about letting go of deep seated fears and negativity I’ve always held. They block the light and love that is also there – they don’t, as you say “give peace a chance”, or anything else. It also ties in with so many of the oracles that Eric has been putting up here. Thank you so much for this lovely piece, Len.

  20. Once upon a time in the 60’s a group of work-friends of mine held a costume party around Halloween, where we all dressed as hippies. Many of us would-be flower children, for one night only, felt a semblance of the freedom these young people represented through their lifestyle; something we wouldn’t risk our reputations, much less our jobs to pursue. That was then, this is now.

    Thank you for jogging my memory back to those days Len. What would we do if you weren’t here to provide us these remarkable messages tucked away in the symbols of astrology? It reminds me of the artists who discreetly write the name of a loved one in their works, mostly meant as a message to the loved one but possible to be seen by all who take the time and have the gift of seeing clarity through the chaos of squiggly lines. This one was a gem!

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