Fresh Air — Mars Into Libra

Mars enters the cardinal air of Libra shortly after 8:30 am EDT on Tuesday. The ingress to Libra concludes just over seven months of Martian vigor moving through Virgo’s mutable ground. The red planet normally requires only two months to traverse a single sign. After such a prolonged tenure as is now ending, the question is what difference it will make in your life after Mars doffs worn, dusty duds for something a bit lighter and a lot more brief. The short answer is that it will have something to do with energy. That’s because, as Robert Hand puts it, “Mars is an energy planet.” The longer answer will depend on your relationship to energy.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You may preface the Martian translation to Libra by asking what energy means to you. How does its presence, or lack, feel inside? What forms does energy take on the outside? Most of all, what energetic patterns, starting in the last weeks of 2011, have continued until now? Answer those questions and get a baseline to work with.

Once you grasp something of your relationship to energy, you will have a feel for how Mars most likely expresses in your life. After you get that baseline, you can further your evaluation of how Libra will modulate Martian expression by taking into account a longer continuum that was underway long before Mars’ protracted stay in Virgo.

The larger picture and background for astrology since at least 2010 is an ongoing tension, from Aries to Capricorn, actualized by Uranus and Pluto in continuous square aspect. The cardinal continuum between Uranus and Pluto, representing the intersection of your life with all life, has recently entered an aureole of time and space in which it will periodically be exact. This is intense.

Mars will unavoidably contribute energy to that intensity after leaving Virgo because Libra is also a cardinal sign. Right now, the Sun is giving you a preview of what to expect as it applies to oppose Pluto and square Uranus from cardinal Cancer.

The first third of solar Cancer is making us conscious of just how inextricable the personal is from the political. No amount of energy has been able to shore up the leaky compartments through which the awakening light is pouring. It is not easy, for many are convinced that language conveys only truth. Many are inured to babble underlain with assumptions that discern self from another and here from there. We have not yet the words to express the progress of our evolution.

Hence, evidence of that progress feels alien, invasive, threatening, and others may appear that way. Many have been fortunate enough to be overcome, compelled to recline and wonder what that feeling is. A fortunate few have arisen reassured and composed enough to avail themselves of healing so that hospitality can be offered to others who dwell unwittingly in the same home, the same body. If the Sun can provide that much illumination in one week, imagine what Mars will bring.

What Mars will bring to cardinal Libra is energy, and a challenge. Not, as one would reflexively expect, a challenge to endure that energy. Rather, the challenge of being refreshed by it. For seven mutable months, the energetic existence of Mars has been focused like a laser through a microscope. A purpose has been served by that period, including, now, the purpose of moving on with Mars. Move on we must.

Mars is soon to oppose Uranus and square Pluto and we must respond by arising from the ground and trusting the air to bear us over where the ground cannot take us, allowing a telescope to replace the microscope, putting down the laser of intent and taking up the feather of faith. The fresh air of Libra will carry on its winds the beckon of its ruler, Venus, which only yesterday turned towards a long a pursuit of Mars from Gemini, symbolically carrying the means of healing expression. Until Venus catches up with Mars at its Aries lair next April, it will pursue with love just as we must pursue our grace in relationship to energy. The next step of evolution revealed takes place Tuesday. Please remember to breathe.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

24 thoughts on “Fresh Air — Mars Into Libra”

  1. Yes French and English translation is not very good, it is better than nothing, and the important thing is to arrive has this understanding.
    I have to write a news article, after Heracles and the twelve tasks of Hercules I had the intuition to write on the therapists of the Zodiac and in the sign of the fish. Good discovery and good Sunday Len

  2. Lunesoleil: Thank you for the additional information and your perspective on it. Please forgive my difficulty with the translation. i sincerely hope i did not leave any question without a satisfactory answer.

  3. Yes Len, this is the dates of the next cycles of Venus and Mars

    (1) – 07-04-2013-19 ° 45 Aries
    (2) – 22-02-2015-01 ° 43 Aries
    (3)–01-09-2015-15 ° 57 Lion
    (4) – 03-11-2015-20 ° Virgin
    (5) – 05-10-2017-18 ° 20 Virgin
    (6) – 24-08-2019-4 ° 05 Virgin
    (7) – 13-07 – 2021 19 ° 46 Lion

    I conjured the position of my natal Venus who will receive March opposite Uranus in apex of a T square with Pluto Wow, must be that I am preparing a the drapes and not to play on the stage of the great global game.

    I met plenty of humour Jupiter will be still in the trigone of this global event.
    I me I recall in the solar revolution 2002 Venus on March and March on Venus and Venus square Neptune on the global plan and the traps of illusion, of the virtual. March is still attached to the world realities in opposition Uranus it is the event that fall you on it

    I will you reveal a secret and why half March arriving at Venus awakens in me the archetypes found in our ordinary lives.
    In my revolutions solar Mars is square with Venus…

    It is lot of noise around the Venus March couple who deserves not as much, Eros the asteroid can widely exceed….

    good weekend to all

  4. “Realize your own strength, first off. Exercise discretion as to where you put your energy, that’s next. Not a good idea to be impulsive. Having a physical or kinesthetic release as part of your lifestyle will have long-term benefit. Finally consider you may be, in effect, looking at a mirror if you find others confronting. Oh, yes, remember how lucky you are to be here now and plugged in. Please, how does that work for you?”

    Thank you Len! I really appreciate it. Your suggestions are right on. I have been working pretty hard just lately on being mindful of my internal reactions of hurt, anger, irritation and the like, and recognizing that these reactions give me information about myself (and not about anyone else) I then examine myself for what’s underneath the anger, hurt, etc. (always fear, and other issues) so that I can own it and hopefully prevent future projections.
    I have been working out, strength training three times a week and try to do cardio the other four days. I try to do something physical everyday, a new practice since late January.
    As for where to put my energy, I’ve been trying to keep it focused on my own inner healing and self care and try not to be derailed by all those around and about me who pull and tug, yet practice compassion with them.
    And yes, I am very lucky to be here now and I really am plugged in! PW helps a lot with that! Again, thank you. I always look forward to reading your articles on PW.

  5. recognizant, artshopluc, Hugging Scorpio, Huffy, biren and Cyntia: Thank you all for your kind words and additional comments.

    Lunesoleil: Please help me to understand your question. According to my ephemeris Venus and Mars will next conjoin in Aries in April of 2013.

  6. ♂♀…. To you what effect can be felt when March the legendary hero encounters the beautiful Venus? , in opposition Uranus… ♂♀ ♂♀ ♂♀ ♂♀ ♂♀

  7. why do i feel… that there is something very important lying hidden in these words:

    “We have not yet the words to express the progress of our evolution.”

    thnx len… and all of you who hv said, shared, mused and reflected here.

  8. Bless you, dear Len, for your kind and encouraging words. Am having difficulty staying on the surf board right now, so they meant such a lot to me. And yes – you’re right, it’s necessary to deal with that intensity, and as Mrs Macbeth said, to “Screw your courage to the sticking place.”! xx

  9. Len, thanks for the words esp “it will pursue with love just as we must pursue our grace in relationship to energy.” There is a simple key in that phrase.

    On a personal note, this summer might prove to be exceptionally quiet for me. I have just confirmed my vacation for much of July, which lines up with a Merc retro, and both Saturn and my ruler Mars in my solar 12th. I’ll be interested to see what comes up for me. Maybe some fun too I hope, but probably time well spent and nourished alone.

    Have a great weekend,

  10. First f all, thank you as always Len. It is always a pleasure to read your poetic analysis.

    Most of all, what energetic patterns, starting in the last weeks of 2011, have continued until now? Answer those questions and get a baseline to work with.

    As a person with Sun, Moon and Mecury in Virgo, I have never worked so diligently in my life! Fouteen pretty good collages and a life sized sculpture (that was accomplished from drawing to finished in eighteen days!) Thank you Mars! It is already on display (having a two week window) and will be leaving the installation on the 1st. Talk about fast motion!
    On top of all that, just this week, I also have the extra bedroom almost completely renovated, the gardens are producing both food and flowers (instead of the bushels of weeds that being burrowed in artwork encouraged) , the studio (which was in a plaster disaster) is now fairly presentable. Oh, the futon went upstairs and I have a “new” sofabed. And my lover returns for a visit from overseas soon.
    Ii’s been a giddy time with all this drive!
    So my own personal guess is that Mars manifests as my creative energy which is always the companion of my libido. More fun times ahead!?
    Having a Libra ascendent, I guess this break out mode will continue on. At least for a few more months!
    I feel like I am already in mid-air having taken my leap of faith. Now for that up draft!

  11. Len said…………….[“Most of all, what energetic patterns, starting in the last weeks of 2011, have continued until now? Answer those questions and get a baseline to work with.”]
    Looking back at my archives……………….in late Dec. I was discussing the coming Moon at 29o Gemini, speculating what it would bring, based on PW mention of the 9/11/Tseunami, etc. that was being discussed back then.
    Now that it has just occured June 19 2012, here is my response to it, last week.

    [“Isn’t this energy something else? I am speeding 200 mph and so sleepy I can’t stay on my feet at the same time………don’t recall ever feeling like this before………….”].

  12. Huffy: Thank you for your kind words. Intensity seems to be in the cards, so it will come down to how we play the hand. You do seem to be ahead of most of us on the wave crest, so please do breathe and (when you get the chance) keep us posted from your superior view

    Cynthia: It gives me joy to know my service was so well synchronized for you. That’s one of the objectives. With Mars, it’s more difficult because the darn-blamed planet is always going off prematurely.

    CaraSusnetta: You are welcome. May the Mars be with you.

    be: As always, you are quite right. It is appropriate to give thanks. We may very well have cause to miss Mars in Virgo. It’s up to each and all of us to get the crate in the air.

    xtica: ditto back atcha’.

    starrynight3: Suggestions? Realize your own strength, first off. Exercise discretion as to where you put your energy, that’s next. Not a good idea to be impulsive. Having a physical or kinesthetic release as part of your lifestyle will have long-term benefit. Finally consider you may be, in effect, looking at a mirror if you find others confronting. Oh, yes, remember how lucky you are to be here now and plugged in. Please, how does that work for you?

    aword: Thank you for your kind words. A foot in the air might be an option.

    Jann: you are most welcome. Mars is known to like it hot, so me may have to ride the updraft for a while.

  13. “What Mars will bring to cardinal Libra is energy, and a challenge. . . . the challenge of being refreshed by it.” I am SO ready for Mars be out of my first house and away from my natal Mars in Virgo, not that I haven’t learned a few things and taking be’s cue, thanks are due to Mars in Virgo. So, thank you Mars. Now for the rejuvenation, the refreshment (which refreshment will be sorely needed by all of us in more ways than one as the 100 degree heat keeps clamping down on us).

    Thank you, Len. You are, as aword has said, a poet. And yes, this deserves more than one re-read. Much gratitude.


  14. “Mars is soon to oppose Uranus and square Pluto and we must respond by arising from the ground and trusting the air to bear us over where the ground cannot take us…”

    Len our PW poet – thank you for yet another insightful lyrical piece. This one will take a few more reads to sink in; it’s doing a lighter than air thing I suppose.

    As Mars moves into position opposite Uranus, he also moves opposite my natal Moon/Eris. As he moves forward through Libra, he will square natal Mars along with transiting Pluto. A new level of energy to go with a new level of awareness is certainly a foot. or a-air, as it were.

    Thank you for yet another session in en-light-enment.

  15. Wondrous ores Len!
    Now not only is the above happening but Mars will also (whilst sqg Pluto and opp Uranus) be squaring my natal Mars in Cap conjunct trs. Pluto and sqg my natal Uranus in Cancer. It should be really interesting. Any suggestions all?

  16. Hi Len,

    I just want to take a moment to thank Mars for toeing the mark all this time in Virgo. Thanks Mars. Thanks for keeping my nose to the grindstone when I was tired enuf to fall asleep at the dinner table. Thanks for pushing me beyond my endurance to get all the little details right (even if I didn’t always get it right on paper or blogs!) and for double checking too. . something I hate doing. Many thanks for your focused attention from Virgo on the transitioning events of the last few months (something Neptune didn’t do from Pisces, and something Jupiter hasn’t done at all from Gemini!) I know it was hard on you being under Mercury’s many thumbs and the whole “earth” bit, well. . . I know you will be happier once you get to Libra and all that fresh air. I hear there are some ladies waiting at the gate for you to get the action going (Pandora, Astraea, Minerva and Klotho), so if you can endure the chatter and attention you will be getting, you should be feeling like your old self in no time. My sixth house is already feeling your absence and will no doubt suffer from neglect, but it was a high old time and I shall not forget your visit. Come back when you can stay longer. (just kidding!!)

  17. I was thinking while making the bed, I am so ready for Mars to leave Virgo, been too long in my 12th house. I wonder what Mars in Libra will bring. Checked PW after making the bed and found your soothing words, Len. Thank you!

  18. Wow Len. This is one of your most poetic and beautiful blogs yet – another dance. This is just priceless “No amount of energy has been able to shore up the leaky compartments through which the awakening light is pouring”. Thank you, dear Len, this is such a helpful explanation and guide to how to deal with Mars in Libra. Don’t think I could cope with much more intensity than what I’m experiencing at the moment, so waiting to inhale (and exhale).

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