First, Do No Harm — Mars, Pluto and Chiron

Our major aspect for Halloween this year starts with Mars and its traversal of Virgo. From the midst of mutable earth, Mars will oppose Chiron in Pisces while connecting with Pluto in Capricorn, in a conductive earth-sign trine. Taken together, there is a lot of energy in that arrangement with the implied admonition to prioritize doing no harm. Since Mars aspects get started early, so should you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mars often manifests as double-edged. The scary thing is, you often choose which edge. The energy you use to sustain your physical integrity in a world with teeth can also cut the other way to hurt yourself and others.

An opposition to Chiron indicates some discretion in the cards for Mars as it expresses through you and others. Still, it comes down to you doing the job in ways both creative and uncompromising.

Considering how the often-straightforward nature of Mars contrasts with the complexity of Chiron provides a clue for how to begin.

Chiron is a great teacher, but not for lazy students. The proverbial “Cliff’s Notes” will not pass for understanding with the first centaur. That is how Chiron returning to the sign and degree of your birth (usually age 50-plus) often represents the attainment of a maturity both subtle and sophisticated — or not.

Appreciation of the subtle and sophisticated nature of Chiron requires a grasp of the big picture with a simultaneous eye for pertinent and timely detail. The dilemma of a “wounded healer” is not wrong, but requires integration to resolve the conundrum. In part, the integration means paying attention to what is clamoring for your attention instead of ignoring or denying it. At the same time it means honoring what the late, great Al Morrison humorously observed to be an “inconvenient benefic,” in that Chiron often intervenes as a blessing disguised as a setback.

In other words, working with Chiron requires you to evolve away from expecting pat answers and towards an appreciation of how life is at once and always both very complex and very specific.

On the surface, the trine from Mars to Pluto can signify a large amount of energy getting desperately out of hand, doing a lot of harm, possibly even through you. It does not have do be that way. At the very least, it can be more. That’s the trick, and also the treat for your Halloween astrology because Pluto is not superficial.

Among other things, Pluto is is concerned with evolution. Pluto is more than the obvious scary stuff of sex, death and taxes. It’s also about what’s below the surface. In a counter-intuitive manner, having the courage to look below the surface often functions to make Pluto less scary. Rewarding aspects from both Mars and Chiron to Pluto this week will support you in doing so.

The courageous component is one way to work with Mars so as to minimize the potential for harm. So, take that as a clue too. When your courage is challenged this week, push back and go where thoughtless reflex fears to go. Doing so will invoke the flow of the earth trine from Mars to Pluto and ground you in a greater appreciation of how you can support healing with the same energy that would otherwise do harm.

The inherent sextile from Pluto to Chiron completes and supports the holistic picture that started with Chiron’s opposition from Mars, and the trine from Mars to Pluto. It is a counterintuitive source of support, given that Chiron is retrograde until November 19. It is for precisely the same reason, however, that any selfless, thoughtful and courageous action you take to prioritize doing no harm will have a lasting effect. That effect will permeate and evolve well into the weeks and months to come.

Of course, it cuts both ways. Halloween’s collaboration of Mars, Pluto and Chiron has the potential to coincide with lasting damage. You can do something about that. It will require energy. It will require maturity. Finally, it will require intestinal fortitude, but there is something you can do. Look for the chance to do your part by first, doing no harm.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

20 thoughts on “First, Do No Harm — Mars, Pluto and Chiron”

  1. Strawberrylaughter: In the strangest of places- this piece of wisdom has been thoroughly field tested and has proven true.

    In my experience the sure path of embodying the wisdom of the Grateful Dead is to dance it into your body. Play it loud in your house and follow this piece of advice Jerry once offered the crowd: “Please let go of your bodies everybody!”

    Most of all, a;ways know that our admiration society is fully mutual.

  2. …further wisdom from Messrs. Hunter & Garcia 😉

    Once in a while you get shown the light
    In the strangest of places if you look at it right.

  3. Carla, Chief Niwots Son — Thank you both. Your words have sneaked their way into my meditation this morning, reminding me of a truth I’d hidden from myself. I used to have a gypsy anklet strung with bells, which I wore incessantly upon return to the States after two exhilarating years abroad. But I was shamed into hiding it away in a closet (literally), because I “wasn’t like other girls.”

    I have lived all of me, once. I’m not sure I was aware of that. From the vantage of the past several years, I’d begun to think fear & shame had always stopped me from showing my true self to the world. That’s not true, though. I knew how to live, once. This makes me sob throughout my entire body. I can trace the line of that process of shutting myself down — it’s as clear as day.

    I’m appreciating what you always say, Len — that awareness affords us responsibility tho not blame.

    Carla, I don’t know whether it’s my Pluto or not, but your words: “why I keep doing and being a certain way, when it makes me and others around me uncomfortable. I am supposed to be this way,” move me to take action on that newfound awareness.

    And Chief Niwots Son, I felt, as I wrote that “with bells on” line, that it had a resonance I couldn’t yet fathom. Thank you from the very depths of my heart, for following the thread.

    The beauty of what you all offer here is beyond my ability to appreciate. I stretch to take it in.

  4. Thanks for this, Len. I felt that Mars already and knew words can hurt. A friend of mine seems to be keeping me at arm’s length. When I asked her about it earlier this week, she called me to talk but left a message because I was not home. I knew that if I talked (as opposed to writing to each other via messages) my words might be hurtful. So I have yet to call her. Today I am writing her a message because the past three days have been extremely busy around here; I will let her know that is the reason I haven’t called and ask for her patience.

    One thing for sure, Mars is energizing me like crazy and I am putting that energy to good use with my family.

  5. Just realized that Mercury and Mars are in mutual reception now. You might already be aware of this (it’s been in effect since Oct. 15th when Mars entered Virgo) as I’m sure it’s been noted by others. But, just in case you were unaware too, it can feel like (or act like) Mercury and Mars are conjunct. This means impulsive speech and/or harsh words and/or tough talk will be observed and experienced. It could be experienced as driving too fast (you or the guy in the next lane) and furious. I’ve noticed it in verbal form in news clips of congressmen/senators expressing themselves when their exasperation can’t be contained any longer. Did it myself last night and it really took me by surprise!

  6. Strawberrylaughter: Your offer to wear bells brings to mind an old favorite lyric:

    “She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes,
    And I knew without asking she was into the Blues,
    She wore scarlet begonias, tucked into her curls,
    I knew right away, she was not like other girls, other girls…”

    – Scarlet Begonias (Robert Hunter/Jerome John “Jerry” Garcia)

    PS- I was awakened at 1 AM by lightning, thunder and snow. Omens abound, dear friends. Happy Samhain!

  7. Courage/fear dynamic: me too.

    My natal Mars and Chiron are square, so interesting to feel their opposition now, as a way of getting to know them. These two feel more antagonistic than Jupiter Pluto opposition did. Maybe because transiting Mars is conjunct my natal moon, and transiting Chiron has natal asteroid Carla in his arms. All lined up exact! So this is really personal.

    Meanwhile, I just got a boatload of insight into Pluto, who was exactly conjunct my midheaven the moment I was born. He’s 7 seconds to the 9th house side of the line.

    Len, your description of Pluto here: “Among other things, Pluto is is concerned with evolution. Pluto is more than the obvious scary stuff of sex, death and taxes. It’s also about what’s below the surface. In a counter-intuitive manner, having the courage to look below the surface often functions to make Pluto less scary. Rewarding aspects from both Mars and Chiron to Pluto this week will support you in doing so.” explains why I keep doing and being a certain way, when it makes me and others around me uncomfortable. I am supposed to be this way. If I try to skim the surface, be people pleasing, especially in my work, it’s just wrong. And it doesn’t please anybody. It is just me being scared. Now is the time for me to take your advice, and be publicly at ease with going beneath the surface. I am really getting how Mars trine Pluto and Chiron sextile Pluto can help me make use of my natal Pluto energy right now.

    Len, Tuesday x Thursday, week after week, you activate a cumulative revelation in your reports. I appreciate you.

  8. Jude: Thank you for being so very kind, and so very perceptive. You words add immeasurably to my poor service today.

    Lizzy: Thank you for being so generous. What little wisdom that is mine recognizes yours as consistently superior. It is therefore very gratifying to know that my service was useful to you at this time. And yes, Pluto is the real star in many ways, albeit defiantly so.

    be: Speaking of adding immeasurably, you have once again been very generous in sharing your deep knowledge of astrology with a sprightly mix of humor and the goodness of your heart.

    wandering_yeti: Thank you for the link to a thoroughly thought-provoking and well-written piece that does indeed address some of the problematic and (unfortunately) entrenched manifestations of Mars. Very timely and appreciated.

    Strawberry: Thank you for sharing your own personal turns (and apparently, dances) with the dynamic forces symbolized by the astrology addressed here today. Your courage is exceed only by your kindness.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for your supremely well written synopsis, and thank you for including your own (and inspiring) personal experience as an illustration of what is not only possible, but probable for all of us at once.

    aword: Speaking of a universally resonant personal experience, thank you for sharing the continuously uncanny transits to your personal astrology, as well as for the example you set for handling even the most impressive energetic combinations so impressively.

  9. Thank you, Len.
    Transiting Pluto is on natal Mars. Transiting Mars has just crossed natal Pluto. Progressed Pluto opposes progressed Mars. Progressed Mars is conjunct progresed Chiron.
    As always that’s the drop in the bucket but – as always – I mention it here to you because this is where in my life your writing touches me today.
    There is some ember that began it’s new life as a spark, a small low flame probably around the time of my Chiron return. I have some familial trends to put to rest by way of re-creation of my-self, and I think I hear Mars, Pluto, Chiron (and Mercury) calling me to take action now on a very specific portion of this task.
    Thank you for your guidance and support.

  10. Strawberrylaughter: On my honor, more than one.

    btw- the lack of an editing function in this software caused my comment below to say “mean and women,” when I meant “men and women.” Of course, Dr. Freud and the rest of y’all likely found my typo amusing and contactually appropriate.

  11. wandering_yeti: Happily that model of masculinity does not hold up to either basic scrutiny, the use of common entheogens, or the profound combination of the two. Sadly too many people, mean and women, keep trying to wedge themselves back into the cultural script, to the point where the airbrushed talking-heads on TV even notice that most people in the US take some kind of big pharma meds for their psycho-emotional suffering.

    Len: So it begins. Samhain is the launch point, and this combo of planets is exactly the recipe for the potential for evolution life has planned for me. I never consult the stars until after I plan my work projects, and in hindsight I am always amazed that they always fall at the most propitious times possible. Thank you for giving articulation to the cosmic dance being enacted above and below.

  12. er, not keeping up with the daze these days; thought today was the 28th. But it’s the 29th so Pluto sextiled Chiron yesterday, not today. So sorry if I confused anyone./be

  13. There’s so much here, Len. Thank you.

    Like Lizzy, I’m especially tuned to the courage/fear dynamic right now, & appreciate your bringing into the picture the counterintuitive precision Chiron can create so much with. The understanding of where & when to apply force versus restraint can be the difference between a hearth fire & a house fire. I will keep this very much in mind through the coming days.

    You also inspired me to look at my own Mars (natally trine Chiron), which is square tr. Saturn, & therefore will be a tool I hadn’t expected for working with this eclipse. (I also just noticed the eclipse will be precisely conjunct my Nadir. That gives this “do no harm” a personal application for me, as well, as I create these new structures to take myself forward.) Again — hearth fire, or house fire? It’s my choice.

    There’s so very much going on all at once these days. I’m grateful for your guidance.

  14. Thanks for writing about this trio today Len; no doubt some of us will have encountered the combined energy even today as Chiron sextiled Pluto this AM. Chiron seems to be the middle-man for Pluto and the other two other-worldly planets Neptune and Uranus, when the occasion calls for it, and I would assume that a non-fettered aspect between Mars and Pluto (especially in the present astrological climate) would be one of them. Certainly hope Mother Nature will not unleash the full force of that Mars trine Pluto on Halloween, and allow Chiron to absorb (he is in Pisces after all) or deflect it somewhat.

    I really like the courageous component of the Mars mystique you discuss and can just imagine some brave little tykes encountering their first haunted house or the spooky grave (front) yard of some of my more enthusiastic, Halloween-lovin’ neighbors. Of course, the reverse is possible, and always fodder for seasonal TV shows that exploit fears which would keep me up all night, were I to watch them.

    As I’ve had several “inconvenient-but-assumed-benefic” events lately, I appreciate the reminder that a disguised blessing is not to be off-putting. Hoping that All Saints Day will bring a positive outcome for any and all setbacks everywhere and an unmasking of those pesky inconveniences.

  15. “When your courage is challenged this week, push back and go where thoughtless reflex fears to go” Yes. You’re able to put into words thoughts and feelings that one didn’t realise one had, dear Len, and this piece is full of them! Thank you for your wise and kind, as Jude said, words. A lot of water has gone under the bridge and am a little more ready since the last time my natal Mars and Pluto opposed each other.

  16. “Chiron often intervenes as a blessing disguised as a setback” … as in healing crisis, much as a raging fever is the body’s immediate attempt to throw off dis-ease. The smaller picture of the present moment — or dilemma — is never the end of the story, seldom requires us to ‘lock in’ to some absolute that leaves us no wiggle room or ability to grow into better choices and resolutions to our challenges. Life is all about wiggle, seems to me. Thank you for another astute, thoughtful and inherently kind piece, Len dear. You bless us all.

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