Elemental Trinity — Mercury and Water in 2013

Mercury’s sextile from earthy Capricorn to Neptune’s watery Pisces dominion at 1:49 am EST today contributed to start the New Year with symbols of mind, earth and water. Indications are that the innermost planet’s first aspect of January will elaborate further into a dominant theme for 2013, when every mind on the planet may find occasion to rethink the meaning of water. That’s largely because of where Mercury will take its famous retrogrades, and the company it will keep while doing so. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mercury shows up in your life as mind because it is always close to the Sun’s symbol of consciousness, and because it moves quickly like thought. It is so quick that nearly every calendar year the swiftest planet passes between Earth and the Sun three times.

In the process of passing between Earth and the Sun, Mercury’s motion appears to reverse for about three weeks. The period of apparent regression is called a retrograde. Retrogrades, among other things, represent an auspicious opportunity to rethink. In 2013, all three of the innermost planet’s backtracks will take place entirely in the three signs identified with water. That does not happen every year.

Each water retrograde of 2013 will also find Mercury in the company of a large, slow-moving, sign-ruling outer planet. That does not happen even every decade. During its first reversal this year, from Feb. 23 to March 17, Mercury will share Pisces with its modern ruler, Neptune — thereby symbolically perfecting its first aspect today.


Not every century finds Neptune occupying Pisces, where it is arguably the most suitably assigned of modern rulers. Jupiter, the traditional ruler, admittedly goes a long way towards helping us understand the grandeur of the zodiac’s climactic segment. Nevertheless, Neptune, named after the ruler of the seas and their tributaries, better addresses the elemental nature of Pisces, which is water.

One of the ways astrology distinguishes its 12 subdivisions from each other is by attributing one of the four elements of ancient western natural science (fire, earth, air or water) to each. The attribution is orderly and sequential, repeating three times. That results in three segments sharing each element as part of their identity. Any three signs sharing the same element are also evenly distributed on the zodiac circle, as if to constitute the points of an equilateral triangle, a trine aspect, in relation to each other.

The sequence with which elemental identity is assigned around the zodiac begins with fire, proceeds to earth, then to air and ends with water before repeating two more times. That has meaning. Elemental water, the universal solvent, explicitly includes and concludes that which precedes it, implicitly constituting an ultimate understanding of all things.

Consistent with its trickster reputation, Mercury’s first, rather than final, retrograde of 2013 will paradoxically take place traversing astrology’s climactic expression of water — in the company of that realm’s superlative signifier (Neptune). As testimony to Mercury’s primary role, however, there is a message in its apparent contradiction that will probably be useful during the year to come — climaxes do not necessarily mean completion.

After all, cosmology’s current paradigm posits that the largest conceivable climax, the Big Bang, was the cardinal event from which the Universe expanded to develop all things. How suitable, then, that Mercury’s second retrograde this year should initiate in the cardinal waters of Cancer on June 26, the same day that astrology’s primary expression of expansion, Jupiter, begins more than a year in the same sign.

The same Jupiter that first ruled Pisces, then, will facilitate the flow for which trines are known, possibly expanding beyond precedent to create a virtual continuum. That continuum will, in some sense, function to collapse the three months between Mercury’s first retrograde and the second. The sense of collapse will promote a perception that the entire time is perpetually present. That perception will fix itself into the form of an elemental trinity with the third, and final, Mercury retrograde period of the year.  

How fitting, then, that Mercury’s final review of water will take place through fixed Scorpio from Oct. 21 to Nov. 10. Its path will be superimposed three times over that of astrology’s arbiter of form and antiquity, Saturn. Indeed, indications are that form will further flow into an invocation of, or even a connection to, an otherwise irrecoverable past and and unforeseeable future as 2013 reaches its penultimate month. That’s because this year’s tableau of elemental trinity really is without worthy precedent.

Something similar began, but could not sustain, as the most recent conjunction of Uranus and Pluto started to separate towards what Eric has called “The defining aspect of our era in history,” their current, continuous cardinal square. For 46 days in 1967, Jupiter held Cancer, Saturn had Pisces and Neptune occupied Scorpio. Just 10 days after Mercury commenced the first of three consecutive water sign retrogrades, however, Saturn moved on to Aries and the functional water trine framework of sign-ruling planets fell apart.

If you consider Neptune in Pisces to be crucial to this year’s water trinity motif (and that’s a big ‘if’), you have to go back even further for even shorter and more fragmented alignments in March of 1848 and 1690. In short, nothing since the advent of the Gregorian calendar equals the combined symmetry, longevity, completeness, majesty and scope of this year’s water sign activity. A comparable precedent, if any, is beyond accurate recovery, which means we will have to let it come, down through the ages, to us.       

After Mercury’s series of regressions symbolically progresses from climax to expansion to form, the continuum created will not conclude. In consecutive, yet somehow also concurrent elemental concordance with first Neptune, then Jupiter, and finally Saturn, Mercury’s 2013 retrogrades will go beyond symbolically collapsing the months of this year. They will implicitly collapse uncountable centuries into the present.

Explicitly that collapse, whether ultimately figurative or literal, will bring us present to what will almost certainly be an element of water and a manifestation of trinity long ago forgotten. From that climactic present we can expect to participate into the long expanse of an unprecedented future.

Indications are that this year is going to make 2012 look like training wheels. To think it all started with a sleepy sextile is enough to make you think again.

Offered In Service   

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

10 thoughts on “Elemental Trinity — Mercury and Water in 2013”

  1. be: Thank you so very much for expounding and expanding on the 2013 water trine, especially the connections with the Sibly natal chart for the United States. Talk about bringing it home, you are so very gifted in doing so. Thank you once again for sharing your erudition and insight with us.

  2. You are so amazing Len; the way you can focus on such minute details and yet see the big, big picture. How logical that Neptune returning to it’s watery home after so long in the wilderness would kick off a year of other watery influences that would serve as a theme for an indeterminate (for now anyway, but at least a year!) period of time. The Universal Solvent. How many of us for so long now have considered it a primary concern that the shortage of water available, clean water specifically, should be addressed without delay. Maybe, no hopefully, this will be the year for that action to begin.

    After you called it to my attention, I saw that this year’s Mercury retrograde in Cancer will start one degree short of being conjunct the U.S natal Sibly Mercury on the day that Jupiter ingresses the same sign. That’s close enough for government work, right? Some of the same degrees Mercury will cover 3 times, will also be covered three times by Jupiter later in his retrograde cycle. One of those degrees is where the U.S. Sun is located, 13 Cancer 19. In fact, that is the degree where Mercury will station direct and linger on for 8 days in July. On that day, July 20th, transiting Sun (consciousness) will be in opposition to the U.S. natal Pluto at 27 Capricorn 32 retrograde. Also on that day the north node in deepwater Scorpio will be at 13 degrees in supporting trine to the stationing Mercury and the natal U.S. Sun. Chiron will be in that degree of Pisces too.

    Also on July 20th, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will be in a grand water trine and Mars will be there too conjunct Jupiter in Cancer, as well as the U.S. natal Venus-Jupiter conjunction. You probably already knew this but I didn’t. How exciting that these aspects will manifest in the year of the Water Element Trinity. Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention Len.

  3. craigzarah: Thank you.

    Chief Niwots Son: You are welcome. The insight from Lao Tsu you referred to was on my desk-table, bookmarked, when writing the piece.

    mia: Thank you for your question. The idea of 2012 being a preparation for 2013 is not original to me, and astrology usually progresses to support the progress of humanity. Specifically, it’s the water, as described, the culminating element in astrology (and some other disciplines that utilize the elements of ancient natural science). As understood by this writer, Mercury’s retrogrades, from one year to the next, viewed as a cycle down through the years, progress backwards (clockwise) through the zodiac from water to air to earth to fire (perhaps additional indication of a trickster). Therefore, this year finds water as both a symbolic beginning and end, concurrent, intersecting, as so many cycles (including the Mayan variety) did during 2012. Water also represents, among other things, emotions. To have four major, sign-ruling planets so thoroughly invested in water during 2013 holds the potential for some evolutionary integration of the irrational and rational, something 2012 provided some training for. Please, do you find that answer satisfactory? If not, please ask further.

  4. Happy New Year Len.

    What leads you to believe that 2013 will make 2012 look like training wheels? Please share the indications that will be the case.

    Thank you!

  5. Thanks Len, good view ahead at Mr. Mercury and his watery adventures this year.

    “The highest good is like water,
    nourishing life effortlessly,
    flowing without prejudice
    to the lowliest places.”

    – Tao Te Ching, poem 8

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