Culmination To Connection — Venus Sextile Uranus

You don’t need no baggage, you just get on board.
Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions (from “People Get Ready”)

Venus blows a sweet sextile from Gemini to Uranus on its Aries ride shortly after 10:30 pm EDT Wednesday. The Venus-Aries sextile will close a tight cycle of aspects that follow the culmination of tomorrow’s Capricorn Full Moon. Besides Venus and Uranus, the round-robin of conversation will include Mercury and two centaur objects with a connection implied by name, Okyrhoe and Chariklo. The day-long sequence of alternating contacts concluding with the Venus-Uranus sextile symbolizes a message of collaboration that transcends its parts. We speak of nothing less than a genetic purpose for each of us in all of us, and a legacy of need for all of us in each of us.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Venus is in direct motion, on its third pass through Gemini’s heart. That is to say, Venus is in the echo (or ‘shadow’) phase following its retrograde. Wednesday’s sextile to Uranus connects the Venus retrograde cycle to the current continuum of Uranus-Pluto square aspects.

In a word, the subject matter of the Venus retrograde cycle has been connection. Since Venus entered its first echo phase (passing the point where it would eventually resume direct motion) on April 11, we have seen an astonishing series of historical and astrological events. On the astrology side, Venus led the highlights, passing across the Sun’s visage for the last time in this century while in the process of moving from one horizon to the other. A solar eclipse on May 20 looked for all the world like a hole in the Sun. The lunar eclipse that followed on June 3 felt like all the world suspended between proximity and infinity.

The Venus retrograde cycle has also borne witness to a heaping handful of major celestial objects changing direction (including the Sun, which stops moving north at its rising and setting and begins moving south at the Cancer solstice). Most auspiciously, Uranus and Pluto have recently crossed the line into a three year continuum of exact squares, which represents the inner circle of an era in the process of defining itself. 

The nature of the era currently defining itself has been marked by historical events as exceptional and weighty as the concurrent astrology. The very institutions that create wealth are unaccountably borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Those most passionately involved in politics are the very same whose extreme partisanship poisons purposeful polemics. Personal relationships are more often anything but. The increasingly toxic nature of all forms of exchange has, as a result, tempted the most temperate to social apostasy. Yet, while immersed in what we cannot understand, we are also obliged to serve all of posterity as its co-creators.

That means we need each other. It means that it is not only survival but the values of compassion and responsibility that must shine through the most dire circumstances, keeping us connected even when things seem to have gone as far as they can go. The imperative to make and keep connection is the process that will be symbolized by the circuit of aspects that will begin after tomorrow’s lunar culmination.

Tomorrow, hours after the Capricorn Moon has gone as far as it can go in opposition to the Cancer Sun, Venus will have an opposition of its own, igniting a fire sign sequence. Following the Full Moon, Earth will move between Venus and Okyrhoe. The centaur object Okyrhoe was named after the mythical daughter of Chariklo and Chiron. It is symbolically holding hands with centaur Chariklo as the two of them conjoin in retrograde through Sagittarius.

In the day that will elapse between Venus’ opposition, first to the imagined daughter, and then to the namesake mother, Mercury and Uranus get into the act. Uranus starts off with a fire trine to Chariklo, then Mercury breaks in its Leo track shoes. On Wednesday, speedy Mercury will complete fire trines to Okryhoe, Chariklo and Uranus while pausing only to inhale from a Venus sextile.

In other words, it’s a sequence of connections, around the clock and around the zodiac. Venus in sextile to Uranus will conclude the sequence with no participant left out of the circuit, with air feeding fire and values supporting continuity as we enter an era of change that will either serve to continue or condemn life itself.

Passing between every mother and daughter is a special form of DNA. It is not the DNA of the cell nucleus, subject to the division and recombination that keeps life vital and diverse. Rather it is the DNA of mitochondria, the batteries that keep every cell running, symbiotic sub-cells that allow us to trace the continuity made possible by connection.

It is the mitochondrial DNA which has proven that all humans are brothers and sisters in actual fact, probably descended from a group of sisters who would not have survived had they not given equal value to compassion and cooperation. It was their wisdom that put us here. Now it is our wisdom, or lack of it, that will determine whether their living legacy will continue past the culmination of challenges we are about to face. If we hold to the energetic values we received from our first mothers, we have a chance. People, get ready.

Offered In Service    

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

11 thoughts on “Culmination To Connection — Venus Sextile Uranus”

  1. The Edward Gibbon quote (“This desperate but effectual method of defence can only be executed by the enthusiasm of a people who prefer their independence to their property; or by the rigor of an arbitrary government, which consults the public safety without submitting to their inclinations the liberty of choice.”) makes me think of the present politics.

    Having lived the religious apostasy, I comprehend the social apostasy, but also take to heart Len’s message that we are all connected and have responsibility as co-creators.

    Another Wow!! from Len. Thank you. Much to ponder, as noted by aword.

    “…all the world suspended between proximity and infinity. ” A liminal space/place, or a threshold… Or the very least, a place to breathe perhaps.

    Much gratitude, Len.


  2. aword,

    Thanks for sharing the link! I had heard the Eve theory also, but not in the beautiful way Len has described her, DNA and all. Perhaps Venus in Gemini is promoting this story of the two DNA’s, ya think?

    Thank YOU michele, and to susyc, your lovely thought is most heart-warming. Many thanks for sharing.

  3. “The increasingly toxic nature of all forms of exchange has, as a result, tempted the most temperate to social apostasy.” And to religious apostasy as well, as some of us are positively embarrassed by the use made of a lovely man who’s only goal, if he actually lived at all, was to show us that we could be like him, in authentic, genuine love. If he was dreamt up by idealists, he still shows us the way no less than if he left deposits of his dna in footprints for us to follow on this best gift we walk upon every day.

  4. ..or more succinctly, we each have one type of DNA that makes us different, and one type of DNA that makes us One.


  5. So many moments in this post to embrace! Thank you Len. Thank you All.

    Be – SGC, Mars, etc dancing into Libra of course are opposite the Aries point — doing that Fire/Air dance Len speaks of.

    From a personal vantage point, Mars and the girls are either conjunct or in opposition to my several names/pseudonyms — and are also interestingly congruent in an air Trine between the same group of “personal psudenyms” — transits plus natal placements. This personally firms up that whole Fire and Air idea. Thanks for that, Len. Indeed, it takes Air to fuel the Fire – or to put it out.

    And wow, mitochondrial DNA. I had heard of the Eve theory, but now am connecting some dots to further learnin’ on the subject. What an exciting distinction to learn about (DNA vs mDNA). Here’s a link I read from. I have not checked the source:

    So — we have one DNA that keeps us changing.

    — And one DNA that makes us All One. (That mDNA of “compassion and cooperation.”)

    Howz about that.

    So like Be said, …”ready as I will ever be for what is coming. All for one and one for all!”

  6. carecare7, michele, be, and Lunesoleil: Thank you for your expansive comments and kind words.

  7. I did not KNOW about this mitochondrial DNA Len. It is YOUR wisdom that I find remarkable. That you were able to see this connectivity you’ve described in the sequence of aspects taking place after the Full Moon tomorrow is enough to keep MY battery running. That and the combined energies of Venus, Uranus and Mercury holding this mother-daughter DNA within the circle is just awe inspiring.

    Could this be tied into another pattern taking place at the same time I’m wondering? The four “sister” asteroids, Astraea, Pandora, Minerva and Klotho have gathered at the site of the Super Galactic Center, approx. 1 Libra, just before Mars leaves Virgo for Libra. As he moves through his first 11 days in the sign of partnership he will conjunct each one of those asteroids, one by one, with the last one being Astraea, whose motto is I Will Never Leave You. During that time (and just before he conjuncts Astraea), both Mercury and Uranus, who create the trines with Okyrhoe and Chariklo and each other, will station retrograde. Might something be symbolically born of these conjunctions with Mars that would support the circuitry you describe, and which would aid us in facing these challenges? I’m ready to believe almost anything, but also ready as I will ever be for what is coming. All for one and one for all!

  8. “The imperative to make and keep connection is the process that will be symbolized by the circuit of aspects that will begin after tomorrow’s lunar culmination.”

    I confess that the Capricorn moon has never been comfortable for me. I’ve been tracking the moon for two years now. All moons, actually, are not very comfortable for me. Hahaha! That is about as ridiculous as it sounds.

    I keep fighting (?) for my freaking Jupiter/Leo/Asc… But, I do have doom and gloom sprouting all over the damn place.

    So. Making and keeping connection. Most of the time I have no clue why people connect with me. (Sun in 12th?) But they certainly do. Making connection is not so difficult. Keeping connection seems to be near impossible. I always have been, and still feel, like a passing through kind of person.

    I am sometimes a bit weary of astrology, though it seems to explain the energies deep inside me so well. I don’t want, at all, to use it as an excuse or as a reason for spinning out. But I will admit that this moon business is somewhat disconcerting. I have found that I need to stay on top of it, float it… Otherwise I am an unholy mess. Tracking it helps. Before tracking it, I was at the mercy of all the energy around me. Now, I run to the bath! Admire my legs and think it and think it and think it through. This technique is working.

    I have Cap Moon in the 6th opposite my Sun. (Toss in some Mars in Scorpio for an out-of-sign t-square.) This whole business is a daily issue. And certainly always reaches a crisis moment annually. And definitely coming to a head this (these) minute(s).

    “Keeping connection” … Easier said than done, eh? Far easier to move right along, as quick as the moon and as fiery as the sun.

    Scorched earth is probably not the best approach.

    “The extensive region that lies between the River Tigris and the mountains of Media…was in a very improved state of cultivation. Julian might expect, that a conqueror, who possessed the two forcible instruments of persuasion, steel and gold, would easily procure a plentiful subsistence from the fears or avarice of the natives. But, on the approach of the Romans, the rich and smiling prospect was instantly blasted. Wherever they moved…the cattle was driven away; the grass and ripe corn were consumed with fire; and, as soon as the flames had subsided which interrupted the march of Julian, he beheld the melancholy face of a smoking and naked desert. This desperate but effectual method of defence can only be executed by the enthusiasm of a people who prefer their independence to their property; or by the rigor of an arbitrary government, which consults the public safety without submitting to their inclinations the liberty of choice.” (Edward Gibbon, 1778)

    Thanks, Len, for the reminders that options abound.

  9. “If we hold to the energetic values we received from our first mothers, we have a chance. People, get ready.”

    Thanks Len for another poetic rendition of the skies. Between this and Mars energizing the Uranus-Pluto square, people should get ready.

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