Back From Distraction – Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury enters its Virgo exaltation tomorrow, there to help you drive back from distraction. Mercury’s tour of its alternative rulership (the other being Gemini) will begin about 12 hours after the Virgo Sun is opposed by a Pisces Full Moon. It will conclude shortly after the Virgo New Moon next month. The symbolism is implicit. Mercury’s Virgo tenure will coincide almost exactly with the time it will take for the Moon to move from opposing to conjoining with the Sun. That means Mercury will be available to work with as you reintegrate what could be a divided and distracted consciousness.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For astrology, the Sun is what others see of your consciousness. Some call it personality. The Moon symbolizes private consciousness, sometimes hidden even from you. Tomorrow’s Pisces Full Moon is shaping up to illuminate the bifurcation with experiences that could drive you to distraction.

The full frontal reflection of polarities that a Full Moon represents does not happen overnight. The themes of your own experience have developed gradually to a climax over two weeks. You probably know, or at least feel by now, what’s coming to a head. By the same token, the waning phases of the lunar cycle allow another two weeks for you to recover, review and reconcile before a new pattern of gradual revelation and culmination begins the next time the Sun and Moon conjoin. That very process has brought you to this moment.

Five days after the previous luminary conjunction in fixed and fiery Leo, the Sun moved on to Virgo, placing it in Mercury’s mutable domain. As would befit mutability, the solar ingress to earthy Virgo heralded a shift of public consciousness that you could see. While you and others participated in that shift by redirecting attention from dispersing to gathering, the Moon had moved on as well.

The solar ingress to Virgo found the Moon in watery Scorpio, fixing in place a private preview of the deep and powerful emotions that have since been in development within, even as the pragmatic priorities of Virgo have crystallized without. If the astrology is any indication, it is almost as if your consciousness has been on two tracks, and tomorrow the discrepancies come to an unavoidable confrontation. That is where Mercury comes in, literally and figuratively.

Mercury will come into Virgo shortly after 10:30 pm EDT tomorrow, during what promises to be the tender, sensitive and vulnerable aftermath of the Pisces Full Moon. It will probably be just in time. As an archetype of how you think and communicate, the innermost planet will be be available to help you be mentally supple, grounded and capable of expressing your experience. In order to benefit from Mercury’s excellent timing however, you must avoid the temptation to check out or give up.

The next few days will tell the tale of your next few weeks. If you can stay present in the moment and engaged with your external reality over the next 48 hours, Mercury will be there to help keep you current. Staying current will be important, because Virgo is where its ruling planet is not only powerful, it is where Mercury will next catch up with and be conjoined by the Sun on September 10. That conjunction, representing the reunification of consciousness and thought is a boat you will want to catch, and you can if you begin by driving away from distraction tomorrow.

Offered In Service

10 thoughts on “Back From Distraction – Mercury Enters Virgo”

  1. Carrie, Huffy, mia, be, aword, Lunesoleil: You are all so wonderful, so very kind, so deeply appreciated. Thank you all so very much.

  2. It is pleasure to read Len, I have the impression of rest feet on the planet Earth after taking off suspended above the ground
    Good weekend of full moon called Blue Moon which would be a magical Moon and this is true since two day it carries me chance 🙂

  3. Make that “messenger”.

    Let’s leave the ‘mess’ and the ‘anger’ behind at the ROP convention.

  4. Checking it out and looking foward to September 10th. My new little friend 7 Iris will be sextile that Merc/Sun conjunction in Virgo as she moves through Scorpio passing Mars and Aphrodite as they all approach the NN.

    May the rainbows of our mythical female messanger abound.

    Thank you, Len.

  5. Len,

    It sounds like you are writing about the Republican Party
    convention today. The divided and distracted consciousness as they competed for attention with a hurricane certainly applies. Tomorrow night they will wrap it up and be checking out. . of their hotel rooms in Tampa that is. Let’s assume they can engage in their external reality, or any reality at all, in the next 48 hours, as the Mittster will thrill his fans tonight just as the Moon conjuncts Neptune. What a tough act to follow that would be. Surely the rest of us will welcome the little trickster back to Virgo’s no-nonsense sensibility, although on Saturday we may be nursing a hangover as he opposes Neptune. What a swell party that was!

  6. Thanks Len.

    Your words have been an inspiration this past week and ever since discovering your work several years ago on Planet Waves. Cool, calm, collected and a poet as well.

    With gratitude,

  7. “In order to benefit from Mercury’s excellent timing however, you must avoid the temptation to check out or give up.”

    Thanks Len. This is exactly what I needed to read today. As always your timing is perfect.

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