At The Core – Sun, Mars and Pluto

There is fire, there is life, there is passion, fever, and fury. There is love, and there is hate, there is longing, anger and worry.
— Eric Clapton and Marcy Levy, from “The Core”

Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, while the Sun marks the middle of the season. It will be the first trine from the red planet to Pluto since May 16, 2012; when Mars had recently returned to direct motion through Virgo following a long retrograde. In combination, the Sun, Mars and Pluto this weekend will offer an enhanced perspective into the core of your being and beyond.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Concurrent with the Martian trine to Pluto, the Sun will occupy the mid-point of fixed Taurus. That will mean we are halfway between the beginning of this season and the start of the next one.

The halfway mark of any season is a threshold of unique perspective. It is one of the best times to compare what you have come from to evaluate where you are, and anticipate where you are going.

It has to do with more than just the weather. To have Mars trine Pluto at the same time will make that clear, telescoping perception beyond seasonal cycles to touch places beyond space and time as it is usually understood.

Mars, for its part, will lend its emblematic energy to support your consciousness of connections. The trick is to realize when you are feeling the surge and ride it, rather than have it ride you. It is as simple as telling yourself what you are feeling in the moment, and not feeling bad about it. Rather, follow the feeling to the core of its origin within you. The earth trine connection to Pluto will help.

Trine aspects connect objects that are at the same degree of different signs sharing the same elemental identity. That connection opens up a flow between the objects, mediated by the common element. An earth trine from Taurus to Capricorn, will, true to its name, entail the grounding necessary to utilize Martian energy without being consumed by it. That grounding, in turn, will allow you to go deeper.

Pluto’s place in astrology is layered, complex and slowly evolving. Even so, you can reliably correlate its nature to the process of going both deeper into and further out from that which it aspects. That’s how Pluto’s first trine from Mars since this time last year (which you may be feeling already) places you at the threshold of understanding, and appreciating, your deepest passions now — while simultaneously providing you with a parallax comparison to what you went through in the first half of 2012.

By definition, a parallax perspective confers depth perception. Depth perception gives you the ability to determine your position. Knowing your position allows you to determine where you are going rather than being propelled by your own inertia or the momentum of external events.

The potential of this weekend’s correspondence between the Sun, Mars and Pluto does not stop there, however. You can take it further, through thresholds beyond description; into perspectives past experience; as far as into, and out from, your core as you are willing to see.  

Please just remember, don’t be afraid of, or feel bad about, what you do see. If you can accomplish those core objectives, you will be rewarded with a glimpse of your place in the infinite. Not a bad weekend’s work, and no drugs required.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “At The Core – Sun, Mars and Pluto”

  1. Dear Len,

    It is so easy to support you as you support your readers, me being one of them. Your nature is to give and you do it twice a week here with your blog. I encourage everyone I know to consider a consult with you to put their life in perspective. One person you have read for had a birthday a few days ago. I called to wish her a happy one and she said, “I’m just going over my notes from Len!” Taurus rules for now!


  2. Hugs and appreciation to all. Remembering as my world shakes, rattles, and rolls that it is eclipse season! Popped in to find a strap to hang on to. Thanks!

  3. Bless you dear Len, for yout wonderful answer to my question, for your constant care and compassion on PW. It helps me so much. And thank you and Amanda for the song, which i look forward to listening to later in the day, after I get back from a morning’s teaching, ((())))

  4. The Beltane Paradox (it also works for the other cross-quarter days): in some traditions this time is seen as the mid-point between seasonal shifts, and in the Celtic tradition Beltane was seen as the beginning of Summer, which peaks at the Solstice, still known as Mid-Summer’s Day. When you wrote: “…telescoping perception beyond seasonal cycles to touch places beyond space and time as it is usually understood,” the paradox of Beltane reminded me that we humans give delineation to the seasons and their cycles, we interpret the changes we see as the Sun moves through the Solar Year. When I remember that the “usual understanding” is just one story, access to the beyond becomes easier and less fraught with eminent peril. Thank you Len.

    Blessings to Everyone from the Land of Enchantment.

  5. oh – everybody: With thanks to Amanda you can click on the title of the song (below the quote at the head of the blog) and hear the song that fits this time of year like no other.

  6. Mia: Thank you so very much for all of your kindness, assistance, and support over the the past year. Thank you also for your referrals in the past and your generous endorsement today. You have contributed to my persistence beyond what words can express.

    wandering_yeti: Thank you so very much again for making like Pluto and taking us deeper into ourselves through reflection on your experience and artistry. It is so good to know that your musician-self has risen from the ashes to persist through the world so that we can see the way to another world through your creative labors and eloquent words.

    Lizzy: Thank you for your kind words as well. As regards to your question, there is a self-critical position for the hypothetical point Isis-Transpluto (currently retrograde in the last degree of Leo) that is part of a grand, anaretic fire trine with 1992 QB1 (Aries) and the centaur object Okyrhoe (Sagittarius). It is rather complex, even as grand trines go, and has been on my radar for nearly a week as all three slow-moving objects hold a cold, yet fiery configuration for a very long time. Yet, there is something redemptive in the flow of fire and ice that can include you if you are open to forgiving yourself and accepting the redemption that only you can provide for yourself. Hopefully, that answers your question in a manner satisfactory to you. If not, please let me know.

    be: Tank you for the timely window into Kentucky’s rich culture and its core event. It is as refreshing as an extra sprig of fresh mint.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you again. Your beautiful phrase “conquering and benevolent” speaks to a very deep truth in the ambient astrology.

  7. Sounds pretty powerful Len, no matter what level you experience it on. I can’t help but think about my neighbors here in Horse Country, what with the Ky. Derby being this Saturday and all that that encompasses. For example, today is the Pegasus Parade, an annual event looked forward to by young and old alike. Nothing more earthy than a parade down Broadway following horses of all sizes and shapes! Tradition runs strong AND deep here in the Bluegrass, especially this time of the year. In these parts there will be thousands if not millions of mint juleps flowing between objects, even on Sunday. I dare say lots of looking (and telling) back and forward in time. Yeah, we’ll need all that grounding. The core of many a racetrack patron – native and guests from hither and yon – will be sorely tested by Sunday. Been there, done that and have moved on to higher levels myself, but I do remember the pure joy of being with people having a great time; playing host to the city and living to tell about it.

    So much has changed although I still weep when I sing My Old Kentucky Home with the crowd. Don’t bet on the races because I have come to loathe what racing does to the poor creatures who are forced to endure that life. Still, my passions will be awakened, although transformed from 30 or 40 years ago, and I’m so glad you gave me this heads up to all the energy available, and time to contemplate just how to use it best.

    They’re always off and running on the first Saturday in May, and this year maybe even more so. Hopefully, having the Sun square Juno won’t spoil anyone’s party.

  8. ” It is as simple as telling yourself what you are feeling in the moment, and not feeling bad about it. Rather, follow the feeling to the core of its origin within you. The earth trine connection to Pluto will help”. Simply beautiful. It’s kind of what I’m trying to work with right now. What is coming up is how ferociously I judge myself, painful (and necessary) to be with. Was wondering, len, if this judgement aspect is in the astrological mix right now. Thank you, as ever.

  9. Thanks for the heads-up once again. I don’t have as much computer access as I used to so planets close to the sun often disappear from my radar. But then, I suppose getting out of the electric boogaloo and into life on Earth is one way to channel the energy.

    You also bring out awareness of the different trines from Mars to Pluto…yeah, brings me into the light of realizing more of a long process and how this moment fits into something larger. With the Virgo trine it was my 12th house and true to form I was still in my musical healing phase of playing jazz at a pizza place with hardly anyone listening and playing a blues jam at another pizza place where the quality of the musicianship is anything but consistent. These weekly devotions were my live music therapy helping me get out of my alienated solo work with me and my computer.

    This trine from Mars is my 7th/8th house and while Mars traversed Pisces and Aries I started singing with my iPod and then started singing with the guitar someone gave me back in 2011 but I never played much. Now I carry it everywhere and share music with people every day. The simple bardic skill of playing a set of songs with only an instrument and a voice was out of reach for me for the last 13 years. Electric gimicks combined with a vicious inner critic (what makes you think anyone wants to hear you wail? Music is just ego wanking…etc.) destroyed my previous set of skills. To be reborn you have to die.

    I went through many Mars returns since my music died and it all seemed like false starts until now. But then I suppose I had a lot of other things to learn via the healers that have flowed into and out of my life during the desert phase of my musical gift. I came out of my parents’ house with enough resentment to kill a horse. Head brain held an ego image of a fun loving hippie, but then his fun was so flimsy he’d fall into a pit of rancid despair at any sign of things that look like the stepdad or the awful babysitter.

    In order to unlearn the bad habits I had welded into my musical persona the music had to die. Only from the desert of the void can we open ourselves to things we’ve never imagined, or open to the means of birthing things we imagined but were forever trapped in a phase of out-of-reach by the very resentment that resented the situation of being out-of-reach.

    Pluto is conjunct my Mercury which is trine my Prog Mercury in Pisces so I guess that’s what’s going on with this time spanning perception. Mercury in Capricorn already sees time in vast spans, but with Pluto nearby I feel like the bullshit is being scraped off my lenses.

  10. Thank you, Len, for another beautiful article. Accepting one’s self is the doorway for everything else to occur. It diminishes and ultimately stops us from cultivating destructive habits, which is really all they are.

    I realized that it is exactly one year ago tomorrow that I was prompted to email you for a reading of my chart. I have learned a lot from you and can say that all of the artists I work with who have received a reading with you as part of our work and their creative development have benefited greatly as well.

    Thanks Len!

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