A Grand Experiment — Mercury and Jupiter Change Signs

Mercury moved on from its rulership in Gemini to the sign Cancer earlier today. By this time on Monday, Jupiter will be on the threshold of Gemini, concluding a year in Taurus. In the case of both Mercury and Jupiter, the new residence will be more humble than the previous set of accommodations, dialing their archetypal expressions down a notch. That modulation may prove to be a good thing, at least in the near future, corresponding to a period of reconciliation and reciprocation that leads in turn to more expansive possibilities.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mercury’s shift to cardinal waters has curative potential after a long fortnight of continuous cosmic elaboration on the theme of eclipses. While Mercury’s mental paradigm may not be entirely soluble in Cancer’s fluid energy signature, the combination can be symbolically emulsified to express as emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence combines a capability for analysis with a capacity for feeling, each supporting and informing the other. While not always easy to practice, it is a skill appreciated by those who benefit from its application. Now is a good time to cultivate that skill and astrology is providing some instruction. Mercury, leaving one of its two home signs (Virgo being the other), symbolically demonstrates how intellect need not disappear when it is not dominant, any more than a light needs to be bright in order to see. When diffused, both physical illumination and analytical intelligence are easier to take and often just as functional. Cancer’s slice of the zodiac exemplifies elemental qualities for the medium of dispersal.

The ancient element associated with the second cardinal sign is water, a substance known for its capacity to absorb or emulate the essence of the other three elements, fire, earth or air. As such, any object entering Cancer is both accepted with empathy and required to accept integration. Even Cancer’s ruler, the Moon, is in a different phase of its existence on each successive visit to its domicile. Hence, the lesson Mercury’s brief time in Cancer will have to offer as we emerge from a cycle of eclipses is one of being reconciled to a different phase of being, in reciprocation for a place to be. Jupiter’s longer tenure in Gemini, on the other hand, will be more of an experiment.

On the surface, a year in Twin City will be quite a comedown for Jupiter. That’s because Gemini opposes Sagittarius, where Jupiter rules. Under the ancient system of relative dignities, that means the largest planet will spend the next 12 months or so in detriment, something like being expatriated. The context of what is going on elsewhere in the sky, however, will serve to modify that circumstance and an auspicious beginning will make all the difference. This particular tour of Gemini will begin very differently indeed.

Jupiter’s entry to Gemini on Monday will be shortly followed by a truly auspicious circumstance. Ten days after ingress to its ostensible detriment, Jupiter will be occulted by the Moon. That means Big Jove, which by that time will be plainly visible in the pre-dawn sky, will have the Moon pass in front of it, temporarily blocking it from our view. That one event will make Jupiter a major player, effectively the bridge between the major events concluding one season and those that begin another. That’s because an occultation is very much like an eclipse.

Eclipses of one sort or another have been the repetitive and dominant theme in recent days. As soon as the Sun entered mutable Gemini, signifying the last phase of the current season, it was eclipsed by the Moon. Two weeks after that, the Moon took its turn being eclipsed by the Earth. Less than two days after that, the Sun was effectively eclipsed yet again by a rare and dramatic transit of Venus. Thus, Jupiter’s lunar occultation puts it in thematic resonance with those climactic occurrences, but another recent eclipse-like event connects the Jovian circumstance even more closely to the future.

Less than two days ago, shortly after Venus’ transit of the Sun, Pluto was occulted by the Moon for the third month in a row, an event that will repeat every month for another year to come. Pluto, of course, is a participant in the premier celestial feature of our era: its continuous series of square aspects with Uranus. The square of Uranus to Pluto will be exact for the first time just days after the Sun follows Mercury into Cancer, initiating the next season. Jupiter, by virtue of its own recent lunar occultation, will thus become an integral part of the big picture, representing the potential to expand beyond circumstance. That expansive potential can symbolize a similar opportunity for all of us. Like all opportunities, however, the outcome is not ordained by fate: it will depend on what we do with it.

Jupiter’s entry into Gemini next Monday is a symbol of encouragement. It is a reminder that no matter where we find ourselves, the only detriments are those we accept. While the recent spate of eclipses and eclipse-like events has probably found you in some new place or circumstance to which you are not accustomed, it does not mean hardship is inevitable. Being reconciled to change does not necessarily entail loss. Integration is not oblivion. As Mercury and Jupiter move into new signs, we are moving into new times. Those times will call on us to expand beyond ancient limitations that separate emotions from intelligence and open our minds to new and unprecedented possibilities of what we can be and the influence we can have. It’s a grand experiment and you are a part of it.

Offered In Service               

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

20 thoughts on “A Grand Experiment — Mercury and Jupiter Change Signs”

  1. Don’t asteroid Len with mercury? I see Karma at the trine Chiron, after the effect of the full moon and the transit of Venus it will help delay the planetary energies. For a time, the stationary phase of Saturn will still play on our morale as if there had not been enough with the Eclipse
    A bit of music to mitigate the effects

    good weekend to all 🙂

  2. Dear Len …your insight and guidance, your words, “You are being informed that it’s a good time to conceive with faith.” touched me deeply. Thank you. When I read this I instantly took literally, as feeling of the verb ‘to become pregnant’ with spirit. What an incredible, beautiful image for us!

    Paola and be, so appreciate your dialog confirming, allowing healing of our pain and thoughts that “The dark side of Venus is maybe opening our arms to our pain and deeply love it.” I feel this too. The Sun -Venus Transit somehow lovingly converting our energy – cohesively, Emanating and soaking up trans- formatively. Will hold in my heart.

  3. Hi Paola,

    I’m sure many of us here have gained from your pain, and the wisdom it has engendered. I was especially struck by your observation that Venus appears black to us as she moves in front of the Sun. That made me realize that up until modern times we would not have been able to see her occultation, due to the blinding Sun, which to me is a sign that we as a “whole” are growing in consciousness. That black dot that is Venus crossing between us and the Sun which could even be interpreted as a “black hole (whole)” of sorts. Without the consciousness, represented symbolically by the Sun, we would not be able to witness Venus, who represents love, in the daylight. Before this we only saw Venus during the Moon-time, a time of feeling and intuition, but now we are seeing her in the daylight and learning that there is more to what she means than what we thought. It is not so coincidental that she is in the sign of Gemini (two) is it? Yes, I believe you are right when you say we should embrace the pain paoli; it is part of our experience of life, and God experiences feeling through us. We could be thought of as making God whole, as well as becoming “we-are-all-one”; same difference.

    We are asked to believe that linear time is an illusion, which for me can be difficult to comprehend. However, as you and zerosity note, the language of astrology takes us backward and forward in time to give us understanding, not just the present. I thank you both for sharing your experiences and your wisdom with us here.

  4. Be,
    thank you. Your words sank deeply, and I have been thinking of them all morning.
    How beautiful to have such a w i d e vision, and connect time – past and forward and present of course. It’s a gift.

    First thing I want to say, it’s that you are telling me to trust, and this is so beneficial. Yes. I need to trust. And looking at the design of time… it appears that we are healing now what happened in 2009 or 2008 or 1995… but those events happened because of previous circumstances, which happened because of previous circumstances… so, after all, it’s our whole life healing.

    The eclipse of last year was right on my ascendant.

    Two days ago (June 6th) I got to know two important pieces of information on this dental issue, that confirmed things that I was feeling. I could have had the same information one year ago, from the same person, but I had it now. Amazing, eh? This re-sends me to the image of a ‘grand healing’, a design tht we cannot see in its entirety.
    I had to stand and live a whole year of events, and pain, *then* I got this information.
    And – aren’t we the history of our pain in some way?

    It may seem weird, but I got this idea this morning. I don’t want to concentrate on pain, but hey, we live it.
    The evening before the Venus transit I did not experience a surge of happiness or of eros, but I suddenly opened my heart and arms to pain.
    I was not expecting it, I got the words ‘paint your pain’. Tell your pain, write your pain, embrace yopur pain (pain in general). And I thought that Venus passing in front of the Sun was black for us, and I felt a sort of ‘black Venus’!!! The dark side of Venus is maybe opening our arms to our pain and deeply love it.

    Sorry, I am at the library, will finish this answer later.
    But thank you so much, dear.

  5. be and Paola,

    2008? Interesting. My dentist (also a friend and a pal, whom I dearly loved) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on Mother’s Day, and was dead by July 7. I still miss him dearly, both as a dentist and a friend. Around that time I developed a problem with a tooth, and was told to have a root canal and a crown. I resisted, though ultimately two years later, did get the root canal against my better judgment. I managed to delay the process by using natural/metaphysical methods. Amazing what is confirmed in hindsight.


  6. Len, Bless you! I should have known you would answer the question I posted about the Moon – Jupiter occultation. Like the Pluto one, that continues on a monthly basis at least through February each time the Moon slides through Gemini. (Don’t know about 2013; didn’t chase down an ephemeris for beyond February.) With Jupiter having a strong influence in my chart, I shall look forward to monthly encouragement and expansion. I have already made little check marks on the calendar for each happening.

    Again, many, many thanks for answering my niggling question.


  7. be: Thank you so very much for your generous, instructive and supportive comments today. You have been very much like Jupiter’s influence, expanding out point of view to widen our perspective.
    Lyd: You are most welcome.
    aword: i’m picking up on your pick-up, feeling very much the same vibe myself.
    P.Sophia: You do know your chart ruler and that’s good. Having it merge with the Sun in such an exceptional way is special, especially on a soul level. You are being informed that it’s a good time to conceive with faith. Mercury entering your Sun sign probably means you are getting a Mercury return (since Mercury is never far from the Sun), and of course, the Sun entering your Sun sign means happy birthday soon. Jupiter trine your ascendant fits with the Venus transit in encouraging you to expand your aspirations. Please reply to let me know anything else you need clarification on.
    Alex: Thank you for sharing your Mercury ingress observations. Interesting, huh? By the way, Mercury will next retrograde in Leo (and after that – USA election day).

  8. paola,

    I meant “by then”. and the reason I think we all will be pleased to a certain degree is that Venus and Saturn have been working through a process and this will be a point where there is accord between them. Let’s back up a little. You mentioned the words “patience coming to the limit so I WILL act.” in your 1st reply, and that is a Saturn-loaded remark if ever there was one. In your 2nd reply you said “I found a balance with difficulty and this balance was broken last summer.” That would be a Saturn in Libra remark. Last summer there were eclipses in June and July. Eclipses tell us that certain things are hidden. Last year’s lunar eclipse had a square between Saturn (in Libra) to Pluto (in Capricorn) that was only 4 degrees of orb from exact. The Solar Eclipse last year also had Pluto square Saturn with an orb of 4 degrees but not only that, the Moon and eclipsed Sun were opposite Pluto and square Saturn. This was stubbornly challenging energy in cardinal signs. I know your “balance was broken” during that eclipse season and suspect it could be at least partly attributed to these eclipses. The Lunar eclipse happened when the Sun was at 24 Gemini and the eclipsed Moon was at 24 Sagittarius. Last month Venus stationed at 23 Gemini and will trine Saturn from 23 Gemini. Venus is the ruler of the sign Saturn has been in since October 29, 2009. Eclipse degrees stay active for long periods of time.

    Let’s go back even further. When Pluto made his 1st entry into Capricorn on January 25, 2008, Venus was conjunct Pluto and trine Saturn. In Pluto’s 2nd entry into Cap on November 26, 2008, Venus was again trine Saturn but now she was conjunct Jupiter (the greater and lesser benefics of astrology) and she was also sextile Uranus. An ingress chart gives you a picture of the ingressing planet’s possibilities while in that sign. In both cases Pluto possibilities have a lovely trine between Venus and Saturn. Fast forward to now.

    Last month Venus and Saturn almost made a trine but it was to be postponed until the end of July. For Venus that will happen one degree from where the Sun was during the Lunar Eclipse last year. I am guessing that surgery is probably a part of the solution to your situation. Pluto rules surgery as does Mars. Mars in the 1st ingress of Pluto to Cap was at 24 Gemini (as Pluto himself was conjunct Venus who was trine Saturn, all in earth signs. . . not air. . not fire. . .not water. . .but earth, bone-solid earth).

    I don’t believe this is the end of the process, this trine between Saturn and Venus, but it marks a point where there is harmony between the energies represented by these symbols. Saturn represents long suffering hard work, patience and determination to make things as perfect as possible. Venus represents comfort, value, beauty, balance and she has never been stronger than she is right now. She rules the sign that Saturn resides in now and she is the esoteric (hidden) ruler of the sign she occupies herself. She is on a mission; has been for some time now and more than anything she wants to restore balance in all things. I sincerely believe that that would include the balance you lost last summer but even more, she would like, with the aid of Saturn and Pluto to make it perfect.

    You and your countrymen have been under a lot of stress lately and stress aggravates any situation that is already compromised. I am really hoping that you will focus on the time coming when things will be better than they are right now because it is coming. If you can reduce the amount of stress your body feels, you most likely will reduce the discomfort you are feeling. You “WILL act” and make your decision and it will be the right one. Trust yourself.

  9. I did not know about this sign change, but one observation I have made and I work in a call centre, a place obviously with a lot of communications technology – that things went completely awry today. both with the technology and with communication on a personal level. I felt like it was an intense Mercury Rx effect!

    So its interesting to see that this happened.

    On the other hand, I felt that my own communication abilities were heightened but then I do have Mercury in the third house….

    I felt like something big had changed today and couldn’t put my finger on it, also experienced a lot of synchronicities today.

  10. Hi be,
    thanks for your words.
    Of course you can use ‘dentistically’… a good thing in using a language that is not your mothertongue is that sometimes you invent words… usually without realizing it!
    I hope that you can solve your problem too… mine has started in… 1995. Starting from there I had to adapt to a situation, I found a balance with difficulty, and this balance was broken last summer, and then again around last Christmas. So now there is this possibility of repairing to the ‘original’ mistake of 1995. Hopefully. But I’m very scared of the possible consequences, like then a small mistake brought to a huge problem. And then they don’t know how to solve it, and you have to deal withy it every day.

    At the end of July here everything shuts down for vacations… that last the whole month of August. Did you mean with your last words that I shall be happy of my decision ‘by’ then, so before then?

    (My dental story started with three that died. Not three teeth, three dentists!)

    Light to you too,

  11. Paola, I sincerely hope your current health situation improves and are feeling better soon!
    Best thoughts out to you,

  12. Len,

    Thank you, tons of information! But astrologically speaking, much is still over my head.
    Although I definitely appreciated and connected in feeling and envisioned intention with the resulting influences you describe –

    “Those times will call on us to expand beyond ancient limitations that separate emotions from intelligence and open our minds to new and unprecedented possibilities of what we can be and the influence we can have.”

    Question: I am Sun Cancer, Libra rising – Therefore, Venus is my ruler. With the recent alignment of Venus and the Sun was wondering if this recent aspect of the transit had a significant effect on Libra’s, and or Cancer signs. I am certainly feeling I am being cracked wide open (in a good way) and recognizing considerable potential abound, as the others mentioned below.

    Also noticed in your message that Jupiter is moving into Gemini, which is a fellow air sign like mine, then there’s the coming up Sun follows Mercury into Cancer… so hoping these would be good aspects for me?!

    Thanks for your help Len. As always, appreciate your reply and also hoping to connect soon.


  13. aword,

    I’m happy to hear I’m not alone feeling the whiplash of the quickening pace of events. Your interest in the quintile’s angles found in the pentagram (or five-pointed star) and as well, the cycle of Venus is very appropriate, as one of the abilities associated with this aspect is being able to comprehend the relationship between what appears to be separate sets of circumstances. I sometimes get a chance to observe my own quintiles at work, although they are quite subtle. Understanding seems to come magically when observing the nature of this to that, such as the previous mention of the Venus Saturn near miss trine to the grand earth trine in different degrees and signs between Pluto, Mercury and Mars. There WAS a connection but it was very, very subtle.

    I would think that Jupiter into Gemini would increase the miracle component of your writing too. And I also believe that “earned income” is a 11th house thing, which I rarely remember to consider. Let us know!

  14. Oh paola, I so sympathize with you regarding your mouth/jaw/teeth problems. I’ve had to deal with the same subject off and on since 2009. That would be when Saturn went into Libra and Saturn, in challenging aspects, can relate to teeth problems.

    However, I do love your new (to me) word “dentistically”. Hope you will allow me to use it . . rhymes with “statistically”, right? I feel confident you will pick the right dentist; one that you feel will address the most important thing to you. Like, does he or she take measures to make his work pain free for you? Or, does he or she stay caught up with the latest methods and have modern equipment? Does he or she have a flexible payment plan? (I don’t have insurance so that was important for me.) Are you comfortable with him or her? Does it matter to you if it is a him or a her?

    Saturn will go direct late this month, as will Venus. They came close to an exact trine when she went retrograde in May but the timing wasn’t right. However, on or near the last day of July, just 2 hours after Sun trines Uranus, Saturn and Venus will finally perfect their trine, in the same degree(s) and sign(s) even. Sounds like a perfect time to follow through on some issue that has been evaluated and thought through for several months.

    These two planets have had a rapport with Pluto starting around the same time she went retrograde, which included dialogue between themselves and the grand earth trine of Pluto, Mars and Mercury, as well as the conjunction between Sun and Jupiter in Taurus. In your case, this could possibly relate to your dental problems and how to solve them. If so, I think you will be pleased with your decision(s) by the end of July. Sending love and light. . . be.

  15. I too feel the wind whipping around me as I leap from racing jeep to racing jeep to …… – but I am in some strange way balanced, confident and well, scared out of my wits at the same time. Maybe that combination is uber-indiana Jones, eh Be?

    I’ve become so intrigued by the quintile since your recent mention BTW, Be. That the Venus/Sun transits are predictable by the pentagram (360 degrees of Quintile). And my most outstanding personal Quintile being 0 Scorpio IC/Jupiter/NN/Neptune to 12 Mars in Cap. Hmm I say Hmm.

    Gemini for me is partially 10th, mostly 11th – and I seem to be experiencing an opportunity for “financial health” as it were. Interesting since that doesn’t fit the House Rules. Right now I’m cleaning out the crud as best I can and although my situation appears to be worse that ever, I discover that I have a “healthier” POV than before – perhaps sans my father’s baggage. Maybe that’s the 5/11 or 4/10 axis at work then. (Hmm…10th house? success? failure?)

    Writing is nothing sort of a miracle in terms of channeling what is going on in the heavens into story.

    I’m liking the Indiana Jones picture very much, Be – and Len you are the instigator here so let me not forgot to thank you for sparking that picture. Mercury has been very active in my personal “chart” lately and today he is sextiling Pluto. According to astro.com this is about “real knowledge”. Perhaps I have (finally) found myself in a place where Neptune is an asset not detriment? And why Jupiter moving on would bring relief I do not know; I expected grand things from him while transiting my 10th. Perhaps the forest has overridden sight of the trees?

    Either, Or or Which-way, I will take his encouragement. And yours. Thank you, Len.

  16. Hi bkoehler,
    I am resonating with your words when you say ‘leaping from one moving vehicle to another going faster or in a different direction and not at all sure where it leads’.

    Now, all this activity in Gemini is in 6th house for me – so, essentially, health. But it’s not that the eclipses and Venus transit etc. have passed and solved a few health issues that I’d like to solve. It’s more like: some very useful insights, and patience coming to the limit so I WILL act. But it’s not a magic wand passing and whoop… Now, Jupiter will join the place and this is good.
    I have to decide which of three dentists trust and put my mouth in his hands. They are saying different things and have a different approach on a quite delicate matter.
    I now have the possibility of improving a situation that has troubled me for many years – dentistically. So I am really wanting to choose the good one…
    I visualize my mouth and jaws perfectly healed.

  17. Len, holy smokes…as always, I so appreciate your view on the current and around the corner movements of the planet gods. You wrote … “while the recent spate of eclipses and eclipse-like events has probably found you in some new place or circumstance to which you are not accustomed”…hello…found myself hovering over a massive piece of metal grid and no gps; definitely not a bad thing, just disorienting; and apparently an essential part of any adventure or experiment, as one must first show up, and then get to work. With a tad bit of relief, am looking forward to the energy shift, yet again. Might be saying that a lot this year…

    Thank you, thank you, Len

  18. What a nice thought Len; “Integration is not oblivion.” As we leap across time lines with each rapidly passing occultation or eclipse, it can be hard to remember where we were just a couple of months ago. Maybe it’s just me getting older, but I feel like fellow Cancerian Harrison Ford in some Indiana Jones movie; leaping from one moving vehicle to another going faster or in a different direction and not at all sure where it leads. Getting my bearings is hard enough, let alone getting integrated at this fast pace.

    I wonder though, if Jupiter doesn’t welcome the integration into Gemini a little bit. He may be opposed his home sign of Sagittarius, but he will no longer be opposed his wife Juno in Scorpio. By leaping from Taurus into Gemini he may also be escaping from the pressures of constantly expanding things materially to at least an air sign more tolerant of his fiery nature. No longer part of the ongoing and production-demanding earth trine with Pluto and Mars he can now check out the myriad details involved in his “big plan”. After all, by the end of the year he will be the focal point of a yod from the sextile of Pluto in Cap and Saturn in Scorpio.

    Come to think of it, maybe he has picked up some vital message from Juno that will help him focus on the details he will need to integrate by then. The astrological emphasis on the feminine recently could have had a positive effect on those two, Jupiter and Juno. Wouldn’t that be a nice thought too? Maybe that dial-down leap into new signs by the brainiacs, Mercury and Jupiter, WILL be a good thing. Thanks for making me think Len!

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