Next World Stories is Ready!


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4 thoughts on “Next World Stories is Ready!”

  1. It’s been so quiet in here since Nextworld Stories landed. I have imagined everyone totally absorbed, heads lost among the ‘pages’. And of course there was that fool moon. 🙂

    Being of the Greenwich Meantime persuasion, I sat up in anticipation, particularly after the ‘it’s coming soon’ message. But after umpteen refreshes, and still no sign, I eventually fell asleep. Only to awaken in the morning and find it waiting for me in my inbox. Like Christmas it was – only much, much better.

    Eric, I read the column for Cancer and Leo, my solar and rising, several times. And have revisited a few times again, just to make sure it’s going in. It’s uncanny. Your writing is like no other in terms of it’s warmth, depth, reach and insight. Something special indeed.

    The comments re Transactional Analysis gave me shivers as I only recently made a commitment to myself and signed up for a course in this arena. A true break from where I was originally heading in terms of a career, and a place I had thought of many times, but for some reason avoided. Not now.

    Thank you (thank you all of you) for doing what you love and doing it so brilliantly.
    With love from a Crabette who is becoming more and more Aqueerius on a daily basis.

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