Monthly Horoscope from Planet Waves Astrology News

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric Francis

I’d like to offer the September monthly Planet Waves horoscope to you (link is at the end of this paragraph). I actually write four different monthly horoscopes, plus a weekly — which are emailed directly to subscribers Tuesdays and Fridays. Fridays are the weekly horoscope and lots of other stuff; Tuesdays you get the original monthly, Inner Space monthly, the Eriscope sex horoscope and a new “alternative monthly” that runs in a posh establishment down in the Land of Oz. Here is a direct link to the edition of Astrology News with the long edition of the monthly, the original Planet Waves.

I’ll be blogging this weekend from the Loving More East Coast conference, conveniently located a stone’s throw from my studio. (I’ll also be doing audio blogging but it won’t run till next week.) Blog commenters, get ready for a fun time. And hey thanks to everyone who has been so eloquently keeping the discussion threads going below.

Eric Francis

1 thought on “Monthly Horoscope from Planet Waves Astrology News”

  1. Not sure where to post a question about the weekly scopes that just came out, so this (where sept monthlies are mentioned) is my best guess.
    For Capricorn this week, Eric ends with comment about the will, and its exercise. Is “the power of the will” he refers to another way of saying “intention”? or is it something else? In my world there are a couple ways to understand will, so would love any clarifications offered. (i.e. vs. desire, vs. submission, vs. intellect/mind…)

    Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
    Opportunity is only worth so much if you don’t act on it. Potential draws most of its value from being developed, rather than from anything inherent about it. While you don’t seem ready to take a very large step, the way is open to take a small, significant step in the direction of what is real and what is true for you. You may not feel ready; you may feel like the more you try to get ready, the less prepared you are. Therefore, I suggest you work with the concept of willingness. That may seem even more daunting, because all the choices implied suggest that whatever occurs won’t happen automatically. But it is precisely the power of will that you need to exercise and develop consciously, at least at this stage of your life.

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