Sun enters Gemini; Venus square Neptune

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Dear Friend and Reader:
Tuesday morning the Sun joins Mercury and Ceres Gemini. The Moon is long since in Sagittarius after last night’s second Scorpio Full Moon, and the Sun is catching up, now in the very last arc minutes of Taurus. It reaches Gemini about one minute past noon Eastern time.

Eric Francis

Venus is square Neptune, which is one of those “get clear about what you want” kind of aspects. This holds true particularly as Mercury is slowing down to a station in Gemini, which looks like a series of decisions will be flowing out of the retrograde that begins right after the weekend.Today’s edition is short — it’s the last day of UAC, so I’ll be on the move. Audio coverage of the conference is collecting here, and additional written coverage is on the pages below.

The Planet Waves monthly horoscope is about to be published. Here is the Gemini writeup for June 2008. The rest of the horoscopes are published at Small World Stories or Planet Waves Astrology News.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Rest is repair. Every system needs to shut down from time to time for maintenance. Humans don’t shut down while they are alive, but we can slow down and do a review. We can learn to meditate; we can learn to shift our focus so that certain aspects of our physical and psychic bodies can get a rest. Now would be a great time to do some of this. You have some questions for yourself which are aimed at resolving what you may perceive as a split in your perceptions, or a mixed signal you are sending to the world or are getting from the world. This signal actually involves a dialog you are having with yourself, or more accurately, a shifting perspective on your life that is leading you to the complexity in things that were, at one time, relatively simple. Part of the paradox you’re in is that you are striving for a measure of stability, while at the same time you are being confronted with the need to probe into your needs, motives and self-perception in such a way that will eventually compel you to make some significant decisions. But that time has yet to arrive; what you need is the kind of clarity that will come with a retreat from action. Even if it is brief, let it be sincere.

Aspects for Tuesday 20th May 2008

Venus (24+ Taurus) sesquiquadrate Sisyphus (9+ Libra Rx)
Sun (29+ Taurus) opposite Moon (29+ Scorpio) – Full Moon
Amor (8+ Taurus) quincunx Pholus (8+ Sagittarius Rx)
Sun (29+ Taurus) trine Arachne (29+ Virgo)
Venus (24+ Taurus) square Neptune (24+ Aquarius)
Mercury (19+ Gemini) quintile Saturn (1+ Virgo)
Vesta (13+ Aries) trine Ixion (13+ Sagittarius Rx)
Apollo (29+ Cancer) sesquiquadrate Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius)
Pallas enters Taurus (direct)
Venus (24+ Taurus) conjunct Admetos (24+ Taurus)
Sun (0 Gemini) sextile Aries Point (0 Aries)
Sun enters Gemini (direct)
Vesta (14+ Aries) trine Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius)
Sisyphus (8+ Libra Rx) quincunx Amor (8+ Taurus)

Jul 01, 2000 – SAGITTARIUS – Monthly

Negotiation is the way to get what you want. Here’s why I say that: you deserve what’s yours, but the people of influence in your life are also very powerful. They hold some of your cards, so to say. In such cases where strength is necessary but the weapons of war have no proper place, the only option is to negotiate, which is to be a master of assessing the strengths and weakness of all positions involved, planning a strategy and then asking for what you want. You are not without significant power in this situation, but you have barely begun to figure that out. You also possess your freedom, the most important element in any competitive situation. But above all else, you have vision, which is the secret elixir of physical reality.

Eric Francis

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