You are your missing piece

Welcome to new readers who found your way here from Coast to Coast AM. If you’d like to read more about Tuesday’s transit of Venus, here are a few of my favorite articles that cover the territory.

If you happened to miss the interview, here’s a short sample —

In the story left for us by ancient lore masters (known as the zodiac), Gemini is the first sign in the sequence that depicts the human form. It’s difficult to miss that the first human sign depicts not one but two critters, whom we are told are twins.

Gemini coloring twins from a digital coloring book called
Gemini coloring twins from a digital coloring book called

Yet in the symbolic language spoken by astrology, this image seems to be a metaphor for the divided nature of consciousness: soul and ego, body and mind, light side and dark side, inner adult and inner child, animal and human — we could go on for a while with these seeming inner divisions. Seeming divisions, though not without effects — many people feel divided against themselves, and it’s no shock why: numerous influences are exploiting our weaknesses and our lack of self-knowledge, and playing various ‘us vs. them’ games that serve mainly to weaken us as individuals and collectively.

One manifestation of inner division is all those people roaming the world searching for their missing piece. Has anyone not been there at some point? The belief that someone else will make us a complete person is different from wanting companionship. I’m talking about the sensation of feeling less than whole, combined with the expectation of being completed by another person.

It’s risky business, in part because any relationship with that as its premise is likely to be a little shaky, and thus not such a great place to fulfill that purpose — unless, of course, it throws you back on yourself (which sooner or later, it will) and you have no choice but to find yourself (which you will do sooner or later).

Part of how this manifests is in personal relationships in which, in their obsession with finding the soul mate, people skip over a lot of otherwise great friends, and also skip over the fact that people are whole individuals. We can be helped, supported, loved, trusted and appreciated by others — but we cannot be completed because we already are complete.

Also on the Gemini channel, we take it for granted that we seem to live in a world so split over the issue of us and them. It’s really an inversion of the same equation: these people are so different from me that they’re, well, different from me and therefore they are [name your prejudice] and as a result I can [name your inhumane action] them. ‘Us and them’ is a projection of the same split-self phenomenon that leads us into all kinds of weird things like ‘culture wars’.

One of the boldest manifestations of us/them involves gender and sexual orientation. It’s almost unparalleled in any other expression of life — this history of families throwing out or torturing children (including adult children) for their sexual orientation, for example. Religions that are supposedly based on love take up political arms against the rights of certain people to love whom they choose.

In reality, humans are much more gender-fluid than we like to let on. We have every potential within us, but there is a big skew in the statistics due to rather enormous social pressure. We’ve all figured out that if you object to gay people that much, maybe you have a little something going on yourself. This works with so many facets of life that, for example, nobody is surprised when they hear the (probably false) claim that Adolf Hitler was part Jewish. We all know what projection is, even if it’s ‘unconscious’ when we do it.

After a caustic three years of heart-break, division and the angry protests that followed Proposition 8 -- a group of active Mormons stepped forward to march in our annual Pride Parade. Their message was simple: “We Love You.” Photo by Scott Sommerdorf of the Salt Lake Tribune.
After a caustic three years of heartbreak, division and the angry protests that followed Proposition 8 -- a group of active Mormons stepped forward to march in our annual Pride Parade. Their message was simple: “We Love You.” Photo by Scott Sommerdorf of the Salt Lake Tribune.

Let’s pretend this whole scenario is described by Gemini, as it depicts mirror-consciousness, and the inner divisions (and conflicts) that are projected onto others, including onto the whole population. And, let’s consider for a moment that today’s transit of Venus represents a unifying principle, which will tangibly illustrate for us, and demonstrate for us, that we’re each our own unique critter.

The Venus transit of the Sun represents the merging together of two very different things in the sign Gemini, which is an image of mending the division implied by this sign. It may not happen overnight, though you tell me — are you experiencing your usual inner conflicts beginning to dissolve into something easier?

Some of the most scathing divisions of supposed difference involve sex and sexual identity, and this is often exploited by religion. Tonight two different people have sent me links suggesting that something is in the air — that something is on the mend. I would like to offer these in the spirit of the Venus transit of the Sun.

First, Marisa Black, my friend and fellow writer for Dodson and Ross, has been updating me on how Mormons in Salt Lake City are finally getting hip to the idea that it’s normal to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. First she sent me this video produced by students at Brigham Young University (scroll down a bit for the video). It takes nine minutes to watch and will convince you the world is changing. Then a little while ago she sent this blog post, from Monday, about the Mormon church expressing what is in truth unprecedented and (to me) rather stunning tolerance, with its members marching in the pride parade.

Then a friend in China, who follows sex and gender issues carefully, sent me this article from Tuesday’s New York Times, about how Sister Margaret Farley was denounced by the Vatican (an honor on par with winning an Oscar). In part, the article says:

The Vatican office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said that the book, “Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics,” by Sister Margaret A. Farley, was “not consistent with authentic Catholic theology,” and should not be used by Roman Catholics.

Sister Farley, a past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and an award-winning scholar, responded in a statement: “I can only clarify that the book was not intended to be an expression of current official Catholic teaching, nor was it aimed specifically against this teaching. It is of a different genre altogether.”

The book, she said, offers “contemporary interpretations” of justice and fairness in human sexual relations, moving away from a “taboo morality” and drawing on “present-day scientific, philosophical, theological, and biblical resources.

If I do say so — the transit of Venus is off to a fine start. I’ll be back with more details as the day develops.

31 thoughts on “You are your missing piece”

  1. I have discovered that when you make Venus your first guest, people want to come over and are alot of fun. I got do the science and the social and it all went so smoothly.

    It was an exciting, fun day. Thanks, Venus.

  2. “First, Marisa Black, my friend and fellow writer for Dodson and Ross, has been updating me on how Mormons in Salt Lake City are finally getting hip to the idea that it’s normal to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. First she sent me this video produced by students at Brigham Young University (scroll down a bit for the video). It takes nine minutes to watch and will convince you the world is changing. Then a little while ago she sent this blog post, from Monday, about the Mormon church expressing what is in truth unprecedented and (to me) rather stunning tolerance, with its members marching in the pride parade.”

    Call me a cynic but these are most likely the Mormon Church’s efforts to get the LBGTQ vote for Romney in the fall. If they “extend the hand of tolerance” now that may translate into votes for Romney later. I hope people are not fooled.

  3. Petit – thanks so much for that link!
    Be – during an interview at the Nasa link, a student discussed Venus transitis with a diagram of a pentagram. I found this interesting due to your mention of the Quintile aspect yesterday (an aspect I had not yet studied, and have quite a few ‘important’ ones in my natal)

    Here’s a link to the Venus/pentagram transit pattern (which I have not read yet):

    I just happened upon a couple of people with telescopes set up today – amazing to be gifted to view this transit first hand.

  4. OK. But I was just meditating before hitting our local park by the lake…

    And I got a giant delicious smooch right on the lips from… Don’t know who or what… But let me repeat the word delicious. My feet are feeling pretty hot, too. The energy around here is pretty wild & yummy.

    I think I’m going to kiss EVERYONE back tonight.

  5. And thank you, Sarah, for wisdom with heart: “The marriage of the Self is all well and good, but it doesn’t keep your feet warm at night.” YEP. And neither does my siamese cat; toes are thoroughly perforated, however. Here’s to letting the plot unfold deliciously, and gently too. I’m ready for that last quality, first of all from myself. Then hopefully the outer will reflect the same.

  6. Thank you Melissa for bringing Jerry into the picture. More from The Wheel:

    “Small wheel turn by the fire and rod,
    big wheel turn by the grace of God,
    every time that wheel turns round,
    we’re bound to cover just a little more ground.”

    And the final refrain:

    “Won’t you try just a little bit harder,
    couldn’t you try just a little bit more?”

  7. I’ve got duality raging, Friends.

    Astrological Venus would like to accept the dear pals invitation of dinner. Food, friends, laughs, we all love each other! oh perfect! We can swim afterwards.

    Astronomical Science Venus, well, I have all computers set up for an orgy of giddy scientists, data, social media-ing. When I get too sweaty from science excitement, jump in pool, grab snacks.

    So I have offered to my husband Transit of Venus Pool Party, invite everybody, bring snacks, we’ll have pizza and drinks. We can all do science and swimming and laughing and general frolicking.

    Being so last minute, I can’t see how this is going to turn out. Even with a six week head start my guy is…uh..well, not so good at getting things together.

    but let’s see. At this time, I’m going with astronomical Venus that I have planned for months now and hopeful for the miracle of spontaneous gathering.

  8. I missed seeing the Lunar Eclipse due to much needed rains, which brought to mind a line from The Wheel, performed by the Grateful Dead, “If the thunder don’t get you
    then the lightning will”. I checked Jerry’s chart and both his Saturn and Uranus are close to today’s Venus/Sun transit, but not exact. Interestingly, his Orcus is right at 15 Gemini. (Today Orcus is at 2 Virgo nestled between Jerry’s Mars and his North node.) During the UAC, Melanie Reinhart had very interesting things to say about Orcus. One was its link to the whale, Orcinus orca. Everything you wanted to know about Orcas and more:
    Additionally, I found one archaic Hungarian usage of the word orca meaning face. Melanie had mentioned that she noticed a connection between Orcus and the jaw.
    As “The wheel is turning and you can’t slow down, You can’t let go and you can’t hold on, You can’t go back and you can’t stand still…..Everytime that wheel turn round, bound to cover just a little more ground.” Today, seeing the kind face and hearing the voice, playing the heart. I have my glasses. Thank you.

  9. Eric, as always, thanks for the conversation.
    Sarah and Mystes – got it. I’ve been living it, just didn’t Get It. Got It. Thank you.

  10. “The whole question of ‘seeking’ the Beloved is another topic that could take days to unpack. Short form: don’t.”

    I spent most of my life looking, and in moments it was achingly painful not to find it. Then – yes, you’re right – it found me. Took bloody long enough.

    I definitely don’t want to live in a spousal relationship with it. The quote – which I am going to misquote, actually – that comes to mind is one from a Jungian: “The marriage of the Self is all well and good, but it doesn’t keep your feet warm at night.” 🙂

  11. Hey Sarah,

    Yes. After I wrote that, I just shook my head. There’s really nothing that can be said (in fragmentary form) about one’s Other that doesn’t become insipid in about 30 seconds. In longer form it is sooner-than-later drafted into dogma or romanticized. (Cak, cak, ptui!)

    But the Beloved is as real as Liberation (from anger/craving/fear). Utterly real and indeed, the vector is irreversible beyond a certain point. Generally speaking, one doesn’t find him/her until you are approaching that wormhole, but sometime s/he will flare into view to help you locate it. It, not him or her. The whole question of ‘seeking’ the Beloved is another topic that could take days to unpack. Short form: don’t.

    I have *no* idea if it is possible to live with him/her in a spousal relationship. The literature suggests not; the few people I know to have entered that unveiling together do not seem to have survived the tedium vitae of the daily grind. But I encourage you to add your own chapter.

  12. This Gemini native has been feeling the ENERGY of yesterday’s partial lunar and today’s Venus eclipse since the sun came up this morning, the manifestation of the solar feminine. An all-pervesive vibration that I have never felt before, a new quality of energy in the field of the Earth.

    Plus the wind is picking up and a thunderstorm may blow in over the mountains today- blessed rain, blessing the Earth, being blessed by Venus.

  13. “For most people married (or in relationship) is enough. Then there are the rest of us, for whom there is only the Beloved.”

    mystes – maybe I *am* polyamorous: my relationship with the divine Other is singularly the most important relationship of my life, and I know I’ll never find it in my partner. I want both. 🙂

  14. Hmmm… here’s my tuppence on the question. First of all, is Eric smarter than Plato? Maybe, maybe not.

    Second, my experience is that there is indeed the wholly “Other” – and there is nothing on heaven or earth like meeting him/her. Mix the lightning glance of the Mentor with a hunger/thirst slaked with ambrosia, stir in a sudden uptick of 50 IQ points while standing in the Louvre in front of a painting you’ve only seen in reproduction for 50 years as cherubim massage your extremities with the tears of blue whales.

    Third, I’ve been in love dozens of times and married twice – started out both marriages proclaiming that we were polymorphously married, trying to keep the tethers loose for clarity and individuation. Even with the best of intentions, it is much harder than it looks. Why? Because while there was great love, the relationships/marriages were not Hierogamos. For most people married (or in relationship) is enough. Then there are the rest of us, for whom there is only the Beloved.

    Fourth, I can’t state categorically there is only “one” – just as there is no guarantee that there is “only one” of you.

    Fifth, to say there is no Beloved is to say there is no irreversible Liberation; and just as Liberation in no way resembles ‘happiness’ – neither does the encounter with the Beloved resemble relationship. See Petrarch and John Donne for details.

  15. Dear CaraSusanetta, (beautiful name btw)

    Yes, barter system is compassionate, respectful economic trade. I am having been working on such a creative development, business plan / model over the last 4 years now.

    As I heard one great soul (Eric!) say recently, “we have the Power to take care of one another!” Thank you for opening the discussion and Eric, I am now using your precise words to help bring one of my visions to enlightenment today.


  16. I thank you, Eric and your team for the inspiring and intelligent example you set. So good to read down-to-Earth and positive interpretations and narratives of stellar events. There are so many conspiracy theories, Alien groupies and religious doomsayers out there at the moment, 2012 has had such a buildup. The astronomy and the physics are fascinating, the indigenous cultural take is mostly pretty stable and there are altogether too few folks willing to look at the actual source data itself.

    I love this planet, am grateful for the loan of my flesh and bones, enjoy the experiences and spirit wanderings in the outer, inner and earthy realms. For this reason the approach of Planetwaves — eyes on the sky, heart with the people and their unique growth dynamics, minds studious, curious and awe-inspired, yet with your feet on the ground — is one I totally appreciate and respect. Keep up the good work!

    — Si

  17. Visioning out loud here: I envision an economy where barter networks are as strong (untaxed) as money and basic preventive healthcare is free, non-basic healthcare is available for barter, and food is local and clean. How to get there from here is another story, but I see the internet concept (whatever octave of the actual internet that develops into) as key. But then I’m an Aquarius Sun, Virgo rising. 🙂

  18. Before falling asleep, I had the stars in my mind. I wanted to share a thought. There are two sets of three eclipses. The first with Sun/Moon (solar eclipse), Sun/Moon (lunar eclipse), and Sun/Venus (Venus transit); there is Moon/Sun (solar eclipse), Moon/Sun (lunar eclipse), and Moon/Pluto(occultation). So, Sun and Moon share the first two conjunctions (the solar and lunar eclipse), however their third eclipse like experiences are not with each other, but with different partners for the third conjunctions. On June 19, Sun and Moon reunite for a new moon on Gemini 28+. The Sabian Symbool for Gemini 29 is “The first mockingbird of spring sings from the tree top.” This is interesting in that mockingbirds mimic the songs of other birds, insects, and even cell phones and car alarms. It usually repeats its imitation three times, and then repeats another, different, call/song three times. I found this to be an interesting synchronicity.

  19. Positing Adolph Hitler as poster boy for people’s “projection” may not have been the most propitious example. On the other hand, Hitler’s own “mirror consciousness”, his “divisions (and conflicts) that are projected onto others, including onto the whole population,” may have been tragically on view.

    Not only was Hitler–indisputably an illegitimate child–probably part Jewish, he was likely part Rothschild. His paternal grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild when she conceived. Even the Jewish Virtual Library allows that “to this day Hitler’s paternal grandfather is unknown. Alois’ mother, Maria Schicklgruber, is known to have worked in the home of a wealthy Jew, so there is some chance, however small, that a son in that household got Hitler’s grandmother pregnant.”

    Was Hitler part Jewish…AND…African? Oh, what a tangled web we weave….

    As an unintended genetic coup de grace, the August 24, 2010 MailOnline reported that DNA samples taken from Hitler’s relatives showed the presence of a Haplopgroup type rare in Germany and Western Europe but “most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.”

    In other words, “he is biologically linked to the ‘sub-human’ races he sought to exterminate.”

    It just goes to show that people must be willing, to be able, and to be allowed to use discernment/discrimination and COURAGE (of the heart) in ascertaining TRUTH, wherever it leads. Comforting nostrums and fables, often employed to cleverly subjugate the minds and hearts of goodly trusting folk, should be open to radical analysis and deconstruction for exactly what they perchance are: tools of domination and control. As Winston Churchill wryly calculated: “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” As George Orwell observed, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

    Some theorists go so far as to postulate that “Everything that you know is wrong.” Maybe…Maybe not. But it is certain that “history”, like “reality”, is not necessarily as we have been carefully taught to believe. Or, in the immortal words of George Carlin: REALITY, What a Concept!”

    That is why freedom of speech and the press are crucial. And not just for theorems and causes advocated by any particular person or group. “Hate Speech” is a napalm bomb, a ground zero weapon against the underpinnings of a free society. According to John Peter Zenger, whose 1735 precedent legal case determined truth to be a defense against charges of libel: “No nation ancient or modern ever lost the liberty of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in general and became slaves.”

  20. thank you stormi and amanda … yes, this is what I was going for here, as I try to coax this inner dialog outward to this page. For me the missing element so far is the feeling part — that which connects me to my eternal self — the polarities exist within me, not just male/female and human/eternal but thought/feeling and all of these polarities are in flux now and, as I read here, coming to light.

  21. ok this is a quickie cause i gotta go but yes MM i think you’re right and yes Amanda, i think that’s what E is saying too – just wanted to clarify (somewhat) the process of wholeness in being as socialized beans. the minute we as humans began to seek that outside ourselves is when the disconnect started, it’s a “natural” pattern at this point. if that makes sense? will check in later. ♥☮♫

  22. marymack & stormi — i think that’s actually what eric’s trying to say. not so much that we’re already as connected inwardly as we need to be or can be, but that that is the starting point. we’re “complete” in the sense that we have the resources/potential to connect with ourselves if we look to do so, and as we do, we can enter into more solid relating with others who are doing the same thing. but you never will feel that sense of inner completion that’s available all the time if you first don’t know to give it a try, and then do, and keep practicing, and allow its value to be palpable by you.

    …i think….

  23. stormi … I have been mulling this over for such a time and feel a need to respond to your post in an effort to find the clarity of my little quest. I, too, have felt that we earthlings have been searching outward for completion and bumping up against a brick wall time and again. The reason for this, I’m thinking, is all about connecting inward, with our eternal self, and then once whole we’re ready to go for it, find another equally whole human to shake it up, etc.


  24. “Part of how this manifests is in personal relationships that, in their obsession with finding the soul mate, people skip over a lot of otherwise great friends, and also skip over the fact that people are whole individuals.”

    i think you’re right, we miss a lot of relations in the mythical quest, but i am not so sure we are truly whole, which is why people keep looking, either because they’re not or the one they’re with isn’t. yes, technically we’re “whole” but socialization pokes us so that we become like swiss cheese, always looking for the “other” and then the “othering” starts. for me, the search is wholeness within so that i can come into a true partnership and authentic relations with those on the same path (live your own myth eh!). otherwise, seems we end up looking for all the wrong cheese to fill those holes without realizing they were created for particular flavors, not complementarity. apologies if that sounds cheesy. it’s a limburger moon right?

  25. Best thing I’ve read on the V-tran so far. Thanks – and please keep us up to date. 🙂

  26. Eric, darn!   I missed your Coast to Coast.  Please let us know if you be offing a link, or time will it be aired again?

    I began reading through your compilation of Venus transit articles tonight with great interest and intrigue!   Eric, thank you for all your knowledge, experience and the wisdom you offer us. I sincerely feel so lucky to have found you here  and the outreaching PW community.

    Looking forward to the big event today!  I am envisioning, yet particulars are bit hazy still, hope this is ok for now.  I am open, there are plenty of potentials, and the rest I am asking to be revealed to me.   Still not sure where I will view, any place I love seems right. Suggestion appreciated.  .

    Ready, set, feeling the shift – Watch out, we’re re-claiming our missing piece!

    Sincerely, sending, 
    My Heart out to you-

  27. Eric, such a beautiful job with the Coast to Coast spot tonight. My heart swelled every time you pointed the discussion back towards a stance of openness and opportunity, rather than the contraction of fear. Not to sound like your mom (since I’m 39 and that would be mathematically challenging) but I felt SO proud tonight. You did a great service to so many, and presented yourself and your knowledge impeccably and beautifully as usual. Since it feels like we, the PW family, so often get to keep you all to ourselves, it was a thrill to hear you splash in that big, diverse pond that I believe really needed to hear your particular message. Bravo. (And what a fun way to ring in the transit date in the middle of the night. Even with the cognitive dissonance of C2C playing on our Fox news am station… Miracles and wonder. 🙂

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