Well-behaved women seldom occupy the Aries Point

Nix Given; photo by Nicole Hanhan.

Today is Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. Chances are you’ve run across the statement “Well-behaved women seldom make history” many times, whether on a bumper sticker or a greeting card. It’s a catchy, inspiring phrase embraced by many a woman determined to make her mark on the world – or, at least, to live her life fully and by her own rules. It could also be the slogan of today’s Venus-Uranus conjunction on the Aries Point.

The Aries Point is the first degree of Aries, a sensitive spot where personal issues have political, worldly impact and vice versa. Uranus, the high-energy outer planet of spontaneous and revolutionary acts and awakenings, has been hanging out in this spot for months, talking to Pluto as the two of them foment some cultural reorganization (Arab Spring and Occupy are just the beginning).

Now add Venus to Aries – the sign of its ‘detriment’ – where its energy is harder to express and access naturally. You could think of Venus here as rather like a young child without the words she needs to express herself: the tools she has to use may tend toward things like tantrums rather than articulate, empathetic therapy-speak. Offering her a little understanding, clear boundaries and some assistance focusing is (generally) more appropriate than putting her in a corner – unless she needs some quiet time.

Of course, Venus making a conjunction to Uranus looks like too much excitement for any corner-sitting anyway. These two planets conjunct in any sign can bestow personal magnetism, unusual creative energy, a strong self-will and unconventional loving (along with emotional highs and lows). This is Venus plugging into a light socket (or, to return to the child metaphor, eating a pile of candy). The question is, how do you work with that much energy, especially if it’s coming in an unrefined and unpredictable form? As with the child, it takes clear boundaries, empathy and focus coming from someone or somewhere else. And given the powerful position of this conjunction – a point where personal and cultural issues feed each other and make shit happen – it’s worth it to seek out that assistance and use it well.

Well-behaved women may not show up in the history books often, but neither do unfocused loose cannons completely at the mercy of their emotions or surroundings. Where can we find the discipline and structure we need to evolve the passion and spontaneity of Venus-Uranus so we can fully engage with the Aries Point’s potential? Check out Saturn, newly retrograde in Libra, making a trine to Pallas Athene in Aquarius. This aspect is giving us some harmony between how we structure our personal boundaries and balance our relationships, and the negotiating and political skills necessary to situate those things in collective, social contexts. It can take a little strategy (Pallas), in terms of how you convey what you need to, whom you choose as allies and what, exactly, you mean to accomplish while you’re busy not behaving.

And since we’re back to our starting quote, here’s a little info about Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. She’s the Harvard professor of early America and the history of women who wrote that fired-up phrase in an article on Puritan funeral services, and who was amused and surprised when it went viral. She has a fun Aries Point cardinal T-square — featuring Eris conjunct the Aries Point, which embodies the ‘castaway woman’; her Moon in early Capricorn, lending a reverence for tradition; and Chiron in early Cancer, which is the tendency to deep emotional healing devoted to motherhood. Plus, she also has another powerful goddess, Ceres, conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Since Ulrich is a Mormon, we could make a group marriage joke here: a group (Uranus) of mothers (Ceres). But it’s really a perfect image of someone combining the inventive power of Uranus and Ceres to heal and reinvent motherhood.

Ulrich didn’t set out to conquer the world with bumper stickers (all that merchandizing was done by others). But she did put her discipline to work researching women in a way that invites other women to realize their power in shaping the world, whether subtly or with Uranian acts that demand attention. Or to use her own words, she pays tribute to “the silent work of ordinary people” to “show the interconnection between public events and private experience.”

How Aries Point is that?

Looking for insights on how this week’s astrology affects your personal Sun and rising signs? Eric Francis interprets the signs every week, every month and every year. Weekly and monthly horoscopes are in Planet Waves and Planet Waves Light. Annual readings are in a special edition called Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.

12 thoughts on “Well-behaved women seldom occupy the Aries Point”

  1. I have been the “unfocused loose cannon completely at the mercy of” my emotions a lot, and I’m learning to be less so. Today was the one year anniversary of being fired from the animal shelter store I used to work at and I celebrated with foods I really love (that are not on the new, improved “good” diet) and even a bit of ice cream and a cocktail. The firing was hard, but it worked out in the end for me and I had no idea, a year ago, how good things would be. But I knew they would be better. Love the photo, venus conjunct mars in Saggitarius here.

  2. Well-behaved applies to me only if a judge is threatening me with contempt, and even then it’s doubtful. I have a vivid memory of pounding my fist on a judge’s desk demanding an injunction to close down a major intersection in my community. And I didn’t go to jail.

    I don’t have Venus in Aries, but do have Venus conjunct Saturn in Libra and Venus opposite Jupiter in Aries and Venus square Uranus in Cancer. Guess that means I sometimes weigh the consequences before I raise hell. Most wouldn’t dare to tell me to take a time out in the corner, and misbehaving is often the recourse – but that’s gotta be the Scorpio Sun, right? Generally all have served well in practicing law, but it’s time for a new type of misbehaving.

    As my father also said to me: “Rules are made to be broken. If you get caught, it’s your own fault. ” But, in this day and age of too many assinine laws and regulations, getting caught is part of the necessary Uranian-Plutonian exposure.


  3. Mars in Cap next to Venus in Aquarius here. In the fifth house. Inconjunct Pluto in Virgo in the 12th house and square Neptune in Scorpio in the 3rd house.

  4. Amanda – no kidding! On a whim (okay, not totally whimsical, ’cause it was inspired by your comment), I went to check my chart, and lo, my Venus is in Aries.

  5. apparently PW seems to collect people with Venus in Aries — i’m one too, along with a couple other former/sometimes current female employees/collaborators.

    rather interesting, that!

  6. My Venus conjunct Mars is what created this, Huh?: “You could think of Venus here as rather like a young child without the words she needs to express herself: the tools she has to use may tend toward things like tantrums rather than articulate, empathetic therapy-speak. Offering her a little understanding, clear boundaries and some assistance focusing is (generally) more appropriate than putting her in a corner – unless she needs some quiet time.”

    Those sentences describe the story of that aspect of my life to a “tee”. This article is gold to me. I am passing it on to my daughter-in-law who is finishing up her Ph.d; most of her prep for this has been concentrated in the area of women’s studies. Fascinating about the Harvard prof. I appreciate deeply how the PW crew frames and re-frames our personal situations into the whole. Thank you always. Nix is enchanting, isn’t she?

  7. Thank you for a delightful read that was also educational (did not previously know about Professor Ulrich – fascinating). Speaking as someone with Venus in both natal and progressed Aries, it’s gratifying to see it referred to as something other than an impairment, albeit through the collaboration with Uranus in this piece.

    Finally: All of Nichole Hanhan’s photos published by Planet Waves have been praise-worthy, but today’s is distinguished among them. The model’s name is better than anything one could make up.

  8. ha! i actually do have that bumper sticker on my car. tho “well-behaved” is about worn off at this point. and definitely relative i say, or as the late great Mae once said, “the best way to behave is to misbehave”. 😉

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