Venus-Mars, Sun-Pluto: You only have what you give

A friend of mine likes to say, “You only have what you give.” It’s a reminder about how generosity works: that in sharing one’s resources, including time, love and effort, you enter into a universal cycle or flow. In withholding any of those things, you cease to be part of that flow, which is marked by exchange — but is not a ‘zero sum’ game. If you’re afraid of not having enough, you can’t see how much you have; you might as well not have it at all. By giving, a path opens up through which you can truly receive in reciprocation.

Simplified chart section showing Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo, exact Saturday. The Libra Sun (far right) is square Pluto in Capricorn, exact Tuesday. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart section showing Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo, exact Saturday. The Libra Sun (far right) is square Pluto in Capricorn, exact Tuesday. View glyph key here.

This week’s square between Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo (exact Saturday at 9:32 am EDT but in effect now) could spur you into passionate demonstrations of love and sexual energy. After all, Venus and Mars represent the female and male principles, respectively. When they come into contact, we also tend to want to, um, come into contact.

Venus and Mars in a square, however, can be less straightforward to negotiate. Squares are generally felt as an inner tension that is begging us to take action. But what kind?

Venus tends toward receptivity and a more emotionally nuanced experience of love and sex. Venus is currently in Scorpio, however: a sign in which she does not move as gracefully as usual, since Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditional) and Pluto (modern). Venus in Scorpio can get a little confused as to what is true ‘friendliness’, ‘generosity’ and ’receptivity’ in love. Sometimes something closer to selfishness emerges: the act of giving and offering when your true goal is to set yourself up to ‘get’ something.

Venus just came through a tight squeeze in the shape of a conjunction to Saturn; it might have felt a little pinched and intense for you. With Venus square Mars, you might be noting a case of ‘I want what I want how I want it’, even in the midst of genuine love.

The fact that Mars and Venus are both in fixed signs is an indication to be extra aware of feeling ‘stuck’ when it comes to love and passion in your life — that is, notice if selfishness or jealousy rear their heads. Both Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo can fall prey to these less-than-generous emotions.

Luckily, Mars in Leo also offers tremendous energy, fire, drive and courage. The key to working this square seems to be taking any tension or frustrations around ‘what you’re getting’ (or masked selfishness), and leaning on the Mars side of the square to re-focus your heart on what you can do for another. Can you give to someone, and do so without an eye to what it might get you in return? If you’ve ever volunteered for a cause you believe in heart and soul, you know how good that can feel.

Your creative energy — sexual energy — needs an outlet, and it’s incredibly powerful when you can give it one. Its power comes in its intentional release (not dissipation): in that act, it creates more of itself for everyone.

You become part of a cycle, part of an exchange, that is much greater than your place in it — something underscored by the Libra Sun square Pluto in Capricorn, exact Tuesday, Oct. 1. Sun-Pluto is asking you to watch out for ruthlessness or extreme self-will in yourself (including any stemming from insecurity), lest it be your undoing. Change is hardest when we resist it; that urge to resist is generally rooted in fear and other negative attitudes about what ‘change’ means.

Fear of change, like the fear of giving what you think you lack, is not helped by pulling in or holding fast. From now through next week is a time to be aware of your place in, and participation with, cycles greater than yourself. You’re being asked to get involved; the Libra Sun is showing you where you are needed.

10 thoughts on “Venus-Mars, Sun-Pluto: You only have what you give”

  1. Amanda, yes, thank you for this wonderful piece. Sage advice for me at a delicate time in my family. I’m keeping your grounding words at the forefront of my thoughts, with much gratitude.

  2. Yes Amanda global power is very magnetic by the friction of Mars and Venus, the senses are skin-deep, which kindles the sacred fire, that of the origin of universal time. I will tomorrow publish an article hoping I’ll be as inspired as I am on planet waves. And it lives on the three plan to be: physical, psychological, but also of the soul, which sense the other makes which exalts the fragrance of love and it it available to something more of more transcendent and the limit at the same time of eroticism…

    Good Weekend to all

  3. Wow, thanks for bringing the sky picture into focus. This brings some clarity to my evolution as an artist lately. Last night at an open mic my 3 songs were like a condensed snapshot of my recent evolution. Dissing the situation when things don’t go my way has been my default method for longer than I can count. It’s getting less and less powerful the more I focus my intentions on love instead of blame and regret. As I began my set the room was full of talking, chaotic sound signals that make my songs retreat like wild animals. I felt frustrated, but kept going, re-starting the first song 3 times. The people came around and I could feel the shift. The wild animal of my musical gift can feel the presence of focused listeners and an original and a cover came through whose medicine I envisioned but didn’t quite feel until the songs manifested with a tribe of listening participants.

    All those years spent in regret and blame, resentment and pickled revenge, jealousy and all the rest kept me from my gift. If it’s my path to bring medicinal music into the world then I couldn’t do it while crouched in tense postures of fear. So I’m almost 40…the world needs more musicians who have been through the rough and delicate transformation from fear to love. Too many artists fall in thrall to the dragon of entropy and dissipation. I damn near did.

  4. Thank you Amanda.
    I was reminded of this quote , which I love, when I read your post.
    ” Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”
    Simone Weil

  5. Thank you Amanda. I need to hear the cautions and the advice about giving. I am up to some things both personally and professionally that could go the wrong way if I am not coming from giving and love, with both of these squares active. I am glad I stopped to read this because, I woke up this morning stirring the pot, and at least one person is mad at me! Not the result I intended.

    So I’ll take this post as my PW oracle for the day. Love and give my way through Venus sq Mars and Sun sq Pluto.

    Fe: you are right on about expectations vs their behavior. That’s a good one for me to keep in mind too.


  6. indeed, lizzy, len and fe.

    interestingly, it took me a while to truly appreciate my “friend’s” words, as that part of his nature was intertwined with far less “on the level” qualities. but in extricating myself from that web and learning how to stand more firmly in myself on more solid ground, i can now look at that piece of wisdom and feel its truth.

    and yes: expectations of another’s behavior get me into trouble, too. i think we all fall prey to that at times. kudos to you, fe, for being able to step back and get the perspective you needed to see the tension for what it was. it can be so hard to do at times!

  7. Amazingly on-the-money post Amanda. I found myself doing a tarot card reading on why my friend was acting a certain way this week when he came to visit. I realize, reading your post now, and seeing the cards again that it wasn’t his behavior, but my expectations of his behavior that was creating the internal tension within myself.

    I also found myself back at the deepest part of why I often feel I need to “do something” instead of just “be”, in order to get someone’s approval/love. Your article is timely — giving is love in flesh, earth, rain and breath. And that what we give of ourselves just IS with no payback. Including the gift of yourself.

    Calling upon the spirit and guidance of Ms. Elisa Novick, one of my favorite authors on the PW blog, I sat this morning by my magnolia tree and watched as it elegantly adapted to the shifting season. She stands holding her leaves up proudly as they give themselves in to their inevitable decay. But they continue giving their life force – just being – adding to the cool oxygen of my neighborhood, my little town, my region and the world. She slows down my “Demand Clock” to the Moment-by-Moment Time.

  8. Amanda: Those who share their resources as generously as you are in the decided minority. So, first off, thank you for being the quality you write of so very well. Leaning on Mars is a worthwhile suggestion in the face of such substantial squares, and thank you for that also. Finally, thank you once again for yet another inspiring and holistic take on the current astrology which all of us can draw upon and put to use in our daily lives.

  9. Thank you for this wonderful piece, Amanda – so very helpful. “It’s a reminder about how generosity works: that in sharing one’s resources, including time, love and effort, you enter into a universal cycle or flow”. You’re so very right – I’ve consciously been working with this over these months, realising that holding back is part of the poverty, lack. non-abundance mentality. The Dalai Lama said, “My advice is that if you must be selfish, be wisely selfish. Wise people serve others sincerely, putting the needs of others above their own. Ultimately you will be happier. The kind of selfishness that provokes fighting, killing, stealing, using harsh words, forgetting other people’s welfare will only result in your own loss”.

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