Venus in Aquarius: Use your emotional intelligence

Venus ingressed Aquarius yesterday at 4:03 pm EST, leaving Capricorn for the first time since it entered on Nov. 5. Four months is long enough to get used to a more business-like Venus in your life (you may have noticed feeling more reserved in expressing your feelings, or more ambitious or focused on past established relationship patterns). Yet it’s also long enough to start itching for a new vibe.

The Star card from the Thoth tarot deck: Venus in Aquarius, who conducts cosmic rays into the Earth (and one of Eric's favorite cards).
The Star card from the Thoth tarot deck: Venus in Aquarius, who conducts cosmic rays into the Earth (and one of Eric’s favorite cards).

Aquarius offers a breath of fresh air on one level (Aquarius is an air sign, despite the watery name), although since Aquarius and Capricorn share Saturn as a ruler, you might notice that Venus in this sign may still feel detached or chilly. But Aquarius is also ruled by Uranus in these modern times, so there’s some spark here, too.

The inventiveness of Uranus may contribute to Venus in Aquarius also being described as “the Space Alien”; “the Woman of the Future”; and “the Avatar — the Woman of Mastery.” (That is, “avatar” in its definition as “a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher,” not in its definition as an icon representing a computer user — though that manifestation bears some exploration.)

The spark of Venus in Aquarius emerges as more of an intellectual spark than the heart-centered warmth or passion Venus exhibits in some signs. If you’re born with Venus in Aquarius, it might feel like bringing your emotional being into your intellect — a kind of emotional intelligence.

Or as Eric put it, “Depending on the aspects, this can require a search in the chart for how, exactly, this person makes emotional contact, but you can count on it being through their mind. It is one embodiment of ‘the brain is the most important sex organ’.”

Speaking of sex and emotional intelligence, Venus moving into Aquarius puts it into a square with retrograde Ceres in Scorpio, and it’s also sextile Juno in Aries. A sextile is an aspect about flow, but you have to get the ball rolling yourself; squares are internal tension urging you to act.

Venus-Juno looks rather like establishing a loving, erotic relationship with yourself first (‘marrying’ yourself) while Venus traverses this sign. Venus in Aquarius tends to favor ‘friendships’ more than ‘lover’ partnerships, but that doesn’t mean your current romantic relationship can’t go well. You simply might find better understanding of your inner journey among like-minded ‘tribe members’ for a few weeks.

You’ll still want to communicate your needs and desires as compassionately as possible to whomever you may be involved with (there’s that emotional intelligence kicking in). Venus-Ceres is pushing you to identify what kinds of sex or erotic energy would truly feed you at this time. You might have to go deep and cut away the distractions of others’ agendas. But once you figure it out, anyone you’re involved with come April 5, when Venus moves into Pisces, will likely be glad you did. More importantly, so will you.

Curious to know what’s in the cards for your sign specifically? Planet Waves was built on Eric’s horoscopes, and our members swear by them as an essential tool for co-creating their lives. Sign up for a six-month membership and receive weekly and monthly horoscopes, plus more.

4 thoughts on “Venus in Aquarius: Use your emotional intelligence”

  1. Belated thanks, Amanda, for integrating the Venusian aspects to Ceres and Juno into this very important ingress event. The depth of your perspective helps all of us to better judge our relationship to the future.

  2. feels like venus is softening the edges of this fixed air, such that there is movement or fluidity. I welcome this new element to the storehouse of fixed air I have that is ready to be shifted from air to water, by virtue of a unranian spark? I await the flow of this otherwise stagnant thought (ego) to move me forward with the rush of pisces.

    thank you Amanda,

  3. Four months, that’s all? My progressed Venus has been in Capricorn since around the turn of the century and retrograde until just after 12/21/2012. Natal Venus in Aquarius has at times seemed like a faded memory from another time, retro Venus stationed a few hours before I was born. The space alien, yeah; the think I’m cold cause I don’t react like they do. Rules my ascendant with Uranus and Pluto on either side of that door. I used to play with lovers outside the tribe, but I was too prone to explosions back then. Nothing left but dolls in my memory, but it isn’t stuck on the mental plane. Aquarius is the part of the sky’s personality that allows it to carry Pisces’ water on her back to water the forests on Capricorn’s mountain. Space alien? It sometimes looks that way, but only because of how the walls shaped around your categories with all these rectangles, tangled up in language. The sky is the biosphere’s skin and qi field, sensing the energies of the surrounding tribe. Cold? Well the stars do seem cold at the distance where you call them stars, but up close we’re all suns. Can’t see the red dwarfs from here like you can Sirius, but then the invisible darklings are better suited to host Goldilox life. Alien? What do you mean? Earth is a fucking spaceship 😉

  4. Thanks, Amanda. You give some insight that help me unravel the mystery of my natal Venus in Aquarius. Just who is she when she is at home? Well, in my natal chart she’s getting in with Chiron. They are both at 3 degrees Aq. Sometime on late Sunday, Venus will be sliding over my natal Venus Chiron. She’s active now, calling me forth to use my emotional intelligence, and connect with my tribe. Since tomorrow is my birthday, it’s a good time to come out of the woods and the deep freeze to enjoy Venus.

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