Venus conjunct the Sun: Shining a light on our values

It is possible that for you this week has been a mix of push and pull; of getting clear and clearing space; of feeling called to action even as particular certainties dissolve or come to be questioned in ways you have not before. As we near the end of the week, that theme continues in its own way as retrograde Venus and the Sun conjoin and make many aspects Saturday.

Simplified chart showing retrograde Venus conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. Also shown (clockwise): Saturn in Scorpio, Ceres and Vesta in Libra, Black Moon Lilith and Jupiter in Cancer, Eris in Aries, and Mercury in the last degree of Capricorn.
Simplified chart showing retrograde Venus conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. Also shown (clockwise): Saturn in Scorpio, Ceres and Vesta in Libra, Black Moon Lilith and retrograde Jupiter in Cancer, Eris in Aries, and Mercury in the last degree of Capricorn. See glyph key here.

Our inner messages of truth — of soul truth, of being called back to our deepest values, of questioning structures and values we’ve taken on from others — ask genuine bravery of us.

These messages are not always convenient or easy, since they point out to us ways we have perhaps let ourselves slide. We regularly forget the possibility that things are unfolding for us just as they are meant to, particularly in moments of inner conflict and self-doubt.

If this all sounds too familiar to you, consider that we are nearing the halfway point of Venus’ current retrograde through Capricorn, marked by its ‘interior’ (or ‘inferior’) conjunction to the Sun. That is exact at 7:24 am EST this Saturday, and it’s a big event accompanied by simultaneous aspects to many other planets (as well as Mercury’s ingress of Aquarius later that day).

Venus has been taking us on a significant reconnaissance-and-rescue tour of our self-worth and our deepest foundational values, as well as our relationship to traditions and traditional values handed down to us through the past. Saturday, the Sun shines its considerable, symbolic light on this trip so we can get a better look at what we’re reviewing.

Among the aspects the Sun and Venus are making together is a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio. That brings a strong sense of responsibility, faithfulness and integrity — if you’re willing to step into that space.

Perhaps more challenging is that the Sun and Venus are square Eris in Aries and Vesta and Ceres in Libra, and are loosely opposite Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. Not only is that a lot of energy and information all at once, but squares and oppositions are known for their tension — often coming as a sense of ‘meeting something’, whether within or without, that must be dealt with.

In the mix are: a potential sense of identity chaos as you question old values and traditions or see how you have stepped away from previous guiding principles; a question as to where your devotion lies, or whether relationship balance has been sacrificed in favor of your desires (or on the flip side, whether you’ve sacrificed long-held values in favor of new ways of relating); the role of your emotions in how you form your sense of worth and how closely you hold traditional values.

Through all of this, Mercury will move from its structured, past-oriented position in Capricorn to a quick, forward-thinking and relatively unemotional placement in Aquarius. Notice if and how your thinking shifts this weekend — especially if you’ve felt a little at odds with yourself or mentally ‘heavy’ this week.

12 thoughts on “Venus conjunct the Sun: Shining a light on our values”

  1. Amanda: Thank you for so cogently illuminating the cosmic scenario just ahead. Especially appreciated is the mindful reminder to honor how things are unfolding as a healthy alternative to self-critical tendencies.

  2. be, thank you ever so much for your always appreciated exposition and application of the astrology. I take comfort and courage from your words, and the reminder to not get lost in the details of the pattern. Much gratitude.


  3. When I sing along with a singer in my headphones their music gets into me in a way it never can when I’m only listening. I’ve been singing with Tori Amos lately, tuning into the Venus washing my Capricorn mountain with her rain. The birds loooove it when I’m singing with her in my ears. That’s good, I needed some softness, softness in strength. I don’t reign in my voice just because of gender barriers.

  4. be, your comments are amazing. I have Venus at 20 Gemini & Nessus at 22 Gemini. They’ve been feeling the presence of trans. Pholus in opposition for an age now. As for “your planet or point near 21 Gemini is being double-quincunxed which is forcing it to adjust to some new situation because it is the focal point of a yod with Sun-Venus and Saturn,” well…you can say that again.

  5. Be, thanks as ever for the details. Natal Vesta is at 19.54 Gemini. She’s the one getting quinxed right now. And guess what else! My 2nd Saturn return is exact today and for the next 10 days as Saturn transits 21 Scorpio, a joy to be repeated in April during eclipse time, and in October.

    Anything I need to know? … besides, fasten my seat belt, look both ways before crossings, take off the emergency brake, and don’t text while driving!

    Meanwhile Venus retro in Cap…Agreed Nilou, not all sugar and spice. Cayenne and habanero, and maybe even some ashes.

  6. be, blessings and courage gratefully received in this part of the world. I had a look back to notes from March I my first reaction was, “you got through that?” Yes, indeed, I did. A timely reminder that Venus is not all about sugar and spice. Thank you for the reminder that these are big cycles. I shall stay with some smaller cycles of my own: so far, repeat appointments next week with the dentist and the optician, group exercise class, and several piles of paperwork to attend to. All best, nilou

  7. You’re funny JannKing, but I do hope your car started and you were able to get out and about. These weather (and other types of) events that affect us all and stop us dead in our tracks are part of the “questioning the structures and values” Amanda refers to. They’re also part of the overall Venus cycle. Last time Venus was conjunct the Sun was in March (in Aries) and it included transiting Uranus (revolutionary breakthroughs). Jupiter (understanding) was in Gemini (information) and the point man for a yod with the sextiling Pluto (ruthless destruction) in Cap (structure) and Saturn (construction) in Scorpio (shared resources). Jupiter was also square Chiron (awareness through wounding) in Pisces (compassion) at the time. On the world stage, N. Korea was threatening missile strikes on the U.S., and in the U.S., the Sandy Hook school massacre was still fresh in our collective minds as we demonstrated for gun control (or against it). Personal situations would have also reflected this energy.

    Venus was direct in that conjunction with the Sun in March 2013, but when she was retrograde (as she is now) in June 2012, the energies were less obvious, more subtle and it was the 2nd of 2 such conjunctions (8 years apart) that happen approx. every 120 years. Coincidentally, or not, transiting Pluto and Neptune were also conjunct each other, and as well the U.S. Sibly birthchart’s Uranus in Gemini, about 120 years ago. These two cycles, the Venus cycle and the Pluto-Neptune cycle were both starting lengthy periods of evolutionary work which we are presently experiencing with Neptune and Pluto in a septile aspect (51+ degrees apart) which Robert Wilkinson refers to as critical forks in the road of destiny. Septiles can express in obsessive and/or compulsive behavior that in their weird way force us to take one fork in the road or the other toward our destiny. In the U.S. it is the erratic and volatile nature of Uranus that moves the U.S. down it’s own road of destiny through this particular cycle between Neptune and Pluto.

    In the Venus cycle we are again at a conjunction between Venus and the Sun, this time in Capricorn, and this time presenting us with challenges. The cardinal energy is initiating something (Sun-Venus conjunction in Capricorn) and the challenges come from feminine energies represented by stationing direct Eris in Aries who opposes Vesta (conjunct Ceres) in Libra, and an opposition to Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. Remembering that we all are influenced by the subtlety of the “fork in the road of destiny” aspect of the Neptune-Pluto cycle, it might explain the presence of trans. Saturn (stable and patient) sextile the Sun and Venus conjunction, especially if you have in your chart a planet or point around 21 degrees of Gemini, as the U.S. does. If so, your planet or point near 21 Gemini is being double-quincunxed which is forcing it to adjust to some new situation because it is the focal point of a yod with Sun-Venus and Saturn. For the U.S. the energy of Mars as assertiveness (or aggression, or exploration or action) can be seen in many situations going on as he tries to find his footing. Fortunately, for Gemini this is doable, and fortunately Venus’ supplies the warm energy to the not-so-warm Capricorn energy, as of course does the Sun. Coupled with Saturn in Scorpio we get emotional (water sign) stability and patience (Saturn) putting on the pressure to all 21 degree Gemini points. I see John Kerry (natal Saturn at 23+ Gemini) as a good example of this energy in action in the U.S. chart.

    If you can see these two long-term energy patterns playing out in your own lives it might help get you through the challenging difficulties knowing that you are part of something much greater that is moving you forward as gently as possible, as only God and the Universe can do. These two cycles (Venus and Neptune-Pluto) go on under the umbrella of the present Uranus-Pluto cycle’s series of 7 squares in an exquisite tapestry of plans so huge that we could get lost in the intricacies of it all were it not for Astrology. Blessings (and courage) to all.

  8. “. . . squares and oppositions are known for their tension — often coming as a sense of ‘meeting something’, whether within or without, that must be dealt with.” I say bring it on!

    I hereby resolve I am no longer going to be a Pushmi-pullyu, between past and future, I, too, can now smell the smoke of the brakes (as noted by Diva Carla in Len’s posting), but this time it’s from “stationing and turning” (to quote be), getting help Mercury moving from looking back in Capricorn to looking ahead in Aquarius (as noted by Amanda). Moving on, it’s good to have Venus Rx as the rear view mirror. Looking forward to Sun shining light on the road this weekend.

    Now, if some real sunshine will ease the frigid Great Lakes cold enough that my car will start. . . I might actually go somewhere.


  9. “We regularly forget the possibility that things are unfolding for us just as they are meant to, particularly in moments of inner conflict and self-doubt.” Yes, thanks for this great piece, Amanda! Had been feeling pretty serene and joyful till a few days ago when this astrology came and really hit me one and I went tumbling down that old rabbit hole again. This morning on waking up i realsed once again that it was about growing up, about letting go of the needy child and patterns of behaviour that come directly from my Ma. I finally got that handle Len wrote about on Tuesday (thank you Len!).

  10. Although Eris doesn’t station direct until 10:26 UT time today, she wrecked havoc for me all day Wednesday. I’m unable to open my email but have determined it is a problem with NetZero as opposed to my computer. Still, I couldn’t find the astrology to match the problem until your chart showed that Saturn in Scorpio is quincunx Eris. Even with that, I couldn’t tie it to “email” until I discovered that the centaur Elatus at 21 Virgo sextiled Saturn and they were yod-prodding Eris at her most potent cycle point.

    So if Elatus is about communicating (writing and speaking) and Virgo is about “service” and Elatus is conjunct my natal Neptune, well . . . . .! Being as Elatus sextiles Saturn (restriction) in Scorpio (shared resources) and forms this yod with Eris who is being opposed by Vesta the workaholic in Libra and T-squared by Venus/Sun in Capricorn, it’s easy to see why she would be really pissed off about having to adjust at a time when she’s so busy stationing and turning around. I can relate.

    Chill out Eris, Hermes the trickster is sextile you from Aquarius and bad boy Ixion in Sagittarius is in trine with you, but I guess you already knew that didn’t you?

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