Today is Friday, Oct. 7, 2011. The Moon is in Aquarius until 9:13 pm EDT, when it enters Pisces for the weekend. Despite today’s continued full house in Libra and the air-fire polarity we’re building to in the form of the Full Moon on Tuesday, the weekend has a decidedly watery tone.
Even before Venus moves into Scorpio very early on Sunday, its trine to Neptune this evening gets things flowing. Neptune may be in Aquarius, but that air sign is sort of an honorary fourth water sign (symbolized by a person carrying water); Neptune in turn rules Pisces, and is an emblem of the seas and the more slippery parts of our natures. Both Venus and Neptune are near the tail-end of their signs. This may speak of a Friday night full of creative scheming, dreaming and fantasy play, but not necessarily the material manifestation of these things.
There is the potential for some soul-level connection, but hold off on spontaneously eloping. While Venus and Neptune are trine, the Moon moves through the configuration. First the Moon makes a rather long conjunction to Neptune, and then it moves on to Chiron in Pisces, trine Venus the whole time. Moon-Neptune can range from clairvoyant to visionary to delusional – so beware of getting too carried away, especially if groups and alcohol are involved. Chiron, of course, brings some focus and a healing aspect – but you don’t want to be in a position of trying to heal a hook-up gone wrong from just a few hours before.
Chiron’s power would be much better put to use a bit later in the weekend, after Venus moves into Scorpio. This is Venus at her most sexually indulgent, craving emotional and erotic contact. The trine is an open door to moving energy, as long as you keep an eye on focusing it in a way that moves you to the next step; otherwise, it can be like getting caught in a revolving door. In terms of moving sexual energy in a way that is healing, the name of the game is pleasure. That is, pleasure mixed with some vulnerability and honesty. That may feel a bit intimidating if you’re not used to it. But laying bare what you want and what you want to give, what you want to say and what you want to know, is actually the more direct and fulfilling road to soaring heights (or plunging depths) of pleasure.
As mentioned, this creative, sexy, potentially delusional and possibly healing slip-n-slide is all part of the buildup to the Aries Full Moon Oct. 11. Even if you’re not scheming some artistic way to participate in an ‘Occupy Everything’ event with your new (if slightly inebriated, and more than slightly naked) soul mate over the weekend, you still may be inclined to stay up late or have trouble sleeping. Full Moons of any stripe are energizing, emotional and felt palpably even by those who ‘don’t believe in astrology’ – or who don’t even know about it.
This particular Full Moon stretches us between the ‘I Am’ of Aries and the ‘We Are’ of Libra. As you turn back and forth between the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra trying to sort out that conversation – whether within yourself or actually with a partner – bear in mind that the relational scales have been out of balance for a long time, culturally speaking. As described in the free introduction to the Autumn 2011 Report, Eris in Aries opposite Saturn in Libra may have something to say about the concept of ‘finding yourself in relationship’. It’s beginning to look like that idea has reached its limit. So play this weekend; explore, create, have sex with yourself or a friend, heal a little, share a little and enjoy all of it a lot. Just remember: the waxing Moon may shine bright, but the light to steer by is your own.
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I love Cyrano de Aubergine, whether he is double schnozz or double schwanz, or just two arms with a curly tendrils escaping his pointy little head/hat. Cyrano reminds me of a natural specimen of those goofy food sculptures.
A tasteful (hah!) selection of his various portraits would be appropriate for screensavers. Thanks, Amanda.
Ok I am looking forward to this weekend! Thanks for the heads up!
oh Amanda, you made me laugh this morning! 😉
funny, i never thought of arms. i was having fun with the idea of two faces… or two phalluses. what can i say?
doesn’t look like cyrano to me in this pic. looks like both arms are wide open ready to leap and/or embrace what’s ahead. slipNslide style?
well luckydriver, he did take a tour of my digestive system the other week, but i don’t think anyone would have wanted to see that even if i had taken photos.
sorry. 🙂
but there are still a few other shots showing what a multi-facted veggie he was. maybe they’ll get their day.
glad you appreciate it!
Amanda, I’m loving your sense of humor – I ‘m waiting for images of Cyrano’s cross-country tour!!!