Today is Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011. The Moon is in Libra for the entire day. The rest of its cohorts in Libra mentioned yesterday — Mercury, the Sun, Venus, Saturn and Juno — will continue their respective journeys through the sign of balance, relationships and justice for a while yet. This means that if you have found material coming up for you — shadow or otherwise — having to do with these themes in your life, there is sustained support being offered in several facets of life. The challenges are coming from the angles other planets are making to this Libra stellium. The first few degrees of Libra in particular constitute a hot spot: they pick up on the Uranus-Pluto square. Today Mercury plugs its cord into the socket.
Specifically, Mercury is square Pluto today at about 10:26 am EDT. Any chance you’re feeling a bit obsessed with certain ideas, even if you usually have a butterfly’s attention span? Is the sound of the birds and the bees buzzing in the back of your mind proving to be a formidable distraction from your responsibilities of the day?
Be aware that Pluto’s undercurrents of sex and death added to Mercury’s astro-ADD could mean spiraling out of the land of smoke and flowers and into a darker obsession. Isabel Hickey notes the tendency toward obsessive thoughts and fanaticism with this square. Between yesterday’s post about New Moon fear and Saturday’s article by Maria Padhila on our cultural fascination with and denial of STDs, it would seem these themes are coalescing.
In fact, one could say that when you add Pluto’s fear factor to Mercury’s thinking tendencies and our cultural sex obsession, we get a certain kind of death mania in the form of STD phobias. One of the biggest problems with this kind of obsession is that there are at least two ways to handle STD phobias, but our culture seems predisposed toward only one: denial. And denial leads to playing this bizarre kind of Russian roulette with the very things we’re terrified of and obsessed with: disease and death. Not exactly birds and bees and butterflies.
The antidote? Think. No — I mean it: remember to think. Remember that there is such a thing as thinking — and asking questions, and searching out answers, and following those to more questions. It could also be called curiosity. You know — that thing that moved you to get up close and personal with those butterflies and bees and birds and trees when you were a kid, and had not yet learned that you’re supposed to be afraid of yourself and the world. It cold take some real effort; fear likes to hold on. Our primitive survival brain wants us to stay safe. Curiosity can be exciting. Asking questions can feel like a risk and risks, even fun ones that might ultimately make us happy, can still trigger the fight-or-flight adrenaline responses our primitive brains try to protect us from.
The thing is, these days we are facing unprecedented media overload, political ‘messaging’ and corporate greed. It’s all piled on top of familial/ancestral guilt, religious indoctrination and a dependence on technology instead of a walk in the woods for knowledge. There are a lot of factors working against thinking and curiosity. So if you’re finding yourself in a mental loop — whether about sex, or death, or death through sex or even something else — remember to stop and notice your thoughts. Remind yourself that you are safe, that it is ok to look under the edges of the obsession. Nothing is going to jump out and bite you if you simply observe, ask questions, listen for the answers and then ask more. Sure, this sequence may eventually lead to making choices, taking action and living a little differently. But it might even lead to living with a little less fear.
Looking for insights on how this week’s astrology affects your personal Sun and rising signs? Try out Planet Waves Light, our streamlined horoscope service. For deeper cultural context and astrological investigation, the premium Planet Waves subscription includes the same horoscopes, plus extensively-researched articles on Fridays.
“My vote at this moment would be to go back to by-lines.”
I second that vote.
Spent too many years with induced fear from too many around me, mainly fears about the conditioned patterns of behavior and my tendency to not toe the line. Learned a few years ago that when something jumps into the mind as a certainty, it’s time to question the origin of that belief. Some are meant to be kept, though most are the legacy of a lifetime of conditioning. Caught part of an interview on PBS with the author of “You Are Not Your Brain.” Apparently the book is about four steps to not let fear and other thoughts take over.
The obsessive loop for me is when I try to think my way through something. My homiletics professor said he and I were charter members of “Overthinkers Anonymous.” Too true.
So, to think is good as long as one doesn’t stay there. Not all thoughts are thinking.
And I’m thinking about whether or not I prefer the “unified Planet Waves voice” for the Daily Astro Blog. I was enjoying the different voices and perspectives of the daily postings, much like I glean different things from each of the different people commenting. My vote at this moment would be to go back to by-lines.
Thanks to Anatoly for fixing the weekend hangups, and may the Mars aspects lighten up on the intended website improvements.
Thank you Planet Waves unified voice. This is an exquisitely useful piece with direct action advice . On top of that, some phrases were poetically turned. One of my favorites is “smoke and flowers” which has delicious layers and would make a great name for a band. Finally, the last paragraph is one of the all-time great Planet Wave paragraphs.
As always PW – the theme in this space is my living theme du jour. “Remind yourself that you are safe”……
“Safety” has been my shadow anxiety for the past 48 hours. ….so….Reminding, Reminding!
And thanks not only for the reminder to remember, but the validation (of the anxiety AND opportunity to heal.)
Ok, thanks for letting me know. I wondered if it was my system; I really dislike Windows 7.
Thanks Amanda for the info. :::smile:::
We had to take down the edit buttons for the moment due to web server issues that many have experienced. It adds a plug-in and we are trying to stabilize our basic service, and eliminate possible contributors to the server lag issues we’ve been having since Friday.
carrie — the Daily Astrology is now a team collaboration effort. we’re striving for a unified “planet waves voice,” and it might take a while to get there. but feel free to express whatever comments, questions, insights, gratitude, etc. you have in this space. they will be seen and appreciated, even without a specific author mentioned.
Ok, I rebooted Firefox and the “edit” buttons are still missing. :::sigh::: Technology is so frustrating!
I would thank the author but none is listed for this Daily Astrology. Thanks anyway.