The Electric Sun — and Your Key to Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

There are many reasons to visit Planet Waves, and this week showed us one of the best: a really powerful Full Moon involving both ‘personal’ planets (Venus and Mars in addition to the Sun and Moon) and ‘generational’ planets (Uranus and, more loosely, Pluto). Now it’s being followed today by a truly spectacular triple conjunction in Aries, which we’ll come back to in a moment.

The Sun against the Portara, a remnant of the unfinished Temple of Apollo on the Isle of Naxos, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

This is the kind of deep, charged astrology the Planet Waves writing team thrives on — evidenced by no fewer than three blog posts about yesterday’s Libra Full Moon by three different writers, plus Eric’s podcast. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

If you’ve never tried a paid Planet Waves membership, you might not realize just how much more there is for you to discover — and benefit from. Eric built Planet Waves on his unique flavor of horoscope.

They’re not predictive, but rather designed to help you ‘self-create’ by offering new perspectives, angles and avenues from which to consider your experience, and live the story of your present moment in this wild world.

It’s kind of like being handed the key to a door you never knew existed, and then opening it to find a room that leads to other rooms, each one more like ‘home’ than the last. And each of those rooms is you.

Even that experience of self-discovery from tuning in to Eric’s horoscopes is not the whole iceberg. Each week a team of writers, editors and designers put together two issues of what might very well be the most professionally produced publication on astrology and culture available via the Internet. Eric crafts a book-worthy lead article for each Friday issue, and he’s supported by me and another writer/editor in putting together several other sections of each issue.

Yes, you get access to a tremendous level of talent, insight and visual beauty here on the blog, but I’m inviting you to experience first hand just how much more Planet Waves has to offer you in your quest to live this life as fully as possible. For this week only, you can sign up for a full year of our premium membership service (the twice-weekly publication I just described) for almost half the cost. You can access the special membership offer (12 months for $49) here.

And now I’ll let Eric tell you about today’s Sun-Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries: a truly electric Sun.

Yours and truly,
Amanda Painter


Just when you thought the astro-voltage could not go any higher, today we have a triple conjunction of Venus, Uranus and the Sun. This is a remarkably close triple conjunction, with the Sun and Uranus exact and Venus just one-tenth of a degree away.

Tuesday’s Full Moon was truly a stunner — complete with fast movement, creative breakthroughs, irrational behavior and arguments on California’s Proposition 8 presented before the Supreme Court. The astrology — a Full Moon in Libra, the sign of both relationships and justice — was picture perfect. (Covered in some detail in Tuesday’s Planet Waves FM.)

Simplified chart section showing the Sun at its moment of exact conjunction with Uranus (blue ‘H’) in Aries, with Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) right in the same degree. Also shown are Mars square Pluto and Jupiter square Chiron, with Mercury and Neptune included for good luck. View glyph key here.

Now just two days later, we have a purely solar event — the Sun closely aligned with Venus, an emotional planet, and Uranus, a revolutionary one. In Aries, this says something like, “An uprising in my sense of who I am, which influences all my relationships and ideas about love.”

It’s nearly impossible to relate to others in a stable way without some sense of self-presence, self-love and actual energy coming from inside of you. And we have plenty of that now.

Mars is still closely square Pluto (a little more than a degree on Thursday) so there is some pent-up energy under the surface — most of us have been doing a lot of holding back in recent years, and we have a lot to express and let go of. I suggest you go for the slow burn, but that would include steady and it would include hot.

Jupiter is also in a square to Chiron — this is a rare aspect (every six years) and it’s about a sense of justice, taking action, and being provoked to put your knowledge to use. Consider all the people who spent the last decades of the 20th century going to workshops and seminars, reading self-help books and otherwise reaching for perfection.

Why did you do all of that? This is your moment. But it’s a sexy moment. This is not merely dull political activism I’m talking about. It’s a kind of whole-body, full-spectrum sense of involvement with existence. The sky is not describing purity, it’s describing a holistic state of involvement, plunging into your life.

We don’t realize how cautious we are, how caught in our structures, our preconceptions and our ideas about supposed safety. It’s time to find out where our boundaries are, and ask whether they serve us.

One beautiful attribute of the astrology of our era is that no matter how hot, fast and bold it gets, we have two factors in Pisces, maintaining a sense of emotional orientation and spiritual grounding. Those are Chiron and Neptune, which are longterm visitors. They represent essential factors: the need to use your imagination, to cultivate a direct connection to spirit instead of an abstract one, and to remember that your inner life is as meaningful as any other aspect of your life.

You could say that this time in history is about maintaining contact between the inner and the outer: taking some responsibility for what we perceive and how we feel, even in the kaleidoscopic rush of existence.

8 thoughts on “The Electric Sun — and Your Key to Planet Waves”

  1. Like I was saying before my computer interrupted me. . . I had an hour to spare and needed to do some shopping so, even though there was a Jupiter-Mercury square happening, I headed out in the other direction from the beauty shop. After all, these planets were in a mutual reception, so that should help keep me on schedule. Or not.

    Worst traffic jam I’ve ever seen on that busy street. At a snail’s pace I made it to my destination, made my purchase and luckily, still had 20 minutes ’til my appointment time. I sat and sat in the parking lot until finally some nice old man stopped traffic with his car and made a space for me to get out. Much to my surprise (cuz I had green lights all the way back) I made it in time. I guess that was the mutual reception part!

    Mercury was (is) also sextile Pluto today, and Jupiter is quincunx Pluto today too. If your communications and/or transportation have seemed stuck, wierd, magical or just plain lucky, it is probably due to Mercury and Jupiter and Pluto co-co-ordinating these efforts. Expect snafus.

  2. Amanda and Eric: You are so on the money. This triple Aries conjunction is, as you put it, “remarkably close” – years go by without the like of it. Thank you also for nailing the square from Mars to Pluto, and that from Jupiter to Chiron so succinctly, eloquently and thoroughly at the same time. To have these two dynamic squares and the remarkable Aries conjunction taking place at the same time is an occasion you have risen to with both erudite proficiency and inimitable style. You meet the exciting with the exciting. To read your words today makes me joyful and proud to be associated with Planet Waves.

  3. what a jolly band of poets gracing the pages of planet waves today!


    i’m totally digging musing on the ways each of these refrains reflects the astrology in its own way!

  4. Come join me in my ribaldry
    Says be to thee, and you shall see
    What pleasures me
    Will pleasure three
    Quite easily. 🙂

  5. The Bar

    A bee staggers out
    nectar drunk, clutched in the arms
    of the peony.

    Matsuo Basho as haiku’d by Susyc

    Thanks Paul!

  6. Today, a grassroots group in support of gun control, that will include parents who lost their children in the Sandy Hook massacre, will stand before the NSSF (Nat’l Shooting Sports Foundation) in Newtown, CT to promote their cause. If this doesn’t express the energies of a Venus-Sun-Uranus conjunction in Aries, simultaneously with a Pisces Mercury trine a Scorpio Saturn retrograde, a Pisces Chiron square a Gemini Jupiter, a Mars in Aries square a Pluto in Capricorn, then the Heavens have nothing left to show us. Oh wait, the Moon will be void-of-course all day until 9 PM EDT.

    It should be interesting if not down-right exciting in some way because the U.S. Sibly Uranus at 8+ Gemini (in the house of service) will be in support of the triple conjunction (by sextile) in the 4th house of Homeland Security, along with the progressed US Sibly Sun at 8 Pisces (in the 3rd house of community) which will still be square the natal US Uranus.

    Tonight Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC will interview these parents who will attend today’s event at the doorstep of the NSSF. His program is at 10 PM EDT.

    I should note that the natal Sibly asteroid Child at 10 Pisces (which is conjunct the natal Nessus at 9 Pisces, which is conjunct the natal Ceres at 8 Pisces in the US chart) just completed a conjunction by transiting Chiron in Pisces which was in sextile to the transiting Pluto in Capricorn, and will be again when the transiters are retrograde, then again later when they are forward moving. This bears watching by students of astrology.

    Presently, transiting Saturn (symbol of the ultimate in manifestation) at 10 Scorpio rx IS trine the U.S. Child at 10 Pisces RX (which is conjunct natal Nessus and Ceres and square natal Uranus). The wisdom gained from this demonstration today will be ingrained in the consciousness of the US populace, if not the world populace by the time Saturn returns, direct, to this degree in October this year.

    I say this because transiting Jupiter and transiting Saturn are in an aspect of adjustment; a quincunx. Together they symbolize the evolution of societies in their 20 year cycles which are part of much larger cycles that include multiple generations. As we make history in these wild and crazy days, we have the opportunity to see just how effective Jupiter can be in his “detriment”. Stephen Arroyo said (Exploring Jupiter, CRCS Publications, 1995) that “Jupiter in Gemini can weave a large-scale creation through correlating many diverse details and facts”. Jupiter is the point-planet in the big-time (generational) Yod with Saturn and Pluto, effective since the December Solstice, and he is saying Bring It On. Stay tuned for details.

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