Sun enters Gemini: Talked to your inner twin lately?

Yesterday at 5:09 pm EDT the Sun left Taurus and ingressed Gemini. Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac, and the first mutable sign, coming at the end of spring. It’s as though Gemini not only starts loosening up the current season, but it also asks us to hold the ending season and the one about to begin in our consciousness simultaneously.

Simplified chart section showing the few planets left in Taurus (lunar South Node, Mars and Pallas Athene) and planets gathering in Gemini (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith). Mars will arrive just as Mercury leaves for Cancer. View glyph key here.

Mercury rules Gemini, and its current presence here lends great mental agility (though its square to Neptune last week seemed to throw many of us for a loop).

One of the first things most people learn about Gemini is that its symbol is a pair of twins, yet the dualism those twins represent can be one of the trickiest concepts to get comfortable with.

Western culture typically wants things black and white, yes or no. Many Eastern cultures and religions seem to have an easier time with the concept of holding opposing or multiple viewpoints simultaneously. Dualism might actually be one of the most fertile facets of this sign, but making use of it can mean seeing, acknowledging and embracing sides of yourself you’ve been told don’t (or shouldn’t) exist. That can come up against resistance at first.

Sometimes getting the ball rolling means making use of Mercury’s role as Trickster to find a side door or a game; Gemini is a highly creative sign (and its natives tend to ‘be’ their creations, and vice versa). Sometimes you just need the right timing and to be emotionally/spiritually ready for the inner dialogue to flow.

Eventually, conversation is the first concrete step toward integrating ideas (internally or in talking with another) — and communication or a facility with words is another signature of Gemini. With Jupiter in this sign now, that may translate into multiple conversations, held out in the open — the open space of your full consciousness (or the open space between you and another person).

I don’t mean getting into an endless mental ping-pong match between inner facets of yourself (that would be resistance). Actual integration will have something to do with the space between your inner twin (or twins) and what you present to the world. The season of solar Gemini is a great time to practice holding these multiple facets of ourselves side by side where we can see them. This holds for multiple points of view and the sides of things we don’t usually look at, as well.

Last year at this time, we were all preparing with great excitement for Venus’s transit of the Sun in Gemini (which was June 5 or 6, depending on time zone). Many of us were buying viewing goggles, crossing our fingers for clear skies, and marveling that we were alive in a time when it was possible to see such a thing, with technology making it far easier than in past centuries.

Venus was retrograde in Gemini at the time, leading to many discussions about what an inwardly looking Venus in a sign ruled by Mercury and symbolized by twins might have to tell us. There was a lot of discussion about the Venus transit specifically being about integration of one’s secret, inner, female ‘twin’.

Was your twin a ‘dark’ shadow of your feminine side, or a ‘light’ side that was begging to be embraced? Who did you meet last year while Venus moved backwards and passed over the face of Sun? How integrated would you say that twin has become in your consciousness?

And perhaps trickier to ascertain: has Gemini been somehow altered by this once-in-a-lifetime event? (Or twice-in-a-lifetime, if you caught the 2004 sister transit of Venus across the Sun, which also occurred in Gemini and in retrograde motion.) Did you learn anything new about Gemini, in addition to yourself, as a result of the transit? Does having the Sun and Venus in Gemini now feel any different to you compared to how it used to?

The Sun has just joined Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and the calculated point Black Moon Lilith in Gemini. The trend of planets clustering in signs continues, now giving us a taste of Gemini in full Technicolor detail. What do you think? Or maybe more to the point, how are you thinking?

17 thoughts on “Sun enters Gemini: Talked to your inner twin lately?”

  1. Thank you Amanda for your article, the Sun is Gemini likes to forage from flower to flower as the bee collecting its nectar gift of nature as an offering to the gods 🙂

  2. P. Sophia,

    Thanks for the link re: Varuna and I will check it out. Yes, transiting Varuna is a slow-mover; has been and will be conjunct the U.S. natal (Sibly) Mercury for some time. This sounds interesting re: the environmental disaster suggestion, and could add more oomph to an already ecologically oriented directive for the U.S. in the OK tornado chart. For example, Mars is conjunct Sedna (who has become a symbol for saving sea life) in earthy Taurus, Nessus (associated with a poisonous effect on what it touches) is still conjunct the U.S. Moon, and Ceres (Earth) aspects the transiting nodes (where we’ve been, where we’re going). No doubt the Moore OK disaster is part of a much larger pattern designed to make us totally aware of the dangers of climate change.

  3. P. Sophia,

    Glad you mentioned trans. Sedna as I’m sure she was involved in that conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter last year. An American expression “up the creek without a paddle” comes to mind, or just not being able to totally trust someone with feathers on his feet.

    For that matter, the upcoming new cycle (conjunction) between Mercury and Jupiter will be at 23+ Gemini, a somewhat sensitive degree in that it’s where Venus stationed retrograde just before she made her 2nd occultation of the Sun last June, and where she trined Saturn the following July. (That was a kinda big deal because she didn’t quite perfect the trine with Saturn earlier since she stationed retro just before it would have happened.) Fortunately this conjunction won’t have the staying power of a solar eclipse behind it, but the lunar eclipse this Saturday AM (sorry, I’ve been saying Friday) is pretty close.

    The Sagittarian menagerie will still be there, including the defiant Hidalgo whom I forgot to mention previously. They will all oppose the new cycle of Mercury-Jupiter this time. On the other hand, Venus at 21+ Gemini looks to provide a ménage a trois, perhaps some moneyed individual to help the press with legal fees?

    Having transiting Varuna conjunct your natal Sun is a long-term aspect P. Sophia. There is a lot of inflexibility suggested by Varuna’s myth which could provide strength to a failing spine or conversely, close one’s viewpoint to any other available options. Considering that trans. Sedna, also a slow-mover, is conjunct your natal Varuna at the same time it could manifest as someone, a father-figure perhaps, who is currently in your life.

    Here is a site where you can get a U.S. Sibly birth chart and I know Eric has one in his Resources section too, and his will include some of the “major” minor planets.

  4. Be: You mentioned, “…Something else about the day that Uranus squared Pluto and the Sun entered Gemini was that transiting Varuna was/is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Mercury in Cancer. Interesting Varana was conjunct Mercury the ‘messanger’ the day of the Tornado in OK. Regarding, just found this exerpt on Varuna and the link is here below:

    “It would be worth exploring Varuna’s astrological role in charts related to ecological-related events, natural disasters, and in the charts of those active in ecological-related affairs. Varuna’s arrival into humanity’s awareness in 2000 may have been a part of our motivation to take serious action regarding ecological conditions in the world—making blatantly clear that we must change our ways—to nature’s way. This discovery date also coincides with the primary turning in the cycle of Earth’s precessional cross (~2000 AD)— the time of shifting from the “need to change” to “initiating change.”

  5. Be: Thank you once again for all the added astrological info. Funny you should mention Varun, as I noticed yesterday I have it in transit conjunct my Sun at 24 Cancer and also Senda is currently simultaneously transiting natal Varun at 23 Taurus 35′.

    Also I have been meaning to ask you, is there a place to find the us sibly chart? Because some of what you mention frequently seems to touch the same points in my natal chart as well. Or, maybe this is more the mundane aspects playing out.

    Thanks for your inspiration and thoughts Be!

  6. Strawberry, “service is always going to be important to me, but I need to find ways to make it also support my needs, rather than disowning them. ” …perfectly said. DING DING DING!

    Thanks for your insights!

  7. Daniel, have you looked at what’s going on with your Vesta? It seems to me that Vesta could be seen as the monastery–the Vestal Virgins were all about virginal, devotional service for the good of others. Natally, my Vesta is engaged in a lot of flow energy–sextiles, trines–and I’ve always been about sacrificing my own needs for others. But in my progressed chart, it’s all oppositions and squares. To me, that’s about renegotiating the role of service in my life–service is always going to be important to me, but I need to find ways to make it also support my needs, rather than disowning them.

    From what I know about you, this idea of virginal service is something you’ve put on the table for renegotiation. It might be interesting to look at the ways Vesta is interacting with other aspects of your being/astrology. A square or opposition between Vesta and your more intimate aspects/planets (Mars, for instance) might illuminate how sexuality and emotional support could feel like they’re mutually exclusive. (forgive me if I’m misrepresenting your experience here.)

    It’s something to look at, if you haven’t already–especially as Vesta is currently in this T-square with Uranus and Pluto. To me, that looks like a lot of potential energy to shift our perception around service and sexuality, if we can find the right lever.

    All the best to you.

  8. Putting all my progressed Virgo stuff on the line here, I believe that the Sun’s entry into Gemini on Monday triggered last year’s solar eclipse of May 20, which was, of course, at 0+ Gemini. That eclipse in turn holds the key to why we are hearing from the “press” (news media) howls of protest regarding the invasion of private information seized from the Associated Press and Fox by the U.S. government.

    Following the line of astrological reason that Mercury, Gemini and the 3rd house of a chart deals with the reporting of news, and Jupiter, Sagittarius and the 9th house of a chart deals with disseminating that reported news, and that Saturn in any chart will stymie any reported news not considered positive, with force if necessary, we can look back at the 2012 solar eclipse chart as it relates to the U.S. (Sibly) chart and the present transiting planets.

    In the 2012 eclipse chart, Mercury at 22+ Taurus was about to conjunct Jupiter at 24+ Taurus, beginning a new cycle between them – the ruler of “reported news” and the ruler of networks who provide such news, such as Fox and the AP. The U.S. natal Mercury at 24+ Cancer is sextile the Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in the 2012 eclipse chart. But the Saturn of 2012 eclipse chart is quincunx its Jupiter-Mercury conjunction at 23+ Libra, and square the U.S. Mercury, while the 2012 eclipse chart’s Venus at 23+ Gemini is trine it’s Saturn. Something’s gotta give.

    Looking at the U.S. Sibly chart we see that the U.S. Mercury is in the 8th house (shared secrets) and rules the 7th house (partners and open enemies). Aspects to the Sibly Mercury include a sextile to Neptune in Virgo in the 9th house of publishing, an opposition from Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house of assets, a quincunx to the Moon and Pallas-Athene in Aquarius in the 3d house of news gathering, a square to Chiron in Aries in the 4th house of ancestry, and another square to Juno in Libra in the 10th house of government. We will come back to this configuration if time and space permits.

    When the Sun triggered the 2012 solar eclipse degree of 0+ Gemini on Monday, it did so as Uranus made the 3rd exact square to Pluto, and within the same day, trans. Mercury in Gemini made a quincunx to trans. Pluto and a sextile to trans. Uranus. This 3rd square in a series of 7 squares made between trans. Pluto and Uranus was going to involve information; who has it, who gets it, how its delivered and to whom, and who is in control of all that. Remember that Mercury gathers news, shares it with others, and is a trickster.

    Something else about the day that Uranus squared Pluto and the Sun entered Gemini was that transiting Varuna was/is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Mercury in Cancer. This Hindu god of waters, Varuna was, in his time, king of all gods and he administered justice as he saw fit. This god Varuna, in conjunction with the U.S. Mercury is taking matters of the news into his own hands.

    Transiting Varuna was also sextile the 2012 eclipse Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, and together they formed a yod with this just-past Monday (Sun-into-Gemini) chart’s Pandora (box of problems), Lilith (doing her own thing), Hylonome (tears), Quaoar (creative dancing) and Arachne (weaver extraordinaire) in Sagittarius at the release point. This produced the song and dance, cry me the blues, pattern of protest witnessed in print and cable news by those who protest the (possibility of) invasion of their privacy by a ruthless (U.S. Mercury opposite U.S. Pluto) act of government authority (2012 eclipse Saturn square U.S. Mercury).

    Bearing in mind that transiting Neptune at 5+ Pisces is throwing smoke for the U.S. natal Jupiter at 5+ Cancer (networks) via a trine aspect, we must accept that this is a temporary silly season so as to allow the Pluto-Uranus square do its thing. I see that my time and space has run out, so we will follow this story and get back to you later.

  9. hmm, how am I thinking right now? I was encouraged to re-contact my lady friend and I find myself exactly where I was 2 months ago, frustrated and suspended and wanting to break free. Not because I have intimacy issues but because this is prob the best match in all ways except sex. And I can’t figure it out. I say I want great sex in my life and it doesn’t work because I’m not emotionally connected; I get emotionally connected and I’m blocked from arousal because there seems to be a lack of support. What I am learning is how to support her and not worry about the sex issues. Maybe they it resolve itself but I have a feeling like my gut was true all along and I should have left this situation when I did.

    I met a ton of Scorpio’s who don’t budge on their gut instincts. I reassessed, and I think I’m regretting that. The only thing I don’t regret is meeting this beautiful gal.

  10. My moon and south node are in Gemini, Luna at the first degree and node on the nuclear degree. She rules my Saturn and midheaven, but then is ruled by Mercury conjunct the Sun and Eros, Juno, lunar apogee Lilith in Capricorn. As my Capricorn self grows with age it sometimes feels like trying to herd cats relating to Luna in Gemini, which as I look back looks a lot like myself in my suburban electric youth- unable to finish anything that takes more than an hour, constantly on the search for new sparkly objects to activate the sensation of novelty, unable to put them together into a coherent picture. Now that my goat herd is getting a bigger perspective the Gemini function appears as the part of me that reads the environment and collects data while the Capricorn herd assembles the pieces into a complete picture. Example: I learn 5 or 6 Bowie tunes to re-train my hands and voice, get some lessons from a friend that help free my hands to be more expressive on the guitar, and then the Capricorn herd puts the pieces together into an as yet small but growing set of original songs that don’t sound like the individual influences.

    How is Gemini different this time around? Last year at this time I was still in the phase of my musical reconstruction where I was only able to follow and support but not lead. I wasn’t singing regularly and had no songs I could play from beginning to end without someone else providing me with a skeleton.

    I’m now involved in a community house that’s currently going through growing pains, but overall provides a place where I’ve been able to practice my craft as both teacher and student. Last year I hadn’t even met the people who would end up putting this house together. The community is a constellation of refugees from Consumerville plus some people who are still in its game and keeping the financial end of the house together, but struggling to provide support for us refugees. I find my Capricorn skills growing as I experience my Moon picking up on the sometimes incongruous desires of a community still in the start-up phase of its existence. You don’t herd cats after all; the best you can do is to be firm enough in establishing boundaries that they can coexist peacefully. Gemini represents the principle of diversity. Biodiversity is a formula for resilience and long term survival. I guess this idea could be seen as a Capricorn grokking the gifts of a sign most unlike itself.

  11. “How integrated would you say that twin has become in your consciousness?”

    A year ago I never envisioned the need for me to explore myself as I have this past year. Falling in love can do that to a man. Falling in love with a woman so in touch with her spiritual side that it is inspiring to all who sees her can do that to the most empiric of thinkers. Including me. My own journey, the integration of my spiritual side with my scientific self has been a most winding path, hopping over questions, leaping through introspection, as well as blending an internal dialogue with beautiful conversations with my beloved. I have found that I have not created anything new, but rather discovered something within me since the age of time, or at least my time, and I’ve discovered further that I can be both a man of science as well as a man of nature, spirit, and a profound sense of how we are such a complex blend of molecules and atoms and the stuff of stars.

  12. Here’s a talk I had with my inner twin just yesterday. Seems to fit your theme.

    I sought approval
    for as long as I needed to
    and that was OK
    to do because I
    needed to I needed
    to know that others
    could look upon me
    with approval and it did take
    a critical mass of it
    before I learned to give
    it to myself the
    interesting thing is
    in two conversations
    last week I was given approval
    without needing it
    nice, but not necessary,
    if you know what I mean
    these days I
    get to be human
    I get to be
    naughty and nice
    I get to feel all my
    mean and angry feelings
    and still be OK
    I get to make mistakes
    and not be perfect
    shame is transparent,
    temporary, a
    fast moving shadow over the sun
    I have my power, power
    gained from suffering
    and forgiveness of myself
    as victim, perpetrator
    rescuer often stepping out
    of the vortex of action
    and reaction if the quality
    of my performance in
    any of my roles slides my
    responsibility is to notice,
    think about what I need
    what do I need to help
    me do better and try again
    some things, like my
    husband’s cancer feel
    like being picked up in a
    huge fist and being
    shaken like a rag doll there is no
    controlling the feelings
    the grief, the fear I
    can only give myself to it
    walk with it
    be with it, invite others
    to be with me being
    with it so thank you
    for being with me
    being with it.

  13. I have been actively following this topic on a conscious level. My natal Panacea is at the degree of the Transit of Venus, in the 7th house, and I knew this transit would break a dead lock in my chart. I even attracted a Gemini friend born June 3rd to help me integrate my own inner twin further. The most obvious change, is the emergence of a sudden maturity and an acceptance of ‘my self’. I feel naturally inspired to communicate more lovingly and use words responsibly. I am so much more buoyant these days.

  14. Thank you for this wonderful piece, Amanda. I couldn’t believe it when I read your words about the dark twin, as I literally do have a rather dark twin, and i couldn’t stop thinking about him when I woe up this morning, wondering what he was up to, whether he would answer the email I sent him 8as he often doesn’t).

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