Today is New Year’s Eve — although, given what a big solstice we had this year and that we just had a Full Moon on Friday, the turning over of the calendar from 2012 to 2013 may seem anticlimactic. Or, it would if we were not in the midst of a conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn (exact yesterday). That is some strong energy pushing into our consciousness, and it is not alone.

Speaking of pushing, Sun conjunct Pluto can feel as though forces beyond your control are constraining or steering whatever strides you’ve been looking to make in the world. Especially when it comes to any type of power, authority or recognition by others, a sense of conscious control can be hard to come by.
This could feel frustrating; how do you know when life is asking you to ‘put your shoulder into it’ versus when doing so would be trying to push the proverbial river?
Astrology is all about seeing the patterns and feeling the rhythms, but it can still be hard to go with the flow; sometimes it can feel like all you’re doing is getting in your own way.
That might be one reason why things like New Year’s Eve get so much attention. It may be a construct, but it’s visible, widely recognized and gives us the impression of an official, collective ‘reset button’ that does not depend on the inner stillness and sensitivity asked of us by astrology.
This month, however, the whole world had something akin to an ‘astrological moment’ with the solstice — even if many missed the deeper messages, in particular the one delivered by the Sun’s conjunction to Juno. Fittingly, as if she knew we might need to hear what she had to say more than once in order to get with the program, Juno is part of today’s astrology, too, as she starts talking to the Uranus-Pluto square.
While the Sun receives Pluto’s urgings, Juno in Capricorn is making a square to Uranus in Aries. Juno-Uranus is exact today at 11:13 pm EDT; Juno will conjoin Pluto on Jan. 14. This means that Juno’s messages about relationships, jealousy and social justice will be a driving force for a good couple of weeks.
Between Juno’s starring role in the end of the 13th Mayan baktun on the solstice and her two weeks of working with the Uranus-Pluto square — the defining aspect of our current era — it is clear that we have a full-scale transformation project on our hands with regard to all that she represents. And as with most astrology, the work begins within so that we may reap the benefits with the others in our lives.
Eric has written a couple of highly insightful articles on Juno’s role right now in the Planet Waves subscriber issues recently. The Dec. 14 issue in particular included an investigation of Juno’s discovery chart. In it, Eric was able to clearly articulate why Juno so often shows up in our personal lives as frustration, rage, a difficulty in stating our needs and desires, and a sense of restriction or injury from an authority figure.
That is not all Juno is, not by any means. But in a society that does not model sane relationships based on genuine devotion very well, that’s often the Juno that we get. And she often arrives with a lot of pain.
Yet here we are today with Juno square the cosmic light socket, Uranus — planet of surprise awakenings. As noted by Sarah Taylor yesterday in the Weekend Tarot Reading, Fortune, even when ultimately positive, can really throw us for a loop. Likewise, the surge of energy from Uranus, though it can wake us up to things we need to wake up to, can be pretty disorienting. It can also remind us that we are organic, dynamic systems — and so are our relationships.
There is something here in Juno’s interactions with the Uranus-Pluto square about being able to articulate our needs, and how we respond when someone close to us does so. Fittingly, Mercury (which enters Capricorn today just before 9:03 am EST) makes its own conjunction to Juno on Jan. 4. You can expect all of these issues to be in the forefront of your mind, and probably at the tip of your tongue.
Stay mindful of whether you articulate your needs and desires with compassion or not (toward yourself as well as toward others), and whether that’s a struggle for you. Watch yourself when those close to you articulate theirs. Do you feel immediately compassionate, or threatened? Do you jump into ‘caretaker’ mode or ‘tough love’ or simply hold space?
Eric remarked recently that if Juno articulates a group of shadow issues, then the light side of that must be articulated as a basic ethic in relationships that, whether mono or poly or whatever, is often disregarded as a matter of ‘convenience’.
It’s not mere convenience. In fact, it may well determine even more than how the next year goes for you.
Our individual abilities to deal with our rage and frustration (which is not always about someone else), to learn to communicate our feelings and desires directly (without use of manipulation or reverse psychology, by us or toward us), and the realization that not doing so has consequences may have more bearing on the health and evolution of humanity and this planet than we like to think.
That’s a lot to shoulder if we let it push us out of our center. On the other hand, if we can stay grounded and willing to work with Juno honestly within ourselves, then “the more constructive attributes of Juno emerge, including a sane approach to relationships that is based on devotion rather than demands,” as Eric wrote a couple weeks ago. Here’s to a New Year.
Regarding my comments and subject of Numerlogy, I negelected to add (as my post was already taking too much space here), but of relevance:
Looking at the shape of the symbol is, as always, quite telling.
The 9 is like the 6 upside down, a symbol of her offering sympathy and compassion to everyone; a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.
thanks, carecare for the numerology! i would say 2012 was *definitely* a 5 year — travel and adventure? more than i even imagined when the year started.
the 6 year that is 2013 sounds great, too — but i have to say, all that travel was pretty awesome. i look forward to seeing how this new year unfolds.
Speaking of numerology, 2012 was a 5 year:
“Five: The spiritual meaning of number Five deals with travel, adventure, and motion. With the highs that come with these attributes, Fives also carry instability and unpredictability, and radical changes. The spiritual meaning of Five draws our attention to the wonder of life, and beckons us to appreciate the perception of chaos all around us. Five has wild vibrations: primitive and erratic.”
2013 is a 6 year:
“Six: The symbolism behind number Six is legend. With Venus as its ruler, Six represents harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth. Six naturally reveals solutions for us in a calm, unfolding manner. We invoke the Six when we need delicate diplomacy when dealing with sensitive matters. The spiritual meaning of number Six also deals with enlightenment; specifically “lighting” our path in areas we require spiritual and mental balance. Sixes beckon us to administer compassion and consciously choose forgiveness in a situation.”
Taken from:
@ hcohen, I am so sorry for this senseless loss and my prayers are with you and with the victim’s families. Holding and sheltering candles in the windy night for you and them.
Be, What an image you paint! I lovelovelove the idea of the Royal couple working together, each in their own way, to bring on the raising of our social conscience hopefully enough to send ripples of change (Uranian lightning bolts?) into the halls of power. Immoveable objects meeting irresistible forces, sounds like to me. No matter which way one turns this kaleidoscope, there just seem to be so many forces now applying the needed pressure in just the right way here. I was not aware how incredibly complex this moment’s weave truly is. Thank you for illuminating all the strands with such diligence and clarity.
I have the feeling that once the gun/violence/mental health issues really get rolling, we may all be in for a big surprise at just how quickly things will come to the boil… people are sick of the carnage and waste. The old patriarchs simply are no longer able to cling to their illusions/delusions of being relevant…thank you for showing us just how stacked against them the deck really is now.
Seeing the Juno discovery chart it dawned on me that Uranus has been very near the degree where Juno was discovered. I may have missed this being noted elsewhere, but it broadens my take on the meaning of her conjunction to the Sun at Solstice, 0 Capricorn. Many professional astrologers still don’t use asteroids in their work, or even Chiron. If the Sun symbolizes consciousness and ego in an individual’s chart, these astrologers won’t grasp the nuances that Juno’s presence in conjunction with the Sun at the time of the Solstice provides, let alone her square to Uranus today.
It is easier to see this operating by looking at the U.S. government in action (inaction) today as they went through the motions of trying to solve the Fiscal Cliff problem. As it stands at this moment we will go over the so-called cliff. Consciously, the legislators would be aware of the Sun (10 Cap) and Mercury (0 Cap) while Pluto would remain an unconscious factor in that reptillian part of their brain. They might “feel” it but not be mentally conscious of it. Uranus too would be sensed but not really conscious and yet he is only two degrees from where Juno was when first discovered. What they might be conscious of is Saturn in the U.S. Sibly chart at 14+ Libra and the U.S. Sun at 13+ Cancer which the transiting Sun is only 3-4 days away from aspecting. When that happens it will create a T-square with an open leg in Aries.
If they were consciously aware of Juno’s attributes, would it make any difference? If they knew they were unable to articulate their needs, would it change the way they negotiate? You noted above that trans. Mercury will conjunct trans. Juno on January 4, the same day that the Sun will form that T-square with the U.S. Sun-Saturn square. I am wondering if transiting Uranus, so close to Juno’s discovery degree now, and today squaring transiting Juno, isn’t unlocking some of the promise in her discovery chart and as well, in the legislative bodies of the U.S. government, as it is described in the Solstice chart.
Juno’s discovery chart holds a sextile between Venus at 4 Leo trine Mercury (2 Libra) and Saturn (3 Libra). Restricting (Saturn) spending (Venus) is a big discussion (Mercury) point in the on-going war between the Democrats and Republicans in office. Might not Uranus awaken this aspect of Juno’s discovery chart and therefore awaken Juno in these individuals? Might they see what they have been projecting unconsciously and think more about their obligations to their constituents as Juno would for the powerless? Demetra George in her book Asteroid Goddesses says “Juno symbolizes both the need for relationship and the refusal to accept the inequality and injustice that can result from poor communication between the partners. The weapons she uses to fight her battle are rage, revenge, plotting, and being a shrew. In essence, ‘what Hera [Juno] means is the strength not to pretend that some lesser gift is the fulfillment nor to deny the longing’.” It sure sounds like Congress to me.
Juno’s chart horizon falls at 12 Cancer/Capricorn 58, putting the U.S. natal Sun on its ascendant and the January 3-4 Sun on its descendant, along with Vesta in Juno’s chart – 13+ Capricorn. Vesta is what we invest in. Trans. Mercury will be about to conjunct trans. Juno, just as transiting Sun (conj. Juno’s descendant or 7th house cusp of partners) will activate the natal U.S. square between Sun and Saturn. Transiting Uranus will still be square Juno, now conjunct Mercury. What more could you ask?
Well, the Moon will go into Libra and oppose Uranus, while Mars will trine Jupiter from their present air signs, and Jupiter is still conjunct the U.S. Uranus with only a degree or so separating them . If we weren’t getting our astrology from PlanetWaves, we might just think it was all Jupiter that will bring about whatever happens on Jan 3-4, and Jupiter would like that. But. . . . now we know that whatever happens on January 3-4 will be just as much the result from Juno’s efforts to connect as it is Jupiter’s, maybe even more.
Aren’t you glad you are a ‘Waver”?
“Our individual abilities to deal with our rage and frustration (which is not always about someone else), to learn to communicate our feelings and desires directly (without use of manipulation or reverse psychology, by us or toward us), and the realization that not doing so has consequences may have more bearing on the health and evolution of humanity and this planet than we like to think. ”
Recently, this past weekend, a young man that I have known since childhood was shot and killed by another as a result of an argument; an argument about parking in snow.
If we as individuals and as a society do not heed your very humanistic advice, our collective evolution is simply doomed.
We so often react without thought.
We must ready ourselves, more than ever, to think before acting and communicate with a touch more love for your fellow man than we normally do.
All of us.
Starting now.
Happy New Year everyone.
just a reminder: if you don’t want your comment to get hung up in moderation, just put one link in a comment. multiple links get held up in moderation.
Thank you Amanda for an ‘awakening’ piece!
“This month, however, the whole world had something akin to an ‘astrological moment’ with the solstice — even if many missed the deeper messages, in particular the one delivered by the Sun’s conjunction to Juno. Fittingly, as if she knew we might need to hear what she had to say more than once in order to get with the program, Juno is part of today’s astrology, too, as she starts talking to the Uranus-Pluto square.”
Early this morning I had a dream, W.J. Clinton and I were making passionate love. And, I was awoken with our agreement that the next time we would meet, was very clearly given with representing number(s) of, 9, 9.
“Sun receives Pluto’s urgings, and Juno in Capricorn… Juno’s messages about relationships, jealousy and social justice will be a driving force for a good couple of weeks.”
Of personal relevance, I have had an interest and been researching the potential to work with the Clinton Foundation for 6+ months now. I am thankful for what the dream means to me, more importantly the direction I will continue to follow. And after finding your article here this morning, I was prompted to look up the meaning of 9 and 99 numerology. I am new to this occult, and realize numerology in meaning is controversial. But here are some of interesting perspectives I found and wanted to share, because I believe with the current aspects we’re exploring, the meaning is offered to all of us.
Number 9 Numerology
Global awareness
~Any number, no matter how large, multiplied by 9 reduces to 9.
~A different, but no less distinctive and revealing, attribute of the 9 is that when you add (as opposed to multiply) it to any other number, then reduce that number to a single digit, it always comes back to itself, as if nothing was added at all. (=, Sounds like compursion to me).
~The last of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all numbers. The 9 has some similarities with the 6. However, whereas the 6 as a symbol of motherly (or fatherly) love, giving its love and care to friends, family and the immediate community, the 9 offers it to the world at large; the 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness. Looking at the shape of the symbol is, as always, quite telling. The 9 is like the 6 upside down, a symbol of her offering sympathy and compassion to everyone; a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.
~The 9 lives in the world and understands the connections between all of mankind. It is a humanitarian, and sees no real difference between its neighbor next door and the person living in a very different culture and environment on the other side of the world. The 9 is the least judgmental of all numbers, the most tolerant and the most conscious.
**Tarot in relation to Numerology
9 – Nine – IX
Universal love, brotherhood/sisterhood, compassion, the humanitarian and humanitarianism, charity, Universal Spiritual Law, magnetism, understanding, sympathy and compassion, romance, generosity, higher perspective, inner-strength, Universal protection, good in public relations, responsible, ‘Universal Brotherhood’, inner wisdom, highly intuitive, strength of character, selfishness (learning to say No), humanitarian, creative abilities, sensitive, loyal, forgiving, generalist, multi-talented, teacher, healer, artists, old soul, actor, intelligent, understanding, discreet, brilliant, compassionate, problem-solver, inner wisdom, highly intuitive, self-love, freedom, popular, eternity, generous, non-conformist, artistic genius, have a breadth of vision and a wide viewpoint, can be a little eccentric, communicative, influential, philanthropic, duty, calling, mission, obligation, mysticism, faith, optimism, Divine wisdom, self-sacrifice, karma, enlightenment, service, compassion, selflessness, high idealism, sympathy, psychic, tolerance, humility, altruism, benevolence, empathy, power, charity, intuition, perfection.
Spiritual Properties of the number 99
Symbolism: Express a realized perfection state, since it is in relation with the number of the perfection, 9.
According to Bercelius, this number would be the equivalents of the Gold, symbol of the Pure Spirit.
Bible: Number of ewe left in the parabola of Jesus to go to seek the hundredth that was lost. (Mt 18,12).
Age of Abraham when God appeared to him and instituted an alliance with him. (Gn 17,1)
General: Number of grains of the Muslim rosary.
The 99 names of Allah, according to the Islamic religion: “that which will have learned them will enter to the paradise”. The hundredth name is ineffable; it belongs the secret of God, as the name of YHWH, and will be revealed only to the Sky, although the elects hear it at their death
Thank you Amanda for this and all the pieces I have read this year – my first year of PW.
I am grateful for the sense of community I feel when I read the postings and the comments. In a world which is predominantly dismissive of astrology and spiritual growth PW feels like home.
I wish all at PW love, enlightenment and joy for 2013.
Juno calls me to get into the correct relationship with myself before anything else.
“Do you feel immediately compassionate, or threatened? Do you jump into ‘caretaker’ mode or ‘tough love’ or simply hold space?” A telling question for me right now. The world is offering me opportunities to play caretaker, rescuer, tough lover aplenty, which can be overwhelming and scary when I try to take all that ‘response ability’–especially with the demographic that seems to be coming at me–50 somethings near my own age, single women, struggling with financial problems and domestic violence. Responding with compassion is a given, but ‘holding space’ is a new idea with which I clearly need practice, or I would not be going through these sorts of situations right now. Because overwhelm and compassion fatigue can also cause anger, blame and withdrawal, reactions which do not help. Listening with compassion, responding lovingly, holding space, rather than trying to fix or rescue–now those sound like ideas that are truly respectful of the other person and seem to take an odd kind of surrender–or at least it feels odd to me–a surrender to being present without any of the reactions that do not help, almost a meditation.
Thanks for this superb piece, Amanda! Have a good one! xxx