Remebering to breathe: the 2012 Capricorn solstice

Today is the eve of the Capricorn solstice 2012. When the Sun changes signs tomorrow at 6:11 am EST, we will directly encounter the most-hyped moment in the history of astrology, the New Age or amateur archeology.

Simplified chart section for the Sun’s ingress of Capricorn: the solstice. The Sun is conjunct Juno (purple asterisk), bringing a message about relationships into our consciousness. The Sun is also about to enter the square between Uranus (blue ‘H’) and Pluto (red golf tee). We’ll have more about that next week.

Between ‘Maya Fever’, End Times jokes, and one of the most gut-wrenching mass killings in recent memory, it would not surprise me if a lot of us are feeling a little ungrounded, stretched thin, fractured or just generally apprehensive.

Even the idea of ‘how do I observe such an important astrological moment?’ may feel more stressful than exciting — though hopefully it is serving as a focal point and psychic touchstone for you.

I was trying to get a sense of just why this solstice feels so different to me; not just what I know intellectually to be different (13th baktun of Mayan calendar ends, we’ve all been in shock for a few days) but what feels different.

Aside from the particulars of the shifts in our individual personal lives, there seems to be a collective shift in how a lot of us are approaching this solstice.

I decided to take a look at what I had written around this time last year for a clue. Here is some of what popped out at me:

Points of greatest expansion lead to contraction; moments of constriction give way to release. It’s a bit like breathing in its cyclical rhythm but it is happening on multiple scales all at once. …

In the case of the Capricorn solstice, this shift in vital force — in a sense, the Earth’s deepest in-breath before beginning to exhale — has been something to set calendars and myths to. …

The palpable link to natural cycles and turning points may be what really draws so many of us to astrology. … That’s the part that lets us know we’re safe, we’re home, we can depend on this art to show us truth — because it links us to Earth’s in-breath and out-breath.

Reading that, I understood something: I think a lot of us have been holding our breath in some sense — maybe just for the last few days, maybe ever since the first day of 2012, psychically and at times physically.

Seasonally speaking, we’ve been engaged in a long, slow in-breath ever since the summer solstice (at least, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, though even in the southern half, the Sun is still moving into Capricorn, ruled by Saturn which is about structure, boundaries and constriction). Now here we are on the verge of the most highly anticipated of the Earth’s out-breaths ever, thanks to the turning of the Mayan calendar. And suddenly, we are more aware than ever that we have no idea what we will be breathing into — or what may in fact breathe into us.

We have no idea what to expect after tomorrow’s solstice. Of course, we never do. But we’ve worked ourselves into a state of collective anticipation more than usual — even many of us who have tried not to get caught up in ‘Maya Fever’.

“In truth, the Mayan calendar is the product of the most advanced ancient civilization known to have lived in the Americas, and this does indeed seem to be a turning point in consciousness,” wrote Eric recently. “It’s not spontaneous enlightenment, but rather seems to be a fulcrum point of awakening.” Perhaps we could think of it as a chance to learn how to breathe more deeply — or to remember how.

Eric has been emphasizing that the theme of this solstice, and the turnover of the Mayan calendar, is about relationships. The asteroid associated with marriage and jealousy comes up as one of the most prominent symbols in the chart — conjunct the Sun on the solstice point. It’s in a powerful (exact) square aspect to Atlantis, which is the asteroid about fear of The End. That shows up on the Aries Point, where ‘the personal is political’.

No wonder we’re collectively holding our breath a little, if in our psychic bodies we have had some sense of this astrology. Eric asked recently:

Have you considered that there’s a connection between jealous and controlling emotions and the feeling that the world is crashing down? Have you considered that in order to save the world from its privatized, competitive, possessive and generally freaked-out state, we have to love one another with a greater sense of freedom?

If you haven’t, that’s what astrology is for — to remind us of the obvious connections we might not have noticed.

I would say that this astrology — this Capricorn solstice — in the aftermath of the tragedy in Newtown, CT and in the midst of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square, is also about remembering how to ground ourselves in the simple, predicable rhythms of the Earth. I’m not talking about the increasingly unpredictable weather patterns due to global warming. I mean the seasons, with their progression of light and dark, fertile and fallow, in-breath and out-breath.

The Mayans may not have chiseled a tablet of hieroglyphics about creating space in our relationships to ourselves, so that we might allow greater space and true contact in our relationships with others. But they knew something about cycles. On Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012, we get to begin breathing into a whole new space, grounding a new cycle here on Earth. If we are allowing more freedom within our relationships and within ourselves to love, that breath cannot help but go where it’s most needed.

8 thoughts on “Remebering to breathe: the 2012 Capricorn solstice”

  1. A close Sun from the Galactic Center is like a bridge Amanda who joined the Earth and the sky or the human can approach the stars in conscience or the Creator God…I’ve never too hooked to the Maya, I do not know why, what is important is the concentration of energy which was attended as a large egregore for the most beautiful creation that humanity had ever made in its history…

    Peace and love, good Weekend and Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂

  2. Feeling in labor with myself. Agreeing with myself to explore all new territory in life following a cosmic rebirthing of self tomorrow.

    Greetings and love to fellow travelers. Let’s continue to enjoy each other on the other side of the threshold.

  3. A wonderful article Amanda!

    I must be honest, I’m pretty saturated with this Mayan thing. Everyone seems to have an angle on it. But if I reflect on these past few years, I can only say that, Mayan stuff aside, it has felt like a major increase in speed, not only toward a healing objective, but to actually become the receptacle for more energy. This process is a life process but never have I encountered so many intense experiences in such a short time. This year for me has been all about my shadow material. Direct, conscious, affirming, engaging contact with myself – all of it. So, the Mayan calendar feels quite secondary to the present powerful planetary energy that I engage with to propel me to greater awareness. It doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow. What matters is how I’ve lived my life up to now and if I’ve been sufficiently honest with myself and others. And I’m not gloating in some false self-gratification. I’ve been through my fair share of hardship – we all have. Do I really need a calendar to remind me of how important my person is? My voice and aspirations, passions and desires? I hope not.

    With deepest gratitude to Planet Waves, thank you.

  4. lizzy & caroline: very gratifying this piece rings true for you both, given the life shake-ups you are both navigating. and i wish you both the best of luck! sounds like things are off to an energized start.

    and caroline: so glad you were able to have that conversation about sexuality with your son, and have it with such ease! in the last year or so, i have found that territory opening up with my mother in ways i never would have guessed it would — she and i have always had verrrrrry different approaches to sex and relationships. and now, i find myself in the curious position of being the one with more experience and more information, and really wanting to support her in not “giving up” completely on her body. it’s fascinating.

  5. On Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012, we get to begin breathing into a whole new space, grounding a new cycle here on Earth. If we are allowing more freedom within our relationships and within ourselves to love, that breath cannot help but go where it’s most needed.

    Saturday is my birthday (51st) I feel I have been holding my breath most of my life. The last five or so years shattered my world.Thank goodness! Building a new life with mind wide open has been mostly alienating but the re-entry has me feeling exhilarated as others are at least are willing to start a dialogue now. My family life blew up big this month and lot’s of things were shattered and something new is being rebuilt there too. Decisions seem to have been made and there is a solidness to them. My kid’s are all adults and together,we seem to be smashing our families sacred cows and doing it quite happily.
    My oldest son came to me several times as of late just to discuss life. His mine and ours. We even broke a taboo and had a conversation on the topic of sexuality. He needed to share a sexual experience he had had with his girlfriend that triggered a negative response due to past abuse. He kept asking me how to get her to talk about sex with him:)In this conversation I could not help but notice how similar our attitudes about sex were and how easily the conversation flowed.
    I just want to add how great I think this site is, I have purchased products in the past and am looking forward to the Capricorn yearly. I also appreciate all the fine commentary, especially about sexuality, as I have not found anything to compare on the web. My sexuality has certainly blossomed and as I begin to date again I find myself guarding my marriage to myself especially where it pertains to self sex. I have really never had a sexual relationship for one before and I have come to cherish it.
    This site has also helped me deal with shadow ( jealousy specifically) in an effective way and just basically grow up.
    I wanted to make sure I thanked everyone proper before the end and that includes all the folks who work so hard behind the scenes at Planet Waves.

  6. I think it’s the stuffy old pasty, cigar smokin’ white men(the good ol boys) who think the end is coming- and it is… for them. Their 15 minutes of fame are up.

  7. Thank you for this wonderful, helpful piece, dear Amanda, which brings together so many themes. “If we are allowing more freedom within our relationships and within ourselves to love, that breath cannot help but go where it’s most needed”. Yes. My world already ended a little last week when I lost my job. But I feel like Alice through the Looking Glass, as if I’ve stepped through a portal into another reality, and am leaving behind everything that kept me pulled down and oppressed. Though it’s really challenging. Bless you all. ((()))

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