Public or private steam bath? Leo Moon square Scorpio planets

The Moon is currently in Leo, on its way to the Virgo New Moon Saturday at about 10:10 pm EDT. New Moons are kind a monthly ‘restart’ button, when we harvest last month’s growth and plant this month’s seeds. However, Donna Woodwell notes that this one is more about “re-organizing, streamlining and pruning.” Keep that in mind today as an end goal for whatever the Leo Moon pushes into the light and urges you to process.

Simplified chart section showing the Leo Moon square Mars (red circle with an arrow) and about to square the North Node (orange horse shoe) and Juno (purple asterisk), all in Scorpio. The Moon will meet up with the Sun, shown in Virgo, on Saturday.
Simplified chart section showing the Leo Moon square Mars (red circle with an arrow) and about to square the North Node (orange horse shoe) and Juno (purple asterisk), all in Scorpio. The Moon will meet up with the Sun, shown in Virgo, on Saturday.

Specifically, you may find yourself heating up in the realm of desire, attachment, and alchemical emotional and sexual bonding. You can check to see where Scorpio falls in your natal chart to get a better feel for where any tension with this flavor might manifest. Or just keep your antennae tuned and feel your way through.

What’s going on is that the Moon, as it moves through the second half of Leo today, is making squares to Mars, the North Node and Juno – all in Scorpio. As Eric described in yesterday’s podcast, Mars in Scorpio has been heating up passion and pathos, making Scorpio feel “extra Scorpio.”

Put that way, Mars in Scorpio sounds like the steam bath one of the camps in my village at Burning Man was running: a wet heat that helps us both to sweat out toxins and let a sensual arousal bubble up, all while inviting us to relax into a transformative meditation. And there’s plenty of company for the process.

The North Node brings a transformative, dharmic element to the forefront, with questions about attachment and its release (also known as compersion). Juno sharpens the point on the attachment/desire question, asking us to consider how justice factors into the emotional/sexual/social bonding and commitment we’re so drawn to.

Mars, North Node and Juno is a steamy mix in deep, dark Scorpio. The Leo Moon, on the other hand, is more about showy displays, proud leadership ambitions and outer personality rather than the inner alchemy. So these lunar squares, which will happen rather quickly today (in fact, those in the U.S. will likely be sleeping through the square to Mars, occurring just before this posts), are raising the contrast between two very different aspects of our lives.

What will you do with that tension? Are you ready to take the lead in directing your intimate/sexual conversations with a partner? Do you feel an urge to show off to others some of your deeper desires or your excitement over the desirability of those you love? Or is your desire for security and the need to be the center of someone’s attraction pulling you inward and deeper into a commitment or bond?

Whichever way you feel the pull, note the source and message of the tension. When the New Moon arrives in Virgo, look at your notes again. Consider how you can make these urges and desires and bonds work better for you. The waning Moon is known as a time to wind things down and tie up loose ends. But once we turn the corner, if you want a hotter steam bath you’ll need to be efficient at cutting and adding logs to the fire.

5 thoughts on “Public or private steam bath? Leo Moon square Scorpio planets”

  1. “The North Node brings a transformative, dharmic element to the forefront, with questions about attachment and its release (also known as compersion).”

    Bullseye! Took until early this morning to land, but land it did- in this case revealing a scenario, or my own mental fabrication, with which I had become ensnared. Scenario recognized, snare released. Thank you.

  2. Here’s what I found out about my Scorpio:

    8th House – Neptune in Libra is conjunct Vesta in Scorpio. This is also an aspect that is out of sign meaning that they are are 3º apart, which is a conjunction but they are in different signs. So Neptune in Libra, air sign; Vesta in Scorpio, water sign. I also have a sextile to Jupiter and Pluto. Saturn in Scorpio is a very powerful placement especially considering that it is exactly square my Pluto which is a major aspect in my chart, Saturn square Pluto. Having Scorpio in my 8th house is a double dose of Scorpio, squaring Pluto makes it a triple does of Scorpio. The Plutonic process is not unknown to me. Saturn in Scorpio also quincunxes my Venus and Mercury in Gemini. A quincunx is considered one of the more minor aspects but it’s very potent here because it’s in such a tight orb. A quincunx basically relates to a position that’s uncomfortable and requires a huge amount of adjustment, continual adjustment based on this discomfort and friction in order to have the needs, requirements and demands of both placements met. Again, that’s Venus/Mercury conjunction in Gemini quincunx Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn also forms an opposition to my natal moon that is again out of sign. My Moon in Gemini and Saturn is in Scorpio. If my Moon was in sign it would be in Taurus. So my Moon is within orb but not by sign.

    Eric Francis says this about the 8th house: 8th –¬ This is the most influential house of the zodiac in modern times; we are living in the Era of the 8th House. I call it “The House of the Mysteries of Birth and Death.” As expressed in real terms, the themes are: sex, death, jealousy, money, power, control, secrets, surrender and transformation. Hence the 8th tells you about this thing known as “issues.” Originally, it was the House of Death and Dowry. It involves contracts, agreements and in general always involves another person or people in a situation where there is some kind of power, economic relationship or deep emotion involved. In terms of sex, the sex you need — and the experience of orgasm with another person. Oh — reproduction and the transfer of genetic material fall under this house, as an attribute of sexuality.

    And I recently read that Scorpio is also symbolic of those things, those changes that can’t be helped or controlled, like death, sexual abuse, rape, violence…While I didn’t have much death to deal with early on in my life, my grandparents on my mother’s side in my teens, but that was it for a long time. But I was surrounded by sexual abuse, two babysitters, my father, my brothers, a neighbor man and his daughter down the street, and in my later teens two rapes and one attempt. As a child, I felt so surrounded, it was a terribly painful shock to notice that these things weren’t happening to every little girl. I have a memory of almost being suffocated to death during one attack. But I was lucky enough to find a kind and loving man in my young adulthood who I married and who made space for me to have a complete recovery and move into forgiveness over many, many years and 10s of 1000s of dollars of therapy. My Dad was my first abuser who set me up for all the rest and he died in my house in hospice care. During the time that he was in hospice in my house my highest hope for him was that he could experience the unconditional love I felt he had missed all his life. I feel like I have come full circle. It would be interesting to hear how the astrology I posted above informed my process.

    As for sex for fun, I fought tooth and nail to be able to get to that experience sorted out of all that early negative programming. Expression of my sexuality is very precious to me now, having had to fight so hard to uncover it and discover it’s basic purity and innocence. I am so grateful.

  3. I’m sitting at my desk at work, completely stunned at how…well…um…”desirous” I’m feeling and at my complete inability to focus. Come to PW to check out the astrological weather…oh, yes! My 16 degree Scorpio moon and 25 degree Scorpio Uranus are under some stimulation! Not to mention my 29 degree Leo/Aqu nodes… Thanks for the reality check. I think I’ll be making some changes to my plans this evening… 🙂

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