Pisces Moon/Aries Moon — and Aquarius Sun, here we come

The Moon is currently in Pisces as of this writing — a visionary, sensitive, creative, romantic placement generally. If you are in a time zone that lends itself to being awake while the Moon travels the last few degrees of this sign, take advantage of this extra boost to your creativity; the Moon is making a favorable aspect to a Mercury-Sun conjunction in Capricorn that is offering to help you ground your visions in structured plans you can convey to the world.

Simplified chart section showing the Moon’s ingress of Aries today, nearly conjunct Uranus (blue ‘H’). The Sun and Mercury (green glyph with horns) are almost exactly conjunct in Capricorn. Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol), Pluto (red golf tee) and Juno (purple asterisk) are in a tight three-way in Capricorn as well.

The thing is, the Moon’s aspect to Mercury and the Sun is a sextile — water to earth — which means the translation from inner dream to interpersonal communication won’t happen by itself. You actually have to take the rudder, steer the boat to land, and disembark to make contact with others.

If you were asleep while the Moon finished moving though Pisces, did you write down your dreams when you awoke? The Mercury-Sun conjunction is not exact until Friday at 3:56 am EST (we’ll likely cover it again), so its quick-witted qualities and assistance in teaching and communicating will be building until then. So, too, might a sense that something is too close to your face to see it (or more likely, see someone else’s feelings about it). There’s still a little more perspective on offer today.

Once Mercury and the Sun finish their conjunction, the Sun sets sail straight for Aquarius (which is not technically a water sign — it’s air — but its glyph is a pair of waves). The Sun enters Aquarius just before 4:52 pm EST on Saturday, Jan. 19. Aquarius is fixed air, coming at the middle of the season, ‘fixing’ it in place in a way. In the northern hemisphere, this means what Isabel Hickey calls the “clear crystal electric air of winter.”

We’ll be covering the Sun’s ingress of Aquarius in greater depth soon as well. I have to make a confession: Aquarius remains the sign I have the hardest time ‘getting’, both intellectually, on paper, and emotionally, in person. That said, there is something about the tandem work of Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius, which works to break up old forms) and Saturn (the traditional ruler, which crystallizes and establishes the new forms) that appeals to me.

Actually, in writing this, it occurs to me that I can appreciate how anyone significantly represented by Aquarius might need its typical/stereotypical emotional detachment to balance and navigate these processes. To combine continual shattering and crystallizing with a tendency toward emotional attachment could be exhausting.

Before we get to the Sun in Aquarius though, today we enjoy the Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn described so well by Len Wallick yesterday. As you navigate any lust emerging from your depths (along with any accompanying fear of vulnerability, or the power of receptivity), bear in mind that the Moon moves into Aries at 11:07 am EST. You may notice some quick, heated reactions or aggressive impulses.

The Aries Moon will be conjoining Uranus (surprises!) and squaring the Venus-Pluto-Juno configuration in Capricorn. You may find yourself wanting to take sudden action to resolve the tension (be it emotional or sexual). Take a breath, count to ten, and see if the grounding of all those Capricorn planets can allow you to let love (or at least your loins) prove the greater force over any upsets.

9 thoughts on “Pisces Moon/Aries Moon — and Aquarius Sun, here we come”

  1. The Moon arriving on Uranus and Neptune is (a moment of inner quest, I makes it as a blessing, this is the period of the Moon that I like the most. I do not ask anything, I expected nothing, I took the best of what life can give me. I am in the home of cosmic energy, I makes me listen to my higher self, thank you Amanda for sharing this beautiful between the Moon and the Sun 🙂 🙂

  2. marymack — thank you! for sure, my admission was as much a plea for help as it was an attempt not to do aquarians a disservice in my writing. 🙂 i still have so much to learn…!

    and p.sophia — i, too, woke up knowing i’d had dreams i wanted to remember, write down and understand better. but then the weight of my current world came rushing in as i lay in bed, and took over my attention immediately. i have *no* idea what i dreamed now… one vague image, but it doesn’t seem like it’s telling me much.

    ah well… good luck with yours!

  3. Thank you, Amanda … as an Aquarian (with Scorpio Moon, etc) I am happy to represent here … but we all know that there are as many different permutations of Aquarius as there are any other sun signs. I will say this, I enjoy a place where freak flags are allowed/encouraged to fly — and that is here @ PW. And, reminding me of the glyph of waves you mentioned, surfing the aqua-sphere, is do-able because the environment is indeed fixed, the element that allows for network and creative journeying.

    Sorry, Amanda. I doubt that clears up anything for you. But I like what the Chief wrote about polarities — they not only exist in this sign, they are celebrated.

    ps: enjoy the weekend!! and congrats on the annual.

  4. Darn! Even though I was being pushed to write down the message from my dream early this morning, I thought I clearly had it and was too tired to get pen and paper. Tonight I will definitely sleep with them next to my bed.

    Speaking of Mercury and communicating the message, my dream was given with specific direction in two words that kept repeating that were speaking to me as fundamental for me to hear. Just now the words are on the tip of my conciousness… The image is clear, it was one of all my inner database files being completely deleted/empty. It felt refreshing, new, clean. Regarding, thank you Amanda for this…

    “…there is something about the tandem work of Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius, which works to break up old forms)”

  5. Think about how the President will be surrounded by concerned youngsters as he speaks about gun safety today. Is it not clearly Venus conjunct Pluto and Venus sextile Saturn (tomorrow AM) that provide the incentives for this action? We see Juno, Pluto and Venus (shown in partial chart) and they sextile Saturn and who then in turn form a yod with Vesta at 10 Gemini. Vesta is getting the pressure to express herself and Vesta represents that which we invest in. In the sign of Gemini that is our children. This is a reiteration of the Winter Solstice yod between Pluto sextile Saturn as they both were quincunx Jupiter. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct the U.S. Uranus in Gemini at that time, in the 6th house of service and U.S. Uranus rules the 3rd house of communication and our neighbors. Now Vesta will carry the flag, only 2 degrees from U.S. Uranus, so technically, a conjunction.

    As you show in your chart, the Moon will conjunct Uranus today, and Uranus is still in orb of a square with Pluto. Transiting Uranus is also trine the U.S. north node in Leo (6 degrees) showing the pathway to opportunities to evolve. President Obama’s Isis is conjunct the U.S. north node in Leo and Isis is very good at pulling it all together. This will be a topic of high emotion and purpose when Uranus square Pluto becomes tighter in their aspect.

    There is a predominance of the feminine influence today (Moon, Venus, Juno, Vesta) to bring balance to the overwhelming masculine influence of Pluto square Uranus. Guns (fear) vs. Love (feel) are working toward a balance in our society. I think it’s doable.

  6. thanks, len! can i have the weekend now? please?


    yes, the last few days (and couple weeks, but esp the last couple days) have been pretty straight-out. but i think it shows: LISTEN is gorgeous!

  7. The Aquarian conundrum: Saturn or Uranus? Here’s an interesting example of how this played out with two Aquarians that share a birthday: Ronald Reagan and Robert Nesta Marley, both born on February 6th.

    Aquarius is a fixed air sign, so people with this sign can get fixed in their ideas and belief systems, or said another way, Aquarians can become fixed symbols of their ideals. Both Reagan and Marley fit this bill, as both are seen as symbols, fixed ideations, of particular world views.

    Reagan represents the Saturnian- the Man, authority, the System, preservation of the past in the face of the tides of time and history.

    Marley represents the Uranian- a voice of the underclass, raised in Trenchtown, which is a shantytown on the edge of Kingston (Jamaica, not the Kingston that Eric lives in), whose music resonated with people who are, or feel they are, not part of the System (Babylon) so well represented by Reagan.

    In my professional life I have encountered an Aquarius who embodies both of these qualities. On the one hand this individual is a pioneer in the field, bringing new ideas and teachings, but at the same time is fixated into the belief that his way of doing it is the only way. My personal path has been to find my own expression of these ideas in my professional life, even though my doing so has generated criticism and disapproval from the “authority” in my field. As a Gemini (mutable Air) I can resonate with the core essence of this persons ideas and teachings, without being fixated into a narrow path of presentation. Ah, the dance of life.

    I hope this helps illustrate the Aquarian dance.

  8. “Actually, in writing this, it occurs to me that I can appreciate how anyone significantly represented by Aquarius might need its typical/stereotypical emotional detachment to balance and navigate these processes. To combine continual shattering and crystallizing with a tendency toward emotional attachment could be exhausting.”…yes, Amanda…it’s about the BIG picture for Aquarians!

  9. Amanda: Thank you for preparing us with the appropriate mindset, eloquently expressed, for the remainder of the week. Thank you also for being one of the people who labored so long and so hard to produce the 2013 annual edition, “LISTEN”.

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