Today is Thursday, Oct. 6, 2011. The Moon is in Aquarius all day, harmonizing with the Sun and many other planets in Libra. Overnight, the Moon made a conjunction to Vesta, the brightest asteroid, illuminating the inner temple with the soft glow of Moonlight. Vesta is the creative space within, where we tend the fire of creativity, sexuality and anything else calling for devotion. The Moon is waxing toward full phase, which is exact on Tuesday, Oct. 11 — the Aries Full Moon. I preview this in today’s edition of Planet Waves FM.
No matter what kind of mood you wake up in, keep your mind on fairness, justice and the right thing happening. A Moon-Mars opposition early Thursday morning may come across as a disturbance or stress point. Keep going; maintain your focus. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction represents a necessary and for many people positive development, the kind that comes with careful thought, balance and a commitment to equanimity. We don’t see much of that in the world these days; we have a way of expecting everything to be unfair and the deck constantly stacked against the underdog. Today is a day where the psychological playing field is level.
Little Mercury may seem to be no match for vast and mighty Saturn, but there is a dialog going on between these two energies, and that includes the potential for actual respect. Mercury has advantages over many planets because it moves quickly and with purpose — and it can be stealthy. But Mercury in Libra is not trickster mode; it’s Mercury at its most eloquent. Clear, balanced reason is the most persuasive thing you can use today. There is no need to speak loudly or convince anyone — particularly yourself — that you’re right. Simply be true and authentic, and say and do what you must.
For truth to work, we have to have faith in it. That comes in part from experience, and it also comes from embracing the quiet understanding that what is real is what matters most. We can get caught up in various ‘sides of the story’ or people who push their agendas no matter how harmful, but those can be distractions from the simple embrace of authenticity.
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my last entry was suppose to be associated with the eric photo of pumpkins. face is red. sorry.
i really like the picture also.. (definitely a screensaver)..but the subliminal message within it is kinda…um..halloweeny, i guess. kinda adds to the zing.
Ah pumpkins! Speaking of nicknames, my husband called the kids “punkin-eggs.” I love his sense of humor.
This is one of my favorite months because I had my twin girls, 19 years ago, on the 21st of this month. They were due Nov 12th but were 3 weeks early to the DAY (we knew the conception date because of fertility treatment); 37 weeks is considered “term” for twins (the doctor goes by the last menstrual period but that usually tacks on 2-3 weeks because of the lag time between a period and ovulation) but they lacked eyelashes, finger nails, and toe nails.
I often wonder what a conception chart would look like? I m not so sure of the exact time (it was in the fertility doctor’s office in the afternoon) so it would be tricky to do an ascendant for it. They were conceived on Feb 18th, 1992 in Scottsdale, AZ in the afternoon at Dr. Nemiro’s office (using intrauterine insemination with my husband’s sperm). I wish I could remember the exact time.
Around here, Halloween, autumn and pumpkins rule the house. The kids dressed up a plastic life-size skeleton in Star Trek clothes, complete with medical tricorder and they call him “Bones” after Dr. McCoy. He is hanging in our entry way, greeting everyone who has to walk past him to get into the house! Our whole front yard is festooned with grave stones, skeletons, huge spiders, webs, pumpkins, and we light up the whole front yard with tons of Halloween lights. The eye-ball lights are everyone’s favorites!
Sorry for the digression in these comments. It was those pumpkins….they are really beautiful.
len – “punkinhead” — with an “N” not the “M” — was pretty common in our household, too. i consider it a term of true endearment.
Thank you – timely reminder to remain true to ourselves when many things are decaying or dying around us. Status quo this time next year….can’t begin to imagine.
Pumpkinhead! How sweet Len! Yes, thanks for the gorgeous pumpkins. I love pumpkins, they’re a joy to behold and to eat, and it’s no surprise that they’re such great survivors. And thanks for the great blog too. xxx
Love the photo. As kid, my nickname is punkinhead – earned it too.
Thank you for an authentically beautiful synopsis. Chalk one up for the truth.