Mars square Uranus: Individuals ‘R’ Us?

As of this publishing, Mars in Cancer is still in a tight square to Uranus in Aries (exact at 11:08 pm EDT July 31, and still full strength). Mars-Uranus squares are traditionally described as something to be careful with; they can represent violence. This one in particular pits ‘individuals’ against ‘groups’ — and could set off how you feel about yourself in that dynamic.

Simplified chart section showing Mars in Cancer (red 'male' symbol) square Uranus in Aries (blue 'H'). Also shown are the lunar South Node (orange horseshoe) in Taurus and the Moon in Gemini. You can see other planets at 11+ and 12+ degrees of their signs here.
Simplified chart section showing Mars in Cancer (red ‘male’ symbol) square Uranus in Aries (blue ‘H’). Also shown are the lunar South Node (orange horseshoe) in Taurus and the Moon in Gemini. You can see other planets at 11+ and 12+ degrees of their signs here.

The question is, if you feel yourself reacting to the omnipresent push for conformity, are you truly asserting genuine individuality in your rebellion against it? Or are you falling into the heavily marketed trap laid by advertisers who want to sell you the coolest next way to show your true colors?

Teenagers aren’t the only ones who fall prey to thinking that their latest customizable electronic gadget sets them off from the crowd — including when they use it to share the latest ironic meme on a social networking site where everyone is the star of their personal cyber-drama.

This is part of the underside of Uranus in Aries. Yes, Uranus is part of the engine driving social change (in tandem with Pluto in Capricorn). But Pluto is the one adding the potential for depth and evolution. Uranus in Aries is the spark — whether that translates into a revolutionary movement or just some sequins and pretty lights is the question. Uranus-in-Aries glamour is distracting, and we are bombarded with it.

Uranus also represents groups because of its modern rulership of Aquarius. The crystallization factor of Aquarius may owe more to Saturn (traditional ruler), but the sign is still a blend of those energies. Uranus in a square to Mars therefore brings the ‘group status quo’ factor, while Mars brings the drive to bust out of the mold and the desire for what one really wants. In Cancer, the emphasis is on how you feel about what you want.

So how do you know when you’re really doing non-conformity (assuming, of course, that your deepest heart’s desire does not match what’s in the pages of a glossy magazine)? One sign is that you find yourself in conflict with the prevailing conformity — not seeking approval from it. That includes being in conflict with what you’re being told is non-conformist.

Feel like you’ve stepped through the looking glass yet?

Do you get anxious at the thought of giving up your precious, nonexistent ‘individuality’? Does that one last tattoo/piercing/t-shirt from an ‘edgy’ designer hold the promise of finally feeling extra-super-special and unique? Is the tension you’re feeling really about trying to express yourself, or are you feeling cornered by the advertising industry’s push of false individuality?

As you ponder those questions, remember some Mars-square-Uranus basics: watch your temper. Watch your speed and awareness while driving. Watch out for jerks and don’t get pulled into their games. It’s also a time to watch for opportunities (with an eye to which need to be jumped on, versus which you can work your way toward). Need to rebel and push back? Try doing so in art or music. You’ll feel better — and you’ll actually be expressing something that’s uniquely you.

3 thoughts on “Mars square Uranus: Individuals ‘R’ Us?”

  1. Thanks Amanda, good advice regarding the potential danger of a Mars-Uranus conflict. There is a buildup of energy which supports the easing of that danger today, and even provides the possibility of raising that Mars consciousness. Starting with Uranus’ quincunx (150 deg) to Venus at 12+ Leo this afternoon, she will perfect her sextile (as Len said on Tuesday) to Mars tomorrow.

    With Juno in Aquarius sextile Uranus and also quincunx Venus, they put pressure (yod) on Venus to make some adjustment in her supportive sextile to Mars. Not just the usual “service”, Uranus wants unique and new approaches, while Juno wants equality for the dis-advantaged as well as those who have power.

    Meanwhile Venus is in a balancing act (opposition) with Chiron the Shaman in Pisces. As luck (or whatever we want to call it) would have it, Chiron trines Mars today and Mars trines the north node in Scorpio. If Chiron can make the Martian energy conscious enough, and the north node can provide a new route to getting what he (Mars) wants without histrionics, then where’s the harm?

    It would seem that it isn’t Chiron alone bridging the consciousness from universal planets down to the personal planets. Today asteroid Juno is part of the transition team, tomorrow Vesta in Leo will trine Uranus as she balances the polarity (opposition) with Juno in Aquarius. Their relationships with Uranus in Aries is an easier way to assimilate his (the Awakener’s) energy. Behind all this intricately woven tapestry is asteroid Arachne at 12+ Sagittarius. She’s strong now having just stationed direct, and she’s also conjunct the U.S. Sibly ascendant. That’s quite a platform for getting the attention of all U.S. citizens and her weaving together of all the styles of expressing energy; Juno, Chiron, Uranus, Mars, Vesta, Venus, makes it easier to digest (Cancer Mars).

    With all the blending going on today I would hope that nobody will get hurt. Adding enough of the Yin to all the Mars-Uranus Yang could just make the medicine go down a lot easier.

  2. So long I’ve been digging around my Chiron in Aquarius for answers and today’s post helps me sort out a lot. Too much Saturn and not enough Uranus is what Im getting here. I knew there was something massive about “tribe” and as I’ve got Sun/Merc in Aquarius, I’m getting the glimpse about group-think these days. Uranus is headed for my natal mars and I’m feeling the itch, the twitch to … express the whole me.

    thank you for your insights Amanda … I feel you 🙂

  3. Ohhh
    I wish someone had my natal chart caste when I was 7, or so, then had explained it to me
    Pluto/Uranus (Virgo MC) – Mars&Venus (Sagittarius 1st) – Saturn in Pisces (Pisces IC)
    I would have saved myself painstaking years of oscillating between asserting for my freedom and wanting to fit in – and always with one foot permanently on the brake

    Still, better late than not at all

    Thank you

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