Libra New Moon — and a “call to destiny”

The Libra New Moon is Friday just before 8:35 pm EDT. It’s a New Moon that’s in line with the Uranus-Pluto square, so you know there are likely to be events coinciding that affect all or most of us (think political developments and world events), and they could involve some disruption (does the whole Affordable Care Act / shutdown of the U.S. government come to mind?). But there’s more going on in the chart as well.

Simplified chart for the Libra New Moon. Also shown, from top: Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio, Sun and Moon in Libra, Vesta in Virgo and Uranus in Aries. View full chart here.
Simplified chart for the Libra New Moon. Also shown, from top: Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio, Sun and Moon in Libra, Vesta in Virgo and Uranus in Aries. View full chart here.

For example, there’s a very close yod configuration involving the Libra New Moon. A yod is a triangle shape. At its base are two planets that are making a sextile to each other (60 degrees — a sextile is an aspect between complimentary elements, in this case, earth and water).

At the point of the triangle is a planet to which the other two are quincunx (150 degrees, or one sign off from an exact opposition).

Sextiles are harmonious, but it takes some effort to access their flow. Quincunxes can be challenging, asking us for continual adjustment.

When you put them all together, a yod can be a tricky configuration to figure out, since it can manifest either as a powerful conduit or a deeply felt block. It isn’t also known as “the finger of god” for nothing.

The yod involving the Libra New Moon is being formed by Vesta in Virgo making a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio (earth to water), with both of those planets quincunx Uranus in Aries.

Opposite Uranus in this configuration is the Sun and Moon conjunct in Libra — Libra being the sign in between Virgo and Scorpio.

The position where the Sun and Moon are is called the “activation point” of a yod. When a planet is moving through the sensitive activation point of a yod, it can trigger major events.

A New Moon is often a time to begin new things anyway, since it is the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This Libra New Moon is in a position to set potentially very meaningful events in motion.

Any Libra New Moon is likely to bring issues of balance and fairness in relationships to the fore. A Libra New Moon aspecting the Uranus-Pluto square indicates that justice and balance (or a situation where extremes must be brought into balance) have wide and long-term influence. Again, we can look to the mess in the U.S. government for an example.

But what does this yod add to the story?

For one thing, the Vesta-Saturn sextile looks like the potential to bring questions about the roles of service, sacrifice and your creative/sexual spark into better harmony with the emotional container you’re working with, any sexual secrets you’ve been ignoring/discovering, and your process to clear out and restructure those aspects of your life. As mentioned, using Vesta-Saturn will take some conscious effort on your part.

Potentially aiding or disrupting that effort is Uranus in Aries: a picture of surprising yourself with yourself — either with sudden new awareness or a self-sabotaging explosion of willfulness. Uranus is opposite the Sun and the Moon in Libra: whatever happens will play out in your relationships. And with the Sun and Moon conjunct, you might feel that as inner harmony or else as a blind spot in your awareness.

Yods in a natal chart can manifest as a “call to destiny.” But what if you are feeling blocked, not pulled by destiny? As if you just can’t get out of your own way? How do you work with that, or sneak around the side of it and any resistance you are feeling?

With another nod to the governmental shutdown, are you playing any similar games in your personal relationships? If so, what’s going to give?

Take a cue from Mercury’s building conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio (exact Tuesday). Eric described this recently as “the curious, expressive kid coming up against the stuffy, stuck adult.”

In Scorpio, this confrontation takes on a distinctly sexual flavor. If you’re feeling stuck in that department, get real about your hang-up, and see if you can play with it, stretch it, have fun talking about it and how you might turn it on its head. After all, Uranus in the picture means there’s a wild card in the game. It’s up to you how you play it.

8 thoughts on “Libra New Moon — and a “call to destiny””

  1. Well sorry, looks like Linda has cut out the sections on Mystic Rectangle, Yod and Boomerang, and Grand Sextile from the link posted earlier for some reason. If I can find it elsewhere, I will re-post it for you./be

  2. The 33 Chilean miners who were trapped but then escaped in October, 2010, might shed light on the meaning of this New Moon. MINERS ARE SURFACING FROM A DEEP COAL MINE. That’s the Sabian Symbol for tomorrow’s New Moon at 11 Libra 56. The drama of that 2010 event preceded by just a few weeks the election of those tea party representatives who have held the government captive and caused it to shut down.

    Looking back at the astrology of that 2010 election shows that transiting Saturn was at 11+ Libra, where the New Moon is tomorrow. In addition, transiting Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in Pisces, retrograde and preparing to station direct. This would initiate their new 12+ year cycle, and now in the late summer-early fall of 2013, they have reached the opening square in that cycle. The 1st exact square in August was on the same day that the full moon was conjunct the U.S. natal Sibly Moon symbolizing the U.S. People. Ironically, at the time of the 2010 election, transiting Neptune (conjunct trans. Chiron) was conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon (which conjuncts the U.S. Pallas-Athene, aka the Planner) in Aquarius.

    The 2nd exact square between trans. Jupiter and Uranus will be in February, just as transiting Pluto (13+ Capricorn) opposes the U.S. Sibly Sun (13+ Cancer), an opposition that will last for over 3 solid months. During that time (in April), Jupiter will, for the 3rd time, exactly square Uranus while on the same day opposing trans. Pluto, and also being conjunct the U.S. Sibly Sun. To me all this seems likely to feel like being trapped at the bottom of a coal mine for many Americans, wondering if they will ever get out alive.

    Also during the siege of trans. Pluto opposite the U.S. Sibly Sun (late February through early June), and just before the T-square between Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto (that impacts the U.S. Sibly Sun) around April 20-21, there will be a total lunar eclipse of the Moon at 25+ Libra on April 15th. This degree is just opposite this month’s eclipsed Moon at 25+ Aries (Oct. 18) which precedes the 4th Uranus square Pluto on November 1st by only 2 weeks.

    During this period in April 2014, transiting Saturn (21+ Scorpio) will be retrograde and quincunx the U.S. Sibly Mars (21+ Gemini), a repeat of his position in January. However, in January on the weekend of 11th-12th, trans. Saturn (21+ Scorpio) will be sextile the trans. Sun (21+ Capricorn) and they in turn will form a yod to the U.S. Mars. We could call it destiny or just being in an uncompromising position, but something will sure give. I would think that whatever adjustment resulted from the yod in January will be tested, perhaps resolved or reversed. .. .because then the trans. Aries Sun will sextile the U.S. Sibly Gemini Mars and form a quincunx with transiting Saturn in Scorpio. The shoe in April will be on the other foot from the one in January.

    Not only that but the nodes will no longer be in Scorpio-Taurus, but in Libra-Aries, and square the U.S. Sibly Pluto in Capricorn. Those freed miners coming up for air in 2010 had to squeeze themselves through a terribly tight tunnel but they did it and so can the U.S. people. While the families and friends of the miners waited together for their loved ones to return to them, their space was referred to as Camp Hope. Vesta in this New Moon yod can start to provide that strength, along with Saturn to keep the faith and hope alive while we continue to adjust through the Uranian jolts. The Sun-Moon in Libra opposite Uranus would, according to Linda Goodman add the missing element, “a sense of understanding what the goal will be.” You can read her description of this aspect pattern (called a Boomerang) here . . .

  3. Oh yeah, the strength of the kisser overwhelms the disser with love. To the disser love is a terrorist, but he dissolves nonetheless in a wave like this. This moon is trine my Venus and Uranus is no stranger as I’ve got that one close enough to my ascendant to feel him sneeze. Breaking out of the cloud of doubt, the ages old argument for my Gift. Arguing for my Gift took the energy necessary to nurture it. A constellation of allies are pulling me out into the world with the gravity of their love. Songs that were echoes, ghosts, sketches in my electric hideout are coming to light in my hands with a guitar and my voice dancing on its waves. For some like Brian Eno the electric boogaloo is the path of their muse. For me the further I get from guitars, drums, voices, and horns the fuzzier the signal gets. My voice is coming alive like never before: the ongoing side effects of an internal martial arts devotion. Blessed be. WOOF!

  4. Thanks Amanda for these beautiful lights on the Yod with Vesta and Saturn which looks great but the term is really not the same. Builds the trigone of mercury and Neptune to testify of this sacred sense that one can feel with some people…
    Good evening to all 🙂

  5. Thank you, Amanda. I had to laugh out loud at the last paragraph. I just received a replacment copy of the Kama Sutra (misplaced the last one…..tut, tut) so ‘Scorpio…sexual flavour…turn it on its head’ well, what can I say….

    Rumaging through last year’s papers (or was it the year before) i found a lovely piece entitled “My calling is calling, but what’s it saying?”. That’s about the sum of it. Time to listen good.

    Len, Strawberrylaughter, Lizzy – love you all. We’re all in this together, right?

  6. “the curious, expressive kid coming up against the stuffy, stuck adult.” Ha ha – that’s just brilliiant! Thank you for this wonderful piece, Amanda – it’s so spot on for me. I reached a crescendo of angst and worry this week – which I’ve tried to open up to and investigate rather than push away. This morning I realised it was about being driven by fear – fear of not being up to my new job, plus the age-old fear of not being able to survive financally cos the job might finish at the end of the contract in a few months tome. And I thought what if I didn’t have all this fear, or at least, what if I didn’t take it so seriously? Time to give a thumbs up to the stuffy, stuck (and oh so frightened) adult.
    Interseting things happening with the government in our neck of the Woods as well.

  7. Ohmigod. This is too much. This New Moon is happening atop my Juno. Thank you so much for going into this set of aspects, Amanda! As if things were not bananas enough already. It feels so right, tho–mad as it is. I just attended a webinar with Caroline Myss, in which she talked about how the universe is not obligated to behave in the way we might want — that anything can happen. I’m going to take that as a good omen, and see if perhaps Uranus & I can be friends.

  8. Amanda: Thank you for taking us adroitly across the yod for another view of this Libra New Moon on the cardinal cross with Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter (among other pertinent points and objects). Especially appreciated is how you imply destiny is something we are called to make. Maybe enough of us can make like Uranus and pleasantly surprise not only ourselves. You certainly have done your part, which is no surprise, but still sincerely appreciated.

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