In this together: Venus-Saturn in Scorpio

Venus is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio (exact in a week) — an interesting position for these two planets that is setting the background tone now. Both planets are a little out of place in this sign, a stark contrast to Libra, where Venus is ruler and Saturn is exalted. Both planets are ‘natives’ in Libra. Yet in terms of being out of their metaphorical element, they’re very much ‘in this together’ in Scorpio — much as we all are, given this week’s swings of the political pendulum.

Simplified chart section showing the Sagittarius Moon (conjunct Pholus) exactly square the Virgo Sun. Venus is moving into a conjunction with Saturn and the north lunar node in Scorpio. Also shown: Mercury in early Libra. See glyph key here
Simplified chart section showing the Sagittarius Moon (conjunct Pholus) exactly square the Virgo Sun. Venus is moving into a conjunction with Saturn and the north lunar node in Scorpio. Also shown: Mercury in early Libra. See glyph key here
That theme has just been illustrated by an Op-Ed in The New York Times written by (drumroll…) Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now, Putin is a politician just like the rest of them, and neither he nor recent Russian governments have been paragons of human rights or peace (jailing members of the activist band Pussy Riot, cracking down on homosexuals, their own invasion of Afghanistan, and so on).

But if Venus and Saturn are about figuring out ‘how to get through this together’, Putin’s rhetoric could not be better timed:

“I welcome the president’s interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria. We must work together to keep this hope alive.”


What felt like impending death and chaos as we headed into this last weekend is suddenly engendering another form of transformation, and it is happening in the context of yesterday’s anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. As Eric wrote recently, “There’s a lot to grieve over, and a constant confrontation with death.”

That kind of emotional/spiritual assault takes its toll. No wonder so many people tune out, go numb or seek distractions.

But Saturn has been in Scorpio for nearly a year now, asking us to dig deep emotionally. The convivial sense of balance Venus had in Libra needs to find a new kind of equilibrium in Scorpio; it seems suggestive of a more vertical alignment through layers, rather than the horizontal image of the scales.

Saturn is providing the container. Venus may not be her usual effusive, receptive, warm-and-fuzzy self in a conjunction to Saturn, but in Scorpio she has the opportunity to receive whatever insights the depths have to offer, within a specific framework.

As we feel our way through those, we encounter the first quarter Moon today (exact at 1:08 pm EDT). The waxing Sagittarius Moon, squaring the Sun in Virgo, is conjunct the cluster of centaur planets that are moving slowing through Sag (two were mentioned in Tuesday’s column).

At the very least, this first quarter Moon looks like a clear point of movement or advancement through whatever Sun-Pholus-Ixion-Chaos set loose, with a message to be very clear with yourself about what you are advancing, and why. Lean on the Virgo Sun: bring light to your mental processes so that you’re not being run by any ancestral baggage, represented by the centaurs.

That goes for you, too, Obama and Putin.

With Eric Francis.

8 thoughts on “In this together: Venus-Saturn in Scorpio”

  1. This week Obama has understood that regardless of what his handlers expect of him, he is responsible for his actions and will be held accountable throughout eternity. Large words I know but totally true. May he continue to get the message and may America employ brotherhood from sea to shining sea.

  2. Amanda: Thank you for hitting on an absolutely brilliant theme which is not obvious at al (but no less true for lack of being obvious). Thank you for then going on to elucidate that theme in a creative, convincing and sensitive manner, then tying it all up in a beautiful package with the Daily Astrology columns earlier this week. You are a treasure, Amanda, a pearl without price.

  3. Putin’s recent emergence & the steps he’s taken to defuse a potential middle-eastern powder keg are fascinating indeed. I had known nothing of his chart, but from what beleclaire has summarized, there’s a lot of deep & powerful energy there.

    Of course the crisis is probably far from over, but my present take on it is sort of, so far, so good. Another day without a new war is a good thing.

    As for the present uneasy relationship between the West & Russia, as be noted, it’s not easy for us to trust them. However, I am reminded of a quote I have kept glued to my cupboard door for years, as a personal reminder: “Your history is not your destiny.” It may also apply to international affairs as new ideas, new possibilities for communication, are appearing.

    The idea of getting “through this together” is so very relevant – to my mind, at the interpersonal & local levels as well as in the Bigger Picture. It’s a spirit we all have need of in these turbulent times, & maybe it will help us to stop repeating what hasn’t worked before.

    Venus in Scorpio does go deep, doesn’t squirm in the face of unlovely reality – I’m inclined to see her working well with Saturn during this passage, if we’re willing.

  4. Thank you Amanda
    Putin is a Scorpio rising with Venus in Scorpio conj Asc. so this is a pretty intense time for him
    What dominates the chart is his ruler Pluto/ MH / South Node stellium in Leo; but then he is a 4th house/IC/ North Node Aquarian …so Mia perhaps this side of him will see the light of day
    What I found intersting recently was the news that his wife had divorced him. They had gone through the public duties together for many years but shared no life togetherr. She would not continue in this hypocrisy and, I think, for the first time a Russian leader is a divorced man.

  5. I like that idea of Venus going vertical instead of horizontally, Amanda. . . it’s unexpected and Neptune helps by adding camouflage to her movements; perhaps even Putin’s op-ed piece is meant as a distraction. While all eyes and voices (esp. U.S. citizens) digest his reasoning for such a tactic, it momentarily distracts any interfering nosing about by the media as to the developing plans for locating and destroying Syria’s chemical weapons.

    Still hovering at 3 Pisces retro, Neptune trines the U.S. Venus at 3 Cancer and transiting Hades (dealing with the unpleasant) by her side adds to the plot, while they (Putin, Obama and their people) probe the possibilities. As a matter of fact, transiting Venus is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Hades at 0+ Scorpio, so it’s two for the price of one! There are advantages to being seen as wary adversaries; if “people” are conditioned by the Iraq war to be opposed to getting involved in another one, just think how the people who grew up fearing and hating the Russians feel about getting chummy with them now. It’s much easier (for us Americans) to be suspicious of Putin and the Russians than it is to trust them.

    The U.S. Sibly Moon (the People) just took a hit from a full moon recently. . a full moon only 6 degrees from Neptune and also conjunct Nessus (poison). They aren’t in the mood to trust and/or believe anyone just now, especially as it relates to the government. Theirs or ours. Transiting Neptune is in the U.S. Sibly 3rd house of media and all kinds of publicity, and he not only trines the U.S. Venus but also the U.S. Karma at 3+ Cancer. Meanwhile, transiting Venus is on the U.S. Sibly chart’s MH (reputation), so this triple/grand trine in water is not above being seen as duplicitous, or shall we say “employing the slight of hand” in order to buy time and dig down. Venus may be happier in Libra, but she’s quite capable of bonding in Scorpio, if it suits her purpose, that is.

    President Obama already has a Sun square natal Neptune as well as a natal Pluto sextile natal Neptune and his Chiron trines natal Neptune. His Mars conjuncts the U.S. Neptune and transiting Saturn + North Node conjuncts his natal Neptune while trans. Pluto sextiles his natal Neptune. Putin is an old KBG boss. These guys know how to disguise.

    We’ll have to wait until some of the fog clears to really get an idea of what is and has happened, say when Neptune moves to 2 degrees of Pisces (and off the exact trine to the U.S. Venus) next month.

  6. Great article, Amanda.

    Putin is repeating what Ahmadinejad did in the spring of 2006. He wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times and asked Bush “What would Jesus do?”

    Russia is ruled by Aquarius and regardless of the details, Putin is being guided by Aquarian principles. Because of the internet, the people have access to all that is going on globally. Americans may not feel they are being heard or are working in a vaccum, but we are seeing the actions of passion of countless people around the globe, urging us to wake up and make a stand. It’s a beautiful thing!


  7. Thanks for the wonderful advice, Amanda! Heaven knows what’s really going on with Putin. He’s a slimy reptile who has journalists who oppose his regime murdered at the drop of a hat, and so much more besides.

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