Galactic Journey: Sun in Sagittarius

Note to readers: this post originally appeared in Friday’s premium members’ edition of our weekly astrology service. You can sign up for a free, one-month trial membership here to see what that’s all about, and receive tomorrow’s issue in your inbox automatically.

Just before 11 pm EST on Nov. 21, the Sun entered the sign Sagittarius. While on one level all the signs are equal, Sagittarius is an unusual energy from the standpoint of the world of work-a-day, entertainment and gossip. Sagittarius is the direction of the core of our galaxy, which influences everything about this sign.

The Milky Way appears as a streak across the summer sky. Photo by Mila Zinkova, Wikimedia Commons.
The Milky Way appears as a streak across the summer sky. Photo by Mila Zinkova, Wikimedia Commons.

The Milky Way, our home in space, is a spiral arrangement of some 300 billion stars, a miniature universe of its own. Even with our culture’s relatively advanced knowledge of astronomy, the galaxy is an elusive concept to most people.

It’s still a stretch for many to grasp the spatial relationship involved in how the Earth goes around the Sun — even though we can see both. The galaxy is nearly invisible, appearing in the Northern Hemisphere only in summer, and as a misty, slightly glowing cloud.

Yet at its core is a supermassive black hole, which binds together our island in space. So while on the one hand awareness of our galaxy eludes perception by the senses, it also contains the heaviest, strangest thing anywhere in proximity to our solar system.

I would say the largest, but black holes don’t seem to take up much physical three-dimensional space. They seem more like a door into another dimension — a door that is gradually becoming something real.

With these ideas, we’ve gone beyond what ordinary astrology was designed to handle, and we’ve also gone beyond what most people can actually feel. Though these concepts have been percolating in science fiction for a while, they seem to have little influence on our lives.

The thing is, they do have plenty of influence, especially for those who have made any commitment to a spiritual or metaphysical path, or whose religious journey verges into actual experience. For those exploring these aspects of life, the sense of experiencing something, a calling, a desire, a need, but not being able to describe it clearly, can be a fairly common experience.

The Sun ingressed Sagittarius last Thursday, Nov. 21, with the Moon in an exact conjunction to Jupiter -- the ruler of Sagittarius. Glyph key is here. There is lots of other coverage of the Sun's sign change by Len Wallick and Amanda Painter on the Planet Waves blog.
The Sun ingressed Sagittarius last Thursday, Nov. 21, with the Moon in an exact conjunction to Jupiter — the ruler of Sagittarius. Glyph key is here.

It’s quite the opposite of the emotional, hormonal pull of Scorpio, the previous sign, which seems to know exactly, precisely what it wants. And it could not be more different from the salty, ruddy energy of Capricorn that aspires in tangible ways toward goals that can be expressed.

Sagittarius is different. I would rate it as the most different sign, the feeling of which is often associated with the kind of longing that we think of as spiritual or mystical. It contains a homing signal drawing our consciousness toward a level that goes beyond what we consider normal.

The elusiveness of Sagittarius can influence those born with the Sun, Moon or ascendant here — they often resist being defined or understood, or involving themselves in a commitment, particularly an emotional one.

There’s a legitimate spiritual basis for this — the kinds of attachments that our world proffers the most often are also the same things that can be the biggest stumbling blocks to spiritual growth.

At the same time there’s a good reason that to one side of Sagittarius we have Scorpio, among the most sexual and emotional signs. To the other side is Capricorn, the sign of worldly aspiration, achievement and leadership. Think of Sagittarius not as a destination in itself but as an excursion you can take. Those born under this sign or with it prominent in their charts are living, in part, to understand what is beyond this world — not for entertainment, but to build a tangible relationship.

With the Sun transiting Sagittarius for the next 30 days and nights, those who are paying attention will all get a taste of that journey. I’ll be chronicling some of its features over the next few weeks.

12 thoughts on “Galactic Journey: Sun in Sagittarius”

  1. Thanks Eric for this clarification, this is my second nature Sagittarius with four planets on the rise, both approaching the great attractor and the other two from the Galactic Center, the grand all universal πŸ™‚

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful article which has so captured the essence of this aspect and is as you say, not easy to describe. I am also feeling it is something that cannot really be shared. Which may in ‘normal’ circumstances, be felt, or understood as alone, or at a loss. But here, now, it is quite the reverse. In this time I have felt the most intimate work is being received. And it is “…building a very real tangible relationship” from deep out there -to everywhere within.

  3. I’m thinking now that the “Brown Thursday” and Black Friday shoppers must be part of what the Bacchus-Arachne-Pandora conjunction symbolized. Remember the crazed and frenzied women who followed Bacchus through the forest? πŸ™‚

  4. wandering yeti, I’d say your north node is picking up the Universe vibration loud and clear. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Sagittarius is on my north node which is pointing directly at the center of the galaxy. It’s my north node so I’m no expert, but it seems to me that its trajectory brings me into awareness of relationships and the mindfulness not to freak out when encountering novelty. How could we possibly be part of a galactic community if our only way of relating is competition and one-upmanship? We’ll just keep getting thrown back to the Earth School if we play it like that. Aries only identifies with the expansion of fire, Leo proud and mighty identifies the fire with his own radiance, but the mental level of Sagittarius reveals the flame in the hearts of all sentient beings. Aries the pulse of Earthlife, Leo the local star, Sagittarius the view of all the stars as their own suns.

  6. ‘It’s quite the opposite of the emotional, hormonal pull of Scorpio, the previous sign, which seems to know exactly, precisely what it wants. And it could not be more different from the salty, ruddy energy of Capricorn that aspires in tangible ways toward goals that can be expressed.’

    This makes me laugh. My chart: Sag sun (conj. neptune), Cap Asc, Scorpio NN.

    I like the idea of ‘Think of Sagittarius not as a destination in itself but as an excursion you can take.’ With conjunct Neptune…that excursion can be far-reaching and most elusive.

    The only time/space/place that ever seems to be clear is right here, right now. I’m getting more and more comfortable with that, thankfully.

    Look forward to reading more of your Sagittarian sharings. December 8th marks another spiral around the sun for me. Thanks to the planetwaves community for being such a beacon of light on these ‘excursions’. Love x

  7. Sagittarius is special for all the things you name Eric; thanks for exploring it in this way. I’m “drawn to” the Great Attractor in Sagittarius too. . . anything that takes me “around the bend” becomes an adventure. In fact, Sagittarius itself symbolizes adventure.

    Being human successfully requires being able to return to Balance after getting off course, a challenge we aren’t always eager to begin. Being human also means taking chances; exploring what’s beyond the Known. I suppose that’s why Capricorn follows Sagittarius. . a coming back down to earth after an adventure. Cappy is a “salty, ruddy” (love this!) sign but does have this grip on the “being human” experience. If Sun in Scorpio has been a draining experience for you (like it was for me) then restoring balance requires an excursion or adventure to lift the spirits, and the sky’s the limit (or maybe just a threshold to a whole new place!)

    Try imagining what’s around the bend of what you already know.

    Something startling or unexpected or unpredictable is required to stimulate the senses, maybe even something dangerous. Like ISON’s whiz-by to the Sun today, or Phaethon’s refusal to be cautious when driving the Sun’s chariot, Sagittarius will not be bound by protocol; leaping boundaries it seeks to see what’s beyond the same ole, same ole.

    Today’s astrology supports this tactic (Mercury trine Jupiter, Phaethon conjunct Minerva [aka Pallas-Athene], ISON braving the Sun). Even for the U.S. there is a square to the Sibly Saturn (14+ Libra) that begs to be explored. Transiting Bacchus (eat, drink and be merry), Arachne (a little intrigue never hurt anyone) and Pandora (I’ve saved a little something back for now) are all at 14+ Capricorn. This trio is also opposite the U.S. Sun in Cancer so somewhere in the heart of Liberty someone is contemplating an adventure.

    Lest we forget, what with all that’s happened in the last year and 1/2 when Venus occulted the Sun in June 2012, she also opposed the Great Attractor in Sagittarius. Sure, she was squared by Mars in Virgo (defender of perfection) and Borasisi in Pisces (you don’t really believe that do you?), but she loves the idea of an adventure (and in Gemini you can always change your mind.) Today Venus (love conquers) and centaur Echeclus (keeps his balance) oppose Black Moon Lilith (far out). Transiting Icarus, also known for flying too high is right behind Venus and Echeclus and pushing the envelope just a little bit further.

    Venus will retrograde soon and, if all fails, the Sun will leave Sagittarius and enter ruddy down-to-earth Capricorn himself in less than a month and we can repent at leisure if we err. But maybe we can just find out what’s around the bend if we take on a little adventure today. Go ahead, just do it.

  8. Beautifully said, Eric. Sun in Sag has definitely had a different feeling for me; and that elusive feeling is something you’ve captured here perfectly. I appreciate the idea that it can be an “excursion” into building a tangible relationship with the intangible. Lovely thought for a Thanksgiving morning. Many, many thanks to you & your team for all you are & the ways you share that with the rest of us.

  9. Thank you for this wonderful piece, dear Eric. I beg to differ when you say this,”the kinds of attachments that our world proffers the most often are also the same things that can be the biggest stumbling blocks to spiritual growth”, Those stumbling blocks are part of the path, it’s an alchemical process of growth and transformation through the events/contexts in our external lives that meet our inner nature. I recently discovered, through a friend of mine, one of the best teachers I’ve come across on awareness.
    A very happy Tnanksgiving to you folks across the pond!

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