Early this morning (12:24 am EDT) we experienced the annual Cancer New Moon. Happening late in the Sun’s run through Cancer, the New Moon picked up the signal of a diversity of planets associated with deep psychological, emotional and erotic healing.

New Moons represent a new cycle, and if you’re involved in a self-awareness or growth endeavor that fits this basic description, the next few days provide a space to go deeper into self-understanding. The message of this event seems to be: emotional healing arrives with self-forgiveness, as well as the personal choice to alter a negative cycle. When you heal, you also take yourself out of the “pass it forward” game that so often attends matters of abuse, and start spreading the positive vibes of self-acceptance.
There’s also the question of alienation, described by this New Moon’s proximity to a distant planet orbiting our Sun called Eris (named in 2006). This morning’s Sun-Moon conjunction was just a few degrees past an exact square to Eris, meaning that both the Sun and Moon recently made contact and carried some of its energy along to their own meeting. Eris is that part of us who yearns for connection she cannot find. She’s like a castaway part of ourselves who feels like she has no place in the world — an emotional condition that can come from many different worldly causes. In truth that alienation is from ourselves.
The New Moon is also square a point called 1992 QB1, which is about opening up to our inner connection. QB1 is not officially named (she still has her provisional designation); in past Planet Waves articles it has been associated with a kind of healer called a thresholder, who serves as a guide to bring people into relationship with themselves.
Past all the reluctance, resistance, shut doors, inner blocks, shame, guilt and embarrassment that we seem to drag around from childhood, there’s an actual presence within us, and that’s what you can think of as our Inner Lover. The role of thresholder QB1 is to guide us into relationship with that inner presence.
On your way there, pay attention to the beliefs you hold regarding the value you hold – to yourself, and to the wider world. Mercury is still early in its retrograde in Leo, so questions about value may be bubbling through your consciousness.
Weaving into the themes of love and beliefs, today Venus in Gemini is square a minor planet called Borasisi, which is in Pisces. Borasisi comes with the sense of “If I believe it, it must be true” or “If I don’t believe it, it must not be true.” It’s a psychic position we see in politics and much of public opinion all the time. In this case, square Venus still moving through its post-retrograde echo phase in Gemini, we get a clue about making contact with our Inner Lover.
As you consider the things you believe (or do not believe) that you have been dragging around since childhood, question and challenge them. Especially the beliefs you’ve never thought to question before. If you can open the shut doors – even with just a crack of a question — the threshold appears. Then QB1 can really do its thing; either way, the energy is here for you.
For the next few days as the Sun clears the last degrees of Cancer (on its way into Leo) it will be making an exact aspect to QB1. Though it may feel challenging initially, dive into yourself, past any mixed feelings or fear that you might have, past what you think anyone else might think, and meet your Inner Lover in that sanctuary that only you can reach.
Thanks Planet Waves 🙂 very nice article which corresponds well was what I saw; good weekend
Thank you for this beautiful article. The energy feels so much like the dark of Cancer moon stuff, just before the dawn of Leo Sun, when all we have is ourselves – our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our dreams, and our fears. My dreams have been so vivid and full of so many messages from my own subconcious. And all about the issues discussed – sexuality, abuse, jealousy, rage etc. Forgiveness of ourselves and others is the action now, and healing is the result/reward. It really does feel like healing has to come now. What a relief!
Thank you Universe xx
I am a Dream-Seer, and over the Tuesday night-Wednesday morning sleep time, I Dreamed a triptych. When this happens, I know to pay special attention. Each Dream illustrated a contributing factor to the emotional alienation I have felt, ongoing, for the past couple of years. It’s a real witches’ brew of stuff, but suffice it to say that the time for avoidance is past and the time for healing has arrived.
Today is also the day Venus returns to the degree when she occulted the Sun in June. That should help!
PS . . so sorry if I confused anyone yesterday when I said the New Moon trined QB1 when in fact it should have read they were square. Much more effective as a square.
Oh and the wife got the kids involved. Bad mojo all around on that one.
“the New Moon picked up the signal of a diversity of planets associated with deep psychological, emotional and erotic healing. ”
That’s exactly what a friend is going through today. Her entree into polyamory blew up in her face because the others involved (specifically the wife) were not as evolved (the wife having the one-pussy-policy) as she is. This happened in the middle of her dealing with her son’s aneurysm (and its effects) and her own health issues (she has MS). So she is now questioning her own feelings about poly life and trying to cope without the man she fell in love with. Turns out he lied to her and his wife. Talk about psychological and emotional and erotic healing. This wound is raw but the healing (for her) has begun. Unfortunately she has lost the friendship of the wife and the love of the man.
Secrets coming out in droves this week.
On a different note, several people from the online group I have written about at other times have gotten even closer and have found three “lost” members. This is the group of women who used to debate religion but who now are a supportive group of long time (more than 15 years) friends online. The support in this group is amazing and unique. It is as though we never left one another.
So Merx Rx (secrets coming out) and all the rest of the astrology is really going on in everyone’s life in very obvious ways.
Fascinating read, thanks to you. CaraSusanetta, I too had a dream with those same topics. I was making love to a woman in a field and my father was hanging around me. I couldn’t see his face only his torso. But I told him to move away from me. He was velenoso as we say.
Yoo-hoo! Inner Lover…Where ARE YOU???
Eris is that part of us who yearns for connection she cannot find. That about sums up the emotional tone of the dream. Hmmmm.
Hmmm. I had a dream. It wasn’t pleasant, one of those haunting ones; but definitely related to the topic of erotic/sexual healing/envy. Hmmmm.
Thank you so very much for this. xx