Happy Birthday Pisces

Tuesday morning we’ll be distributing Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine Horoscope to our members. Later in the week we’ll also be sending out the extended March forecasts, which will include the second installment in the Pisces birthday reports.

Here is the first installment, which went out with last week’s member edition of Planet Waves. Note, I am still offering a first-year discount for new members — drop me an email at dreams@planetwaves.net and I’ll send you the link.

Pisces Birthdays: A Moment of Confidence

Hello Pisces! The Sun is about to enter your sign, which will add a source of heat, light and energy to what is already a once-in-a-lifetime scene in your chart. Well, once if you were born after the 1960s; this may be the second time if you were born in or before the ’60s, though in any event this is a rare and spectacular moment of potential for you.

Pisces glyph by Deb Cortese.

The message is one of confidence and trust. Have faith in your talent, your drive and your creativity. Mostly, have faith in yourself. You may hear many different opinions; you may have doubts from time to time. Yet if there was ever a moment when you could set your fears aside and proceed forward in the way you know you’re called to do, now is the time.

This year will bring many points of contact with others, their ideas and their enterprises. You have your options open, though I suggest that you keep your main focus on what you know to be your primary mission. You won’t have to think long to remember what this is, but I will remind you of one thing.

What you thought was difficult, impossible or out of reach in the past is now accessible, available and eminently possible. Remember that at every step, and have faith in it. Note to Pisces and Pisces rising: I will have your 2013 birthday report ready on Friday. You may pre-order here.

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Pisces”

  1. It is certain that the signs of the fish will be celebrating
    A very happy birthday to all the fish, I love the sensitivity of this sign of magic at all levels…

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