Aries Moon: What You Want Matters

More Burning Man photos by Jim Urquhart here.

The Pisces Full Moon peaked Friday morning, just before the holiday weekend here in the United States. Saturday night was “the burn” at the Burning Man festival in Nevada, another peak of energy. The Moon is in Aries as of 1:37 am EDT Sunday, and made square to Pluto and a conjunction to Uranus between about 2 and 4 pm EDT, which also feels like a high-energy peak. At the moment, however, all of this is settling down.

Burn ritual from Burning Man 2012. Reuters photo taken by Jim Urquhart.

The Moon is in waning phase (heading for a New Moon in Virgo on Sept. 15). In the immediate vicinity are a series of aspects that might be from the ‘mixed emotions’ files — including forming a T-square with Venus and Saturn. Said another way, the Moon, Venus and Saturn are in a T configuration: Moon in Aries, Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Libra. This can have sobering feelings, well timed with not wanting to go back to work after the holiday weekend (if you got one).

Though it’s also one of those aspects that’s about the need to be emotionally centered and conscious of what you consider a need. Without saying whether something is or isn’t a need, or defining the difference between a need and a desire, this particular aspect is saying focus on your needs. This is from both the Venus in a square to Saturn, and the Moon in a square to Venus; plus the two combined.

When you consider the signs involved — the Moon in Aries (focus on self), Venus in Cancer (sentimental feelings) and Saturn in Libra (perceived limits on relationships) this is an aspect that might have the subtle or not so subtle feeling of being out in the cold. Aries Moon square Venus then opposite Saturn can feel like everyone else has what you want.

That’s unlikely to be true, though the feeling does represent something, which may be that it’s time for you to put some extra energy into getting what you want, and by that, I mean what you really want on the emotional and closely related sexual level of feeling and experience. My astrological prompt for this is Mars in Scorpio, which is collecting all kinds of energy from Neptune and Chiron in early Pisces.

If all this Moon-Venus-Saturn stuff feels a bit whiny, Mars-Chiron-Neptune is open, bold and sensual. Though note that these are characteristically male planets expressing themselves through feminine signs; there is a risk of vulnerability involved. Getting what you want is not so much a matter of it coming to you but of you taking advantage of an opening and going to, or for, it.

I recognize that there are some people who like to think that’s not their style. There are too many risks, especially for those who prefer to be the ones who do all the rejecting.

Since this is about taking the steps and going through the opening to get what you want, knowing what you want matters, as does being honest with yourself. But you might have to pass through a haze made of the feeling of not having, and it will be worth it. As ACIM suggests, “I am never upset for the reason I think” and the thing you think you want, or rather, the thing you think you’re missing, may not be what you want. So feel that one through, and maybe think it through, and make some choices. You still have time.

11 thoughts on “Aries Moon: What You Want Matters”

  1. Eric, Once again thank you.  I have to remember “The world I see holds nothing that i want.”   Mysteriously this is the exact page i opened now in reaching for reference in ACIM.  

    What is important? All that is real is inside of me- My personal (not monetary) resources (giving, not grabbing).  As Gandhiji once said, in his Vision of Unity- “It is only in developing our personal resources in the interest of others that we reach our maximum potential” and i understand is calling here-

    “Since this is about taking the steps and going through the opening to get what you want, knowing what you want matters, as does being honest with yourself. But you might have to pass through a haze made of the feeling of not having, and it will be worth it.”

  2. I was wondering if the effect of a full moon may cancel another global in the individual appointment if it is connected to the superior level of the full moon that was special as Blue Moon
    I think that there is a choice with the full moon when the individual did not interact with the outside world.
    It’s more of a personal level of awareness, thank you Eric for allowing me to live this felt …

  3. Starrynight, I’m so sorry. My suggestion (to add to Mystes’ wonderful advice) is to take lots of rescue remedy. Also, try sitting quietly and gently being with the pain and grief that you’re feeling, without forcing anything. It feels like a counterintuitive thing to do, but it actually brings some relief and mental peace. It’s how I’ve been dealing with my painful feelings and concern about my parents since leaving them last Friday (I live pretty far from them, an expensive plane ride away) – and it’s really helping.

  4. Carecare – you have friends here who appreciate you! Happy anniversary to you and yours.

    Eric – “may be that it’s time for you to put some extra energy into getting what you want, and by that, I mean what you really want on the emotional and closely related sexual level of feeling and experience. My astrological prompt for this is Mars in Scorpio, which is collecting all kinds of energy from Neptune and Chiron in early Pisces.”

    Mightn’t Mars/Scorpio take this beyond emotional and sexual to things material? In terms of getting what I need and want, that’s precisely where I’m focused right now – specifically in a negotiation on behalf of (though also with) friends regarding a potential property (they’d buy) which would become my home. The goal is to share in a potential material benefit.Though the process is certainly proving to be more emotional than I thought it would be. (Tough negotiation. Fingers crossed.)

  5. Eric: This Daily Astrology blog demonstrates the broad wingspan span of your masterful command of both astrology and writing. It’s like a rich but nutritious meal that ends with just the right dessert. Puling in two composed aspects under the heading of the Aries Moon makes me want to cheer and applaud. Then, ending with the notion of “an opening” and the jewel of wisdom from ACIM – well, you are the best of the best. Thank you. Gonna read it again.

  6. I thought I wanted the people we care about in our lives to acknowledge our 25 years of marriage but they thought otherwise and didn’t even acknowledge the invitations we sent. Now I want to celebrate it with just my husband and our kids.

    It still “feels” like we are out in the cold and that’s something we have been feeling for a lot of years from both friends and family. We have tried making new friends but they also don’t seem to be very willing to do the back-and-forth that a healthy friendship should be. Instead we keep seeing damaged people or selfish people; neither of whom are capable of anything healthy.

    If I were not aware I would begin having tunnel vision and thinking that everyone around us is way more damaged and selfish than we are. I refuse to believe that; instead I am beginning to think we are attracting these people in order to help them see how it can be.

  7. hmm, yes…

    “Now I become myself. It’s taken
    Time, many years and places;
    I have been dissolved and shaken,
    Worn other people’s faces…”

    May Sarton

  8. Hey Eric,
    It’s pretty damn amazing how you characterized these aspects so bang on. I went through this weekend with lots of haze around me and the only thing that kept me grounded was the persistent question I asked myself: What do I really want? This morning I woke up asking why it was so important for so many people to fill this space in their lives with relationships (all my friends are either married or with someone long term). That we are all rushing to manifest the relationships we want, rushing to play “House”, get all those things we either missed as kids or cling to in our persistent search for childhood security – to have all those nice things in life. It all suddenly seems so weird to me.

  9. Love it Diva. All I know Eric is that the pressure is unrelenting and sometimes unbearable lately. I’ve lost four friends to suicide the past 18 months and I think I can understand why even if I don’t agree.

  10. This one has deep roots in my childhood survival beliefs: Aries Moon square Venus then opposite Saturn can feel like everyone else has what you want.
    I just this minute decided that transmuting that old belief and all its related limiting ones will be the triumphant theme of my second Saturn return period starting, oh, any minute now.

    I am sure Planet Waves will give me lots of planets, major and minor to navigate by.

    Thank you for this article.

  11. “As ACIM suggests, “I am never upset for the reason I think” and the thing you think you want, or rather, the thing you think you’re missing, may not be what you want”. Thanks for this, dear Eric, and for great piece.

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