And as for that grand cross / grand trine astrodrama

In today’s edition, I was focused on the immediate news, the fiscal showdown/utter dysfunction in the U.S. government and the longterm issues surrounding the Uranus square Pluto pattern. I forgot to mention the outrage at vital services denied for taxes already paid.

"Good things happen when you don't use the flash." Photo by Eric Francis.
“Good things happen when you don’t use the flash.” Photo at Backstage Studio Productions by Eric Francis.

We are currently in the midst of a grand cross AND a grand trine, aspects that are each relatively rare; and we get both at the same time. I did not mention how stressful this astrology might be personally, particularly at the moment with the Sun, the Moon and a solar-lunar event passing through the cardinal cross. This is like a morph between focused in a crosshairs or standing at a crossroads.

As you’ll read in the post below (the SKY section from today’s member edition) and have probably seen a few other times on PW, tonight is the Libra New Moon. This event is opposite Uranus, square Pluto, square Jupiter (and a lunar point, and centaur Cyllarus) and conjunct a Pluto-like planet called Typhon. Discovered in February 2002, Typhon is named for the famous monster of Greek mythology, who in turn became the namesake of typhoons.

And while this is going on, Mercury is making a conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio. This adds yet another planet to the grand water trine, which includes Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Neptune — all of those planets are in emotional, passionate, receptive water signs.

All of this can be fantastically creative — or it can be stressful. It might even be both. Events outside your control, coupled with a need to focus inwardly, can combine to give the feeling of being drawn inward, can create the sensation of being pulled in a lot of directions.

For its part, the grand water trine can feel like being drawn down a vortex. It’s important that you make mood and attitude adjustments sooner rather than later if you feel yourself going down a dark path.

The Libra New Moon — which might ordinarily suggest a placed moment of reflection — describes a scenario where other people’s dramas interfere with your life. They might come on fast, or seem to be from out of nowhere (two factors suggest this, Cyllarus and Uranus), so you will need to be alert to histrionics and crazymaking.

Not everyone is feeling this directly as stress; you may be good at handling it, your chart may be rigged so that it’s got mitigated impact, or you may have ways of venting the energy. That would be a good idea — there is plenty to go around, and life force not used for constructive purposes can easily be directed to toxic ones, or just cause disturbances.

Funnel some of that energy into cleaning, organizing or catching up on a neglected project.

One other thing. Mercury in Scorpio is hankering for a real conversation about sex. Coming up against a conjunction to Saturn, this is about getting clear with yourself and others about all this stuckness, pseudo conservatism, needing to get shitfaced in order to let go a little bit or why your mother seems to lurk in your bedroom and/or on the horizons of your fantasies.

I know that in times of movement, change and chaos, letting go just a little can seem terrifying, but it only seems that way. Actually, most of the time, it’s a great relief, and you can then move on and do something more fun and more interesting than cling to your insecurities.

9 thoughts on “And as for that grand cross / grand trine astrodrama”

  1. Wow. REALLY feeling this Mars-Nessus, Venus-Psyche in Sag, Uranus-opposite-natal Juno, Mercury in Scorpio volatility suddenly. That’s a lot of damn energy around how fucked up old patterns around sex can make things. The fit is about to hit the shan. I don’t even care whether it stays contained at this point.

  2. Oh. And I am directing Arsenic and Old Lace. I am finding that a super-treat.

    Best wishes to all. Especially Cancers. It almost feels like we are especially called upon… I’m counting on Saturn and Jupiter energy A LOT these days. They are prominent natally and by transit.

    That is probably the case for a few of us. I am finding the grand cross can act like an anchor and the trine like a flotation device. Best of both. I think that’s what I meant when I spoke of having them in my natal chart. The current rendition is teaching me how to use that energy wisely… Rather than run amok.

  3. Thank you for this wonderful, helpful piece, dear Eric. Yes, am feeling pretty overwhelmed, right now, plus hit by some nasty bug that’s going round.
    Michele – I’m glad you brought up Eric’s Cancer horsocope – I loved it too, was challenged and amused by it.
    Good luck with preparations and your friends’ kitty, be,and for your friends, too.

  4. I have a grand cross. And a grand water trine (kite, too)… It ‘s precisely under these current conditions that I have learned how to use them. Early stages of effectiveness. Maybe mid-stages. Maybe more. I tend to underestimate myself.

    Also, reading your Cancer bit in this Friday’s piece… I laughed my ass off. I’ve been wanting to say the same thing, but held back. Happy I simmered quietly. There was a denial of the walking hormone somewhere, there, over the past year. Cool to know I was not the only Cancer who wanted to scream out: It’s not ALL about sex — even though, for me I know, it is. Basic foundational stuff.


  5. I used this energy to get some paperwork completed today, and I had a lot of fun at work tonight, actually. 🙂

  6. Thank Eric. A very good friend who has Cancer was rushed to the hospital last night when he collapsed at a work/social function. This morning his wife called me to ask that I take care of their kitty (open-ended implied) while she stays at the hospital with him. I am in the midst of preparations for my brother and his family arriving in 2 weeks. I’ve done this for them for years when they vacationed and when he has had to be in the hospital for surgery, but this is the 1st time I’ve had something personal going on myself. You really nailed it regarding the “other people’s dramas” and “coming on fast” but then my Cancer Sun is exactly square the New Moon (and trans. Uranus) so I should have seen it coming (ha ha like you can ever see Uranus coming) myself. Thanks so much for the heads up re: histrionics and crazymaking, and for letting me vent.

    The kitty’s name is Casey and you would love her.

  7. By dint of observation I realize that all those born at the time of this cycle of Uranus/Pluto are at a significant period of their history which has nothing to do with the news that can occur in the four parts of the world;
    The House where the cycle is Uranus and Pluto is changing as it had never been before…
    Good cycle of the Moon at all and good Weekend 😉

  8. Thanks for this and all/everyone here at PW. The map/s you provide are extremely useful and appreciated.

  9. And thank you, Eric, for providing this perfect setting in which to fully appreciate your “gem” immediately below.

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