Bird God smiles on humanity; all survive Hudson crash

A nearly full US Airways flight crash landed in the frigid waters of the Hudson River off the West Side of Manhattan today. According to early reports, all 156 people aboard, including the crew and an infant, survived the crash. The plane was an Airbus 320. Overwater landings with survivors are extremely rare. Several people were hurt, including a flight attendant with a broken leg and several people with hypothermia.

The crash is believed to have been caused by geese getting caught in an engine, possibly both engines, though an investigation is underway. The pilot may have been heading for Teterborough or Newark airports in New Jersey but had to drop the airplane into the Hudson, which is a major flyway. The airplane cleared the George Washington Bridge by 900 feet, according to CNN.

Many factors contributed to everyone surviving, including ferryboats and tugboats getting to the crash scene almost immediately. Life vests and seat flotation cushions were actually used. The pilot was Chesley Sullenberger III, a 29-year veteran captain and former fighter pilot. He also owns a consulting firm promoting safety in high risk businesses.

Now for the obvious question: what does the chart of a plane crash where everyone survives look like?

Cancer is rising in the chart, setting up an initial image of water. This makes the Virgo Moon one of the chart rulers. What stands out right away is the Moon is void of course, kind of like it’s floating. Void of course is a perhaps unkind description (ancient term, really) of the Moon being done making aspects to major planets before it enters the next sign. My own theory for void of course planets, particularly the Sun and Moon is, unusual or unlikely things can happen. It is indeed rare that everyone survives an overwater crash landing; this may be the first time.

[Note, we have received a reader comment, posted below, purporting that this was a staged event. It is entirely within my belief system that such is possible, and the first place I look for guidance there is the astrology. I don’t see it in this chart. We night wonder how the chart has a packed 8th house and everyone lives; Jupiter was there offering protection. And it is noteworthy that the Moon in late Virgo is exactly square that famous position of 28+ Gemini (Sept. 11, the tsunami and the Democratic National Convention) but to me that is a reference to history and an interesting synchronicity. We will watch for oddities and inconsistencies in this story as develops, however, and please let us know if you see anything strange. -efc]

Icarus and Daedalus.
Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk. No wait...Icarus and Daedalus.

Here are the minor planets. In that rising sign is contained Varuna, lord of waters and one of the great gods in the global pantheon. Though his realm is the celestial ocean, in the walking, swimming world he has dominion over rain, rivers and floods.

Asteroid Daedalus is associated with air travel and transportation in general. We also find it in the ascendant, in the first degree of Cancer — exactly square the Aries Point. If you use whole sign houses, this is stunning: the first degree of Cancer speaks for the whole sign. Icarus, the son of Daedalus (associated with flight, flight impulse and peak experiences), was in a conjunction to the Sun; not exact, but a three-degree conjunction.

Many commentators are saying that it’s a miracle that the airplane did not break apart. The asteroid associated with the issue of keeping the parts together is Isis, which is exactly conjunct the Galactic Core. Notably, the Galactic Core is prominent in the chart for the first flight at Kitty Hawk: the Sun and Uranus were conjunct the Galactic Core when Orville Wright first took to the air way back in 1903.

At the time of the crash landing the Sun was exactly trine Makemake, a deity with a bird’s head. And the Moon was making a three-degree conjunction (exact a few hours earlier), one of  the last things it did before drifting over into Libra. We haven’t had time to check the position of Makemake in air crashes with a lot of survivors, but we will keep this one in our files. For now we will chalk this up to the Bird God smiling on humanity.

with Mandy Hall & Genevieve Salerno contributing.

9 thoughts on “Bird God smiles on humanity; all survive Hudson crash”

  1. Kathryn Cassidy, an astrologer in the UK has this to say on her blog:

    “Just a few days before the crash of US1549 it was announced that Boeing and Airbus, as well as the companies such as Rolls Royce and GE who make engine and aircraft parts, are suffering badly due to a whole slew of cancelled orders for aircraft. Airbus in particular has invested a lot of money in Far Eastern markets in a belief that orders from China and Asia would be on the rise, but are now having to contend with an unprecedented downturn.

    Furthermore in this article of just January 7, 2009 it says:

    After nine sudden engine-stalls on Airbus aircraft since last April, U.S. and European aviation regulators are working with engine-maker CFM International SA to develop new safety measures for approximately 1,500 workhorse Airbus jetliners used around the world.

    The effort was accelerated by an alarming incident last month, when both engines of an Air France Airbus A321 stalled briefly after takeoff from an airport in Tunisia, according to regulators and industry officials.

    Like most of the previous incidents, high-pressure compressors on the engines stopped working when the pilots eased back takeoff power and set the throttles to climb away from the runway.

    So was US1549 a bird strike or mechanical/computer electronic failure? With thousands of Airbus (now owned by EADS) aircraft in the skies every day, I think we, the travelling public, deserve to know as soon as possible. Yes, the employees of this and other aerospace industries may be more than keen to ensure that no rumour or erroneous theories jeopardise current and future orders but, if any of them are reading this let me ask this question: Would you want your bosses to put the considerations about reputation and profit before the safety of your family – if the cause of this crash can’t be proved to be a bird strike?”

    She is ex cabin crew so has more understanding of how this happens from her experience within the aviation industry. Read the rest of her post and her previous one to get a wider picture.


  2. I wonder if the pilot is a member of the Nobel Order of the Quiet Birdmen? This is a very closed fraternal organization of WWII flyboys who later became commercial pilots. I have one in my circles (or had, he died under mysterious circumstances a few years ago) and they are “unknown” for their piloting skills and courage.

    Members of the Order tend to be conservative in their politics, but not one is affiliated with the cabal that has led us over the cliff. (So to speak.)

    When I first met the half-husband, he was into the idea of forming a kind of chivalric organization. Seeing how people tend to clump up in competitive cliques ( I don’t think that was alliterative enough, do you?), I shrugged past the idea, but in this case, I wonder if it couldn’t foster exceptional clarity under duress.


    Speaking of clarity (for whatever this is worth): When I woke up this morning, the first thought in my head was: “Whatever you thought was going on is about to quantize to a new level of chaos. The only thing that you will able to do is eat, breathe, sleep, shit and speak Love. Got it? Not one quark more, not one lepton less.”


  3. I guess we’ll watch the airbus news then? LOL.

    What about the coming ice age? I’ve been reading about it lately – is it another conspiracy to rob us at the oil and gas pumps?

  4. I think it’s possible to fake absolutely anything at all. You name it, someone can fake it, and people will believe it. Our correspondent above does not offer any specifics. Send me a photo and explain what’s wrong with it. Show me inconsistencies in the story. Account, somehow, for all the witnesses and the people on the airplane. Yes I think you can fake 155 witnesses, it’s been done before and it will be done again. But you need to propose a scenario; a storyboard.

    Personally I am of the belief that nearly everything is a conspiracy. If you were to do a sociological study on four people getting together for lunch, and count the emails, calls and text messages, you would think it was an international plot. But to have a real conspiracy you need a motive, and you need a beneficiary. It is not a conspiracy as we think of it if nobody benefits directly, and I don’t mean the pilot getting on Oprah. I mean something like, tomorrow we award Airbus a $12 brazillion contract.

  5. CNN reported this morning that there were 20+ Bank Of America employees on the plane. Nothing is ever what it seems on the surface and if after, looking at the best information available, it turns out that the initial understanding was correct, then great.

    The human response – the commercial boats turning immediately to the fallen plane, the passengers organized and willingly letting women and children exit first, the bravery of the crew – this was obviously real and touched me deeply. This was the same LOVE, the same willingness to help, to be a part of the solution that was seen on and after Sep 11 and shows up over and over again around the world after any traumatic incident.

  6. I saw a photo recently of a deer wrapped around a car engine. it was really difficult to look at, and it came to me via a police officer friend. Was it faked? You can’t fake something as hideous as that.

    How do you fake a flock of birds clogging up jet engines? The argument here is ridiculous. Engineers can look at this and begin to think of ways of developing a jet engine that repels birds.

    I really thought it was a healing event yesterday, not a dark sinister event.

  7. Hi Eric,

    Melissa in Austin here. Scorp w.Sag rising. We’ve spoken over the years.

    Since you are a journalist, I had to write you about the plane crash today.
    The moment I began reading about this plane crash, I knew inside that it is not a real crash.

    Then, after looking at the pictures made available, I became certain that it is not a real crash. It’s so completely obvious that this is staged.

    Many hours after the ‘crash’, there is still only a single story out there…everyone is carrying the exact same story and photo set. This is written in the story: “it almost looks like a controlled landing.” Yes, just as the twin towers “almost looked like a controlled implosion”, because it was just that. And this was a controlled water crash simulation of the Airbus 380.

    The ‘event’ also likely served as a test simulation for Airbus itself. There’s just no telling how many birds were killed with this one stone–probably many that we wouldn’t like to know about. And pardon my pun about killing birds with stones, since ‘birds’ were given as the cause of the crash.

    You only need look at the story and photos to see that this was an exercise of some sort. In fact, Obama announced some weeks ago that his team and the Bush team would soon be undertaking massive disaster planning exercises, in the form of multiple scenarios. Again–just like the war game scenarios that were coincidentally being played on 9/11. This is the story of a faked, setup event, all the way.

    We are being fed this lame story, which amounts to nothing but more propaganda to cover up covert operations of government–maybe routine operations, maybe not. That I don’t know, but my gut churns when I think about it…so I’m guessing there is a loaded situation of some sort concealed in this event and its timing.

    But I DO know that Obama hasn’t even taken office yet, and already we’re hearing a new spin on the same old propaganda. Now, lies are being passed off and branded as miracles…and just in time because–don’t we all need a miracle about now? (don’t let the sarcasm drip on your clean shirt).

    I’m a southern girl all the way–a Texan to be precise–and I only have two words to say in response to being fed this story (and now, please really pardon this pun because a literal translation would imply something I don’t actually mean): nigga pleaz. This just happens to be what I say when being fed a line of bullshit this obvious.

    I would like to see a chart interpretation that looks at deception/truth issues around this event. Now that would be interesting.

    And thanks for getting out the 2009’s…I was waiting for them on Sunday night as I watched the Golden Globes (hey, I love pretty clothes!).

    I felt them about to arrive and walked to my computer just as your message popped up in my inbox.

    As always, I’m looking forward to connecting and learning around the themes you have highlighted for me.


    ~Thank you for taking your power~

  8. Genevieve’s earlier post (before the plane crash) about the trine between the Sun and Makemake referred to Horus when talking about how Makemake was one of the gods depicted with the body of a man but the head of a bird. So was Horus.

    Eric & Mandy tell us the asteroid Isis, the goddess known for holding things together, was at the Galactic Core today. Isis is the mother of Horus. She was known for performing a miracle or two, so it seems she had something to do with this miracle today. Makes you wonder if there is a subtle messege here about birds or birdmen that I’ve not picked up on yet.

    I’m grateful that everybody survived this plane crash but just wish we didn’t have to sacrifice the poor geese.

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