Happy Eclipsing

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today’s lunar eclipse at 5:16 pm EDT brings the 2008 eclipse season to an end. I think that today’s lunation, also the Aquarius Full Moon, gets the gold medal by 1/100th of a second.

Eric Francis

In case you’ve missed our coverage below, here are some links. We’ve posted the full Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News to the open side of the website, so you can dip into that coverage and see what we do. Here is that edition, which focuses on the Democratic National Convention; and here is the one on the total solar eclipse from two weeks ago.

For more bits, bobs, commentary and my experiments writing about Sasquatch and Madonna (who are teaming up for Madonna’s 50th birthday today), scroll down. There is plenty “down there.”

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Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

PS, Lately I’ve been creating an art and writing space called Book of Blue.

2 thoughts on “Happy Eclipsing”

  1. This raises a good point, as Mars is currently squaring that axis; in other words that Mars at 27+ (today at 28+) is square everything at 28+ in the variety of charts I’ve described. Ceres is also in the territory, at exactly 29 even Cancer as I write. The question is what is this about. From my experience in the game at various levels, I can tell you that politics is a game that takes place about 97% behind the scenes, and most of what is released to the public is sent up as a distortion to conceal the rest. So you don’t ever really get an accurate 3%. We can have all the C-Span we want; we don’t see the deals being made, we don’t sit there in the committee rooms or at what’s his name’s restaurant where the ideas bubble to the surface. We may know a little more when Mars reaches the Aries Point (ingresses Cancer) tomorrow or so.

  2. It looks like the Mars/Pluto square draws exact with Gemini rising very close to 27 degrees. I wonder if this is in some way resonant with your observations about the 9/11-Tsunami-DNC moon.

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