Pallas Stations Direct and Sun sextiles Hidalgo

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today the asteroid Pallas Athene stations direct in Gemini. The Capricorn Sun is sextile Hidalgo in Scorpio. We are just five days away from the next Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius. At their simplest, the themes arising from the planets are those messages and activities related to justice and rebellion.

Speaking of rebellion, the Moon is in Virgo all day and will make an opposition to Uranus in Pisces. Mercury is still retrograde, but has yet to move one full degree since stationing on Sunday night. As it picks up speed, we exit the ‘storm’ phase of the retrograde — those crucial two or three days before and after the actual station when things seem so turbulent.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

Pallas Athene is one of the largest asteroids located in the main asteroid belt (located between Mars and Jupiter), and the second ever to be discovered. When she arrived in 1802, astronomers were looking after newly discovered Ceres for other objects out there. Pallas happened to be near the other asteroid and was discovered.

Mythologically, Pallas Athene is another name for the Greek goddess of war and wisdom. Athena is the patron goddess of Athens. Her qualities include bravery, resourcefulness, strength and intellect. In astrology, Pallas is attributed to one main quality: strategy.

You can include daddy pleasing, legal professions, politics and the pursuit of justice in the face of opposition.

Eric attributes Pallas Athene energy to negotiating power and the ability to stand up to intellectual opponents or foes. At her fullest force, she seems to be the mental skill we bring to debates and the justice we seek out to protect ourselves against others, but not strictly on a personal level. She represents a collective force; she is the guardian of the city of Athens. Communication is a factor with Pallas Athene. Negotiating takes self knowledge, refinement of thought, strength, and time.

Hidalgo is an asteroid that we will soon cover in Next World Planets. We’ve all been researching it every time it comes into the picture. Eric suggests that Hidalgo is about rebellion in general, but particularly about questioning social conventions that seem absurd or devoid of any real reasoning. Hidalgo energy is the kind of energy you feel when everyone else robotically rises for the National Anthem before a sports game, and a part of you wants to stay seated, turn the other way or make the Black Power salute.

With Pallas stationing today, a cause might become more apparent to you because it manifests inself on an outer level. As the Sun is sextile Hidalgo, discussions and negotiations will be become important: there are lots of places for you to represent yourself in these kinds of exchanges and you have the strength and will to do it. Should you choose to accept the challenge of explaining why you feel something is absurd, you’ve already taken the hardest step.

Til next time,
Genevieve Salerno

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