Mercury Stations Retrograde

Dear Friend and Reader:

DID YOU feel that? Today Mercury has stationed retrogradeВ  and will stay that way until Feb. 1, or Imbolc. Now that we have just come out of the biggest Full Moon of the year it really feels like the energy has shifted. Aquarius is soon to become the busiest sign of the zodiac. The Sun will enter Aquarius on Jan. 19, and the Moon will join it on the 25th, forming a New Moon on the 26th. Neptune, Chiron, Nessus and the North Node are already in there. Its neighbor, Capricorn, is also packing power: Mars is right in the middle of its travels through the earth sign, and Pluto is there as well. Except for Pluto, Mercury will touch each one of these planets on its course.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

This adds up to a very busy time. As Eric mentioned in his piece regarding this current retrograde, the old President will move out of the White House and we will get a new leader. It seems as though these events are physical metaphors for the shifting of one era into a new one. Many of us seem to be caught waiting with baited breath as the new President takes office. It reminds me in some ways of the same nervousness that accompanies a trip to a new doctor. Can we trust the doctor? Will the doctor be cool, and most importantly, will the doctor help us?

Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto are also interacting during the development of the Aquarian line up. This is very similar to the Aquarian conjunction that occurred in the eclipse of 1962. Instead of the conjunction which has been likened to the dawn of the revolutionary spirit we most associate with the 60s, we are about to experience the square of Uranus and Pluto. During the course of this year we will encounter two oppositions of Uranus and Saturn.

One benefit of the Mercury retrograde is the sense of introversion the station can provide. While all of these astrological fireworks are dawning, bringing with them effects personal and profound, the retrograde provides a channel by which to temper the sometimes overwhelming emotions and ideas that occur to us. Nothing, in my opinion, says ‘take your time’ better than a Mercury retrograde. Awareness and an open mind are helpful in the getting the fullest experience these upcoming aspects can yield. Retrograde action can help us take a step backwards to consider the things that may seem overwhelming or unexpected.

Until next time: let the adventure unfold and remember to breathe!

Til then,

Genevieve Salerno

2 thoughts on “Mercury Stations Retrograde”

  1. A careful plan, very nicely put together, detailed work, illustrations by power point, carefully wrapped and put in a package, together with useful odds and ends, some chocolate for concentration, and bubble wrap for stability.
    Bound with a specially chosen purple-orange ribbon, some dynamite attached to its ends. Tied a rocket underneath and lit a fuse and am since riding around on what’s left of the package, i.e. the plan.

    What I wanna know: how do Virgos experience that Sun/Saturn squ Pluto squ Uranus (T-Square, wide orb).

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