A cameo appearance from Bigfoot, and a visit from Yeti

JUST AS WE SLIDE into the Aquarius eclipse, Bigfoot makes a cameo appearance both in the news and in the astrology. I was surfing through the news sites last night and discovered this article glaring off of the front page of CNN.com. Two guys in Georgia claimed to have found remnants of a Bigfoot body.

Here is how CNN reported it:

Introduced by a publicist and beside a man who promoted what turned out to be a fake Bigfoot discovery in 1995, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer repeatedly said that their claim is not a hoax and that scientific analysis will prove it.

“We were not looking for Bigfoot. … We wouldn’t know what we were doing if we did,” said Whitton, a police officer on leave after being shot in the hand while making an arrest. “I didn’t believe in Bigfoot at the time. … But you’ve got to come to terms with it and realize you’ve got something special. And that’s what it was.”

The hysterical — and revealing — thing is that they faced questions from more than 100 reporters. If you’ve ever had a press conference, you know it’s a big deal to get five reporters there, and depending on the story you’re lucky to have two. To me this reveals the primal curiosity associated with Bigfoot, the possibility of another, supposedly more primitive but peaceful race, living among us.

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Bigfoot, in cameo.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I had cast a horary chart for the story, then I dropped a note to Tracy at Serennu.com asking if there was an asteroid Bigfoot. The answer turned out ot be no, but there is one called Yeti, who is the Himalayan equivalent. He is sometimes known as the Abominable Snowman. His legend is part of the same cycle and it seems to have similar origins (around the 19th century, when it became obvious that mankind was getting pretty darned civilized and that the natural world was evaporating).

While I have no reason to doubt the possibility of Bigfoot or Yeti, I am more in love with our fascination about the topic, which seems to represent a longing to make contact with something at the core of human existence.

Anyway, it turns out that asteroid 2843 Yeti is something of a star of today’s eclipse. It turns up in Scorpio, exactly opposite Vesta in Taurus and square Nessus in Aquarius. Interestingly, these are two points that have well-established associations with sexual healing. Vesta is the goddess of fire, and her Virgins were the supposedly chaste attendants of her temple; to me they are the modern astrological equivalent of a tantric influence. Nessus, for his part, addresses questions of potentially inappropriate sexual contact, both from the healing aspect and the injuring one.

Here we get the image of Yeti or Bigfoot as a sexual projection — our animal nature, wounded on the one hand in the contact with Nessus, and seeking healing and the direct acknowledgment of Vesta in Taurus.

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