Astrology at 28+

First, let’s not forget that Gemini and Sagittarius in total comprise the Nuclear Axis. I’ve never said it quite this way but let’s imagine Sagittarius is like a spectrum where you go from the annihilation end to the disarmament end, when you get to the Galactic Core. We don’t seriously consider what it would take to bring about that kind of agreement, but it might include a serious brush with danger.

That’s not what I’m here to write about this evening, though. I’m pondering this 28+ astrology across Gem/Sagg previously aforementioned hereunder. And I’m thinking that this could represent some kind of an attempted coup by the Clintons at the DNC. Think of it as revenge for the impeachment, or some other misguided motive.

The sound of Bill Gwatney being shot in his office (covered below, linked from below) reminded me a little too much of Vincent Foster for comfort.

Let’s not forget the infamous purported quote by Bush Sr. the night he lost to Bubba: “At least one of us got elected,” or such. Remember The Onion: Clinton Declares Self President for Life.

Hillary lost the primaries. But we have a “screw the public” precedent being set over and over (stolen elections, a candidate’s the loss of the popular vote but the winning of the electoral vote, the price of gasoline, etc.), and the Clintons might see fit to take advantage of our postmodern confusion and you know, try to swipe the nomination. Shall we say steal it fair and square, in the words of Abbot and Costello.


These eclipses have been profound, and I am gaining confidence every day in my gratitude for being alive. Particularly for doing what I do at this moment.

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